Conductive Hollow Nanospheres of Polyaniline Via Surface-Initiated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization of 4-Vinylaniline and Oxidative Graft Copolymerization of Aniline
Conductive Hollow Nanospheres of Polyaniline Via Surface-Initiated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization of 4-Vinylaniline and Oxidative Graft Copolymerization of Aniline
Conductive Hollow Nanospheres of Polyaniline Via Surface-Initiated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization of 4-Vinylaniline and Oxidative Graft Copolymerization of Aniline
Conductive Hollow Nanospheres of Polyaniline via (void dimension and shell thickness) and uniform size. Fur-
Surface-Initiated Atom Transfer Radical thermore, the so-obtained hollow nanospheres are expected to
Polymerization of 4-Vinylaniline and Oxidative have good structural integrity because of chain entanglements
in the dense comb-shaped P(VAn-g-PANI) brushes which
Graft Copolymerization of Aniline
constitute the shell.
G. D. Fu,*,† J. P. Zhao,‡ Y. M. Sun,† E. T. Kang,*,‡ 2. Results and Discussion
and K. G. Neoh‡
The atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) initiator,
School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Southeast
UniVersity, Nanjing, P. R. China 210096, and Department of trichloro(4-chloromethylphenyl)silane, was immobilized on the
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, National UniVersity silica nanoparticles of about 25 nm diameter through the reaction
of Singapore, Kent Ridge, Singapore 119260 of the chlorosilyl group with the silanol group. The transmission
ReceiVed June 22, 2006 electron microscopy (TEM) image of the initiator-immobilized
ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed December 1, 2006 silica nanoparticles (Figure 1a) shows that the surface-modified
nanoparticles remain unagglomerated. The X-ray photoelectron
1. Introduction spectroscopy (XPS) wide-scan spectrum (Figure 2a) and energy-
Hollow micro/nanospheres are potentially useful as encap- dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis results (Figure 3a) of the
sulants for drugs,1-3 catalysts,4 paints,4 and enzymes,3 as surface-modified nanoparticles indicate that the benzyl chloride
transducers for electronics,5 and as absorption materials for initiators have been successfully immobilized on the silica
sound.5 To meet the demand for encapsulation, hollow spheres surface. A chlorine content of about 1.44 wt % for the SiO2-
of carbon,6,7 polymers,8,9 metal,10,11 and inorganic materials1,12-14 initiator nanospheres was obtained from elemental analysis. The
have been prepared using polymeric or inorganic spherical corresponding surface benzyl chloride initiator concentration (F)
particles as templates. The century-old polyaniline (PANI) has of 2.4 initiators/nm2 is comparable to the reported silane initiator
been of particular interest because of its good environmental density of 2.6 initiators/nm2 for the silica particle surface.37
stability,16,17 controllable electrical conductivity,18-20 and the Using the average cross-sectional area (A) of about 2 nm2 for
ability to exist in a number of intrinsic redox states.21,22 The the vinyl and acrylate polymer brushes prepared via ATRP,44
unique physicochemical and solution-processable properties of the surface initiator efficiency of the present system (1/FA) is
the aniline polymers make them potentially useful for application estimated to be about 21%.
in energy storage devices,23 optoelectronic devices,24 display The silica-graft-poly(4-vinylaniline) (SiO2-g-PVAn) nano-
devices,25 electrodes and sensors,26,27 corrosion protection of spheres were prepared via surface-initiated ATRP of 4-vinyl-
metals, and drug delivery.28 Accordingly, the preparation of aniline (VAn) from the initiator-immobilized silica nanoparticles,
PANI hollow nanospheres should be of interest and importance. using CuCl and N,N,N′,N′′,N′′-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine
Excellent works on PANI hollow micro- and nanospheres, (PMDETA) as the catalyst system. The characteristics of the
prepared from self-assembly and coating of PANI on emulsion, SiO2-g-PVAn nanospheres prepared under different ATRP
colloidal polystyrene, polyeletrolyte, and metal oxide templates, durations are summarized in Table 1. The chain length of PVAn
are available in the literature.29-35 brushes, and thus the thickness of the PVAn shell, on the silica
Recent development in surface-initiated controlled/living nanospheres can be adjusted by changing the ATRP time. The
polymerization has provided an alternative approach to the number-average molecular weight (Mn) of PVAn, cleaved via
preparation of inorganic-organic core-shell hybrids with well- HF etching, from the SiO2-g-PVAn nanoparticles increases from
defined and controlled shell structures.36-40 Nearly monodis- 1.4 × 103 to 5.2 × 103 g/mol with the increase in polymerization
persed hollow spheres with controllable shell thickness can be time from 1.5 to 6 h, while the polydispersity index remains at
prepared from the removal of the core templates of these core- around of 1.2 (Table 1). Table 1 also shows the theoretical Mn’s
shell composites.11,41,42 In this study, we report on a surface- of the PVAn brushes calculated from the initiator efficiency
initiated living radical polymerization approach to the prepa- and density, the thickness of PVAn film, and the PVAn density
ration of well-defined PANI hollow nanospheres. The strategy of about 1 g/cm3. They are comparable to those obtained from
is shown in Scheme 1. Initially, the atom transfer radical GPC measurements. Figure 2b shows the XPS wide-scan
polymerization (ATRP) initiator, trichloro(4-chloromethylphe- spectrum of the SiO2-g-PVAn1 nanospheres described in Table
nyl)silane, was immobilized on the surface of SiO2 nanoparticles 1. Prior to XPS analysis, the SiO2-g-PVAn nanospheres were
of about 25 nm diameter. Silica nanoparticles with surface- washed with copious amounts of THF, a good solvent for PVAn.
grafted polymer of 4-vinylaniline (SiO2-g-PVAn) were prepared The exhaustive washing procedures ensured the complete
via surface-initiated ATRP of 4-vinylaniline (VAn). Subsequent removal of PVAn homopolymer absorbed on the SiO2-g-PVAn
surface oxidative graft copolymerization of aniline, using the nanospheres. The appearance of strong C 1s and N 1s signals,
aniline moieties of PVAn as the anchoring sites,43 and removal as well as an N 1s spectrum with line shape and binding energy
of the silica cores by HF etching produced the well-defined (399.4 eV) characteristic of those of the -NH2 species43 (inset
P(VAn-graft-PANI) hollow nanospheres with a conductive shell of Figure 2b), suggests that PVAn has been successfully grafted
of about 15-40 nm in thickness and core void of about 25 nm on the silica nanospheres. The persistence of the Si 2s and Si
in diameter. The present approach allows the preparation of 2p signals, albeit of substantially reduced intensities, in the XPS
conductive PANI hollow nanospheres of controllable dimension analysis is consistent with the presence of core-shell structured
SiO2-g-PVAn1 nanospheres having a PVAn shell thickness of
* To whom correspondence should be addressed: e-mail fu7352@ about 3 nm,45 which is less than the sampling depth of the XPS (G.D.F.), [email protected] (E.T.K.); Tel +65-65162189; Fax technique (∼7.5 nm in an organic matrix46).
† Southeast University. Surface-initiated oxidative graft copolymerization of aniline
‡ National University of Singapore. from the SiO2-g-PVAn nanospheres, using the aniline moieties
10.1021/ma0613988 CCC: $37.00 © 2007 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 02/17/2007
2272 Notes Macromolecules, Vol. 40, No. 6, 2007
Figure 2. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) wide-scan spectra of the (a) trichloro(4-chloromethylphenyl)silane-immobilized silica nanospheres,
(b) silica-graft-poly(4-vinylaniline) nanospheres [SiO2-g-PVAn1 nanospheres in Table 1 from 1.5 h of surface-initiated atom transfer radical
polymerization of 4-vinylaniline], and (c) silica-graft-poly(4-vinylaniline-graft-polyaniline) nanospheres [SiO2-g-P(VAn-g-PANI)1 nanospheres in
Table 1 from 0.5 h of oxidative graft copolymerization of aniline with the SiO2-g-PVAn1 nanosphere surface]. XPS N 1s core-level spectra of the
P(VAn-g-PANI) hollow nanospheres [from HF etching of the SiO2-g-P(VAn-g-PANI)1 nanospheres in Table 1] in their (d) HF-protonated (as-
prepared) form, (e) EM base form, (f) LM base form, and (g) 1 M H2SO4 reprotonated EM form.
THF ) tetrahydrofuran, Et3N ) triethylamine, and VAn ) 4-vinylaniline.
The TEM images indicate that the PANI hollow nanospheres amine (-NH-), and the positively charged nitrogen (N+).21 The
can undergo interconversion among the various intrinsic redox presence of about equal amount of the imine and amine
states while maintaining the hollow nanospherical structure. components in Figure 2e is consistent with the 50% intrinsically
Parts d-g of Figure 2 show the N 1s core-level spectra of the oxidized state of the EM base. The single nitrogen environment
PANI hollow nanospheres (from SiO2-g-P(VAn-g-PANI)1 of at the BE of about 399.4 in Figure 2f indicates that the PANI
Table 1) in their HF-protonated (as prepared) form, neutral EM hollow nanosperes have been converted to the fully reduced
base form, fully reduced leucoemeraldine (LM) base form, and LM state. Reprotonation of the EM base by H2SO4 has resulted
the H2SO4-reprotonated EM base (EM-H2SO4) form, respec- in the disappearance of the )N- species and the appearance
tively. The peak components at BEs of about 398.2, 399.4, and of a corresponding amount of the N+ species (Figure 2g), as
>400 eV correspond to the quinonoid imine (dN-), benzenoid protonation occurred preferentially at the imine nitrogen.19-21
2274 Notes Macromolecules, Vol. 40, No. 6, 2007
index (weight-average molecular weight/number-average molecular weight or Mw/Mn). b Silica-graft-poly(4-vinylaniline) nanospheres prepared from the
initiator-immobilized silica nanospheres at a molar feed ratio of [4-vinylaniline]:[initiator]:[CuCl]:[PMDETA] ) 225:1:1:1. The amount of initiator on the
SiO2 surface was determined by element analysis. PMDETA ) N,N,N′,N′′,N′′-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine; initiator ) trichloro(4-chloromethylphenyl)silane.
c Silica-graft-poly(4-vinylaniline-graft-polyaniline) nanospheres obtained from the SiO -g-PVAn1 nanospheres via oxidative graft copolymerization of aniline.
d Theoretical values calculated from the initiator efficiency and density and film thickness of surface-initiated ATRP of 4-vinylaniline. e Average shell
thickness and particle size of SiO2-g-P(VAn-g-PANI) determined from transmission electron microscope (TEM) image before HF treatment. The shell
thickness of SiO2-g-PVAn was estimated simulation. f Average shell thickness determined from TEM image after HF treatment. g Conductivity of self-
assembled, HF-protonated hollow nanospheres. h Conductivity of compressed/compacted nanospheres in pellet form.
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