IQACAQAR Guideline Universities-April-2020 PDF
IQACAQAR Guideline Universities-April-2020 PDF
IQACAQAR Guideline Universities-April-2020 PDF
To make quality the defining element of higher education in India through a combination of
self and external quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance initiatives.
Value Framework
To promote the following core values among the HEIs of the country:
The Director
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)
P. O. Box. No. 1075, Nagarbhavi,
Bengaluru - 560 072, India
AQAR committee:
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilised in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording,
or any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission
of the publisher.
Printed at:
Page Nos.
1. Introduction ...... 4
2. Objective ...... 4
3. Strategies . ..... 4
4. Functions ...... 5
5. Benefits ...... 5
6. Composition of the IQAC ...... 6
7. The role of coordinator ...... 7
8. Operational Features of the IQAC ...... 7
9. Revised Accreditation Framework ...... 8
10. Mandatory Submission of AQAR by IQAC …. 8
11. The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) ...... 8
Part – A
11. Details of the Institution ...... 9
12. IQAC Composition and Activities ...... 12
Part – B
13. Criterion – I: Curricular Aspects ...... 14
14. Criterion – II: Teaching, Learning and Evaluation ...... 15
15. Criterion – III: Research, Innovations and Extension ...... 17
16. Criterion – IV: Infrastructure and Learning Resources ...... 20
17. Criterion – V: Student Support and Progression ...... 22
18. Criterion – VI: Governance, Leadership and Management ...... 24
19. Criterion – VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices ...... 27
20. Abbreviations ...... 29
Guidelines for the Creation of the
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
and Submission of Annual Quality Assurance Report
(AQAR) in Accredited Institutions
In pursuance of its Action Plan for performance evaluation, assessment and accreditation and
quality up-gradation of institutions of higher education, the National Assessment and
Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore proposes that every accredited institution should
establish an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as a quality sustenance measure. Since
quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC will become a part of the institution’s
system and work towards realisation of the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance. The
prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic
improvement in the overall performance of institutions. For this, during the post-accreditation
period, institutions need to channelize its efforts and measures towards promoting the holistic
academic excellence including the peer committee recommendations.
The guidelines provided in the following pages will guide and facilitate the institution in the
creation and operation of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). The work of the IQAC
is the first step towards internalization and institutionalization of quality enhancement
Its success depends upon the sense of belongingness and participation in all the constituents
of the institution. It will not be yet another hierarchical structure or a record-keeping exercise
in the institution. It will be a facilitative and participative voluntary system/unit/organ of the
institution. It has the potential to become a vehicle for ushering in quality enhancement by
working out planned interventionist strategies by IQAC to remove deficiencies and enhance
quality like the “Quality Circles” in industries.
IQAC – Vision
To ensure quality culture as the prime concern for the Higher Education Institutions through
institutionalizing and internalizing all the initiatives taken with internal and external support.
The primary aim of IQAC is
To develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the
academic and administrative performance of the institution.
To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement
through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.
IQAC shall evolve mechanisms and procedures for
a) Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and
financial tasks;
b) Relevant and quality academic/ research programmes;
c) Equitable access to and affordability of academic programmes for various sections of
d) Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning;
e) The credibility of assessment and evaluation process;
f) Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and proper allocation of support structure and
g) Sharing of research findings and networking with other institutions in India and abroad.
Some of the functions expected of the IQAC are:
a) Development and application of quality benchmarks
b) Parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution;
c) Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality
education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology
for participatory teaching and learning process;
d) Collection and analysis of feedback from all stakeholders on quality-related
institutional processes;
d) Dissemination of information on various quality parameters to all stakeholders;
e) Organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related
themes and promotion of quality circles;
f) Documentation of the various programmes/activities leading to quality
g) Acting as a nodal agency of the Institution for coordinating quality-related activities,
including adoption and dissemination of best practices;
h) Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS for the purpose
of maintaining /enhancing the institutional quality;
i) Periodical conduct of Academic and Administrative Audit and its follow-up
j) Preparation and submission of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per
guidelines and parameters of NAAC.
IQAC will facilitate / contribute to
a) Ensure clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement;
b) Ensure internalization of the quality culture;
b) Ensure enhancement and coordination among various activities of the institution
and institutionalize all good practices;
c) Provide a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning;
d) Act as a dynamic system for quality changes in HEIs;
e) Build an organised methodology of documentation and internal communication.
The composition of the IQAC will depend on the size and complexity of the institution,
accordingly the representation of teachers may vary. It helps the institutions in planning and
monitoring. IQAC also gives stakeholders or beneficiaries a cross-sectional participation in
the institution’s quality enhancement activities. The guidelines given here are only indicative
and will help the institutions for quality sustenance activities.
The membership of such nominated members shall be for a period of two years. The IQAC
should meet at least once in every quarter. The quorum for the meeting shall be two-third of
the total number of members. The agenda, minutes and Action Taken Reports are to be
documented with official signatures and maintained electronically in a retrievable format.
It is necessary for the members of the IQAC to shoulder the responsibilities of generating and
promoting awareness in the institution and to devote time for working out the procedural
details. While selecting these members several precautions need to be taken. A few of them
are listed below:
It is advisable to choose persons from various backgrounds who have earned respect
for integrity and excellence in their teaching and research. Moreover, they should be
aware of the ground realities of the institutional environment. They should be known
for their commitment to improving the quality of teaching and learning.
It is advisable to change the co-ordinator after two to three years to bring new
thoughts and activities in the institution.
The coordinator of the IQAC will have a major role in implementing these functions. The
IQAC may derive major support from the already existing units and mechanisms that
contribute to the functions listed above. The operational features and functions discussed so
far are broad-based to facilitate institutions towards academic excellence and institutions may
adapt them to their specific needs.
The Institutions are requested to submit the AQAR after one year from date of Accreditation
every year. A functional Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and timely submission of
Annual Quality Assurance Reports (AQARs) are the Minimum Institutional Requirements
(MIR) to volunteer for second, third or subsequent cycle’s accreditation. During the
institutional visit the NAAC peer teams will interact with the IQACs to know the progress,
functioning as well as quality sustenance initiatives undertaken by them.
The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) may be the part of the Annual Report. The
AQAR shall be approved by the statutory bodies of the HEIs (such as Syndicate, Governing
Council/Executive Council/Board of Management) for the follow up action for necessary
quality enhancement measures.
The IQACs may create its exclusive window tab on its institutional website for keeping
the records/files of NAAC, Peer Team Reports, AQAR, and Certificate of Accreditation
Outcomes and regularly upload/ report on its activities, as well as for hosting the
Accreditation Framework
NAAC has launched Accreditation Framework since July, 2017 and hence AQAR format
also modified, in cognizance with the new methodology. The tools and parameters are
designed in the new AQAR format are in such a way that the preparation of AQAR would
facilitate the HEI’s for upcoming cycles of Accreditation. Data collected/prepared
infuses quality enhancement measures undertaken during the years. Further, it also
adds quality enhancement and quality sustenance measures undertaken in teaching,
learning, research, extension and support activities of the Institution. It is hoped that
new AQAR would facilitate Educational Institutions for creating a good database at
Institutional level for enhancing the quality culture.
As per the Revised Accreditation Framework (RAF), the NAAC Accredited institutions need
to submit the AQAR online. NAAC is in the process of ICT integration in Assessment and
Accreditation. The login id for the online submission for AQAR submission will be the e-
mail id used for the IIQA. The AQAR submission is part of the post accreditation module, in
due course of time. NAAC portal will have the facility to submit the AQAR online and
Institutions will receive automated response.
AQAR of the preceding year be submitted to the NAAC within six months i.e. the
institutions should submit the AQAR before 31st December of every year.
The Higher Education Institutions need not submit the printed/hard copy of AQAR to
Mandatory Submission of AQAR by IQAC
The Executive Committee of NAAC has decided that regular submission of AQARs is
mandatory for 2nd and subsequent cycles of accreditation with effect from 16th
September 2016:
The following are the pre-requisites for submission of IIQA for all Higher Education
Institutions (HEIs) opting for 2nd and subsequent cycles of A& A:
Note: The terms and abbreviation used in AQAR are in accordance with respective
manuals for assessment of NAAC. Please refer institutional manual for glossary and
abbreviations terms used in AQAR.
The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the IQAC
(For Universities)
Institutions Accredited by NAAC need to submit an Annual self-reviewed progress report i.e.
Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to NAAC, through its IQAC. The report is to
detail the tangible results achieved in key areas, specifically identified by the IQAC at the
beginning of the Academic year. The AQAR period would be the Academic Year. (For
example, June 1, 2017 to May 31, 2018)
Part – A
Mobile no.
Registered Email
Alternate Email
Address :
City/Town :
State/UT :
Pin Code :
2. Institutional status:
University: State/Central/Deemed/Private:
(Tick appropriative)
Type of Institution: Co-education/Men/Women
Location : Rural/Semi-urban/Urban:
3. Website address:
Web-link of the AQAR: (Previous Academic Year):
5. Accreditation Details
Year of
Cycle Grade CGPA Validity Period
1st from: to:
2nd from: to:
3rd from: to:
4th from: to:
5th from: to:
11. Whether IQAC received funding from any of the funding agency to support its
activities during the year? Yes No
12. Significant contributions made by IQAC during the current year (maximum five bullets)
13. Plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the Academic year towards
Quality Enhancement and the outcome achieved by the end of the Academic year
14. Whether the AQAR was placed before statutory body? Yes /No:
Name of the statutory body: Date of meeting(s):
15. Whether NAAC/or any other accredited body(s) visited IQAC or interacted with it to
Assess the functioning?
Yes/No: Date:
2 Student:
2.3 Number of students appeared in the University examination during the year
3 Academic:
4 Institution:
4.1 Number of eligible applications received for admissions to all the Programmes during the
4.2 Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/State Govt rule during the
4.4 Total number of computers in the campus for academic purpose: _________
4.5 Total Expenditure excluding salary during the year (INR in Lakhs)
Guidelines to HEIs to fill in AQAR
Institution has to submit AQAR online in the prescribed format only. Institution has to
provide Completed academic year data. Only one year data to be provided in AQAR.
Duly filled Data template has to be submitted along with AQAR online. Data template
along with supporting documents need to be uploaded in the institutional website.
If the institution does not submit the AQARs in time, it will be recorded as late
After the approval of AQAR, the edit option will not be provided.
If the institutions do not respond for clarification sought and do not re-edit in AQAR
within the stipulated time line even after 3 reminders, NAAC will accept AQAR as it
is and an automated email will be sent to the HEI.
All the glossaries used in AQAR shall be read in conjunction with the respective
The Revised format of AQAR will be implemented from the academic year
2020 – 2021
Criterion I – Curricular Aspects
1.1.1 Curricula developed and implemented have relevance to the local, national,
regional and global developmental needs which is reflected in Programme
QlM outcomes (POs), Programme Specific Outcomes(PSOs) and Course
Outcomes(COs) of the Programmes offered by the University
Write description in maximum of 500 words
1.1.2 Number of Programmes where syllabus revision was carried out during the year
Data Requirements:
Report of analysis of feedback received from different stakeholders year wise
Feedback processes of the institution may be classified as follows:
A. Feedback collected, analysed and action taken and
QnM feedback available on website
B. Feedback collected, analysed and action has been taken
C. Feedback collected and analysed
D. Feedback collected
E. Feedback not collected Opt one
Upload Stakeholder feedback report, Action taken report of the university on it as
stated in the minutes of the Governing Council, Syndicate, Board of Management
2.2.2 Student - Full time teacher ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)
2.3.2 Teachers use ICT enabled tools including online resources for effective teaching
and learning processes
QlM Write description in maximum of 500 words
2.3.3 Ratio of students to mentor for academic and other related issues (Data for
the latest completed academic year data)
QnM Number of mentors
Number of students assigned to each Mentor
2.4.3 Average teaching experience of full time teachers in the same institution (Data
for the latest completed academic year in number of years)
QnM Total experience of full-time teachers
Data Requirements: (As per Data Template)
Name and Number of full time teachers with years of teaching
2.4.4 Total number of full time teachers who received awards, recognition,
fellowships at State, National, International level from Government/Govt.
QnM recognised bodies during the year Number of full time teachers receiving awards from state /national /international
level from Government/Govt. recognized bodies during the year
QlM Describe the method of measuring the level of attainment of POs , PSOs and COs
in not more than 500 words.
2.6.3 Number of students passed (Data for the latest completed academic year)
QnM Total number of final year students who passed the university
examination Total number of final year students who appeared for the examination
Data Requirement:
Programme Code
Name of the Programme
Number of students appeared
Number of students passed
Pass percentage
Metric Key Indicator - 2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey
2.7.1 Online student satisfaction survey regarding teaching learning process.
( Online survey to be conducted)
Data Requirements: (As per Data Template)
Name/ Class/ Gender
Student Id number/ Adhar Id number
Mobile number
Email id
Degree Programme
(Database of all currently enrolled students need to be prepared and shared with
NAAC along with the online submission of QIF)
3.1.2 The institution provides seed money to its teachers for research (average per
year INR in Lakhs)
QnM The amount of seed money provided by institution to its faculty during the
year(INR in lakhs)
INR in
Number of
3.1.4 Number of JRFs, SRFs, Post Doctoral Fellows, Research Associates and other
research fellows enrolled in the institution during the year
QnM The Number of JRFs, SRFs, Post Doctoral Fellows, Research Associates and
other research fellows enrolled in the institution during the year
Data Requirements for year:
Name of Research fellow
Year of enrolment
Duration of fellowship
Type of the fellowship
Granting agency
3.1.6 Number of departments with UGC-SAP, CAS, DST-FIST, DBT, ICSSR and other
QnM recognitions by national and international agencies (Data for the latest
completed academic year) The Number of departments with UGC-SAP, CAS, DST-FIST , DBT, ICSSR
and other similar recognitions by national and international agencies
Data Requirements:
Name of the Department
Name of the Scheme
Name of the funding agency
Year of Award
Funds provided
Duration of award
INR in
3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by the government agencies during the
year (INR in Lakhs)
QnM Total Grants for research projects sponsored by the government agencies
during the year (INR in Lakhs)
INR in
Data Requirements:
Name of the workshops / seminars
Number of Participants
Date (From -to)
Link to the activity report on the website
3.4.2 The institution provides incentives to teachers who receive state, national
and international recognitions/awards
QnM 1.Commendation and monetary incentive at a University function
2.Commendation and medal at a University function
3. Certificate of honor
4.Announcement in the Newsletter / website
QnM How many Ph.D’s are awarded within last 5 year : Number of teachers recognized as guides during the year
3.4.5 Number of research papers per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC website
during the year
QnM Number of research papers in the Journals notified on UGC website
during the year
Data Requirements:
Title of paper
Name of the author/s
Department of the teacher
Name of journal
Year of publication
ISBN/ISSN number
3.4.6 Number of books and chapters in edited volumes published per teacher during
the year
QnM Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes / books published,
and papers in national/international conference-proceedings during the year
1. For e-PG-Pathshala
2. For CEC (Under Graduate)
4. For other MOOCs platform
5. For NPTEL/NMEICT/any other Government Initiatives
6. For Institutional LMS
A. Any 5 or all of the above
B. Any 4 of the above
C. Any 3 of the above
D. Any 2 of the above
E. None of the above
Data Requirements:
Name of the teacher
Name of the module
Platform on which module is developed
Date of launching e-content
Number of platforms on which e-content has been developed by teachers
3.4.8 Bibliometrics of the publications during the year based on average Citation
Index in Scopus/ Web of Science/PubMed
3.4.9 Bibliometrics of the publications during the year based on Scopus/ Web of
Science – h-Index of the University
Data Requirements for last five years:
QnM Title of the paper
Name of the author
Title of the journal
Year of publication
H index
3.5.2 Revenue generated from consultancy and corporate training during the year
(INR in Lakhs)
QnM Total amount generated from consultancy and corporate training during
the year (INR in lakhs)
INR in
3.6.2 Number of awards received by the Institution, its teachers and students from
Government /Government recognised bodies in recognition of the extension
QnM activities carried out during the year Total number of awards and recognition received for extension activities
from Government / Government recognised bodies during the year
3.7.2 Number of functional MoUs with institutions/ industries in India and abroad for
internship, on-the-job training, project work, student / faculty exchange and
QnM collaborative research during the year Number of functional MoUs with institutions/ industries in India and abroad
for internship, on-the-job training, project work, student / faculty exchange and
collaborative research during the year
Data Requirements for year:
Organisation with which MoU is signed
Name of the institution/ industry
Year of signing MoU
List the actual activities under each MoU
Number of students/teachers participated under MoUs
4.1.1 The institution has adequate facilities for teaching - learning. viz., classrooms,
laboratories, computing equipment, etc.
Describe the adequacy of facilities for teaching –learning as per the minimum
specified requirement by statutory bodies within a maximum of 500 words
4.1.2 The institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities, yoga, games
(indoor, outdoor) and sports. (gymnasium, yoga centre, auditorium, etc.)
Describe the adequacy facilities for cultural activities, yoga, games (indoor,
outdoor) and sports which include specification about area/size, year of
establishment and user rate within minimum of 500 characters and maximum of
500 words
INR in
4.2.1 Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) and
has digitisation facility
QlM Describe the implementation of the automation of the Library and the digitization
facility available and used in maximum of 500 words
QnM Annual expenditure for purchase of books and journals during the
year(INR in lakhs)
INR in lakhs
Data Requirement for year:
Expenditure on the purchase of books
Expenditure on the purchase of journals in ith year
Year of expenditure:
4.2.4 Number of usage of library by teachers and students per day ( foot falls and
QnM login data for online access) (Data for the latest completed academic year) Number of teachers and students using library per day over last one year
Data Requirements:
Upload last page of accession register details
per day login/online users of library
Number of users using library through e-access
Number of physical users accessing library
4.3.2 Institution has an IT policy, makes appropriate budgetary provision and updates
its IT facilities including Wi-Fi facility
Q lM
Providing the salient features of the IT Policy and describe the process of
implementation and adherence to the policy , budgetary provisions made and
utilized and the expansion plan in maximum of 500 words
4.3.3 Student - Computer ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)
Number of students : Number of Computers available to students for academic
QnM purposes
Data Requirements:
Number of computers for academic purposes in working condition
Total Number of students
4.3.4 Available bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution (Leased line)
QnM Options:
A. ≥1 GBPS
B. 500 MBPS - 1 GBPS
C. 250 MBPS - 500 MBPS
D. 50 MBPS - 250 MBPS
E. <50 MBPS
Data Requirements:
Available internet bandwidth
Data Requirements:
Upload the names of the e-content development facilities
Key Indicator - 4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure
4.4.1 Total number of expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and
academic support facilities excluding salary component during the year
QnM Expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic
support facilities excluding salary component during the year (INR in lakhs)
INR in
Describe policy details of systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing
physical, academic and support facilities within a minimum of 500 word and
maximum of 1000 words
5.1.2 Total number of students benefited by career counseling and guidance for
competitive examinations offered by the Institution during the year Number of students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations
QnM and career counselling offered by the institution during the year
Data Requirement for year:
Name of the scheme
Number of students who have passed in the competitive exam
Number of students benefited by career counseling.
5.1.3 Following Capacity development and skills enhancement initiatives are taken
by the institution
1. Soft skills
QnM 2. Language and communication skills
3. Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene)
4. Awareness of trends in technology
A. All of the above
B. Any 3 of the above
C. Any 2 of the above
D . Any 1of the above
E . None of the above
Data Requirements:
Name of the capacity development and skills enhancement scheme
Year of implementation
Number of students enrolled
Name of the agencies involved with contact details
5.1.4 The Institution adopts the following for redressal of student grievances
including sexual harassment and ragging cases
1. Implementation of guidelines of statutory/regulatory bodies
2. Organisation wide awareness and undertakings on policies with zero
3. Mechanisms for submission of online/offline students’ grievances
4. Timely redressal of the grievances through appropriate committees
Data Requirement:
5.3.2 Presence of Student Council and its activities for institutional development and
student welfare.
Describe the Student Council and its activities for institutional development and
student welfare within a maximum of 500 words
5.3.3 Average number of sports and cultural events / competitions organised by the
institution per year
QnM Number of sports and cultural events / competitions organised by the
institution during the year
QnM Options:
A. ≥ 100 Lakhs
B. 50Lakhs - 100 Lakhs
C. 20 Lakhs - 50 Lakhs
D. 5 Lakhs - 20 Lakhs
E. <5 Lakhs
Data Requirement for year (year wise):
Alumni association / Name of the alumnus
Quantum of contribution
Audited Statement of account of the institution reflecting the receipts.
Key Indicator - 6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership
6.1.1 The institution has a clearly stated vision and mission which are reflected in its
academic and administrative governance
QlM Write description in maximum of 500 words
6.1.2 The effective leadership is reflected in various institutional practices such as
decentralization and participative management.
QlM Write description in maximum of 500 words
QlM Describe one successfully implemented activity based on the strategic plan within a
maximum of 500 words
6.2.2 The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible
from policies, administrative setup, appointment and service rules, procedures,
QlM etc.
Write description in maximum of 500 words
A. All of the above
B. Any 3 of the above
C. Any 2 of the above
D. Any 1 of the above
E. None of the above
Data Requirements:
Areas of e-governance
Finance and Accounts
Student Admission and Support
Name of the Vendor with contact details
Year of implementation
Metric No. Key Indicator - 6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies
6.3.1 The institution has a performance appraisal system, promotional avenues and
effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff
QlM Write description in maximum of 500 words
6.4.2 Funds / Grants received from government bodies during the year for
development and maintenance of infrastructure (not covered under Criteria III
and V ) (INR in Lakhs)
QnM Total Grants received from government bodies for development and
maintenance of infrastructure (not covered under Criteria III and V) during the
year (INR in Lakhs)
INR in Lakhs
INR in Lakhs
QlM Enumerate the various internal and external financial audits carried out during
the last five years with the mechanism for settling audit objections within a
maximum of 500 words
Key Indicator - 6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System
6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for
institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes by constantly
QlM reviewing the teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of
operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals
Describe two practices institutionalized as a result of IQAC initiatives within a
maximum of 500 words
6.5.3 Incremental improvements made for the preceding five years with regard to
quality (in case of first cycle)
Post accreditation quality initiatives (second and subsequent cycles)
Describe quality enhancement initiatives in the academic and administrative
domains successfully implemented during the last five years within a Maximum of
500 words each
Metric No. Key Indicator - 7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities
7.1.2 The Institution has facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy
QnM conservation measures
1. Solar energy
2. Biogas plant
3. Wheeling to the Grid
4. Sensor-based energy conservation
5. Use of LED bulbs/ power efficient equipment
A. Any 4 or all of the above
B. Any 3 of the above
C. Any 2 of the above
D. Any 1of the above
E. None of the above
7.1.3 Describe the facilities in the Institution for the management of the following
QlM types of degradable and non-degradable waste (within 500 words)
Solid waste management
Liquid waste management
Biomedical waste management
E-waste management
Waste recycling system
Hazardous chemicals and radioactive waste management
A. Any 4 or all of the above
B. Any 3 of the above
C. Any 2 of the above
D. Any 1of the above
E. None of the above
A. Any 4 or all of the above
B. Any 3 of the above
C. Any 2 of the above
D. Any 1of the above
E. None of the above
Provide weblink to :
Details of activities that inculcate values; necessary to render students in
to responsible citizens
Any other relevant information
7.1.10 The Institution has a prescribed code of conduct for students, teachers,
QnM administrators and other staff and conducts periodic programmes in this regard.
A. All of the above
B. Any 3 of the above
C. Any 2 of the above
D. Any 1of the above
E. None of the above
Provide weblink to :
Annual report of the celebrations and commemorative events for the last
five years
Geotagged photographs of some of the events
Any other relevant information
Metric Key Indicator - 7.2 Best Practices
7.2.1 Describe two best practices successfully implemented by the Institution as per
QlM NAAC format provided in the Manual.
This title should capture the keywords that describe the practice.
What are the objectives / intended outcomes of this “best practice” and what are
the underlying principles or concepts of this practice (in about 100 words)?
3. The Context
4. The Practice
Describe the practice and its uniqueness in the context of India higher education.
What were the constraints / limitations, if any, faced (in about 400 words)?
5. Evidence of Success
Please add any other information that may be relevant for adopting/
implementing the Best Practice in other Institutions (in about150 words)
_______________________________ _______________________________
Annexure I
SF - Self Financing
For Communication with NAAC
The Director
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)
(An Autonomous Institution of the University Grants Commission)
P.O. Box. No. 1075, Nagarbhavi
Bengaluru - 560 072
Phone : +91-80-2321 0261/62/63/64/65
Fax : +91-80-2321 0268, 2321 0270
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :