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ESSENTIAL Where every

customer is
INFOTECH important

We are a leading IT & outsourcing company from Bangladesh,
providing end-to-end solu�ons in web development and all kinds
of IT services globally. We are responsible for crea�ng a brand to
We create successful technology products for our customers. Our
goal is to provide not only a service but also long term win-win
partnership. We believe that building and developing something
of a great quality together over �me is the most sa�sfactory thing
you can do. We learn from our customers and each other to make
the rela�onships smooth and successful.
We have team of professionals working with customers in effec�ve

Essential Infotech’s mission is

• Provide high-quality, affordable IT
related solu�ons.
• Create and cul�vate long-term
rela�onships with clients.
• Respond immediately to the
changing needs of our clients.
• Achieve complete customer
• Improve our services con�nuously.
• Maintain professional rela�onships
with our dedicated employees by
encouraging ongoing communica�on
to achieve the highest standard of
Our Roadmap starts
with our mission, which
is enduring. It declares
our purpose as a
company and serves as
the standard against
which we weigh our
ac�ons and decisions.

Our goal is to provide
not only a service but
also long term
win-win partnership.
We believe that
building and
something of a great
quality together over
�me is the most
sa�sfactory thing you
can do. We learn
from our customers At Homestead Security,
and each other to there are several values
make the which we hold in high
rela�onships smooth regard, and we expect
and successful. these values in every
member of our team.
These values are
Philosophy charity, honesty,
for�tude, reliability,
At Essen�al Infotech we integrity, temperance,
take pride that our faith, and hope. We
company was formed believe that these
with one premise in values set us a step
mind and that is to above the rest and
bring a degree of allow our team
experience, dedica�on members to provide
and professionalism to high quality IT services
the IT industry that has in a very professional
long been missing. We and efficient manner.
aspire to be ahead of
the compe��on when
quality and
performance are
evaluated. Essen�al
Infotech will work
con�nuously to bring in
new ideas to give our Management
clients the latest in IT
services and in The general management
technological. responsibili�es for
essen�al Infotech rest
with the company’s Chief
Execu�ve officer, Mr.
Mustafiz Ahmed Khan.
Mr. Mustafiz Ahmed
Khan and Essen�al
Infotech’s corporate
management team have
plenty of experience in
management and in the
IT industry business.
Together, they bring
unique insight into the
administra�on and
opera�on of Essen�al
Infotech”s management.
Our Services

01 Essen�al Infotech ensures your vision for a perfect
business website with a user-friendly design and

Essen�al Infotech offers a state-of-the-art Call Center
facility with latest technology and competent

Increase revenue with Essen�al Infotech’s Digital
Media Marke�ng Services. More traffic, more leads,
more conversion, more sales, more revenue & more
Graphics Design
There's no limit to what you can get designed at
Essen�al Infotech. Essen�al Infotech is well known for
its high quality designers who deliver only the best
graphic design services.

05 We are here to turn your crea�ve ideas into so�ware
by bringing the best quality and cost-effec�ve
Our Services

Our virtual data entry services allow you to minimize
your opera�onal cost, reduce errors and improve
efficiency of your backend office process.


We offer cu�ng-edge research, HCD UI & UX design,
and development for the mobile applica�on to match
unique project requirements.

We help companies and enterprises digitally
transform their businesses by providing so�ware
quality engineering, quality assurance, and tes�ng.
ngiseD scihparG
Our R & D Center enables so�ware companies to
respond to IT trends and gain experience in high-tech
and cu�ng-edge technology.

The team at Essen�al Infotech consists of technically
proficient animators, who have a thorough knowledge
and understanding of the basic principles of
Targeted Relationships
We do not pretend to be “all things to all
people”, or the “best at everything”. Our
goal is to develop long term, mutually ben-
eficial partnerships with companies that
require our core product and service offer-

Research & Development

Our R&D team con�nuously sources the
latest technologies and team members to
bring you the highest quality innova�ve
products and services at compe��ve market

Understanding Of Your Business

We realize that every business is different and therefore
has unique needs when it comes to IT services. Our Busi-
ness Development Managers and Concept Consultants
work closely with our clients to understand the dynamics
of their business and develop the right print solu�on to
suit their needs.

International Associations
We are part of an elite membership of
non-compe��ve IT industry professionals
who openly share products knowledge,
tricks and traps and assist each other to
fulfill the produc�on needs of our clients,
simultaneously across U.S and worldwide.
Essen�al Infotech can offer our clients the
combined experience and purchasing
power of the best in the world.
What Makes Us Different?
Customer service and support are real problems for the
IT industry and our company aspires to raise these to new
heights. Our IT officers are willing to give support when
needed and suppor�ng members are available at all
�mes and the officers are trained well to solve your prob-
lem when necessary.
We are different because we offer excellent customer
service together with excellent support and services.
Essen�al Infotech difference is in the details. We take the
�me to understand the IT challenges that our clients are
facing and then we assist them in developing a strategy
program that works for their unique needs and fits in
with their unique budget.

Happy Clients

Association With
Our Roadmap starts with our mission,
which is enduring. It declares our purpose
as a company and serves as the standard
against which we weigh our actions and

Contact us

BD Address: Contacts:
House#12, Garib-e-Newaz (BD) +8801676053114
Avenue, Sector#13 U�ara, (US) +1(844) 644-1744
Dhaka 1230 Skype: mak10182
E-mail: admin@essen�al-
US Address: infotech.com
1567 Kimball Road, Arab, website: www.essen�al-in
AL 35016 fotech.com

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