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Lorenzi A and Moser S (2022) Paper 2100213

Design and construction of a new stress-ribbon pedestrian bridge in the Italian Alps. Received 08/11/2021
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Civil Engineering 175(3): 119–124, Accepted 21/02/2022
https://doi.org/10.1680/jcien.21.00213 Published online 31/03/2022

ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

Civil Engineering

Design and construction of a new stress-ribbon

pedestrian bridge in the Italian Alps
Andrea Lorenzi CEng, Ing Stefano Moser Ing
MC-Engineering, Bolzano, Italy (corresponding author: lorenzi@mc- MC-Engineering, Bolzano, Italy

A new stress-ribbon pedestrian bridge has been built over a 60 m deep part of the Gander River valley in the Italian
Alps. Completed in 2021, the 118 m long structure now provides a safer and more direct link between the mountain
villages of Barbiano and Saubach. It is the longest stress-ribbon bridge in Italy and one of the longest in Europe. This
paper describes the complex non-linear design, construction and load-testing of the attractive low-impact structure.
It concludes that with sufficiently competent designers and contractors, stress-ribbon pedestrian bridges have a
potentially wide application.

Keywords: environment; footbridges; precast concrete; prestressed concrete; stress ribbon bridge; structural analysis; structural design

1. Introduction and Barbiano in the north. Previously, both locals and hikers had to
walk a few hundred metres along a narrow and busy mountain road.
The new 118 m long, 3 m wide stress-ribbon bridge over the Given the natural setting for the bridge and its potentially wide
Gander River valley in Bolzano province in the south Tyrol of Italy range of users, careful consideration had to be given to the type
was completed in 2021 (Figure 1). Barbiano bridge is the longest of bridge and its feasibility. Client the Municipality of Barbiano
structure of this type in Italy and one of the longest in Europe. wanted a low-profile structure with minimal impact on the
The crossing, which forms part of the Chestnut Trail hiking path, surrounding landscape, but at the same time it had to be rigid and
provides a safer and more direct pedestrian route for both locals solid enough to be comfortable for all users, including children and
and hikers between the mountain villages of Saubach in the south the elderly.

Figure 1. The new 118 m span stress-ribbon bridge of Barbiano is the longest of its type in Italy and one of the longest in Europe

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Civil Engineering Design and construction of a new stress-ribbon
Volume 175 Issue 3 pedestrian bridge in the Italian Alps
Lorenzi and Moser

3m to provide rigidity, eliminate tension stresses and prevent crack

Load-bearing cables Post-tensioning cables Given the need for relatively gentle inclines and minimal
(45 no. at 15.7 mm dia.) (7 no. at 15.7 mm dia.) Grout fill
deformation during use, the cable forces are very high. Most of the
deck is axially loaded by a uniform compressive stress but there
0.4 m are also bending stresses at the ends near the abutments, where a
0.2 m
Reinforcing bars larger deck section is usually needed. Horizontal and vertical forces
are transferred directly to the abutments, which are anchored to the
Post-tensioning cables
(17 no. at 15.7 mm dia.) ground with suitable deep foundations.

Figure 2. Cross-section of a precast deck unit showing 2.1 Geometry of Barbiano bridge
arrangement of load-bearing and post-tensioning cables and ducts The new single-span stress-ribbon bridge at Barbiano has a span
of 118 m, an overall width of 3 m and a useful walkable width of
approximately 2.5 m. To keep the bridge as flat as possible, the
sag was limited to 2.5 m, and the difference in height between the
Designer MC-Engineering ruled out cable-stayed and standard two ends is 1.7 m. A typical cross-section of the deck is shown in
suspension bridges due their need for visually obtrusive pylons. A Figure 2.
simple cable bridge without pylons was also ruled out due to lack The load-bearing cables, which were positioned and tensioned
of rigidity and the need for horizontal bracing cables. Following after the foundations and abutments were built, consisted of
in-depth research and technical and economic evaluations by the two rectangular groups of 45 greased and individually sheathed
client and designer, a stress-ribbon design was found to satisfy all strands in five layers. High-resistance seven-wire cables were
the environmental, landscape, rigidity and comfort requirements used (the characteristic 1.0% proof-stress of prestressing steel,
(Sandovič and Juozapaitis, 2013; Strasky, 1987). fp(1)k = 1670 N/mm2; the characteristic tensile strength of
The bridge was designed in 2019 with geotechnical assistance prestressing steel, fptk = 1860 N/mm2), with a nominal diameter
from Geo3 Studio. Contractor Moosmair Ropeway Construction of 15.7 mm.
started on site in January 2020 and, after 133 days of delay to The central part of the deck was made up of 53 no. 2 m long
Covid-19 and low temperatures, the €800 000 (£670 000) structure precast reinforced concrete units. Each segment had a width of 3 m,
was successfully completed in June 2021. From a height of 60 m a central thickness of 0.2 m and an edge depth of 0.4 m. The two
above the river, the bridge affords spectacular views of Isarco 6 m long end sections next to the abutments were cast in situ and
valley downstream and the Barbiano waterfalls upstream. had a depth of 0.2−0.6 m.
The 125 post-tensioning cables were of the same type as the load-
bearing cables. They were housed inside metal ducts in 13 groups
2. Bridge characteristics of seven cables and two groups of 17 cables. The cables were
greased and individually sheathed to increase durability, protecting
‘Stress ribbon’
2021-213fig02 is a term used to describe a type of suspension them from corrosion and oxidation.
Barking Dog Art
bridge consisting of a slender post-tensioned concrete deck (Radnić
et al., 2015). The deck constitutes the structure, which supports 2.2 Choice of concrete type
itself without the need for additional external cables, supports and High-strength concrete capable of withstanding the high post-
pylons (Ray et al., 2016). Its stiffness and stability are the result of tensioning forces was used for the precast deck units (Aicap,
its geometry and construction methods. 2016). The concrete also needed to be waterproof and have a
The deck of a stress-ribbon bridge is typically composed of three high-quality finish. Furthermore, since the precast segments were
groups of structural elements. heavily reinforced, the concrete needed to be sufficiently flowable
to facilitate casting with minimal vibration of the fresh concrete.
■ A system of load-bearing cables. These are installed and A concrete of strength class C45/55, consistency class S5, cement
tensioned between the abutments to support concrete deck class 45.5R, water/cement ratio of 0.40 and maximum 16 mm
elements. aggregate was therefore chosen (MIT, 2018). The choice proved
■ A concrete deck. This is supported initially by the load-bearing to the be the right one, in particular regarding the compressive
cables. The main part of the deck is made from precast high- strength, with cube tests exceeding expectations.
strength reinforced concrete units and the thicker end sections
near the abutments are cast in situ. 2.3 Abutments
■ A system of post-tensioning cables. These are inserted inside The abutments were designed as reinforced concrete blocks of
the concrete deck and post-tensioned to give rigidity to the 8 m × 6 m × 2 m deep. They were anchored into the ground with a
deck and contribute to load bearing. system of 166 deep micropiles (Aicap, 2012), 83 for each abutment.
All micropiles were installed with rotary percussion drilling and
During construction, the precast deck units are hooked under the were either reinforced with steel pipes (for the 38 vertical micropiles
previously pre-tensioned load-bearing cables and then rolled along at each abutment) or with threadbars (for the 45 micropiles at each
them to the final position. Once all precast units are in place, the abutment inclined at 45°).
load-bearing cables are grouted with low-shrinkage mortar. The Geotechnical surveys were carried out prior to design. On the
deck ends are then cast in situ and the whole deck is prestressed Barbiano side these revealed the presence of rock immediately

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Civil Engineering Design and construction of a new stress-ribbon
Volume 175 Issue 3 pedestrian bridge in the Italian Alps
Lorenzi and Moser

below the road layers, while on the Saubach side the rockhead was
at a depth of about 10 m, requiring longer micropiles.

3. Construction stages
The construction phases of the bridge were the same as considered
and analysed during the design phase.

3.1 Deep foundations and abutments

The vertical and inclined micropiles were installed within bridge
abutment sites. Formwork and reinforcement were then installed
for the abutment blocks, including metal ducts for subsequent
insertion of the load-bearing and post-tensioning cables. The
abutment blocks were then concreted (Figure 3).

3.2 Installation of work cables

Figure 3. Casting the Saubach abutment after installation of 83
Two temporary steel work cables were mounted about 2 m above vertical and raking micropiles to connect it to the bedrock below
deck level and temporarily anchored to steel frames on the abutments.
These remained in place throughout the deck construction.

3.3 Installation and tensioning of load-bearing cables

Each of the 90 load-bearing cables was then pulled across the
valley and individually tensioned with the use of single-strand jacks
(Figure 4). Temporary metal channels hooked to the work cables
were used to support the cables during installation.

3.4 Precasting deck units

Construction of the 53 no. 2 m long precast deck units was carried
out on site using four identical metal formworks that ensured
geometric accuracy of less than 1 mm (Figure 5).

3.5 Installation of deck units

All precast deck units were installed from the Saubach side. They
were lifted by a mobile crane, lowered through the pre-tensioned
load-bearing cables and hooked onto them with a steel and rubber
roller unit on each corner (Figure 6). They were then pulled into Figure 4. Tensioned load-bearing cables – the amount of tension
position using the work cables. Once in position they were fixed applied at this stage was critical to the success of the project
to the load-bearing cables and adjacent unit with steel profiles and

Figure 5. Steel formwork was used to ensure precision of the 53 Figure 6. The first pre-cast deck element being rolled into position
no. 2 m long precast deck units along the load-bearing cables

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Civil Engineering Design and construction of a new stress-ribbon
Volume 175 Issue 3 pedestrian bridge in the Italian Alps
Lorenzi and Moser

bolts. When all units were in position, the troughs containing the
load-bearing cables were grouted.

3.6 Forming and casting deck ends

Two 6 m long metal formworks for the deck ends were hung from
load-bearing cables with steel hooks equipped with bolted connections
(Figure 7). They were designed for easy removal after the concrete was
placed and hardened, avoiding the need for expensive falsework.

3.7 Deck post-tensioning

Post-tensioning was applied at the Saubach abutment after the
concrete and grout had sufficiently hardened. Closed spelter sockets
were used to pull the post-tensioning cables through the ducts and
sheaths (Figure 8). To ensure the sockets did not get stuck in the ducts,
the sockets, pulling cables and post-tensioning cables were amply
coated with lubricating grease. Following post-tensioning (Figure 9),
further grease was injected into the ducts to protect the cables from
Figure 7. Formwork and reinforcement for one of the 6 m long in
situ deck ends oxidation, especially near the anchorages.

3.8 Finishing works

For the deck waterproofing and wearing course layers it was
necessary to choose materials that could be laid by hand as heavy road
paving machines or rollers could have damaged the concrete deck. To
waterproof the deck, a 10 mm layer of synthetic asphalt mastic was
laid, consisting of a mixture of bitumen and natural gilsonite, fillers
and aggregates. This was resistant to crushing, abrasion, cracking, high
temperatures and chemical–mechanical stresses. It was applied by
pouring at a temperature of about 200°C and then trowelled.
A glass-fibre mesh was laid over the waterproofing layer to reinforce
the wearing course. The latter was created using Gussasphalt, a
material consisting of a mixture of mastic asphalt and other additives.
It was poured at 220−240°C directly onto the glass fibre and trowelled.
Finally, a light-coloured grit was resin-bonded to the wearing course to
give the deck a more natural appearance and reduce the risk of slipping.

3.9 Handrails
Figure 8. Post-tensioning cables threaded through ducts at the Galvanised and painted steel uprights were used to support the
Barbiano abutment anchorage, prior to tensioning tubular stainless-steel handrails. The uprights were fixed to the edges
of the concrete deck using precast anchor bars, avoiding the risk of
drilling into the post-tensioned deck. A fine stainless-steel safety
netting was fixed below the handrails and illumination was provided
by lights installed within the handrails.

4. Monitoring structural behaviour

The structural behaviour of stress-ribbon bridges is non-linear, with
regard to both material characteristics and geometry. The behaviour
also changes non-linearly during construction. To ensure confidence
in the design, the structural analysis used two different calculation
methods: analytical calculation based on rope theory (Strasky, 2011)
and finite-element modelling. Furthermore, a non-linear structural
analysis was needed for each load combination because it was not
possible to analyse this type of structure for individual loads and then
add the effects.
In the initial construction phase, following the pre-tensioning of
Figure 9. After post-tensioning the concrete deck, the sag the load-bearing cables and installation of the precast deck units, the
decreased from around 3 m to 2.5 m structure behaved like a simple cable. It was important to evaluate
accurately the stress to be applied to the load-bearing cables since this

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Civil Engineering Design and construction of a new stress-ribbon
Volume 175 Issue 3 pedestrian bridge in the Italian Alps
Lorenzi and Moser

determined the level of deformation at the end of the installation phase. Table 1. Frequencies of the first three natural modes of vibration
This in turn would strongly affect the shape of the bridge in service. – see Figure 10 for shapes
After completion of the deck ends, which fixed the deck to the Natural mode Frequency Frequency with one
abutments, the structure began to behave like a stress-ribbon of empty pedestrian every square
bridge. The post-tensioning raised the deck, reduced the sag and footbridge: Hz metre (i.e. 70 kg/m2): Hz
induced precompression in the deck. In this phase the deck became
1 0.86 0.83
a continuous structural element, with axial forces but also bending
stresses near the abutments. These bending moments increase with 2 0.67 0.65
imposed loads, such as snow and pedestrians, and change the stresses 3 0.98 0.96
in all parts of the structure.
As such, it is vital during operation to ensure the concrete deck
always remains in sufficient compression to avoid crack formation,
which would compromise stability, functionality and durability. The
effects of temperature variations, creep and shrinkage of concrete, and
steel relaxation of the cables, are also particularly important for the
purposes of structural monitoring (CEN, 2004). The phenomena of
concrete creep and shrinkage depend, among other factors, on the type
of cement, climatic conditions, size and shape of the deck and time of
application of loads (Migliacci and Mola, 1985).
A detailed monitoring and maintenance plan was therefore drawn
up and delivered to the client. Particular emphasis was given to the
methods of measuring the stress in the steel cables, as well as to
procedures for replacing one or more of the post-tensioning cables.
Stainless steel load cells were installed at all cable anchorages, with 15
load cells for the post-tensioning cables and ten load cells for the load- Figure 10. Shapes of the first three calculated natural vibration
bearing cables. Stress values in all cables can be read simultaneously modes – as shown in Table 1, frequencies were below 1 Hz and
by a portable instrument with 36 channels, which will be supplied to unlikely to result in resonance
maintenance teams by the client.

4.1 Dynamic behaviour

The dynamic interaction between pedestrians and the bridge
structure was also analysed during the design, including reference
to the French Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure’s Technical
Department for Transport, Roads and Bridges Engineering and Road
Safety (Sétra) technical guide (Sétra, 2006). The aim was to evaluate
whether any possible vibrational motion induced by pedestrians on the
deck could compromise their comfort due to excessive accelerations
caused by resonance.
The natural frequencies of vibration and modal shapes of the
structure were calculated. Table 1 shows the first three natural modes
for an empty footbridge and with one 70 kg pedestrian per square
metre (i.e. 70 kg/m2). The shapes of the first three natural modes are
shown in Figure 10. It is evident that the first three modes have low
frequency values and therefore fall within Sétra range 4, with
negligible risk of resonance (see Table 2).
Figure 11. Load test with water containers confirmed the accuracy
4.2 Load tests of the design, with mid-span deflections of around 130 mm.
The deformation of the deck was monitored during all

Table 2. Resonance risk for different natural mode frequency ranges from Sétra technical guide
Barking Dog Art
Sétra range Natural mode frequency: Hz
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
1 Maximum
2 Medium Medium
3 Low
4 Negligible Negligible

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Civil Engineering Design and construction of a new stress-ribbon
Volume 175 Issue 3 pedestrian bridge in the Italian Alps
Lorenzi and Moser

construction phases. The mid-span sag following installation of the Notwithstanding the competencies required, stress-ribbon bridges
precast units was found to be approximately 3 m, which was 99% provide a versatile solution for pedestrian crossings. No particular
of the design value. This was considered to be a great result given geomorphological or geotechnical conditions are necessary as long
the uncertainties relating to the non-linear behaviour and variable as the foundations are adequately designed. The duration of the
elastic modulus of construction materials. Post-tensioning reduced works is relatively short and the completed bridges provide a sense
the sag to the calculated 2.5 m. of stability to users, have a low environmental impact and integrate
The structure was also subjected to various load tests. These included well with natural surroundings (Figure 12).
tension and compression tests on micropiles before construction of
the abutments, and a load test of the completed structure (Markocki References
and Salamak, 2014). The latter involved 101 containers progressively Aicap (Italian Association for Structural Concrete) (2012) Raccomandazioni:
filled with water by the local fire brigade (Figure 11). Deflections Ancoraggi nei Terreni e nelle Rocce. Aicap, Rome, Italy (in Italian).
were measured using a total station and monitoring prisms installed Aicap (2016) Raccomandazioni: Realizzazione e Gestione del Calcestruzzo
Strutturale Presollecitato con Armatura Post-tesa. Aicap, Rome, Italy
along the deck. Table 3 shows the measured and design values at two (in Italian).
points near mid-span. The close agreement of the values confirmed CEN (European Committee for Standardization) (2004) EN 1992: Eurocode
2: Design of concrete structures. CEN, Brussels, Belgium.
the accuracy of the design model.
Markocki B and Salamak M (2014) Durability of stress ribbon bridge checked
during loading test. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 8(4):
5. Conclusions Migliacci A and Mola F (1985) Progetto agli Stati Limite delle Strutture in
Cemento Armato. Masson Italia Editori, Milan, Italy, vol. 2 (in Italian).
MIT (Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti) (2018) Norme Tecniche per
A stress-ribbon pedestrian bridge requires a complex and precise le Costruzioni - NTC 2018. MIT, Rome, Italy (in Italian).
Radnić J, Matešan D and Buklijaš-Kobojević D (2015) Numerical model for
design, both in terms of structural calculations and construction analysis of stress-ribbon bridges. Građevinar, Journal of the Croatian
details. For the calculations of the Barbiano bridge, many aspects Association of Civil Engineers 67(10): 959–973.
of structural engineering need to be considered, such as structural Ray S, Joshi DM and Chandrashekar R (2016) Design and analysis of stress
ribbon bridges. International Journal of Research in Engineering and
analysis with large displacements, rope theory, post-tensioning, Technology 5(8): 95–99.
non-linear behaviour and staged construction. The design team Sandovič G and Juozapaitis A (2013) Behaviour analysis and engineering
calculation of the stress-ribbon bridge with external tendons. Engineering
needed to be competent in all aspects. Structures and Technologies 5(4): 141–146.
For construction aspects and details, absolute precision was needed in Sétra (Service d’Études Techniques des Routes et Autoroutes) (2006)
the design and construction of every single component of the structure, Footbridges: Assessment of Vibrational Behaviour of Footbridges Under
Pedestrian Loading. Sétra, Bagneux, France.
many with tolerances of less than 1 mm. Any errors or inaccuracies could Strasky J (1987) Precast stress ribbon pedestrian bridges in Czechoslovakia.
have delayed construction or made it impossible to finish the work. The PCI Journal 32(3): 52–73.
competence of the contractor was therefore also vital. Strasky J (2011) Stress Ribbon and Cable-supported Pedestrian Bridges, 2nd
edn. ICE Publishing, London, UK.

Table 3. Theoretical and measured sag at positions near mid-span How can you contribute?
during load test
If you would like to comment on this paper, please email up to 200 words
Sag Position 1 Position 2 to the editor at [email protected].
If you would like to write a paper of 5000 words about your own experience
Measured: mm 133 129
in this or any related area of civil engineering, the editor will be happy to
Theoretical: mm 134 134 provide any help or advice you need.

Figure 12. The slender and elegant structure blends well with its natural environment yet provides a sturdy and stable crossing

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