Flecha y Puigvert - 2013 - Las NAM y La Superación de La VDG
Flecha y Puigvert - 2013 - Las NAM y La Superación de La VDG
Flecha y Puigvert - 2013 - Las NAM y La Superación de La VDG
To cite this article: Flecha, R., Puigvert, L., & Ríos, O. (2013). The New
Masculinities and the Overcoming of Gender Violence. International and
Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 2(1), 88113 doi:
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RIMCIS – International and Multidisciplinary Journal ofSocial Sciences
Vol. 2 No. 1 March 2013 pp. 88-113
This article is a metaresearch based on qualitative data that has been
collected through eleven scientific research studies conducted from
2001 to the present1. These investigations have been developed using
the Communicative Research Methodology (Gómez, Puigvert, &
Flecha, 2011), and are focused on gender issues from different
perspectives, including masculinities, violence against women,
employment, education and language. Reflections are also based on
other two researches belonging to the 5th and 6th EU Framework
Programme for Research and Innovation which had gender as one of
their prominent analytical dimensions2. Additionally, three interviews
were conducted, to add to the hundreds of interviews and discussion
groups carried out in the aforementioned research studies.
92 Flecha, Puigvert & Ríos - The New Alternative Masculinities
she married him. Her replies to the critiques against her were: “I don’t
marry the murderer of my sister, I marry the man I love; with him I will
make a family and I will live the rest of my life” (Guajardo, 2012, para.
Socialization on desire toward men who are aggressors and who
explicitly show a defiant attitude comes up in all empirical research that
we have conducted about attraction among adolescents (Gómez, 2004;
Valls, 20042005; Padrós, 2007; Duque, 2006, 20102011; Oliver, 2010
2012; Soler, 20062008). Thus, among the common narratives that we
found in the fieldwork conducted with teenagers are the following:
Alba: I really like one! Actually, (…). He is not well built, but he is a
real bastard and has the gift of the gab. I: So what do you like about
this guy? A: Well, (…)? His personality…(Valls, 20042005)
Sonia: But later I saw Fernando who was so hot and I went crazy.
And it was not because he was tall, it was because of his cocky
attitude I liked, he knew that he was “the king of party” (Duque,
2004, p. 293)
But even without evidence from research studies, these attitudes are
easy to observe in daily life as well as in the media. Thus, in the most
prominent youth magazine read by middle and high social classes in
Spain, a 15yearold girl made it very clear: “My parents tell me to
marry a good boy, and I really listen to them. Until I have to get
married, I’m having fun with bad boys” (Flecha & Puigvert, 2010, p.
170). Consequently, evidence resulting from all our metaresearch on
this issue shows that this link between desire and violence leads to
gender violence to a great extent. The interviews provided evidence like
Vicky's words, an uppermiddleclass girl told us:
When I was 15 years old, the first relationship I had he forced me.
(…), I wanted to be liked by him. (…) I made it very easy for him.
So he decided that he would do me on a beach, I remember that I
had never done it and I was very nervous, it was really painful. After
that I cried a lot because it was really painful… And I remember he
never talked to me again (…) So yes, there was no sexual pleasure, it
was a lot of pain... And after that I was so in love with this guy, but
he didn’t want to be with me never again.
International and Multidisciplinary Journal ofSocial Sciences 2(1) 97
As Connell argues (2012), not all DTM men are violent, but all men
that are violent against women are DTM men. However, regarding the
issue dealt with in this paper, some women that suffer gender violence
are among the ones that have sporadic or permanent relationships with
DTM men. Women having relationships with OTM men or NAM men
do not suffer violence. Transforming desire towards men considered
DTM, a desire in which they have been socialized by mainstream
society, is not only relevant to overcome other sorts of domination and
inequalities but also to overcome violence itself.
98 Flecha, Puigvert & Ríos - The New Alternative Masculinities
some other guy, in most cases, this other guy falls into the DTM model
but not her permanent partner. This was well evidenced in all the data
we collected, among which are the reflections of a workingclass girl
who talked about a conversation with a friend of hers who told her: “the
good guys are those who are satisfied with their girlfriends, the bad guys
are those who satisfy their girlfriends”.
In front of this, the “good” boys usually have two very different kind
of reactions. One implies developing complex about their own sexual
performance. They understand the lack of desire for them in their
girlfriend or wife as a result of them not being good at bed. Another
complex they develop is not being egalitarian enough. This all is
manifested in the following quotation, where a “good” man blames
himself in dialogue with one of his friends:
connected with egalitarian values. The next quote, which comes from a
young man belonging to the NAM and involved in a men’s association
exemplifies this aspect:
Yes, they are egalitarian, but they are also conscious of their worth.
They gain a lot of respect, because they are very conscious that they
have a lot of security. So, these people that transmit these things,
after the comments that I listened, yes many women consider them
attractive (Soler, 20102012).
When new alternative masculinities help and support each other, this
dynamic also creates an environment based on the link between
attractiveness and equality. Additionally, when men start to feel more
selfconfident, they perceive themselves more attractive, as this young
man explained:
Second, NAM men use their strength and courage as a key strategy
to combat and even ridicule the negative attitudes coming from DTM
men, like sexism and racism. In fact, NAM men express publicly their
rejection of these nonegalitarian practices. Moreover, the effects of
combining this strength with selfconfidence evidence that desire and
attraction have emerged. NAM men are conscious of these:
A: Well, that, the language used, the way ... the respect he has
towards women. And to everything, right? This is a guy who is not
E: And his attitude? What is his attitude towards things? How does
he face daily things? I do not know (...) I mean does he has a secure
A: No, it's a very secure guy. Yes, he is a secure kid and looks
E: And do you think that the others like this attitude?
104 Flecha, Puigvert & Ríos - The New Alternative Masculinities
A: Man, I think so. A person that looks secure, strong with his stuff,
right? He may not be too indecisive and not always collapsed (Soler,
I think one way is to speak of desire as it really is. So, to talk about
what moves the world is this, love, desire and talk about how good
sex is with these guys that want you and not with the ones that
ignore you. That the ones that make you freak out are these, not
those who ignore you, right? (Soler, 20102012)
by the social sciences and included also in the literary narratives like the
following example: The theatre play Fuenteovejuna , by Lope de Vega
(1618), is based on a historical fact that constitutes an excellent
illustration of this process. In many places were rebellions against the
“right of the lord”; for instance, this was mentioned as one of the
offences in the rebellions of the Catalan remences more than five
centuries ago.
Scientific literature on masculinities has explored in detail the
reproduction of traditional dominant masculinity and its impact on
gender inequality and violence against women. Scientific studies on
traditional dominant masculinity have both denied biological
determinism associated to that model and have shown the existence of
diverse types of masculinities based on cultural explanations.
Simultaneously, there is another line of research which has deepened
into the transformations achieved by new masculinities movements, like
profeminist and egalitarian men, in their fight against the
aforementioned social problems. All these steps are central for a whole
comprehension of the construction of masculinities as well as for their
effects on both the perpetuation and the eradication of violence against
This article illustrates a gap in research in this field which is directly
connected to the attraction for new masculinities. In this regard, we
provide new knowledge on this line giving a definition of three different
types of masculinity: traditional dominant masculinities (TDM),
oppressed traditional masculinities (OTM) and new alternatives
masculinities (NAM). We conclude that this last type is the most
successful in the struggle to end violence against women because it
combines desire, attractiveness and equality.
The analysis that we provide at the beginning of the article shows the
persistence of linking the dominant traditional masculinities, which
perpetrate violence against women, with attraction. Ultimately, we also
corroborate the incapacity of the oppressed traditional masculinities to
end with this dynamic because they contribute to reproduce the double
International and Multidisciplinary Journal ofSocial Sciences 2(1) 107
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