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Upsc Mathematics Optional Question Paper 2 2024 1727682543719

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Palkot Ahuja

G2o34%) fora/ MATHEMATICS


AYA-47 II/Paper II
fysaH 36 :250
Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 250

Question Paper Specific Instructions

Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions :
There are EIGHT questions divided in TWO SECTIONS and printed both in HINDI and in
Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all.
Questions no. I and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, any THREE are to be attempted
choosing at least ONE question from each section.
Thenumber of marks carried by a question / part is indicated against it.
Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be
stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No
marks willbe given for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one.
Assume suitable data, if considered necessary, and indicate the same clearly.
Unless and otherwise indicated, symbols and notations carry their usual standard meanings.
Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off, attempt of a question
shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the
Question-cum-Answer (QCA)Booklet must be clearly struck off.


Q1. (a) HH fs alfe mn 1yÆ yff HHE G§, G·I m 3t n, (m> n) H

Let G be a finite group of order mn, where m and n are prime numbers
with m>n. Show that Ghas at most one subgroup of order m. 10

(b) ate w = fz), z 1L# farefgcs h14, dG GRÍSr f

log |f(z)| =0 |
Ôx,2 ôy
If w = flz) is an analytic function of z, then show that

2 2 log |f(z)| =0. 10


log x
log x dx.
Test the convergence of 10


qtss fa flz) =p +iq, i= i6 favetfys 5eTHÀ, 0 p=


If o and y are functions of x and y satisty1ng

Laplace equation, then
show that f(z) =p+ iq, i= -1 is an analytic function, where
p= and q = Ox 10
ôy ôy


X1- Xy 23
2x + X S 10
X1, Xy > 0
Use two phase method to solve the following linear programming
problem: 10
Maximize z=X + 2x9
subject to XË -X 23
Zx + X, S 10

1 1 1
+ +
1! 2! n!

Using Cauchy's general principle of convergence, examine the

1 1 1
convergence of the sequence < fh >, where f, =1+ + ... 15
1! 2! n!


Show that every homomorphic image of an abelian group is abelian, but

the converse is not necessarily true. 15

(a-1)cos 0 +i (a? +1) sin

a-2a cos 20 +1

Find the function which is analytic inside and on the circle

(a -1) cos + i(a +1) sin
C:z= e, 0 <0< 27 and has the value
at-2%2 cos 20 +1
on the circumference of C, where a > 1. 20

Q3. (a) b7H f(z) =
z(sin rz) Z+

Locate the poles and their order for the function f(z)=
z(sin nz) z+,2)
Also, find the residue of fz) at these poles.


S(x) =
log (1 + ntx), xe[0, 1] zR f aI |ÍSy f T ruf


Consider the series ) U,(x), 0 <x <1, the sum of whose first n terms
is given by S(x) = log (1 + nx), x e[0, 1]. Show that the given
series can be differentiated term-by-term, though U(x), does not

converge uniformly on [0, 1].

z= 4x1 + 3x + Xg
X1 + 2x + 4x, > 12
3x + 2xy t Xg >8
X1, Xg, Xg >0

Using duality principle, solve the following linear programming

Minimize z= 4x t 3xy + Xg
subject to XË + 2x + 4x, > 12
3x + 2x, + X3 28
X1, Xg, Xg 20

. (a)

Consider the polynomial ring Zx] over the ring Z of integers. Let S be an
ideal of Z[x] generated by x. Show that S is prime/but not a maximal
ideal of Z[x]. 15

((1-x)2, afa x qfis à
flx) =
|(1-x), f x ufuy

Find the upper and lower Riemann integrals for the function f defined
on [0, 1] as follows :
(1- x2)2, ifx is rational.
fx) =
(1- x), ifx is irrational.
Hence,show that f is not Riemann integrable on [0, 1]. 15


A 16 22 24 20
B 10 32 26 16
C 10 20 46 30

The personnel manager of a company wants to assign officers A, Band C
to the regional offices at Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai. The cost
of relocation (in thousand Rupees) of the three officers at the four
regional offices are given below :

Officer Delhi Mumbai Kolkata Chennai

A 16 22 24 20

B 10 32 26 16

10 20 46 30

Find the assignment which minimizes the total cost of relocation and
also determine the minimumn cost. 2


5. (a)
u = fx-kt + iay) + gx - kt - iay),
au au 1 au

Show that if f and g are arbitrary functions of their respective

arguments, then u=fx -kt +iay)+g(x - kt - iay), is a solution of
au u 1 au where g =1- k2 10

(b) 34-ÍS fafu zu fALfefga fg HtAU fAAT4 z fU:

2x + 3y -z =5
4x + 4y -3z = 3
2x -3y + 2z = 2
Solve the following system of linear equations by Gauss-Jordan method : 10
2x + 3y -z =5
declaat x+4y -3z =3
Biloele 2x -3y + 22 = 2
(ii) (9B2.1A),6 1 <914TG HHgeY IA Alls I
(i) Determine the decimal equivalent in sign magnitude form of
(8D),6 and (FF16:
(i) Determine the decimal equivalent of (9B2.1A)16: 10


A rough uniform board of mass m and length 2a rests on a smooth

horizontal plane and a man of mass M walks on it from one end to the
other.Find the distance covered by the board during this time. 10


+y²- 2z2)

The velocity potential oof a flow is given by

Lx2+ y2- 222).
Determine the streamlines. 10

Q6. (a)

aox, y), ox. y) 0, xe (-, o), y>0

o(x, 0) = fx), xe (-o, o) út4 41 ox, y) ’0

fE) d
ox, y)=

Show that the solution of the two-dimensional Laplace's equation

4 (s.y) = 0, xE (-o, oo), y20
subject to the boundary condition
Ox, 0) = flx), x¬ (- , o),
along with ox, y)’0for x ’ o and y’ can be written in the form
f(E) d 20
Ox, y)=
(b) qctu jE Y = ABC + BC + AB # fes esTa yqg (a sfá)

A = 10001111, B= 00111100, C=11000100

Draw the logical circuit for the Boolean expression

Y= ABC + BC + AB. Also, obtain the output Y(truth table) for the
three input bit sequences :
A= 10001111, B=00111l00, C=11000100 15

Find the moment of inertia of a quadrant of an elliptic disk

y? = 1, of mass M about the line passing through its centre and
perpendicular to its plane. Given that the density at any point is
proportional to xy. 15

7. (a)

(y- ) + (0 - x) = X-y,
hl R H4Thed y3 IA 1u, t f dh = 0, xy = 1 3it7 gi x+y+ )= 0,

Find the integral surface of the following quasi-linear equation

(y-0) + (0- x) =X - y,
which passes through the curve o = 0, xy = 1 and through the circle
x+y +0= 0, x² +y² +² =a' 15

(b) ()

(iü) gs h= 1 IA HHAÁ (zfyggsa) frZ4

1 34m 35 fx) = 5x3 - 3x² + 2x + 1 61 x=- 2 x = 4% HHIhCTA

Integrate flx) = 5x 3* +2x +1 from x=-2 to x=4 using

(i) Simpson's rule with width h =1, and

(ii) Trapezoidal rule with width h = 1. 15


u(x, y) B(x? -y') 2Bxy

v(x, y)= (x +y2)2 w(x,y) = 0,
(x²+ y22

Let the velocity field

u(x, y) = B(?-y) v(x, y) =

2Bxy w(x, y) 0
(x² +y2j2 (x²+y?2
satisfy the equations of motion for inviscid incompressible flow, where B
1S a constant. Determine the pressure associated with this velocity field.

Q8. (a)

Oy ôx +¢ +2x²y+ =0

Solve the partial differential equation

+ + 2xy + =0
ôy ôx Ôx

by transforming it to the canonical form. 15


X 2 3 4 5 6

f(x): 27 64 125

Using Newton's forward difference formula for interpolation, estimate

the value of f(2-5) from the following data : 15

X: 1 2 4 5 6

f(x): 0 1 8 27 64 125


x + (y - a)
log a,-c
x+(y +a)'

Suppose an infinite liquid contains two parallel equal and opposite

rectilinear vortices at a tistance 2a. Show that the streamlines relative
to the yortex are given by the equation

log x+(y -a)'

+(y +a)²

where C is a constant, the origin is the middle point of,the join, and the
line joining the vortices is the axisof y. 20


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