Investıgatıon of Motor End Plate Functıons in Indıvıduals Wıth Incıdentally Detected Thymoma
Investıgatıon of Motor End Plate Functıons in Indıvıduals Wıth Incıdentally Detected Thymoma
Investıgatıon of Motor End Plate Functıons in Indıvıduals Wıth Incıdentally Detected Thymoma
Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara Yildirim
Gonul Vural, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Faculty of
Beyazit University, 06800, Ankara, Turkey. Medicine, Department of Neurology, Ankara City Hospital,
Universiteler District, 1604th Street, No: 9, Cankaya, Ankara,
Department of Neurology, Ankara City Hospital, Ankara 06800, 06800, Turkey, Tel: +90 5055764221, Fax: 0312 552 60 00.
Received: 01 Mar 2024; Accepted: 05 Apr 2024; Published: 12 Apr 2024
Citation: Vural Gonul, Gumusyayla Sadiye. Investıgatıon of Motor End Plate Functıons in Indıvıduals wıth Incıdentally Detected
Thymoma. Neurol Res Surg. 2024; 7(2): 1-4.
Purpose: Thymoma is a mediastinal tumor that is frequently associated with Myasthenia Graves (MG) and develops
from thymic epithelial cells. In our study, we aimed to determine whether there is a neuromuscular transmission
defect in individuals with incidentally detected thymoma and to show whether these individuals have subclinical
involvement without any clinical findings.
Materials and Methods: Single fiber electromyography (SFEMG) records made between March 2019 and January
2024 were examined, individuals who underwent SFEMG due to thymoma and structural ptosis were identified and
detailed file record information of the patients was accessed. Individuals with any other disease or neurological
complaint were excluded from the study. Asymptomatic individuals who underwent SFEMG were divided into two
groups: individuals with thymoma and individuals with structural ptosis, and the demographic information and
SFEMG findings of the two groups were compared with each other.
Results: Maximum jitter mean, minimum jitter mean and mean consecutive difference (MCD) values were found to
be significantly higher in asymptomatic individuals with incidentally detected thymoma compared to patients with
structural ptosis.
Discussion: Patients with thymoma may have subclinical neuromuscular transmission abnormalities even when they
are asymptomatic in terms of MG. This is important for early diagnosis of MG and understanding the pathological
processes in thymoma.
© 2024 Vural Gonul, This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License