A Profile Dimen

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A Profile Dimension refers to the description or

measurement of the underlying behaviour for teaching,

learning and assessment. Profile refers to the description or

representation or outline of a piece of information. A

Dimension refers to a measurement or measurable extent.It is

important for pupils to be encouraged to

apply their knowledge, develop analytical thinking skills, develop plans,

generate new and creative ideas and solutions, and use their knowledge in a
variety of ways to solve mathematical problems while still in school. Each
action verb indicates the underlying profile dimension of each particular
specific objective.
Profile dimensions describe the underlying behaviours for teaching, learning
and assessment. In Social Studies, the three profile dimensions for teaching,
learning and testing are as follows:

Knowledge and Understanding 25%

Use of Knowledge 25%
Attitudes and Values 50%
Each of the dimensions has been given a percentage weight that should be
considered in teaching and testing. The weights indicated on the right of the
dimensions show the relative emphasis that the teacher should give in the
teaching, learning and testing processes in the subject. Combining the three
dimensions in the teaching and learning process will ensure that Social Studies
is taught and studied not only at the cognitive level, but will also lead to the
acquisition of positive attitudes and values on the part of pupils.

The explanation and key words involved in each of the profile dimensions are
as follows:

Knowledge and Understanding

It is important for learners and the teachers. It is the ability of the Lena to be able to
interpret,Identify,list,interpret,name, state principles, facts, and concepts. lalas is the ability of the
learner to be able to remember or recall whatever that is lens in the classroom or in a society.

Understanding:This is the ability of the learner to be able to explain,rewrite all predicts based on a

Use of Knowledge
this dimension enable the learner to be able to apply knowledge that is been leant The ability to apply
has a number of learning levels. And this includes analysis synthesis and evaluation.

Application:The ability to apply rules, methods principles, theories, etc., to

concrete situations that are new and unfamiliar. It also involves the ability to
produce solve, operate, plan, demonstrate, discover etc.
Analysis :The ability to break down a piece of material into its component
parts, to differentiate, compare distinguish, outline, separate, identify
significant points etc., recognize unstated assumptions and logical fallacies,
recognize inferences from facts etc .
Synthesis: The ability to put parts together to form a new whole; It involves
the ability to combine, compile, compose, device, plan, revise, design,
organize, create and generate new ideas and solutions.
Evaluation: The ability to appraise, compare feature’s of different things
and make comments or judgment, contrast, criticize, justify, support,
conclude, make recommendations etc. Evaluation refers to the ability to
judge the worth or value of some material based on specified criteria.

Attitudes Aand Values

These dimensions are known as the ABCs of

attitudes: affect (feelings), behaviour (tendency to act),
and cognition (thoughts)
Attitudes and values belong to the affective domain of knowledge and
behaviour. The dimension consists of a number of learning and behavioural
levels such as receiving, responding, valuing and organizing. The specific
behaviours in each of the four levels are as follows:
Receiving:The ability to follow directions, listen, show awareness and
sensitivity, accept, ask questions, and reply to questions etc.
Responding:The ability to greet, participate, conform, enjoy, present, show
interest, volunteer for duties, respect the rights of others. valuing The ability to
demonstrate attitudes, demonstrate beliefs, initiate, invite, propose, report,
share work, read.
Organising: The ability to assimilate new and different values to form a new
and consistent value system. It refers to the ability to accept, defend, arrange,
formulate, generalize, modify, and defend a belief or good cause.

In summary, it is important for teachers to always identify the various profile dimensions in order to
facilitate effective teaching and learning this will help the learners to be able to participate
effectively during the classroom sessions and it will also help the learners to develop and
demonstrate a good thinking capabilities for excellence performance in examinations and in real

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