The Many Shades of Bilingualism Language Experienc
The Many Shades of Bilingualism Language Experienc
The Many Shades of Bilingualism Language Experienc
Recent years have seen an expansion in the research related to structural brain adap-
tations related to the acquisition and processing of additional languages. However, the
accumulating evidence remains to a great extent inconsistent, with a large variety of cor-
tical, subcortical, and cerebellar effects reported in various studies. Here we propose that
the variability in the data can be explained by the differences in the language background
and experiences of the tested samples. We also propose that the field should move away
from monolithic bilingual versus monolingual comparisons; instead, it should focus on
the experiences of the bilingual groups as predictors of structural changes in the brain,
and also employ longitudinal designs to test the dynamic effects of active bilingualism.
The implications of the proposed approaches for the suggested benefits of bilingualism
on ageing and patient populations are also discussed.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Christos Pliatsikas, School of Psy-
chology and Clinical Language Sciences, University of Reading, Harry Pitt Building, Whiteknights,
Reading, RG6 6AL, United Kingdom. Email: [email protected]
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
are dynamic and continuous and can be predicted by the bilingual experiences.
This suggests that the typically employed between-groups bilingual versus
monolingual comparisons might be inadequate to capture the full extent of the
effects of bilingualism on the brain, and certainly inappropriate to investigate
the dynamicity of these effects.
It is important to point out that the dynamic restructuring model is not a
model about second language acquisition (lexical, grammatical, or otherwise)
or processing, or even control; it is a model about the neurostructural corre-
lates of the above processes, and, crucially, their trajectories. As such, it is
compatible with related models of bilingualism-induced neuroplasticity, such
as the adaptive control hypothesis (ACH; Abutalebi & Green, 2016) and the
bilingual anterior to posterior and subcortical shift (BAPSS) model (Grundy
et al., 2017), which also link structure to function. The dynamic restructuring
model complements the ACH by accounting for newer findings, especially with
respect to white matter plasticity, and by adding a temporal dimension and dy-
namicity to its predictions; it also accounts for the reductions reported in highly
experienced language switchers, like simultaneous interpreters, which are not
accounted for by the BAPSS. Finally, it accounts for the limited findings from
multilinguals, in an attempt to place all types of bi-/multilingual experiences
on a continuum (see also Pliatsikas, 2019b).
increased grey matter volume in left IFG and anterior temporal lobe (ATL) in
L2 learners of German living in Switzerland. Support for a notion of consolida-
tion in neuroanatomical adaptation to L2 use has also been seen in longer term
exposure. Hosoda, Tanaka, Nariai, Honda, and Hanakawa (2013), for exam-
ple, found increases in structural connectivity between cortical and subcortical
regions (specifically IFG and caudate nucleus) in Japanese L2 learners of En-
glish who were consistently practicing for a year. To date, and to the best of
our knowledge, only one study has examined later stages of bilingual language
use in adults with a longitudinal design that did not involve language training.
DeLuca et al. (2019) tested longer-term neuroanatomical effects of language
use in already immersed bilinguals. They reported volumetric increases in the
cerebellum, which were positively correlated with the amount of prior immer-
sion, accompanied by subcortical restructuring and increases in diffusivity in
the forceps minor (an anterior extension of the corpus callosum connecting it to
the frontal lobes). These findings were interpreted as increased automation and
efficiency of bilingual language processing with prolonged intensive L2 expo-
sure, suggesting that the effects of bilingualism on brain structure are dynamic
in nature and can be observed even in highly experienced bilingual users.
neural tissue in the brain, supporting it against tissue or synaptic loss). It is worth
noting that these studies typically tested lifelong bilinguals (i.e., individuals
with extensive experience in switching between languages) who have presum-
ably gone through all the stages described by the dynamic restructuring model,
implying long-term neuroplastic effects.
The suggestion of a bilingualism-induced neural reserve has raised the
question of whether bilingualism has clinical implications in the form of pro-
tection from healthy and/or pathological neurodegeneration, which might even
extend to delay of the clinical symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases such as
Alzheimer’s (Perani & Abutalebi, 2015). The related literature is relatively re-
cent, and it initially involved examining clinical records of life-long bilinguals,
which showed that bilingualism may delay the onset of clinical symptoms of
dementia by 4 to 5 years (Alladi et al., 2013; Bialystok, Craik, & Freedman,
2007). The direct evidence from brain structure is quite limited, but the effects
of neural reserve have been observed in clinical Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and
mild cognitive impairment (MCI) populations: Duncan and colleagues (2018)
reported French-English bilingual patients to have higher cortical thickness
in language and cognitive control areas than monolinguals. A more common
finding in clinical populations is that bilingual clinical populations have a
greater extent of brain atrophy than cognitively matched monolingual popula-
tions (Gold, Kim, Johnson, Kryscio, & Smith, 2013; Schweizer, Ware, Fischer,
Craik, & Bialystok, 2012), suggesting a bilingualism-induced increase in neu-
ral connectivity and more efficient use of spared neural tissue, or a cognitive
reserve. This finding is further supported by other proxy measures, such as
reduced resting state brain metabolism, which indicates lower synaptic activity
in bilinguals, while maintaining cognitive performance corresponding with a
higher rate of metabolism in monolingual AD patients (Perani et al., 2017).
If bilingualism is shown to counteract cognitive and/or brain decline related
to AD and MCI, it might be the case that its beneficial effects are not constrained
to these diseases only, although other neurodegenerative disorders have hardly
been studied in this context (Voits, Pliatsikas, Robson, & Rothman, 2019). For
example, there are very few studies examining progressive neurodegeneration
in diseases such as Huntington’s and Parkinson’s in connection with bilingual-
ism. Studying these conditions in bilinguals may prove highly informative, as
they primarily target the basal ganglia, a group of structures that are commonly
reported to be affected by bilingualism, especially in more experienced bilin-
guals, as per the dynamic restructuring model suggestions. However, a recent
study reported bilingualism to only be associated with increased grey matter
volume in inferior frontal gyrus and significantly increased metabolism in an
Concluding Remarks
This article has used contemporary theories and evidence to show that the
location, type, and trajectory of neuroplasticity related to bilingualism is inex-
tricably linked to nuances related to the individual experiences of the bilinguals,
which cannot be reliably and consistently captured by traditional bilingual ver-
sus monolingual comparisons. We therefore endorse the view that the field
should shift toward longitudinal designs that describe the trajectory of these
effects by taking into account the quantity and quality of bilingual language use,
an approach that also applies to the study of bilingualism-induced adaptations
in cognition and brain function. Given the implications that active bilingual-
ism might have for later life, an emphasis should be placed on examining the
brain and bilingualism across various clinical disorders, both cross-sectionally
and also longitudinally, to study effects of bilingualism on the rate of brain
decline over time and any structural differences arising as a result of language
use patterns. In all cases, we maintain that it is paramount to move beyond
the simplistic binary view of bilingualism as a categorical variable, treat bilin-
gualism as the nuanced experience it is, and identify factors that contribute to
anatomical changes in the brain across the whole lifespan.
1 It is worth noting here that the ACH and its derivatives (Green, 2018) have also
described an “open control” context, which might imply a specific rather than
global interference from L2 (e.g., interference at the level of selecting equally active
language alternatives during production, which in turn implies reactive suppression
of the non-selected item).
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Article accepted in Language Learning on August 8, 2019.
Things to Consider
r The field is still relatively young but promising; importantly, the seemingly
contradictory findings to date actually appear to fit into a trajectory of adap-
tation, if viewed from an experience-based perspective.
r Bilingualism should not be viewed as a monolithic attribute, but as a nuanced
and dynamic experience.
r Bilingualism could be studied as a cost-effective strategy against ageing-
and disease-related brain decline.
How to cite this summary: Pliatsikas, C., Deluca, V., & Voits, T. (2019): The
manifold effects of bilingualism on brain structure, and their implications for
ageing and neurodegeneration. OASIS Summary of Pliatsikas et al. in Language