24 Solutions It Policy HR
24 Solutions It Policy HR
24 Solutions It Policy HR
Contact: Effective Date: Revision Date:
IT Policy Human Resources
1. Objective:
The primary objective of this IT policy is to ensure the secure, efficient, and responsible use of
company laptops, cellphones, gadgets, internet access, and other electronic resources. This
policy aims to protect company assets, data, and reputation while promoting productivity and
compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
2. Purpose:
2.1 To establish guidelines for the appropriate use of company-provided laptops, cellphones, and
2.2 To outline the acceptable use of the company's internet and electronic resources.
2.3 To define the consequences of misuse or unauthorized access to company assets.
2.4 To promote data security, confidentiality, and integrity.
2.5 To mitigate risks associated with unauthorized access, data breaches, and legal liabilities.
Consequences of Misuse:
3.7 Disciplinary Action: Violation of this cellphone use policy may result in disciplinary action,
ranging from warnings to termination of employment, depending on the severity of the offense.
3.8 Loss of Privileges: Student s found to be in violation of this policy may lose access to
company-provided cellphones, depending on the nature of the misconduct.
3.9 Legal Consequences: Misuse of company cellphones, including unauthorized access to
confidential information or engaging in illegal activities, may result in legal action and civil
For Internal Use only HR Policy Doc No 001
4.1 Authorized Use: Company-provided laptops are intended for business-related tasks and
activities. Personal use should be limited to breaks and must not interfere with work
4.2 Security Measures: Student s are responsible for safeguarding company laptops against theft,
loss, or damage. Laptops must be kept secure, and password protection must be enabled.
4.3 Data Protection: Student s must ensure the confidentiality and integrity of company data
accessed or stored on laptops. Student s must not share company data or sensitive information
with unauthorized individuals.
4.4 Software Installation: Only IT-approved software may be installed on company laptops.
Modifying the laptop's configuration or installing unauthorized software is strictly prohibited.
4.5 Internet Usage: Student s must use company-provided internet access responsibly and adhere
to the company's internet usage policy.
4.6 Remote Access: When accessing company data remotely, Student s must use secure
connections and comply with all security protocols outlined by the IT department.
Consequences of Misuse:
4.7 Disciplinary Action: Violation of this laptop use policy may result in disciplinary action, ranging
from warnings to termination of employment, depending on the severity of the offense.
4.8 Loss of Privileges: Student s found to be in violation of this policy may lose access to
company-provided laptops, depending on the nature of the misconduct.
4.9 Legal Consequences: Misuse of company laptops, including unauthorized access to
confidential information or engaging in illegal activities, may result in legal action and civil
5.1 Acceptable Use: The company's internet and electronic resources are to be used for work-
related purposes only. Any unauthorized use, including but not limited to accessing
inappropriate content, downloading copyrighted material, or engaging in illegal activities, is
strictly prohibited.
5.2 Bandwidth Management: Student s should use company internet resources responsibly and
avoid excessive bandwidth consumption for personal activities, such as streaming videos or
online gaming.
5.3 Email Usage: Company email accounts are to be used exclusively for business
communications. Sending unsolicited emails, chain letters, or spam is prohibited.
5.4 Social Media and Networking: While limited personal use of social media during breaks may
be permitted, Student s should refrain from posting confidential company information or
engaging in activities that could damage the company's reputation.
Consequences of Misuse:
5.5 Disciplinary Action: Violation of this IT policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and
including termination of employment.
5.6 Legal Consequences: Misuse of company assets, including unauthorized access to
confidential information or engaging in illegal activities, may lead to legal action and civil
For Internal Use only HR Policy Doc No 001
5.7 Loss of Privileges: Student s found to be in violation of this policy may lose access to
company laptops, cellphones, gadgets, or internet resources, depending on the severity of the
5.8 Financial Responsibility: Student s may be held financially responsible for any damages
caused to company assets due to misuse or negligence.
6.1 Authorization: Any additional gadgets or electronic devices provided by the company must be
used solely for conducting company business. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
6.2 Security Measures: Student s are responsible for safeguarding company-owned gadgets or
electronic devices against theft, loss, or damage.
6.3 Data Protection: Student s must ensure the confidentiality and integrity of company data
stored on additional gadgets or electronic devices.
6.4 Compliance: Student s must comply with all security protocols and usage guidelines specified
by the IT department for additional gadgets or electronic devices.
6.5 Reporting: Any incidents involving theft, loss, or damage to company-owned gadgets or
electronic devices must be reported immediately to the IT department and relevant authorities.
Consequences of Misuse:
6.6 Disciplinary Action: Violation of this IT policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and
including termination of employment.
6.7 Legal Consequences: Misuse of company assets, including unauthorized access to
confidential information or engaging in illegal activities, may lead to legal action and civil
6.8 Loss of Privileges: Student s found to be in violation of this policy may lose access to
company laptops, cellphones, gadgets, or internet resources, depending on the severity of the
6.9 Financial Responsibility: Student s may be held financially responsible for any damages
caused to company assets due to misuse or negligence.
Approved By
For Internal Use only HR Policy Doc No 001
By signing below, Student s acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to comply with
the company's cellphone use policy.
Student Name:______________________________________________________-