Zoology DudunMehta
Zoology DudunMehta
Zoology DudunMehta
Dudun Mehta
Assistant professor
B.Sc. (2008): Zoology (Honors), Chemistry. Botany, Ranchi University Ranchi (Jharkhand)
Areas of Interest/Specialization:
Environmental Bioaerosol
Senior Research Fellowship, (SRF) of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, (CSIR),
Government of India.
Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),
Government of India (Sept 2016– Aug 2018).
National Eligibility Test (NET) for lectureship, CSIR, Government of India, 2016.
1. Mehta, D., Hazarika, N., & Srivastava, A. (2020). Diurnal variation of BTEX at road traffic
intersection points in Delhi, India: source, ozone formation potential, and health risk
assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-12. Impact Factor-5.8
2. Srivastava, Arun, Richa Verma, and Dudun Mehta. "Characterization of bioaerosols in and
around a landfill site in Delhi." Aerobiologia 37.3 (2021): 585-596.Impact Factor-2
3. Mehta, Dudun, and Arun Srivastava. "PM2. 5 and PM10 concentrations in Delhi India during
the Third Phase of Odd-Even Scheme in 2019: A Case Study." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
Vol. 2021. 2021. Impact Factor-6.74