LCMS An Essential Tool in Drug Development
LCMS An Essential Tool in Drug Development
LCMS An Essential Tool in Drug Development
2 566
4 authors, including:
Sakala Bhargavi
Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam
All content following this page was uploaded by CH BABU RAO on 07 January 2016.
The combination of high-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (LC/MS) has
had a sign cant impact on drug development over the past decade. Continual improvements in LC/MS
interface technologies combined with powerful features for structure analysis, qualitative and
quantitative, have resulted in a widened scope of application. These improvements coincided with
breakthroughs in combinatorial chemistry, molecular biology, and an overall industry trend of
accelerated development. The use of high-performance liquid chromatography combined with mass
spectrometry (HPLC–MS) or tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC–MS–MS) has proven to be the
analytical technique of choice for most assays used in various stages of new drug discovery. A
summary of the key components of HPLC–MS systems, as well as an overview of major application
areas that use this technique as part of the drug discovery process, will be described here. This review
will also provide an introduction into the various types of mass spectrometers that can be selected for
the multiple tasks that can be performed using LC–MS as the analytical tool. The strategies for
optimizing the use of this technique and also the potential problems and how to avoid them will be
There are many types of mass spectrometers capable of generating well over 2,000
available for interfacing with HPLC2 , one of the compounds per year, using a variety of
more common systems used for HPLC–MS is automated synthesis technologies. If traditional
the single quadruple mass spectrometer; this approaches to analytical support were
system will provide a mass spectrum for each maintained, then analysts would outnumber
chromatographic peak that elutes from the LC chemists by nearly 40 to 1!
column and is analysed by the MS system. The * An earlier availability of information leads to
second type of system shown is the time-off faster decision making.
light (TOF) mass spectrometer, which has the * Integration of instrumentation with
added capability of providing a higher mass information network is a popular approach for
resolution spectrum from each component that is combining high throughput analytical
assayed. The third system shown is the triple information generation with Drug-candidate
quadruple MS–MS system, which is most often screening.
used for bio analytical assays but can also be * Software is a powerful resource for the
used for metabolite identification assays 3. The coordination of analysis events and the
fourth MS system is called an ion-trap mass management and visualization of data.
spectrometer and has the unique capability of 4.2. Partnerships and Acceptance: What has
producing MS data that are important when happened in the pharmaceutical industry during
performing structural elucidation assays. In this relatively short time span is truly
addition to these four types of mass remarkable. With the advent of advanced
spectrometers, there are a growing number of technologies responsible for increasing the rate
additional types, including hybrid systems that of sample generation, there is strong motivation
have unique capabilities. Hybrid mass to respond with LC/MS-based analysis
spectrometers combine two of the basic types of Techniques. The understanding of principles,
mass spectrometer to make a specialty system; fundamentals, operation, and maintenance
an example of a hybrid mass spectrometer is the enabled researchers to improve analytical
‘Q-TOF’ MS–MS system, which combines a performance. Here, the power of `seeing is
quadruple mass spectrometer with a TOF mass believing'' led to lower barriers of acceptance as
spectrometer. well as to a new breed of practitioners
Review Article Baluguri et al/2011
produce at least one metabolite. We have seen metabolites form from a single compound.
>30 detectable, and theoretically identifiable,
Figure1: Diagram showing how the Automated Legend Identification System (ALIS) system
uses MS for high throughput activity screening.
5.1. Chemistry-library synthesis: In a typical the analysis of Caco-2samples 34. In one
arrangement, an HPLC–MS system will be used example, Fung et al.35 described a higher
to provide information on compound identity throughput assay for Caco-2 samples that was
and purity as a first step in building a discrete capable of handling 100 compounds per week,
compound library. A common system would based on HPLC–MS–MS using a triple
have an in-line UV detector for the purity quadruple MS system. One of the tools required
assessment, as well as the MS system for the to assay this many compounds was an MS
compound identity confirmation. The mass method development tool, provided as part of
spectrometer is often either a single quadruple or the software package by the instrument vendor;
a TOF system. These systems are often highly this tool is important for applications that require
automated; for example, Isbell et al. 24 describe a the system operator to develop discrete MS–MS
high throughput procedure that combines an transitions for each compound that is assayed.
automated compound purification procedure Another way in which Fanged al. 32 improved
with the compound analysis step. This process is the assay efficiency was by reducing the number
based on a combination of HPLC–MS with of samples that had to be injected through the
software-controlled fraction collectors that are elimination of a calibration curve. The Caco-2
triggered on the basis of the observed or results for a given compound (permeability
expected m/z response of the compound of calculation) are based on the ratio of two
interest to make the whole process highly samples; therefore, they demonstrated that the
automated. ratio of the MS responses of the two samples
5.2. In vitro screening: One of the more could be used instead of the ratio of the
commonly used in vitro screens is the human concentrations of the two samples, thereby
colon adrenal carcinoma cell line (Caco-2), eliminating the need for a calibration curve for
which is used for the measurement of the each compound. Another higher throughput in
permeability potential of a compound – one of vitro assay is the one used to assess a potential
the aspects of the absorption process 31.There are of a compound to inhibit of one or more of the
several reports on how LC–MScan be used for human cytochrome P450 isoforms (CYPs); this
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mass spectrometers, and innovative software 9.1. Tandem MS: Tandem MS is the
that reduces the size of data sets. This new cornerstone of metabolite identification
approach greatly increases sample throughput .Tandem MS actually covers a variety of
and turnaround time for useful information. A scanning techniques including product ion,
complete metabolite identification study is also precursor ion, and neutral-loss scanning.
described, which uses all of the techniques and Tandem mass spectrometers usually contain an
instrumentation discussed. isolation stage and a fragmentation stage within
the same device. Although many different ways
The flow chart in the basic approach to exist to complete a tandem MS experiment, all
metabolite identification: of them follow the same basic series of events.
First, the ion of interest is isolated on the basis
of its m/z ratio and then passed into the collision
cell, a region of local high pressure. (In trapping
instruments, the isolation and fragmentation
normally take place within the same space
between electrodes, and the stages are separated
by time rather than space.) The collision cell is
filled with an inert gas such as argon or helium,
and a voltage is applied. Energized ions collide
with the target gas, and each collision imparts a
small amount of energy to the ion until sufficient
energy is deposited to cleave an internal bond or
bonds. The resulting ion fragments pass out of
the cell and into the detector.
9.2. Targeted product ion analysis: In drug
discovery, each new compound normally arises
from a small alteration to an initial lead template
8. Systematic approach to metabolite that was discovered in a receptor-binding assay.
identification and characterization: The final compound may bear very little
The approach assumes that it is possible to similarity to that initial lead, but it has a lineage
predict numerous common alterations to the that stretches back to the initial compound.
drug such as oxidation and oxidative Consequently, after the first one or two
conjugation. Typically, the compounds under compounds have been fully assayed, any
investigation in a single drug discovery project structural regions or 'soft spots' within the
is structurally very similar because a prospective compounds in a drug series, which are highly
lead compound's structure is 'fine-tuned' for susceptible to metabolism, are determined.
better selectivity and potency toward the Common metabolic alterations can be predicted,
receptor of interest. Therefore, the mass and a list of expected metabolites can be
spectrometric that analyses compounds in an compiled, on the basis of a previously analysed
analogous series quickly learns the most series. By combining this list with a list of
common metabolic alterations to the parent suspected metabolites identified by precursor
structure and any novel modifications. This and neutral-loss scan data, a series of ions can be
experience and information allows for a guided targeted for production analysis.
analysis with targeted searches for expected Any type of mass spectrometer capable of
metabolites. (To ensure that novel metabolites product ion scanning can be used at this point,
caused by less-common metabolic pathways are including a triple quadruple. Thus, all of the
detected precursor ion scanning is available.) experiments discussed so far can be completed
using a single instrument. However, to localize
9. Techniques and instrumentation: alterations within a molecule to a specific site,
An exhaustive description of all available MS additional stages of tandem MS (MS) require a
instruments and their modes of operation is more specialized mass spectrometer.
beyond the scope of this article and not 9.3. Determining sites of modification:
necessary to appreciate the strategies being Multiple stages of MS can provide large
applied here. However, a basic knowledge of a amounts of structural information regarding each
few types of major systems and their important analyse, thereby allowing for a more detailed
modes of operation is required and included. characterization of the metabolites15,16.
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Figure.3. Product ion scan data used to identify several putative metabolites first detected in
Figure 2. (a) Mass chromatograms for each of the examined metabolites. The individual traces are labeled with
the potential identity of the metabolite on the basis of information from Figure 2 experiments. (b) Tandem MS
spectra from peaks Ian II.
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10.1. Accurate mass measurement: The power software to fewer structural possibilities.
of accurately determining the mass of a Furthermore, the operator normally has prior
metabolite lies in being able to determine a list knowledge of the parent compound's structure,
of possible empirical formulae. Obviously, the which limits the number and types of atoms the
more accurate the mass measurements, the fewer software should take into consideration. Until
degrees of freedom are available to the software recently, accurate mass measurement required
calculating a formula, and the shorter the list of double-sector instruments or Fourier transform
possibilities. Accurate mass product ion data ion cyclotron resonance instruments, which are
further limits the number of possible formulae very large, complex, and expensive. However,
by providing data that are even more specific to the advent of less complex and expensive bench
the empirical formulae calculator. Product ion top TOF instruments and hybrid instruments
experiments narrow the site of modification to such as Q-TOF has allowed the application of
small portion of the molecule and an accurate accurate mass measurement in the metabolite
mass determination of this fragment limits the identification laboratory.
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especially when coupled to LC, is recognized Research scientists especially set their focus on
by clinical laboratories worldwide and the various desorption techniques. The
growing versatility of these systems puts combination of LC with matrix-assisted laser
clinical laboratories in a position where they desorption ionization (MALDI) started to
can provide a rapid response to changing emerge in the mid-1990s 18,19 and continuous
clinical needs. Even though it requires some effort was undertaken to further improve the
effort much needed assays can be developed in technique 20–25. Very recently LC–MS methods
the laboratory instead of waiting for a were described using desorption electro spray
manufacturer to respond. Furthermore it is ionization (DESI) 26 and direct analysis in real
undoubted that these techniques pro-vide a time (DART) 27,28 interfaces.
higher level of sensitivity and specificity in 12.2. Improvements in tandem mass
many cases compared to other analytical spectrometry technology: Since LC–MS/MS
techniques and that pateend care has benefited technology is increasingly used for quantization
from their use. Besides specificity and in clinical science, as well as in other fields of
sensitivity the ability of these techniques to science, there is a need for on-going
measure multiple analyses simultaneously is a improvements of the technology. A triple
tremendous benefit of LC coupled to MS quadruple instrument in SRM mode is the
methods since many other techniques are instrument-of-choice in routine and high-
limited to determine one analyse at a time. throughput quantitative clinical analysis.
Especially these multi-component methods can Commercial triple quadruple MS with
make the purchase of a liquid chromatography atmospheric pressure ionization (API) sources
tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) are widely used nowadays. In the case of triple
instrument cost-effective. Improvements in quadruple instruments the most commonly
automation and software help clinical requested improvements were defined by
laboratories to deal with staffing and service Bennett to be: greater sensitivity, dynamic
issues. linear range, mass resolution, wider mass
12.1. Ion source developments: Coupling MS range, faster acquisition cycle time and reduced
to LC was a very important motivation in the cost of ownership. Advances in triple quadruple
development process of atmospheric pressure technology are challenging and focus remains
ion sources. Systems where the samples are in the source and interface regions to improve
introduced via a liquid stream achieved wide ruggedness and reduce matrix effects. Some
acceptance and commercial importance. Electro minor improvements in quadruple
spray ionization (ESI) and atmospheric manufacturing processes and RF power supply
pressure chemical ionization (APCI) are the stabilities enabled the production of a
liquid introduction ion sources which had the commercial system with enhanced mass
most commercial success and enormous resolution without significant losses in ion
improvements were made in the first 15 years transmission 51,52. On the other hand significant
after their invention during the mid-1980s. Two instrumental developments were achieved in
excellent reviews were published dealing with the last 10 years in the fields of other mass
the evolution of these ionization sources 16,17. analysers like linear ion traps and HRMS like
Based on these developments multimode ion quadruple QTOF and FT-MS based
sources were introduced on the market by instruments. Therefore the future of triple
various manufacturers. In addition the quadruples will be determined on the variable
atmospheric pressure photo ionization (APPI) how extensively the clinical field adopts to high
ion source was developed and improved within resolution, high mass accuracy instruments into
the last 10 years. Therefore more detailed their workflows and analytical requirements.
information about multimode and APPI ion Up to now, in case of triple quadruple
sources will be presented in the following instruments, mass resolution was typically
chapters and their suitability regarding their ignored in favour of the outstanding linearity
application to clinical chemistry will be and increased sensitivity due to the selectivity
discussed. Apart these commercially successful offered by tandem MS. Now new tasks are
LC–MS ion sources very creative approaches gaining more and more interest where
were investigated for the hyphenation of LC improved selectivity and full-scan data at low
with MS using other available ion sources. duty cycle times are crucial.
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