Investıgatıon of Motor End Plate Functıons in Indıvıduals Wıth Incıdentally Detected Thymoma

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Research Article ISSN 2641-4333

Neurology - Research & Surgery

Investıgatıon of Motor End Plate Functıons in Indıvıduals wıth Incıdentally

Detected Thymoma
Vural Gonul1,2* and Gumusyayla Sadiye1,2

Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara Yildirim
Gonul Vural, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Faculty of
Beyazit University, 06800, Ankara, Turkey. Medicine, Department of Neurology, Ankara City Hospital,
Universiteler District, 1604th Street, No: 9, Cankaya, Ankara,
Department of Neurology, Ankara City Hospital, Ankara 06800, 06800, Turkey, Tel: +90 5055764221, Fax: 0312 552 60 00.
Received: 01 Mar 2024; Accepted: 05 Apr 2024; Published: 12 Apr 2024

Citation: Vural Gonul, Gumusyayla Sadiye. Investıgatıon of Motor End Plate Functıons in Indıvıduals wıth Incıdentally Detected
Thymoma. Neurol Res Surg. 2024; 7(2): 1-4.

Purpose: Thymoma is a mediastinal tumor that is frequently associated with Myasthenia Graves (MG) and develops
from thymic epithelial cells. In our study, we aimed to determine whether there is a neuromuscular transmission
defect in individuals with incidentally detected thymoma and to show whether these individuals have subclinical
involvement without any clinical findings.

Materials and Methods: Single fiber electromyography (SFEMG) records made between March 2019 and January
2024 were examined, individuals who underwent SFEMG due to thymoma and structural ptosis were identified and
detailed file record information of the patients was accessed. Individuals with any other disease or neurological
complaint were excluded from the study. Asymptomatic individuals who underwent SFEMG were divided into two
groups: individuals with thymoma and individuals with structural ptosis, and the demographic information and
SFEMG findings of the two groups were compared with each other.

Results: Maximum jitter mean, minimum jitter mean and mean consecutive difference (MCD) values were found to
be significantly higher in asymptomatic individuals with incidentally detected thymoma compared to patients with
structural ptosis.

Discussion: Patients with thymoma may have subclinical neuromuscular transmission abnormalities even when they
are asymptomatic in terms of MG. This is important for early diagnosis of MG and understanding the pathological
processes in thymoma.

Keywords postsynaptic muscle end plate components. MG is a disease

Thymoma, Myasthenia graves, Single fiber electromyography. characterized by clinical findings caused by local or generalized
muscle fatigue resulting from a defect in neuromuscular
Introduction transmission. MG associated with thymoma is a paraneoplastic
Dysfunction at the neuromuscular junction underlies a variety disease. MG is by far the most commonly reported autoimmune
of disorders characterized by skeletal muscle weakness, often disease associated with thymoma [1-3]. Thymomas are rare
affecting some but not all muscle groups. Myasthenia gravis (MG) tumors located in the mediastinal region and developing from
constitutes the largest disease group of neuromuscular junction thymic epithelial cells. Approximately 50% of patients with
disorders and is caused by pathogenic autoantibodies against thymoma develop MG, while thymoma is detected in 10-15%

Neurol Res Surg, 2024 Volume 7 | Issue 2 | 1 of 4

of patients with MG [4,5]. Epithelial cells have the capacity to (SD), median (M), minimum (min) and maximum (max) values.
express epitopes cross-reactive with skeletal muscle proteins such Normal distribution of the data of numerical variables was
as acetylcholine receptor (AChR), titin, and ryanodine receptor evaluated with the Shapiro Wilk normality test. When comparisons
(RyR) [6,7]. Muscle-like epitopes are presented to T cells together between groups were evaluated, the Independent two-sample t test
with costimulatory molecules [7]. Autoreactive T cells specific was used when the data met the parametric test prerequisites, and
for AChR and titin are found both in thymoma and in the serum the Mann-Whitney U test was used when the data did not meet the
of patients with coexistence of thymoma and MG [8]. Therefore, parametric test prerequisites. Pearson chi-square test was used to
some of the mechanisms related to the responsible pathogenesis compare categorical variables with each other. A value of p<0.05
in patients with MG can be detected in patients with thymoma was considered statistically significant.
but without developing clinical findings of MG. In fact, detecting
these findings in advance may be important in terms of being a Results
predictor of the disease before the disease develops for MG. 98 patients who were asymptomatic in terms of MG, who were
incidentally diagnosed with thymoma, or who were sent to the
Single fiber electromyography (SFEMG) is an electrophysiological clinical neurophysiology laboratory for SF EMG due to structural
method with very high sensitivity in detecting neuromuscular ptosis, were included in the study. These patients were divided into
junction pathologies. SFEMG also has remarkable sensitivity 2 groups. The patients in Group 1 consisted of 62 patients who had
in detecting subclinical neuromuscular conduction disorders. In a thymoma on thorax CT taken for another reason and did not have
some studies, neuromuscular junction dysfunction was detected any neurological symptoms. The patients in Group 2 consisted of
electrophysiologically in the SFEMG studied in extensor 36 patients who did not have any neurological complaints and had
digitorum comminis muscle in patients with isolated ocular MG, structural ptosis. While the average age of the patients in Group 1
even though this muscle was not symptomatically involved [9,10]. was 41.62±12.62, the average age of the patients in Group 2 was
Based on this information, we aimed to determine whether there 52.80±16.41. 38.7% of the patients in Group 1 were female and
is an abnormality in neuromuscular conduction in patients with 61.3% were male. Of the patients in Group 2, 44.4% were female
incidentally detected thymoma, although no clinical findings of and 55.6% were male. Although there was a significant difference
MG were observed. between the two groups in terms of age, there was no difference
between the groups in terms of gender.
Material and Methods
This study included 62 patients who were referred to our hospital's When the SFEMG parameters were examined, the mean minimum
clinical neurophysiology laboratory for SFEMG between March jitter value of the patients in Group 1 was 14.62±3.77, while the
2019 and January 2024, whose thymoma was detected on thorax mean minimum jitter value of the patients in Group 2 was found to
computed tomography (CT) taken for another indication and be 11.25±2.81. While the mean maximum jitter value of the patients
who were asymptomatic in terms of MG, and 36 individuals who in Group 1 was 53.0±14.47, the mean maximum jitter value of the
underwent SFEMG due to structural ptosis. The demographic, patients in Group 2 was 43.55±14.61. While the average MCD
clinical, laboratory, radiological and electrophysiological of the patients in Group 1 was 28.59±4.18, the average MCD
parameters of the individuals in both groups were accessed by of the patients in Group 2 was 23.41±4.79. When Group 1 and
retrospectively examining the records of patients who underwent Group 2 were compared, the minimum jitter, maximum jitter and
SFEMG between March 2019 and January 2024. Individuals with average MCD values in the individuals in Group 1 were found to
insufficient data on SFEMG or with another known disease were be significantly higher than those in the individuals in Group 2
excluded from the study. Neurological examinations and SFEMGs (p<0.001).
of the patients were performed by the researchers in the laboratory
environment. This research was approved by the local ethics A pathological increase in jitter was detected in 1 fiber in 17.7% of
committee (03.13.2024/ TABED 1-24-76). the individuals in Group 1, and a pathological increase in jitter was
detected in 2 fibers in 3.2%. In Group 2, a pathological increase
SFEMG electrode (diameter for recording 2.5 µm) and a in jitter was found in 1 fiber in 5.6% of the individuals, and a
counterpoint EMG instrument (Keypoint. 4ch, Medtronic, pathological increase in jitter was found in 2 fibers in 2.8% of the
Denmark) were used for minimum voluntary contraction SFEMG individuals (p=0.248)
test. Jitter was calculated as mean consecutive difference (MCD).
The criteria for acceptable potential pairs were: Amplitude >200 Discussion
µV; and rise time 50 µs. Pathological increase in jitter was accepted In our study, we found that the minimum jitter, maximum jitter
as MCD>55 µs. and mean MCD values of individuals with no symptoms and
incidentally diagnosed thymoma were significantly higher
Statistical Method than those of patients who had no neurological complaints
The data were evaluated in the statistical package program IBM and underwent SFEMG due to structural ptosis. In addition,
SPSS Statistics Standard Concurrent User V 26 (IBM Corp., the percentage of fibers with pathologically increased jitter in
Armonk, New York, USA). Descriptive statistics were given as individuals with incidentally detected thymoma was found to be
number of units (n), percentage (%), mean ± standard deviation higher than in individuals without thymoma. These findings show
Neurol Res Surg, 2024 Volume 7 | Issue 2 | 2 of 4
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neuromuscular junction. Another limitation is that it did not follow up this patient group
to confirm this information and evaluate whether they would
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by maturing T cells. There are a few case reports that detected randomized controlled studies are needed on this subject.
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© 2024 Vural Gonul, This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Neurol Res Surg, 2024 Volume 7 | Issue 2 | 4 of 4

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