Answer To The Reading Exercise
Answer To The Reading Exercise
Answer To The Reading Exercise
- The main objective of the Sustainable Development Goals is to eradicate poverty by 2030.
Also to help those less fortunate poor countries.
2. What is the standardized unit that measures resource use and waste?
- A standardized unit that measures resource use and waste is global hectares. Measurement
unit which makes data and results globally comparable
5. According to the majority of people in middle - and high - income countries, what puts the
planet and society at risk?
- the planet and society are being at risk because of overconsumption.
6. How many hectares should each of us consume annually based on the resources available in
the planet?
- according to the Jason Hickels article, only 1.8 “global hectares” our planet could consume
annually based on the resources availability.
7. What are two indicators of the quality of life given in the article?
- the indicators of the quality of life given in the article are overall happiness and
wellbeing in addition to life expectancy
8. What crisis on the planet would force us to slow down if we do not do so voluntarily?
- the crisis on the planet that would force us to slow down if we do not do so voluntarily is
climate change.
9. According to Hickel, what must be done instead of urging poor countries to "catch up" with
rich ones?
- the rich countries should reduce their consumption so that the poor countries will “catch up”.
10. How would the different areas of the world react to the idea of "de-development"?
- the idea of de-development to the rich countries would be strong rallying cry especially those
in global south.