Foundation Reviewer
Foundation Reviewer
Foundation Reviewer
EARLY 20th CENTURY Although this has advantages, it also has disadvantages
such as it reinforces their being “disabled;” less is
Maria Montessori developed techniques and materials expected of them; segregates them from community;
that can be used to teach learners with intellectual and provides them with less chance to interact with
disability; while Grace Fernald developed techniques for other children their age.
providing remedial education in reading. Despite the
advances in special education, in the United States, The definition of disability has also evolved. While the
negative attitudes toward individuals with handicapped medical condition focuses on pathology, the social
was still apparent. Institutions for special education definition considers the context and environment in the
became the dumping ground for unwanted individuals. manifestation of disability. Moreover, the World Health
Organization (WHO,1996) differentiated the term
1920s to 1940s impairment which refers to physical or mental defect at
Henry Goddard published a famous study on the the level of a body system or organ; disability, which
Kallikak family (Feeblemindedness: Its Causes and refers to person-level limitations in physical or psycho-
Consequences, (1914), about a man who fathered an cognitive activities; and handicap, which refers to social
illegitimate child, whose descendants were of average abilities or relation between the individual and society.
to above average intelligence. While this was highly
From a tradition of segregation, the education of LSENs 1996-Four Pillars of Learning (Learning the Treasure
has moved to inclusion. This was due to three kinds of Within-report to UNESCO of the International
pressures. First is the ethics and moral pressure, which Commission on Education for the 21st Century)
was reinforced by associations, laws, and increased
1997- RA 8371 The Indigenous People’s Act Right
2000- The Dakar Framework for Action – Education for
Second is the conceptual framework, which comes from
the need to treat individuals as normally as possible
(normalization); to educate children with disabilities 2001-RA 9155 Governance of Basic Education Act
alongside those who do not have (least restrictive
environment); to let them engage with others of the 2004-DepEd Order 51, series of 2004 Standard
same age and other social characteristics (social Curriculum for Elementary Public Schools and Private
validation); to allow them to adapt only when necessary Madaris
and to increase their participation and success 2004- EO 365 Renaming the Bureau of Non-Formal
(principles and adaptation); and to allow them to Education to Bureau of Alternative Learning System
integrate physically, socially, and pedagogically
(mainstreaming, inclusion, integration). 2006-UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Finally, economic pressure puts scrutiny on the
effectivity and cost special education entails. This led to 2006-The Philippine Education for All (EFA) 2015
the move toward inclusion, which brings support National Action Plan
services to the child, rather than the child to the 2006-RA 9344 The Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act
support services.
2007-UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People
Key Developments in the Practice of Inclusive
2007-RA 9442 An Act Amending RA 7277 Magna Carta
Education in the Philippines for Disabled Persons
1907- The Insular School for the deaf and Blind was 2008-Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program (4Ps)
2009-DepEd Order 72, s. 2009 Inclusive Education as a
1960-Programs for the Gifted were developed Strategy for Increasing Participation rate of Children
1977-The position for Undersecretary for Education ad 2009-DepEd Order 74, s. 2009 Institutionalizing Mother
culture for Non-Formal Education (PD 1139) was created Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MLE)
1983- BP 344 or The Law to Enhance Mobility of 2009-RA 9710 The Magna Carta of Women
Disabled Persons
2010-DepEd Order 22, s. 2010 Mainstreaming and
1987-The Philippine Constitution (Article XIV, Section 1 Institutionalization on Madrasah Education Program by
and 2) Transferring its Developed Components to the Bureau of
1989-Proclamation 480 declares the Period 1990-1999 Elementary Education and Regional and Division Offices
as the “Decade of Education for All” 2011-DepEd Order 62, s. 2011 Adopting the National
1990- World Declaration on Education For All Indigenous Peoples’ (IP) Education Policy Framework
1992- RA 7277 magna carta for the Disabled Persons 2011-DepEd Order 103, s. 2011 Creating of Indigenous
People’ Education Office
1992- RA 7610 Special Protection Against Abuse,
Exploitation and Discrimination Act 2012-RA 10157 Kindergarten Education Act
1994-Salamanca Statement on the Education of Children 2012-DepEd Order 83, s. 2012 Implementing Guidelines
with Disabilities on the Revised School-Based Management (SBM)
Framework, Assessment Process and Tool (APAT)
2013-RA 10533 Enhanced Basic Education Act