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Data Sheet: Flowiq® 3200

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Data sheet

flowIQ® 3200
• Nominal flow from 6.3 m3/h up to 100 m3/h
• Approved with dynamic range up to R1000
• Pinpoint accuracy
• Integrated communication
- Wireless M-Bus C1, T1
- linkIQ®
• Wired interface for selected modules:
- Communication with flowIQ® Gateway
- Configuration of volume pulses
• External antenna option
• Intelligent info codes assist you with your
operations, asset management and customer
• Ambient temperature measurement
• Up to 20 years of battery life time
• Designed for operation in submerged
flowIQ® 3200


District meters for various and smart solutions 3

Approved meter data 4
Material 4
Technical data 4
Pressure loss 5
Meter sizes 6
Display and info codes 7
Other sensor information 8
Data registers 9
Integrated communication 10
Wired interface 11
Ordering details 13
Configuration 14
Accessories 16

2 Kamstrup A/S • 58101833_C2_EN_08.2022

flowIQ® 3200

District meters for various and smart solutions

flowIQ® 3200 covers a series of integrated, hermetically

sealed water meters with integrated radio communication.
The flowIQ® 3200 series is, for all sizes, a composite housing
unit combined with a metal body. Battery life time can be as
high as 20 years.
flowIQ® 3200 is suitable for measurement in multi-unit
apartments and commercial premises. The meter is suitable
for mounting in pump stations or well heads and is fully
protected against internal or external penetration of water.
The wireless interface enables the opportunity to utilize the
external pit antenna option.
The wired connection can be used for connecting with
flowIQ® Gateway or to be reprogrammed with different pulse
output options.
flowIQ® Gateway can be used as a remote display and/or with
additional communication options - see documentation for
flowIQ® Gateway.
Other key features include intelligent alarms and info codes
as well as a configurable log to match your data needs.
All of this ensures fair and accurate billing, improves the data
quality and helps to reduce non-revenue water.

Security and hygiene are high-priority areas within both
development and production.
Our water meters are approved for use with drinking water
and are disinfected. Moreover, we continuously test for
disinfection effectiveness through frequent audits both
internally and by external accredited laboratories.
All these steps are carried out to ensure that only water
meters of the highest quality leave our production facilities.

Kamstrup A/S • 58101833_C2_EN_08.2022 3

flowIQ® 3200

Approved meter data

MID classifications
Approval DK-0200-MI001-039
Mechanical environment Class M1
Electromagnetic environment Class E2
OIML R 49 designations
Accuracy class 2
Sensitivity class U0/D0
Ambient class Fulfils OIML R 49 class B and O (building/outdoor)
Medium temperature, cold water 0.1...30 °C (T30) or 0.1...50 °C (T50)
Medium temperature, warm water 0.1...70 °C (T70)
Meter types Q3 = 6.3 10.0 16 25 40 63 and 100 m³/h
Ambient temperature range 5...55 °C, condensing humidity
(mounted indoors in utility rooms and outdoors in meter pits – mounting in direct
prolonged sunlight must be avoided)
Radio/Communikation RE-D (Radio Equipment Directive)
Drinking water approvals KIWA, ACS, KTW-BWGL (except DN100)
(all parts are suitable for drinking water)


Wetted parts
Meter flow parts, composite PPS with 40 % fibreglass reinforcement
Meter flow parts, steel Stainless steel, W.no. 1.4408 (316)
Meter flow parts, brass DZR brass - CW511L (dezincification resistant)
Measuring pipe PPS with fibreglass (40 %) reinforcement
For DN100 PPO
Reflectors Stainless steel, W.no. 1.4401 and 1.4404 (316/316L)
O-ring/gasket EPDM
Strainer PES

Technical data

Electrical data
Battery 3.65 VDC lithium D-cell
Battery lifetime Up to 20 years depending on selected data package and ambient installation temperature
EMC data Fulfils MID class:
- E1 and E2
MID approved electronic operating
temperature range -25...55 °C
Mechanical data
Metrological class 2
Ambient class Fulfils OIML R 49 class B and O (building/outdoor)
Protection class IP68
Impact energy levels IK08 according to IEC62262 / IK07 for wired interface
Storage temp. empty sensor -25…60 °C
Pressure stage PN16 all sizes
Connection Thread EN/ISO 228-1
Flange EN 1092-1 PN16
4 Kamstrup A/S • 58101833_C2_EN_08.2022
flowIQ® 3200

Pressure loss

∆p flowIQ® 3200 (KWM3230)

∆p [bar]


0,1 1 10 100 1000
Flow [m³/h]

Graph Q3 Nom. diameter kv Q @ 0.63 bar

[m³/h] [m³/h]
C 6.3 10 1½" (DN32) 24 19
D 10 16 2" (DN40) 37 29
E 16 25 DN50 73 58
F 25 40 63 DN65 73 58
G 40 63 DN80 160 127
H 100 DN100 350 278

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flowIQ® 3200

Meter sizes

flowIQ® 3200 is available in these combinations of length, dynamic range and nominal flow Q3.
Meter Nom. flow Min. flow Max flow Min. cutoff Max cutoff Pressure Dynamic Connection on
type Q3 Q1 Q4 loss range meter
∆p at Q3
[m³/h] [l/h] [m³/h] [l/h] [m³/h] [bar]
3M 6.3 40 7.8 5 11 0.07 160 1½" (DN32)
3N 10 40 12.5 5 17.5 0.17 250 1½" (DN32)
4A 10 40 12.5 8 17.5 0.07 160 2" (DN40)
4B 16 100 20 8 28 0.19 160 2" (DN40)
4B 16 64 20 8 28 0.19 250 2" (DN40)
4J 16 100 20 20 28 0.05 160 DN50
4K 25 156 31 20 44 0.12 160 DN50
4K 25 100 31 20 44 0.12 250 DN50
4T 25 156 31 20 44 0.12 160 DN65
4U 40 160 50 20 70 0.30 250 DN65
5A 40 250 50 30 70 0.06 160 DN80
5B 63 252 79 30 110 0.16 250 DN80
AA 63 393 79 50 110 0.03 160 DN100 (250 mm)
AB 100 400 125 50 175 0.08 250 DN100 (250 mm)
AE 63 393 79 50 110 0.03 160 DN100
AF 100 400 125 50 175 0.08 250 DN100

Measurements occurs in the range from ‘Min. cutoff’ to ‘Max cutoff’ – however, the accuracy is only guaranteed in the range
from Q1 to Q4.
Max cut-off is an indicative flow value, which depends on the hydraulic conditions.

flowIQ® 3200 available with warm water.

Meter Nom. flow Min. flow Max flow Min. cutoff Max cutoff Pressure Dynamic Connection on
type Q3 Q1 Q4 loss range meter
∆p at Q3
[m³/h] [l/h] [m³/h] [l/h] [m³/h] [bar]
4A 10 40 12.5 8 17.5 0.07 160 2" (DN40)
4J 16 100 20 20 28 0.05 160 DN50
4T 25 156 31 20 44 0.12 160 DN65
5A 40 250 50 30 70 0.06 160 DN80
AA 63 393 79 50 110 0.03 160 DN100 (250 mm)
AE 63 393 79 50 110 0.03 160 DN100

6 Kamstrup A/S • 58101833_C2_EN_08.2022

flowIQ® 3200

Display and info codes

The large display of flowIQ® 3200 showing totalized volume,

flow rate and intuitive info codes makes it easy for end users
to understand their own consumption data.
flowIQ® 3200 includes a large number of intelligent info codes
and alarms. An info code indicates a special condition in the
meter. If the info code is available in the display, the related
symbol is on when it has been activated. If the ‘condition’
is not active, the sign is off. The info codes provide you with
the exact knowledge you need to target your efforts within
operation optimisation, customer information, water loss and
tampering. The info codes in the display have the following
meaning and function:
Info code Meaning

The water in the meter has not been stagnant for one continuous hour during the latest 24
hours. This can be a sign of a leaky faucet or toilet cistern or indicate a leakage after the meter.
The water consumption has been consistently high for half an hour, which indicates a pipe burst
downstream of the meter.

Attempt of fraud. The meter is no longer valid for billing.

The meter is not filled with water. In this case, nothing will be measured.

The water flows through the meter in the wrong direction.

RADIO OFF flashes. The meter is still in transport mode with the built-in radio transmitter turned
off. The transmitter turns on automatically when the first liter of water has run through the meter.
RADIO OFF lights continuously. The radio is switched off permanently. Can be activated via
METERTOOL or DataTool.
The symbol appears when the expected capacity left is 6 months (or when the voltage drops
below a specific voltage).

Switch off automatically when the conditions that activated them no longer exist.
Disappears when the water has been stagnant for one hour.
Disappears when the consumption falls to normal level.
Disappears when the water no longer flows in the wrong direction.
Disappears when the meter is filled with water.

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flowIQ® 3200

Core features

Temperature monitoring
flowIQ® 3200 measures ambient temperatures.
Information on temperatures above or below configurable
values in the meter will warn the utility about any potentiel
high and low temperature issues.
The measurements can be used to monitor the installation
and to give an indication if something is unusual.

Consumption above legal flow range

The meter logs information on consumption above the legal
flow range. This information can be used to indicate if the
meter size of a given installation is correct.

Consumption profile
The meter tracks consumption in different flow intervals for
further analysis of the consumption patterns of the specific

No consumption
If no consumption has been measured for a long period of
time in a household installation, the meter will inform the
utility as this indicates that there might be a problem with the

8 Kamstrup A/S • 58101833_C2_EN_08.2022

flowIQ® 3200

Data registers

The water meter has a permanent memory in which the

values of various data loggers are saved.
The loggers can be read via the meter’s optical eye.
The following registers are logged:
Description Yearly logger Monthly logger Daily logger Hourly logger
Logger depth 20 years 36 months 460 days 2400 hours
Operating hours    
Info codes incl. hour counter    
Volume    
Volume reverse    
Volume net    
Flow max incl. date  
Flow min. incl. date  
Flow max incl. timestamp 
Flow min. incl. timestamp 
Water temp. max   
Water temp. min.   
Water temp. avg.   
Ambient temp. max   
Ambient temp. min.   
Ambient temp. avg.   

Every time the information code changes, the date and info
codes are logged. Thus, it is possible to data read the latest
50 changes of the information code as well as the date the
change was made. Reading is only possible via the optical IR

Kamstrup A/S • 58101833_C2_EN_08.2022 9

flowIQ® 3200

Integrated communication

The meter is delivered with integrated radio communication

and supports both Wireless M-Bus and Kamstrup linkIQ®.
For both linkIQ® and Wireless M-Bus, you can select different
transmission properties and data packages. Wireless M-Bus
is available with the C1 or T1 protocol
Transmission properties and data packages are defined in
the configuration number YY-ZZZ. These can be changed with
METERTOOL and through the optical IR interface.

Wireless M-Bus
Wireless M-Bus is an unlicensed European frequency
standard protocol. Kamstrup water meters are utilizing the
C1-mode and also support T1-BSI/OMS. Kamstrup Wireless
M-Bus is transmitting every 16 seconds (drive-by) or every 96
seconds (fixed network).
Encryption for Wireless M-Bus is done in accordance with AES
128 standard.

linkIQ® communication
linkIQ® is a Kamstrup developed communication protocol.
The linkIQ® protocol ensures the potential for a future-proof,
robust and competitive communication network. By utilizing
the linkIQ® protocol, high data performance can be achieved.
linkIQ® is a "multi-channel-protocol" and can communicate
on the 868 MHz band, which has 8 channel changes and
re-transmission of previously transmitted data. Besides
the linkIQ® transmission the meter can also send a small
Wireless M-Bus data package for fallback drive-by readings.

Note: Integrated radio communication is always active,

independent of utilization of the wired interface.

10 Kamstrup A/S • 58101833_C2_EN_08.2022

flowIQ® 3200

Wired interface

flowIQ® 3200 can be ordered with built-in Wired Interface

on the front of the meter, through the front glass. The
construction does not compromise the IP68 approval.
The wired interface is programmed to serial communication
(default from factory) to connect to flowIQ® Gateway.
flowIQ® Gateway is a modular and upgradeable device which
allows multiple communication and power options (for
details, see the flowIQ® Gateway data sheet - 58101825).

The wired interface can be reprogrammed to send out volume

On the cable connected to the wired interface, the
Note: Reprogramming with METERTOOL is always necessary.
pulse output is between the black and the red wire.
Serial/KMP options (l/imp)
(Q3=1.6 m³) 100 imp/l*
Serial KMP

* Depending on meter size from below table.

(KM) Kamstrup meter pulse (meter size dependent) The pulse length is linked to the output pulse configuration
Q3 (m³/h) Meter factor (imp/l) and can be programmed to settings shown in the table below.
1.6 100 Pulse length option
2.5 60 3.9 ms Recommended for Kamstrup meter pulses
4.0 50 10 ms
6.3 25 32 ms
10 15 100 ms
16 10 250 ms
25 6
40 5
63 2.5
100 1.5

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flowIQ® 3200

Wired interface

Solution overview for wired interface

SCADA system


flowIQ® Gateway

Serial (Remote
Water reading)

flowIQ® Gateway

Serial Examples:
Water Modbus
meter M-Bus

Pit antenna options

In installation scenarios where better radio signals are needed, external antennas are available for all flowIQ® 3200 meters
without wired interface, defined by the module choice in the type number, see ordering details.
Meters without wired interface is the meter with XX communication module 60:
For flowIQ® 3200, KWM3230, the following antenna option is available:
– Pit antenna II 2.0 meters 6697926

12 Kamstrup A/S • 58101833_C2_EN_08.2022

flowIQ® 3200

Ordering details

An order is initiated by stating the type number of the Finally, required accessories, if any, in the form of gaskets,
selected model of flowIQ® 3200. different extension pipes, check valve and standard
The type number includes information on meter type - meter couplings are selected.
size, meter length, battery supply, country code, etc. Accessories are enclosed separately to be mounted by the
Subsequently, the meter configuration, which determines installer.
customer-specific requirements, is selected.

flowIQ® 3200 KWM3230-         

Meter generation
Second generation 02
Mechanical design
2-part brass body B
2-part body, st. steel 1.4408 housing L
Communication module
linkIQ® – Wireless M-Bus, for antenna connection (no wired output)
composite/metal – cold/warm (warm only for selected meter sizes)
Wireless M-Bus C1/T1, linkIQ®, 868 MHz, metal - Cold* (wired output) 63
Wireless M-Bus C1/T1, linkIQ®, 868 MHz, metal - Warm* (wired output) 64
Power supply
D-cell D
Dynamic range (for selected sizes)
R160 B
R250 C
Meter size - thread (brass)
1½" 260 mm, 6.3 m³/h (DN32) 3M
1½" 260 mm, 10 m³/h (DN32) 3N
2" 300 mm, 10 m³/h (DN40)** 4A
2" 300 mm, 16 m³/h (DN40) 4B
Meter size - flange (stainless steel)
DN50 270 mm, 16 m³/h** 4J
DN50 270 mm, 25 m³/h 4K
DN65 300 mm, 25 m³/h** 4T
DN65 300 mm, 40 m³/h 4U
DN80 300 mm, 40 m³/h** 5A
DN80 300 mm, 63 m³/h 5B
DN100 250 mm, 63 m³/h** AA
DN100 250 mm, 100 m³/h AB
DN100 360 mm, 63 m³/h** AE
DN100 360 mm, 100 m³/h AF
Meter type
Warm-water meter 7
Cold-water meter 8
Country code XX
*) Wired interface default settings: Serial communication
**) Also available as a warm-water meter
The country code is used for:
• Language and approval on type label
• Temperature class of water meter, cold water (T30 and T50)
Kamstrup A/S • 58101833_C2_EN_08.2022 13
flowIQ® 3200



             
Display views
KWM3230 804
GMT offset – time zone
(GMT+1) 52
Target date
1st of the month
Max values – average over time (1...120 min.)
2 minutes 002
Customer label
Options are defined in order system * MMMM
*) Meters with wired interface have limited options for customer label.
Contact Kamstrup for more information.
Leakage message limit
Flow continuously > 0.25 % of Q3/nom. flow 2
Flow continuously > 0.5 % of Q3/nom. flow (default) 3
Flow continuously > 1.0 % of Q3/nom. flow 4
Flow continuously > 2.0 % of Q3/nom. flow 5
Pipe burst limit
Flow > 5 % of Q3 of nom. flow for 30 minutes 1
Flow > 10 % of Q3 of nom. flow for 30 minutes 2
Flow > 20 % of Q3 of nom. flow for 30 minutes (default) 3
Ambient temperature low limit
Ambient temp. < 3 °C (default) 3
Ambient temp. < 6 °C 6
Ambient temperature high limit
Ambient temp. > 35 °C (default) 3
Ambient temp. > 45 °C 6
Data logger profile
Standard (for KWM3230) 05
Display resolution (alphanumeric) – decimal markings (options defined by meter size)
000000.001 m³ – 0000 l/h 010
0000000.01 m³ – 0000 l/h 020
00000000.1 m³ – 0000 l/h 030
000000001 m³ – 0000 l/h 040
0000000.01 m³ – 0000 m³ 060
00000000.1 m³ – 0000 m³ 070
000000001 m³ – 0000 m³ 080

To be continued on the next page...

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flowIQ® 3200



             
Continued from previous page

Temperature units of measure

Celcius (default) 0
Encryption level
Encryption with separately forwarded key (default) 3
Encryption with separate key, with encrypted access to logs 4
Transmission behaviour
See note 1) below YY
Data packages
See note 2) below ZZZ

Unless otherwise stated in the order, Kamstrup supplies this configuration:

Leak N=3
Burst P=3
Ambient temp. low S=3
Ambient temp. high U=3
Temperature units V = 0 (Celcius)
Encryption level T=3
JJ (time zone), CCC (unit, display resolution and billing units) and YYZZZ (datagram) are not predefined and must be chosen in the ordering system.
For an overview of datagrams, see ‘Communicaton Modules and Data Packages Overview’ here: 5512-3021.

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flowIQ® 3200


All of the below-mentioned documents can be found on kamstrup.com.

See 58101270-GB "Accessories list for Water Meters".

Related hardware for separate ordering

Cable for wired interface 1.5 m 5000-491.CP (open end)
7.5 m 5000-493.CP (open end)
flowIQ® Gateway no. 603xWxxxxxxxxxx
Holder for optical IR interface
for flowIQ® 3200 65-61-354.CP
flowIQ® 3200 w/o wired interface 66-99-644.CP
flowIQ® 3200 w/wired interface 66-99-645.CP
For further information about READy, USB Meter Reader and Wireless M-Bus, please see the technical description and the
installation guide.

Kamstrup A/S • 58101833_C2_EN_08.2022

For information about Kamstrup's hygiene concept, see 5518-319-GB "Hygiene Concept Kamstrup".
For more datagram options, see 5512-3021 "Communication Modules and Data Packages Overview".

Kamstrup A/S
Industrivej 28, Stilling
DK-8660 Skanderborg
T: +45 89 93 10 00

16 Kamstrup A/S • 58101833_C2_EN_08.2022

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