Dynamometer Type Wattmeter

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Dynamometer type wattmeter:

A dynamometer type wattmeter is most commonly employed for measurement of power in a.c
as well as d.c circuits.

3.1Principle of Dynamometer type wattmeter:

It is based on the principle that mechanical force exists between two current carrying

3.2Construction of Dynamometer type wattmeter:

It essentially consists of two coils, namely fixed coil and moving coil. The fixed coil is split
into two equal parts which are placed close together and parallel to each other. The moving
coil is pivoted between the two fixed coils and is placed on the spindle to which the pointer is
the fixed coils are connected in series with the load and carry the circuit current. It is,
therefore called current coil. The moving coil is connected across the load and carries
current proportional to the voltage. It is therefore called potential coil. Generally, a high
resistance is connected in series with potential coil to limit the current through it.
The controlling torque is provided by springs which also serve the additional purpose of
leading current into and out of the moving coil. Air friction damping is employed in such
Dynamometer type wattmeter

3.3Working of Dynamometer type wattmeter:

When power is to be measured in a circuit, the instrument is suitably connected in the circuit.
The current coil is connected in series with load so that it carries the circuit current. The
potential coil is connected across the load so that it carries current proportional to the
Due to the current in the coils, mechanical force exists between them. The result is that the
moving coil, moves the pointer over the scale. The pointer comes to rest at a position where
deflecting torque is equal to the controlling torque.
Reversing the current, reverses the field due to fixed coil as well as the current in the moving
coil so that the direction of the deflection torque remains unchanged. Therefore, such
instruments can be used for the measurement of a.c as well as d.c power.




The meter which is used for measuring the energy utilises by the electric load is known as
the energy meter. The energy is the total power consumed and utilised by the load at
a particular interval of time. It is used in domestic and industrial AC circuit for measuring
the power consumption. The meter is less expensive and accurate.


The principle of working and construction of induction type meter is very simple and easy
to understand that’s why these are widely used in measuring energy in domestic as well as
the industrial world. In all induction meters, we have two fluxes which are produced by two
different alternating currents on a metallic disc. Due to alternating fluxes, there is an induced
emf, the emf produced at one point (as shown in the figure given below) interacts with the
alternating current of the other side resulting in the production of torque.

Similarly, the emf produced at the point two interacts with the alternating current at point
one, resulting in the production of torque again but in opposite direction. Hence due to these
two torques which are in different directions, the metallic disc moves. This is the basic
principle of working of an induction type meters.


electricity meters operate by continuously measuring the instantaneous voltage (volts) and
current (amperes) and finding the product of these to give instantaneous electrical power
(watts) which is then integrated against time to give energy used (Joules, Kilowatt-hours
etc.). Meters for smaller services (such as small residential customers) can be connected
directly in-line between source and customer. For larger loads, more than about 200 amps of
load, current transformers are used, so that the meter can be located other than in line with
the service conductors . The meters fall into two basic categories, electromechanical and
electronic. This paper dwells on the electronic meter (i.e. the digital meter)



The Megger insulation tester is a small, portable instrument that gives you a direct
reading of insulation resistance in ohms or megohms. For good insulation, the resistance
usually reads in the megohm range.


A current transformer (CT) is a type of transformerthat is used to measure

alternating current (AC). It produces a current in its secondary which is proportional to
the current in its primary. Current transformers, along with voltage or
potentialtransformers, are instrument transformers.



The cathode ray oscilloscope is an electronic test instrument, it is used to obtain waveforms
when the different input signals are given. In the early days, it is called as an Oscillograph.
The oscilloscope observes the changes in the electrical signals over time, thus the voltage
and time describe a shape and it is continuously graphed beside a scale. By seeing the
waveform, we can analyze some properties like amplitude, frequency, rise time, distortion,
time interval and etc.




An LCR meter is a type of electronic test equipment used to measure

the inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of an electronic component[1]. In the
simpler versions of this instrument the impedance was measured internally and converted for
display to the corresponding capacitance or inductance value. Readings should be
reasonably accurate if the capacitor or inductor device under test does not have a significant
resistive component of impedance. More advanced designs measure true inductance or
capacitance, as well as the equivalent series resistance of capacitors and the Q factor of
inductive components.



A device that converts variations in a physical quantity, such as pressure or brightness, into
an electrical signal, or vice versa.



A thermometer is a device that measures temperature or a temperature gradient. A

thermometer has two important elements: (1) a temperature sensor (e.g. the bulb of
a mercury-in-glass thermometer or the digital sensor in an infrared thermometer) in which
some change occurs with a change in temperature; and (2) some means of converting this
change into a numerical value (e.g. the visible scale that is marked on a mercury-in-glass
thermometer or the digital readout on an infrared model). Thermometers are widely used in
technology and industry to monitor processes, in meteorology, in medicine, and in scientific

Q.1 Dynamometer wattmeter can measure power in a

a-single phase a.c circuit b-a.c or d.c circuit c- d.c circuit

Q.2 Speed of disc of an energy meter is kept low at full loadto reduce

a-eddy current b- friction error c-self braking torque d-all of these

Q-3 Where terminal of a meggar are open it will read

a-Zero b-infinity c-100 ohms d-1kohm


Q.1 Generated test voltage in a meggar is 500/100v , why?

Q.2 For a unity power factor prove that w1=w2

Q-3 Define and classify transducer.


Q.1 What a strain gauge? Describe its working.

Q.2 Explain working of LVDT.

Q.3 What is a thermocouple?

Q.4 Describe construction and working of a meggar.

Q.5 Describe construction and working of an earth tester.

Q.6 Describe construction and working of a synchroscpe.

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