CO 2024 LS G11 CUF GenMath H W1 - RTP

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Lesson Script in
General Mathematics
Quarter 1 Week 1
Catch-Up Fridays
Lesson Script in General Mathematics
Quarter 1: Week 1
SY 2024-2025

This material is intended exclusively for the use of teachers in the implementation of the K to
12 Curriculum. It aims to assist in delivering the curriculum content, standards, and lesson

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Published by the Department of Education

Development Team

Writer: Nanette D. Parba

Content Reviewer: Gina L. Aguitez, Evelyn C. Callada, Rogelio S. Junio,
Michael R. Lee, and Jennifer B. Mondoy
Layout Artist: Julie Ann S. Esparagoza, Anthony James H. Vizmanos
Language Editor: Maria May N. Sevilla-Miclat

Management Team


CRISTITO A. ECO CESO III, Assistant Regional Director
MICAH G. PACHECO, OIC-Chief Education Supervisor-CLMD
RESTITUTO I. RODELAS, OIC-Regional Mathematics Education Program Supervisor
GINA L. AGUITEZ , Mathematics Education Program Supervisor
EVELYN C. CALLADA, Mathematics Education Program Supervisor
ROGELIO S. JUNIO, Mathematics Education Program Supervisor
JENNIFER B. MONDOY, Mathematics Education Program Supervisor
DENNIS M. MENDOZA, Regional LR Education Program Supervisor
WILMA Q. DEL ROSARIO, LR Education Program Supervisor
JONAS FELICIANO C. DOMINGO, LR Education Program Supervisor
IVY CONEY GAMATERO, LR Education Program Supervisor
PRECY M. PAURILLO, LR Education Program Supervisor
Week 1 Day 5 Date:
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of
Standards functions.
B. Performance The learner can accurately construct mathematical models to
Standards represent real-life situations using functions.
C. Learning The learner represents real-life situations using functions, including
Competencies piece-wise functions (M11GM-Ia-1).
At the end of the session, learners will be able to:
D. Learning 1. define relation and function and represent real-life
Objectives situations using functions including piecewise functions.; and
2. evaluate function.
E. Instructional
Design Context, Connection, Collaboration, and Creativity
F. 21st Century Media Literacy, Critical Thinking, and Problem Solving

Subject Matter Introduction of Functions

Area for Integration Reading, Health Education

Health Education: Disease Prevention and Control
Health Education: Building Resilience Against Disease through
Emotional Strength

Functions play a crucial role in understanding and addressing issues

Key Concept/Skill for
in the context of dating and relationships. It typically refers to how
well individuals complement each other's needs, values, and lifestyles.


SOS Safety Magazine. (2023, February 10). The Betrayal of Cheating -

SOS Safety Magazine. SOS Safety Magazine - Bullying, Abuse.
A. References

B. Other Learning Pillow. (2020, August 12). Illicit Affairs - Taylor Swift (Lyrics) [Video].
Resources YouTube.


Before/Pre-Lesson Proper

Teacher: Good day, class! Are you familiar with Taylor Swift's song
“Illicit Affair”?

Learners: Yes, of course!

Teacher: Great! Let's all sing some of the song's lyrics. Pay careful
attention to the lyrics. Give me a thumbs up if you are now all ears.

(Teacher plays the music video.)


Make sure nobody sees you leave

Hood over your head, keep your eyes down
Tell your friends you're out for a run
You’ll be flushed when you return
Take the road less traveled by
Tell yourself you can always stop
What started in beautiful rooms
Ends with meetings in parking lots

And that's the thing about illicit affairs

And clandestine meetings and longing stares
It's born from just one single glance
But it dies and it dies and it dies
A million little times
Activating Prior
Teacher: What are your thoughts on the song?
(5 minutes)
Learner: When I first heard the song, I liked it, but it grew on me. The
music is beautiful, and Taylor's vocals are delicate. The song feels like
a perfectly crafted puzzle, with every note and chord fitting just right.

Teacher: What life lesson did you take away from the song?

Learner: For me, it's about forbidden love, not just infidelity. It's about
two people who aren't supposed to be together but can't help falling in
love. They meet in public but hide their relationship in secret places
like parking lots. The song is filled with great sorrow and shame since,
despite their deep love, it seems helpless for them to be together.
Though it's unlawful, their love is sincere and goes beyond just the

Teacher: How do you think this relates to our recent discussions

about functions?

Learner: In mathematics, a function relates each input to exactly one

output. Like in a healthy relationship where trust is crucial, a clear
connection between partners must be based on honesty and integrity.

Teacher: Exactly! Imagine if relationships were like functions. If one

person is dating multiple others, for example, person 1 is dating both
persons 2 and 3, it's not functional—it's messy and can lead to
heartbreak. Remember, a functional relationship needs trust and
Teacher: You see, class, learning mathematics is not only for keeping
up with your lessons but also for becoming smarter and wiser in life.
Isn’t it beautiful that we learn many things in just one lesson?

Lesson Now is the perfect time to use this understanding to comprehend the
Purpose/Intention essential ideas behind functions. In today’s discussion, you are
(3 minutes) expected to:
1. define relation and function and represent real-life situations
using functions including piecewise functions.; and
2. evaluate function.

Teacher: You've been introduced to various concepts of functions.

Now, let's gauge your familiarity with them through another activity.
Everybody read the directions.

1. Divide the class into small groups of 5.
2. Provide each group with an index card or slip of paper containing a
riddle for different unscrambled words.
3. After you've figured out a riddle, write out a brief explanation of the
terms you identified.
4. Discuss among the group to come up with a consensus definition.
Consider different aspects and perspectives of the term to create a
comprehensive definition.

(Present the riddle one at a time, call a leaner to do the task, and call a
learner to answer each item)

1. I can be long or short, but I always end in "tion". I am called upon

in code, to perform a specific action. What am I? (TONUNIFC)

2. I am a bond that can't be seen, connecting hearts with invisible

strings. I tie families together, near and far, yet can also cause a rift,
leaving a scar. What am I?

Lesson Language 3. I am a puzzle of many parts, each segment, a work of art. Put
Practice together, I form a whole, but I play my role individually. What am I?
(7 minutes) (SEWEPCIEI)

4. I am ever-changing, never constant, and relevant in math and

science. In programming, I hold the key, to adapt and transform
endlessly. What am I? (LAERIBVA)

5. I am a system of symbols, but not easily unraveled. I am used to

communication in a way that's quite enigmatic. What am I?

1. FUNCTION- a relationship between inputs where each input is
related to exactly one output.

2. RELATION- the relationship between two or more values.

3. PIECEWISE- defines a function on a sequence of intervals.

4. VARIABLE- a quantity that can be changed and is not fixed.

5. NOTATION- a system of symbols used to represent special things.

During/Lesson Proper
Teacher: Excellent! I’m impressed with how well you’ve retained that
information. Now, let’s delve deeper into today’s lesson by reading a
short article, exploring it further, and applying your knowledge about

(The teacher will present/distribute a copy of the article and give the
learners enough time to read it.)

The Betrayal of Cheating

Have you been cheated on?

There is a unique emotion that comes with being cheated on by the

person that you love. It is a devastating (and potentially soul-crushing)
event that can become consuming if not addressed healthily.

If you have found your trust betrayed exponentially, consider the

following seven tips to try to move forward.

1) It doesn’t mean that you aren’t enough, your relationship shouldn’t

Reading the Key
take from you – it should add to you.
(5 minutes)
2) Take time to heal, take time to reclaim your power, confidence, and
independence. Take time to heal your wounds and see relationships
with optimism again.

3) Don’t lose faith in people. Do the work on yourself to NOT be jaded.

It’s easy to lose trust in people, but you mustn’t do it.

4) Know your worth. The event says EVERYTHING about the cheater
and NOTHING about the person who was cheated on.

5) Don’t give it power. Take the time to heal, and then let yourself move
forward. Let yourself be bigger and more powerful than somebody
small enough to cheat on you.

6) Closure is nonsense. You do NOT need closure from somebody that

hurt you. You should be aware that you can give yourself that closure.

7) See a therapist if you need to. Keep the faith in other people and
keep the confidence that you can come out from it even stronger!

Teacher: How did you find the text? (Check and clarify initial
understanding and validate collective opinion about the text.) Let's
Developing have an activity to check your understanding, but this time, do it in
Understanding of the pairs.
Key Idea/Stem
(10 minutes) (The teacher will present the directions of the activity.)

Teacher: Everybody read the directions.

With your partner, collaborate to answer the following questions:

Question for Integration.

Reading Skills
1. How does the article describe the emotional experience of being
cheated on?

Expected Answer: The article describes being cheated on as a

devastating and potentially soul-crushing event, particularly when it's
by someone you love. It emphasizes that this experience can be all-
consuming if not handled healthily.

Question for Targeted Competency

2. What differentiates a function from a relation in mathematics, and

how might this distinction relate to the guidance provided in the

Expected Answer: Every input (from the domain) that translates to

exactly one output (from the codomain) is called a function. This one-on-
one conversation is about closure and self-worth. The article argues that
dishonest behavior only reflects on the cheater (the input), not on the
person who was cheated on (the output), much like a function maps one
input to one result.

In the meantime, every element in the domain is associated with one or

more elements in the codomain by a set of ordered pairs known as
relations in mathematics. This relates to the larger context of
relationships covered in the article—how individuals relate to one
another emotionally and the complications that come with it, such as
trust, healing, and personal development.

Question for Integration

Reading Skills
3. What strategies does the article recommend for moving forward
after experiencing betrayal? How can these strategies relate to healing
in both personal and mathematical contexts?

Expected Answer: The article suggests not abandoning hope in the

future relationships despite past betrayals, recovering personal power
and confidence and giving yourself time to heal. These techniques are
comparable to the process of mathematical healing and development,
wherein emotional scars (such as insecurity and mistrust) must be
recognized and addressed to regain confidence and trust. Similarly,
working through mathematical issues step-by-step leads to clarity and

Health Education
4. How does the article address the issue of self-worth after being
cheated on?

Expected Answer: The article points out that deception does not make
one less valuable. It helps people realize that their problems and
choices, not the worth of the person they fooled, are reflected in the
cheater's actions.
Teacher: Great job! It appears that you read and comprehended the
article quite well. To help you grasp it even more, let's read and
respond to the following questions aloud.

1. What are some of the most important factors that might be utilized
to illustrate the psychological effects of being betrayed over time? How
could one quantify these variables?

Expected Answer:
Key variables could include:
Time since the event (t) in days, weeks, or months.
Emotional state or level of distress (E) could be rated on a scale from 0
to 10.
The degree of trust in future relationships (T), is also rated on a scale
from 0 to 10.
The frequency of intrusive thoughts about the event (F), is measured as
occurrences daily.

2. How could you represent the healing process after being cheated on
using a mathematical function? What factors would influence the
shape of this function?

Expected Answer: The healing process could be represented as a

function E(t), where E is the emotional state over time. This function
might initially decrease sharply and gradually increase as the
Deepening individual begins to heal. Factors influencing the shape could include
Understanding of the the effectiveness of coping strategies (e.g., therapy, support from
Key Idea/Stem friends), the person's resilience, and the severity of the betrayal.
(10 minutes)
Questions for Integration

Health Education
3. How can the concept of a piecewise function relate to the advice
from the article about healing and moving forward after being cheated

Expected Answer: A piecewise function consists of distinct segments,

each with its own defined behavior and contribution to the overall
function. Similarly, the article advises individuals to break down their
healing process into manageable stages or "pieces" — acknowledging
the initial shock, accepting the situation, and actively working towards
personal growth and resilience.

Question for Targeted Learning Competency

4. The function below describes the healing process after the

stressful event where E(t) is the emotional recovery process over t days
−2𝑡 + 10 𝑓𝑜𝑟 0 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 5
𝐸(𝑡) = &−0.5𝑡 + 6 𝑓𝑜𝑟 5 < 𝑡 ≤ 20
0.2𝑡 + 1 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡 > 20

a. What is the emotional recovery level of a person on the 3rd day after
a stressful event?

Expected Answer:
Since t=3, then we can use the first part of the piecewise function
𝐸(𝑡) = −2𝑡 + 10
𝐸(3) = −2(3) + 10
𝐸(3) = −6 + 10 = 4
Therefore, the emotional recovery level on the 3rd day is 4

b. If it takes 5 days for someone to start feeling a little better after a

stressful event and continue to recover slowly but steadily, how many
days will it take them to reach 75% emotional recovery?

Expected answer: Let E(t)=0.75 and since it takes 5 days for someone
to start feeling a little better, then you have two options to choose from
the second and third part of the piecewise functions

Using the second part of the piecewise function,

𝐸(𝑡) = −0.5𝑡 + 6
0.75 = −0.5𝑡 + 6
0.5𝑡 = 6 − 0.75
0.5𝑡 = 5.25
!.#$ #.%#
= !.#
𝑡 = 10.5
Using the third part of the piecewise function,
𝐸(𝑡) = 0.2𝑡 + 1
0.75 = 0.2𝑡 + 1
−0.2𝑡 = 1 − 0.75
−0.2𝑡 = 0.25
&!.%$ !.%#
&!.% &!.%
𝑡 = −1.25
Comparing the two answers 𝑡 = −1.25 is an extraneous solution since
𝑡 represents days, therefore 𝑡 = 10.5.
Hence, it takes 10 to 11 days to reach 75% emotional recovery.

After/Post-Lesson Proper

Teacher: Why is a piecewise function more appropriate than a single

continuous function for modeling the emotional recovery process
described above?

Learners: A piecewise function is more appropriate because the

emotional recovery process involves different rates of change at
various stages. A single continuous function would not accurately
capture the rapid initial decline, the slower recovery, and the eventual
Making Generalizations
stabilization. Piecewise functions allow for more precise modeling of
and Abstractions
each distinct phase.
(3 minutes)
Teacher: Identify a real-life scenario where a piecewise function might
be necessary to model the situation accurately.

Learners: A real-life example is the pricing of a taxi ride. The fare

might be a flat rate for the first mile, a different rate per mile for the
next few miles, and yet another rate for any additional miles. This can
be represented using a piecewise function with different linear
expressions for different mileage intervals.

Teacher: For your final activity, please answer these worksheets.

(The teacher distributes the worksheets.)

Assuming we follow tip number two “Take time to heal” in the article
The Betrayal of Cheating, let the piecewise function below represent
the emotional recovery E(t) over t days and h represents the positive
impact of taking time to heal
−2𝑡 + 10 + ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 0 ≤ 𝑡 < 5
𝐸(𝑡) = &−0.5𝑡 + 6 + ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 5 < 𝑡 ≤ 20
0.2𝑡 + 1 + ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡 > 20
1. What is the emotional recovery level when 𝑡 = 0?
2. Create tables to see how the function changes between days 5 and
20, give at least 3 values of h. What assumptions can you make?
3. What happens to the emotional recovery rate after 20 days? What
does it indicate?

Expected Answer:

1. 𝐸(𝑡) = −2𝑡 + 10 + ℎ
𝐸(0) = −2(0) + 10 + ℎ
𝐸(0) = 10 + ℎ

2. If h=5 the second part of the piecewise function becomes

Evaluating Learning 𝐸(𝑡) = −0.5𝑡 + 6 + 5 = −0.5𝑡 + 11

(7 minutes) t 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
E(t) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

If h= 6 the second part of the piecewise function becomes

𝐸(𝑡) = −0.5𝑡 + 6 + 6 = −0.5𝑡 + 12

t 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
E(t) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

If h=7 the second part of the piecewise function becomes

𝐸(𝑡) = −0.5𝑡 + 6 + 7 = −0.5𝑡 + 13

t 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
E(t) 10 9 8 7 6 5 5

This means that the rate at which emotional recovery slows down after
5 days and that the impact of taking time to heal is constant over time
and it does not interact with other factors.

3. After day 20, let t=21 the third part of the piecewise function becomes

𝐸(21) = 0.2(21) + 1 + ℎ = 5.2 + ℎ

h 2 3 4 5 6 7
E(21) 7.2 8.2 9.2 10.2 11.2 12.2

This indicates that the emotional recovery rate starts to increase again.

Select one of the tips in the article, “The Betrayal of Cheating” and
describe how you could model its impact on the emotional recovery
process using a function. What assumptions would you need to make?

Scoring Rubric:

Criteria Exemplary Proficient (3 Basic Below

(4 points) points) (2 points) Basic
(1 point)
Mathematic Function is Function is Function Function is
al correctly mostly has several significantl
Structure defined correct with errors in y flawed in
with clear few errors definitions definitions
segments in or or
and definitions continuity. continuity.
continuity or
where continuity.
Relevance Function Function Function Function
effectively models the somewhat does not
models a issue, but models the effectively
specific some issue but model the
aspect of aspects are lacks emotional
Additional Activities for the unclear or clarity or recovery
Application or emotional less specificity. process.
Remediation (if recovery specific.
applicable) process.
Presentatio Function is Function is Function is Function is
n and well- adequately presented poorly
Clarity presented presented with some presented
with clear with most labels, with
labels, labels, axes, and missing or
axes, and axes, and explanation unclear
explanation explanation s missing or labels,
s of s. unclear. axes, or
segments. explanation
Overall Demonstrat Demonstrat Demonstrat Demonstrat
Understand es a deep es a good es a basic es a limited
ing and understand understand understand understand
Application ing of both ing of the ing of the ing of the
the mathemati mathemati mathemati
mathemati cal concept cal concept cal concept
cal concept and its and its and its
and its application application application
application to the to the to the
to the emotional emotional emotional
emotional recovery recovery recovery
recovery process. process. process.

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