3rd November 2023 Circular Regarding Implementation of Guidelines Issued by DPE - Compressed
3rd November 2023 Circular Regarding Implementation of Guidelines Issued by DPE - Compressed
3rd November 2023 Circular Regarding Implementation of Guidelines Issued by DPE - Compressed
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pqio: 03.11 .2023
fr[I-q: Guidclincs issucd by l)l,li- Implcmcntation thcrcol- rcg.
It has comc to thc noticc of this dcpartrncnt that its guidclincs on lcasing ol'llouscs ftrr
officcrs in thc Contral Public Scctor Irntcrprises (CPSL) arc not bccn strictly lollowcd by
CPSIls. I lon'blc Division llcnch of Lokpal of India has obscrvcd that dcspitc thcrc bcing clcar
guidclincs of l)l'}ll datcd 05.6.2003,04.[i.2017 an<123.7.2018 on lcasing of houscs, thc samc
arc not bcing adhcrcd by Cl'}Slis. lt is thc rcsponsibility of thc CI'}SI]s and thcir administrativc
Ministrics to cnsurc that such lapscs do not occur.
l)t'li OMs dalcd 05.6.2003.04.8.2017 and 23.7.2018 aro cncloscd hcrcwith for slrict
'l'his issucs with thc approval ol'compctcnl authority.
/ 14q1SqR)
Sccrctary ol'all Adrninistralivc Ministrics/l)cpartmcnl
2. CMD of allCPSIis
Copy to:
NIC DPL with thc rcqucst to upload this circular on [)PI: wcbsitc.
No.2(16)/03-DPE(WC) - (r t.3k a
Ministry of Heavy lndustries and Public Enterprises
Department of Publrc Enterprises
Block No.14, CGO Comptex,
Lodi Road, New Delhi.110003
Sublecl - Leasing of llouses for oflicers in the Central Pubtic [lnterprises.
Reference is invited to DPE O.M No.2(49y98-DPE(WC)'dated 25,6.99 in regard to piay revision for the
boardlevelandbelowboardlevelexecutivesof theCentral Publicflnterprisesw.ef. 11.97. paial0of theOM
reads as under:-
"ln respecl of leased accommorlation, the boards ol public enterprises will have the flexibility to revrew
and provide for an adequate level of leased accommodation for the executives who are entitled to this facilig "
2. ll has come to the notice of the Government that there have been certain irregularilies in the rnatter of
allowlng leased accommodation, payment of higher rental value of the leased accdmmodation, aflowing leasecl
accommodation to non-entitted officers, allowing bigger accommodation to retatively junior offtcers etc. Such
practices have been seriously viewed by the Central Vigilance Commission.
3 Although the Boards of public enterprises have the flexibility to review and provrde for an adequate levet
of leased accommodation to their executives, the Boards should exercise control metrculously in order io see that
no ttndue advantage accrues to the concerned offrcers who rnay be getting their own houses/flats self. leased or
even getling comfrany houses/flats on lease basis ln this regard appropriate action on the following lines needs
to be takcn by tht: Boards of PSLIs while allowing leasad accornrnodatron to their executives:-
(a) The Boards of PSUs may rdontify tlte executives who are entitled to leased accommodation and
notify the same;
(b) ln case the company's own quarters/flats are given to the executives, these should be of the
entitled plinth area. Such entitlement would also need to be specrfred by the Board crf Directors,
(c) ll any offrcer is allowed to get his own flaUhouse on self-lease basis, the payment of lease money
should in no case be trigher than the market rate keeping in view the area/location of the
flaUhouse. The basic point to be seen is that self-leased accommodation should not become a
'source of additional income by the officer concerned.
(d) lf the cornpany provides leased accommodation after obtaining it from any private owner on
lease basis, such decision of taking the flats on lease basis may be taken after following the set
procedures such.as inviting quotations/openino quotations in the presence of others etc.
(e) ln all case'.swhere the company provides leased accommodation to its executives or even allows
self-leased accornmodation to its executives, the Board of Directors must fix the plinth area and
the ceilings in terms of value whrch such area might attract keeping in vrew the categories of the
crties the executrves%re posted r.e. A, tl, C & unclassified ctties.
4. l he administrative Minislries are requested to bring the above to the notice of the Central PSUs under
their charge and the PSUs may be advised 1o follow the alrove scrupulously. The adminrstrative Ministries may
{ike to monitor the implementation of the above conditions in their periodrc review
(Dr. S. Banerjee)
Joint Adviser
(2) Leasedaccommodation:
(i) The Board of Directors may decide on the grade-wise lease rental
ceilings in a standarclized manner fbr the diflbrent level ofexecutives. The
amount of lease rental ceilings should be decided on its merit keeping in
view / linkage to the HRA amouRt, classification of cities for l{RA
purposc, pay-scales of thc executives, House Rent Recovery (HRR) rate,
(ii) If an executive is staying in his/her ow'n house then normally he
or she should be entitled to the HRA amount but if the said house is taken
as lease accommodation for self*occupation pury)ose, the lease rental
ceilings (after adjusting the HRR amount) should not exceed the net
applicable I{RA amount.
(iii) The HRR in respect of leased accommodation should be at the
filllowing rate, or the actual rent, rvhichever is lower:-
Classifi cation of cities Rates of HRR
K-class 7.5o/o of BP
(ir) For accommodation arranged by CPSE in its own township, the
ifnn shall be of BP (for X-class cities) / 5o/o of BP (for Y-class cities)
/ q,.1o/o of BP (for Z-class cities), or standard rent fixed by CPSE,
whichever is lower.
(S) Other Allowances/Perks: The following allowances will be outside the
purvrew of Ceiling of g5o/o of Basic Pay under 'Cafeteria Approach':
(Rajesh Xfumar ChaudhrY)
Joint Secretary to the Govdrnment of India
Copy also to
i) Prime Minister's Oflice (Shri Tarun Bajaj, Addl. Secretary)
ii) Cabinet Secretariat (Shri S.A.M' Rizvi, Joint Secretary)
iii) PS to Secretary, PE
iv) AS & rA FE)
v) All Officers of DPE
vi) NIC Cell, DPE with the request to upload the OM on the DPE website.
(Samsul Haque) i
Subject:- Standard Terms and Conditions for 2O'1.7 IDA pay scales in respect of Board
. level executives of CPSEs-reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to DPE's OM dated t4.12.2012 and to state
that guidelines on revised pay scales etc. in.,respect of executives of CPSEs following
IDA pattern of pay scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 have been issued vide DPE OMs dated
03.08.2017, 04.08.2017 and 07.09.2017. Based on the Government policy declared in
these OMs, standard terms and conditions in respect, of Board level executives of the
CPSEs following IDA pay scales have been finahzed by DPB. A copy of the standard
terms and conditions is enclosed.
2. AII proposals for pay fixation and terms & conditions of Board level executives
in 2017 pay scales may be finalized in the model format enclosed, as per the procedure
prescribed in the aforesaid DPE OM dated 14.12.20L2.
3. All the cases where the pay fixation based on 2017 IDA pay scales in respect of
Board level executives of CPSEs have already been finalized, the terms and conditions
of such Board level executives may be reviewed in light of the enclosed standard terms
& conditions.
oM dated 03.0g.2017) from the date of assumption of office (w.e.f. date of pay revision
in case appointed earlier than that).
1.7 House Rent Allowance: He/She will be entitled to HRA as per the rates
indicated in OMs dated 03.08.2017 & 04.08.2017.
1.8.1 Company's own accommodation: Wherever the CPSE has built residential
flats in the industrial township or purchased residential flats in the cities, arrangements
would be made by the CPSE to provide a suitable residential accommodation to
1.8.3 Self-lease: If he/she owns a house at the place of his posting (Headquarters)
and is desirous of taking his/her own house on self-lease basis for his/her residential
purposes, the CPSE may permit him/her to do so provided he/she executes a lease-
deed in favour of the CPSE. The Board of Directors may decide the size, type and
locality of such accommodations as per DPE OMs dated 05.06.2003,03.08.2017 and
1.8.5 Existing lease deeds: The lease agreement signed by the CPSE in respect of
the accommodation taken on lease basis for him/her, if any, prior to 03.08.2017 would
not be re-opened during the pendency of the lease period. The lease money, in other
words, should not be hiked till the expiry of lease period. This proviso would be
applicable even if he/she had been permitted to take his/her own house on self-lease
1.8.6 Office accommodation: No office accommodation at the expense of the
CPSE would be provided or arranged by the CPSE at his/her residence.
1.10 Conveyance: He will be entitled to the facility of staff car'for private use as
indicated below, in terms of DPE OMs dated 21.01 .2013 & 04.11.2013:
Name of the City Ceiling on non-dutyiourneys
1.11 Leave: He/She will remain subject to the Leave Rules of the CPSE.
1.12 Club Membership: He/She will be allowed the Corporate Club Membership
(upto maximum of two clubs), co-terminus with his/her tenure.
1.16.L The Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rules framed by the CPSE in respect of
their below Board level Executives would also mutatis mutandis apply to him/her with
the modification that the Disciplinary Authority in his/her case would be the President
of India.
1.16.ZThe Government also reserves the right not to accept his/her resignation, if the
circumstances so warrant i.e. the disciplinary proceedings are pending or a decision
has been taken by the Competent Authority to issue a charge sheet to him/her.
Reti rement/Resi g nation
1.18 Lien: In case, he/she was holding a below board level post before his/her
appointment to the board level post in a CPSE, he/she will retain lien on their below
board level post, if applicable, as per the extant guidelines of DPE/CPSE concerned.
preceding paras, he/she will be governed by the relevant Rules/instructions of the CPSE
concerned/Govern ment.
Yours faithfully