Delhi Public School Agra: Computer Weekly Test - 2 Grade VI
Delhi Public School Agra: Computer Weekly Test - 2 Grade VI
Delhi Public School Agra: Computer Weekly Test - 2 Grade VI
2. Identify the name of the function for which this symbol is used?
a. Connector
b. Terminal Box
c. Input/ Output
d. Process
a. 5 b. 2+3
14 10 +4
10 20/2
c. (“2+3”) d. 2+3
(10+4) 14
(20/2) 10.0
7. Statement A: Python has syntax that allows developers to write programs with fewer lines
than some other programming languages.
a. True b. False
8. Complete the blank in the following flowchart, to find the subtract of two numbers.
a. Number1, Number2 b. Answer= Number1, Number2
c. Answer = Number1- Number2 d. Number1, Number2
10. _________ applications such as TimPlayer, Cplay have been developed using Python
a. Game Development b. Web scripting
c. Audio and Video c. CAD