Chemical Defense in The Egg Masses of Benthic Invertebrates: An Assessment of Antibacterial Activity in 39 Mollusks and 4 Polychaetes
Chemical Defense in The Egg Masses of Benthic Invertebrates: An Assessment of Antibacterial Activity in 39 Mollusks and 4 Polychaetes
Chemical Defense in The Egg Masses of Benthic Invertebrates: An Assessment of Antibacterial Activity in 39 Mollusks and 4 Polychaetes
ture associated with encapsulation appears to be high, tested. A subset of marine mollusks was tested for
suggesting that encapsulation must have substantial antimicrobial activity at two stages of embryonic de-
survival value (Pechenik, 1979). Furthermore, the in- velopment to test the prediction that freshly laid eggs
stantaneous mortality rates of eggs retained in benthic have a greater requirement for chemical protection
egg capsules appear to be much lower than the esti- than well-developed embryos.
mated mortality rates for planktonic development
(Strathman, 1985). Thorson (1950) suggested that the
benthic egg masses of marine invertebrates could pro-
vide protection against infection, although his asser-
Collection of Egg Material
tion does not appear to have ever been tested. How-
ever, several compounds with antibacterial activity The egg material from a total of 39 mollusks (33
have been isolated from the egg masses of some marine marine, 3 estuarine, 2 freshwater, and 1 terrestrial)
mollusks (Kamiya et al., 1984, 1988; Matsunaga et al., and 4 polychaetes were collected for antimicrobial test-
1986; Yamazaki, 1993; Benkendorff et al., 2000a). ing (Table 1). Voucher specimens and/or photographs
It seems unlikely that newly fertilized eggs will des- are held in a reference collection at the University of
ignate some of their limited nutritive reserves to the Wollongong. Most of the specimens were collected from
production of defense compounds. It is more likely that intertidal reefs along the New South Wales coast, near
freshly deposited egg masses are enclosed with antimi- Wollongong (34°30⬘, 151°50⬘) Australia. However, the
crobial compounds derived from the adults. Conse- egg masses from 3 gastropod and 1 polychaete species
quently, we predict that antimicrobial metabolites are were collected from the Mediterranean coast, Spain
more likely to be found in the freshly laid egg masses (Table 1). These specimens were freeze-dried prior to
than in the well-developed or hatching egg masses. The being shipped to Australia. The egg masses were ex-
gelatinous egg masses of the sea hare Aplysia juliana amined and classified either as gelatinous when the
have been shown to lose antimicrobial activity during eggs were embedded in a jelly matrix or as tough
embryonic development (Kamiya et al., 1988). A form capsules when the eggs were enclosed in a tough leath-
of chemical ripening was observed in the egg masses of ery outer casing or embedded in a firm matrix. Several
Dicathais orbita, where the toxic compound, tyrindo- independent collections of the egg masses of some com-
leninone, is converted into tyriverdin, which is bacte- mon species were made to test for any variation in
riostatic but not cytolytic, and then, at the time of antimicrobial activity. A summary of all the species
hatching, tyriverdin is converted into Tyrian purple, tested, the type of egg mass, the number of collections,
which shows no antibiotic properties (Benkendorff et and the total amount collected is provided in Table 1.
al., 2000a). Furthermore, there is evidence that the In general, the egg masses were collected shortly
requirement for antimicrobial agents in some mollus- after they were laid and were used immediately or
kan egg masses diminishes as the embryos develop. placed in the freezer (⫺20°C) until used. Antimicrobial
The early stage, shell-less embryos of the muricids activity was also assessed at a later stage of develop-
Nucella emarginata and Nucella lapillus were both ment for the egg masses of seven species. The develop-
found to suffer high mortality outside their leathery mental stage was determined by changes in the colora-
egg capsules (Pechenik et al., 1984; Rawlings, 1995), tion or firmness of the egg masses and confirmed by
which was apparently due to bacterial infection (Lord, inspection of the embryos or veligers under a dissecting
1986). However, N. lapillus embryos can be reared microscope. An open aperture at the top of leathery egg
outside the capsule in nonsterile seawater after they capsules also indicated the commencement of hatch-
have developed shells (Pechenik et al., 1984), indicat- ing.
ing that they have acquired resistance to disease.
In this study, the benthic egg masses of 7 species of
Preparation of Egg Material
marine mollusks from a broad range of taxonomic
groups were screened for antimicrobial activity against The egg masses were prepared differently for two
a suite of marine pathogenic bacteria. To determine antimicrobial assays (see below). The assay used de-
whether antimicrobial activity is a general phenomena pended on the availability of egg material, and a sub-
in benthic invertebrate egg masses, a further 32 mol- sample of 15 mollusks and 2 polychaetes were tested in
lusks and 4 polychaetes were screened for activity both assays (Table 1). When there was sufficient ma-
against 3 human pathogenic bacteria (Escherichia coli, terial, organic solvent extracts were prepared and
Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa), tested for activity in the fluorescein diacetate (FD)
which are routinely used for the testing of disinfectants assay. Egg masses that were rare, difficult to find, or
(Olsen, 1979). These include the gelatinous egg masses difficult to collect were tested in the zone of inhibition
and leathery egg capsules from 23 families of mollusks. (ZI) assay.
The majority of species were marine, although 3 estu- For use in the ZI assay, gelatinous egg masses were
arine, 2 freshwater, and 1 terrestrial species were also cut into approximately 1-cm pieces and ground with a
Species of Invertebrates, Arranged Phylogenetically, That Were Screened for Antibacterial Activity in Their Egg Masses
Natural Concentration
Egg Amount
Family Species mass collected Assay CHCl 3 MeOH
Note. All species are from the intertidal area on the Wollongong Coast, N.S.W, Australia, except for those marked *, which were
obtained from the Mediterranean Sea, Spain. The egg masses were collected from the field except those marked **, which were collected
from aquaria. The types of egg mass are TC, tough capsules and G, gelatinous egg mass. The total amount of material collected for
antimicrobial testing is recorded per egg mass for species that were tested only in the zone of inhibition assay but is provided in grams
for material that was solvent-extracted (wet weight except for the Mediterranean specimens *, which were freeze-dried). The
antimicrobial assays used are the zone of inhibition (ZI) and fluorescein diacetate (FD) assays. In the ZI assay some of the egg masses
were contaminated by foreign microbial growth when placed on agar plates, which has been indicated by (c). The natural concentration
refer to the concentration of cholorform (CHCl 3 ) and methanol/water (MeOH) extracts obtained from the egg masses (in mg extract per
ml of egg mass). NA refers to not applicable for egg masses that were not extracted and tested in the FD assay. NC indicates that the
natural concentration was not calculated.
mortar and pestle. Leathery egg capsules were cut bacterial lawn was allowed to dry for approximately 5
open with a pair of sterile scissors to release the intra- min. Duplicate samples of the egg material were then
capsular fluid and then ground with a mortar and placed onto the microbial lawn with sterile forceps. The
pestle to homogenize the sample. Prior to use with each plates were incubated overnight at 37°C before being
new sample, the mortar and pestle were washed, checked for apparent zones of inhibition in the bacte-
rinsed in 100% ethanol, and completely dried under a rial lawn surrounding the egg material. Zones of inhi-
fume hood. bition were recorded only if there was a clear and
For the FD assay, the egg masses were blended in consistent ring that exceeded 2 mm in width surround-
solvent with a Waring blender or cut open with a pair ing the egg material.
of scissors. Organic extracts were prepared by the Chloroform and polar (methanol/water) extracts
soaking of macerated egg masses in chloroform/meth- from the molluskan egg masses were tested for anti-
anol (1:1, v:v). The solvent was decanted and replaced microbial activity in the FD assay. The crude extracts
after 3 h and after a further 6 h. The sample was then were tested for activity at 1 and 10 mg/ml in acetone,
left to soak overnight and the extracts were combined which were in the range of natural concentrations of
and filtered. A small volume of water was added to the extract found in the fresh egg masses (Table 1). It
extract when necessary to induce the formation of two should be noted, however, that the extracts did not
layers. The chloroform layers were separated from the completely dissolve at the notional 10 mg/ml, and the
water/methanol layers in a separating funnel. The sol- actual test concentration was found to be in the range
vent was then removed by rotary evaporation under of 3–7 mg/ml for a subsample of species. To calculate
vacuum. The dried extract was transferred to a small the actual test concentrations, the extracts remaining
weighed vial by sequential resuspension in small vol- after the FD assay were dried under a stream of nitro-
umes (⬃0.5 ml) of methanol (MeOH) and dichlorometh- gen gas, followed by 1 h in vacuo (see above). The
ane. The bulk of the remaining solvent was removed remaining dried extract was reweighed to calculate the
under a stream of nitrogen gas and the last traces were amount used, which was then divided by the number of
removed by evaporation in vacuo (0.1 mm Hg, 30 min, replicates for which the sample was used during the
room temperature). The natural concentration of the FD assay. The water/methanol extracts were also
extracts was recorded as milligrams of extract per mil- tested at higher concentrations, which were within the
liliter of fresh egg mass. The natural concentration of range of natural concentrations for these polar extracts
extract was not calculated for every species due to (20 –50 mg/ml), depending on the availability of sam-
incomplete extraction and/or the insolubility of the ple.
dried extract. Seawater was used as a control in both antimicrobial
assays. In the ZI assay, 100 l of seawater was pipetted
Antimicrobial Assays directly onto the microbial lawn. Organic extracts from
seawater and residues from large volumes (300 ml) of
Four marine pathogens, Enterococcus sericolicida, evaporated solvent were prepared in the same way as
Vibrio anguillarum, Vibrio alginolyticus, and Vibrio the egg extracts for the FD assay.
harveyi were provided by the Department of Primary
Industries and Fisheries, Launceston, Tasmania. Statistical Analysis
Stock cultures of E. coli ACM845, S. aureus ACM844,
and P. aeruginosa ACM846 were obtained from the The relative frequency of antimicrobial activity in
Culture Collection at the University of Queensland and tough egg capsules compared to gelatinous egg masses
maintained at ⫺78°C in 15% glycerol. The microbial was analyzed by the Fisher exact test (Zar, 1984) with
cultures were prepared according to Benkendorff et al. the JMP statistical package. Two-tailed tests were
(2000b). Activity against the marine pathogens was used, with ␣ set at 5%.
tested with the FD assay (Chand et al., 1994), accord-
ing to Benkendorff et al. (2000b). Activity against hu-
man pathogens was assessed with both the FD assay
and the ZI assay (Benkendorff et al., 2000b), which is a
Antimicrobial Activity against Marine Pathogens
modification of the traditional agar diffusion assay
(e.g., Spooner and Skyes, 1972). Organic extracts from the egg masses of seven ma-
Molluskan egg masses were tested directly for anti- rine mollusks from five orders were tested for bacteri-
microbial activity in the ZI assay by the placing of ostatic activity against four marine pathogenic bacte-
samples of the egg material onto a lawn of bacteria (see ria. The chloroform extracts from all of these species
Benkendorff et al., 2000b). Exponentially growing cul- were found to have some inhibitory activity toward all
tures (1 ml) of the bacteria were first pipetted onto the of the marine pathogens (Table 2). In general, activity
agar and evenly spread across the surface. The excess was observed at concentrations similar to the natural
culture liquid was removed with a pipette and the concentration of extract in the fresh egg mass (Table 2).
Bacteriostatic Activity in the Egg Masses of Seven Marine Mollusks against Four Marine Pathogenic Bacteria, Vibrio
anguillarum (V. ang.), Vibrio alginolyticus (V. alg.), Vibrio harveyi (V. har.), and Enterococcus sericolicida (E. ser.) Tested in
the Fluorescein Diacetate (FD) Hydrolysis Assay
Minimum inhibitory concentration
Natural Concn.
Species Extract (mg/ml) V. ang. V. alg. V. har. E. ser.
Note. The natural concentration of extract in the egg mass and the minimum inhibitory concentrations are recorded as mg/ml. The
minimum inhibitory concentration refers to the lowest concentration at which the hydrolysis of FD was completely suppressed and is
presented as falling within a range of test concentrations when partial inhibition was observed at the lower concentration and complete
inhibition was observed at the higher concentration, which was incompletely soluble in acetone; ⬎ indicates that the extracts partially
inhibited the hydrolysis of FD at the maximum test concentration; — indicates that there was no apparent inhibition of FD at the maximum
test concentration (10 mg/ml).
However, V. alginolyticus appears to be relatively re- around the egg masses. These have all been recorded
sistant to extracts from the gelatinous egg mass of as not active in Table 3 due to the ambiguity of the
Bembicium nanum and the tough egg capsules of Se- results. Foreign microbial growth was found to sur-
pioteuthis australis. E. sericolicida was also relatively round the egg masses of 1 polycheate and 7 mollusks
resistant to extracts from S. australis egg masses. The when these were placed on agar plates on the ZI assay
polar extracts from the egg masses of D. orbita and A. (Table 1).
juliana showed little activity against any of the marine In the FD assay, antimicrobial activity was detected
pathogens (Table 2). in the egg masses of 22 mollusks and 2 polychaetes.
The activity was apparent in all replicated collections
Antimicrobial Activity against Terrestrial Pathogens of the egg masses. However, there was some variation
The freshly laid egg masses from 39 molluscs and 4 in the minimum inhibitory concentration of samples
polychaetes were also tested for antimicrobial activity from some species that were collected from the same
against 3 human pathogenic bacteria, and 34 of these headland on different days and between samples from
species effectively inhibited the growth of at least 1 test different locations. Most extracts were active only at
microorganism in at least one assay (Table 3). Two their maximum solubility, although S. aureus and E.
polychaetes and species from 18 of the 23 families of coli were susceptible to some of the extracts at 1 mg/ml.
mollusk tested were found to have antimicrobial prop- The active concentrations were generally within the
erties in their egg masses. These included representa- range of natural concentrations. The main exception
tives of estuarine (Naticidae and Amphibolidae), fresh- was the egg mass of Conuber sordidus, which is com-
water (Planorbidae), and terrestrial families (Ca- posed primarily of water and produced a very small
maenidae), in addition to marine species from two amount of organic extract. The lipophilic (chloroform)
classes (Gastropoda and Cephalopoda). extracts from the molluskan egg masses showed more
The full details of the antimicrobial activity in the antimicrobial activity than the polar extracts, with
egg mass of each species in the two assays are available activity in 24 of 25 species. Strong antimicrobial activ-
in Benkendorff (1999). In the ZI assay, a total of 16 of ity was detected in the polar extracts from 3 species in
38 species were found to unambiguously inhibit bacte- the family Aplysiidae and 1 fresh water pulmonate,
rial growth (Table 3). Consistent results were observed Isidorella hainesi. No antimicrobial activity was ob-
with separate collections of egg masses from the same served with the seawater or solvent controls.
species. No zones of inhibition were produced by sea- Consistent results were found in the two assays for 8
water controls. The egg ribbons of the sea hares, Aply- of the 15 species that were tested in both (Table 3).
sia spp., consistently produced the largest zones of However, antimicrobial activity was detected in the
inhibition against all the test organisms. Two uniden- egg masses from 6 species in the FD assay but not with
tified polychaetes, 1 Dorid nudibranch, and Philine any certainty in the ZI assay. The egg masses from 5 of
angasi produced inconsistent zones of inhibition these species were contaminated by epibiotic microor-
Proportion of Invertebrate Egg Masses Found to Have Antimicrobial Activity against at Least One Microorganism
(E. coli, S. aureus, P. aeuriginosa) in the Zone of Inhibition (ZI) and Fluorescein Diacetate (FD) Assays
Proportion of species active
Phylum: Mollusca
Neritopsina Neritodea Neritidae 0/1 0/1
Caenogastropoda Littorinimorpha Littorinidae 0/1 1/1 1/1
Naticidae 0/1 1/1 1/1
Ranellidae 1/1 1/1
Neogastropoda Muricidae 3/4 7/7 7/7
Mitridae 1/1 0/1 1/1
Conidae 1/1 1/1 1/1
Heterobranchia Basommatophora Amphibolidae 0/2 2/2 2/2
Siphonariidae 1/1 2/2 2/2
Planorbidae 2/2 1/1 2/2
Eupulmonata Camaenidae 1/1 1/1
Anaspidea Aplysiidae 5/6 3/3 6/6
Cephalaspidea Bullinidae 0/1 0/1
Hydatinidae 0/1 0/1
Philinidae 0/1 1/1 1/1
Notaspidea Pleurobranchidae 1/2 1/2
Saccoglossa Oxynoidae 1/1 1/1
Nudibranchia Dendrodorididae 1/1 1/1
Dorididae 1/2 1/2
Gonidorididae 0/1 0/1
Polyceridae 0/1 0/1
Glaucidae 0/1 1/1 1/1
Debrachia Teuthoidea Loliginidae 0/1 1/1 1/1
Phylum: Annelidia—Polychaeta 1/4 2/2 2/4
Total egg masses 16/38 24/25 34/43
ganisms on the agar plates. The remaining species (Table 4). A Fisher exact test showed that there was no
produced inconsistent areas of inhibition around the significant difference in the overall frequency of anti-
tissue. The egg mass from 1 species of Mitridae clearly microbial activity for the two types of egg mass (P ⫽
inhibited microbial growth in the ZI assay but extracts
from this egg mass did not inhibit the hydrolysis of
fluorescein diacetate (Table 3). TABLE 4
Of the human pathogens, the Gram-positive bacte- Antibacterial Activity in Tough Egg Capsules Compared to
rium S. aureus was the most susceptible to components Gelatinous Egg Masses of Mollusks
of the molluskan egg masses. The growth of S. aureus
Origin of Tough Gelatinous All egg
was inhibited by 79% of the egg masses, whereas E. coli pathogen Species capsules masses masses
was inhibited by only 69% and P. aeruginosa was in-
hibited by 72% of species (Table 4). Furthermore, S. Marine V. anguillarum 3/3 4/4 7/7
aureus was inhibited at lower concentrations of extract V. alginolyticus 2/3 3/4 5/7
V. harveyi 3/3 4/4 7/7
for several species in the FD assay and the largest E. sericolicida 2/3 4/4 7/7
zones of inhibition were produced against this bacte- Combined 10/12 15/16 25/28
rium in the ZI assay. At least one 3/3 4/4 7/7
Terrestrial S. aureus 12/13 18/25 30/38
Gelatinous Egg Masses vs Tough Egg Capsules E. coli 10/13 17/26 27/39
P. aeuriginosa 6/9 15/20 21/29
Antimicrobial activity against at least one ecologi- Combined 28/35 50/71 75/103
cally relevant (marine) pathogen was observed in both At least one 12/13 20/26 32/39
gelatinous egg masses and tough capsules of mollusks Note. The frequency of antibacterial activity is recorded as the
(Table 4). A Fisher exact test found no significant dif- proportion of egg masses that effectively inhibited the marine and
ference in the overall frequency of antimicrobial activ- terrestrial pathogens in at least one antibacterial assay. The propor-
ity against the marine pathogens in these two types of tion of egg masses with activity has been combined for the marine
and terrestrial pathogens to give the overall incidence of antimicro-
egg mass (P ⫽ 0.5604 ; df ⫽ 27). Antimicrobial activ- bial activity against these two groups of pathogens. The proportion of
ity was also observed in both tough egg capsules and species showing activity against at least one pathogen has also been
gelatinous egg masses against the human pathogens recorded for the bacteria of marine and terrestrial origin.
Opisthobranchs in aquaria is thought to be a stress from the dog whelk N. lapillus. The loss of antimicro-
response (W. Rudman, pers. com.) and therefore these bial activity during larval development could also be an
species may not have accumulated the compounds that important component of the hatching process in gelat-
are normally produced to protect the egg mass. Signif- inous egg masses. Microbial degradation of the jelly
icantly, soft corals have been shown to accumulate the matrix around the time of hatching may facilitate the
defensive compounds found in the eggs only a few release of the larvae or juveniles into the water column
weeks prior to spawning (Coll et al., 1985). It is likely or onto the substratum (Harris, 1975; Eyster, 1986).
that antimicrobial compounds in some species are diet Antimicrobial activity in the egg masses of most
derived, as appears to be the case for the biologically marine mollusks tested in this study appears to be
active compounds that have been found in the egg attributable to components of low to moderate polarity.
masses of the Opisthobranchs Hexabranchus san- The activity in the egg masses of the mollusks was
guineus (Faulkner, 1992) and Elysia halimedae (Paul primarily restricted to the lipophilic extracts in the FD
and van Alstyne, 1988). Nevertheless, this is clearly assay. This would effectively reduce the loss of bioac-
not the case with the antibacterial components from D. tive components into the water column. However, the
orbita egg masses, which are derived from a precursor water/methanol-soluble components from extracts of
in the hypobranchial gland of the adults (Benkendorff four species showed clear antimicrobial activity (Table
et al., 2000a). 4). Three of these species are from the family Aplysi-
It appears that a physical barrier may not be suffi- idae and several cytolytic glycoproteins have been pre-
cient to protect reproductive material from microbial viously isolated from eggs and adult sea hares in saline
infection in the marine environment. Antimicrobial solutions (Yamazaki et al., 1984, 1985, 1990; Kisugi et
properties against both marine and terrestrial patho- al., 1987; Kamiya et al., 1984, 1988). Nevertheless, the
gens were found to occur at similar frequencies in both lipophilic extracts of Aplysia eggs were also found to
gelatinous egg masses and tough egg capsules of mol- have antimicrobial properties in this study and, signif-
lusks (Table 4). All of the egg masses showed some icantly, bioactive compounds have been isolated from
activity against at least one marine pathogen and the chloroform extracts of adult sea hares (e.g., Hollen-
there was no significant difference in the proportion of beak et al., 1979; Miyamoto et al., 1995).
the two types of egg mass that were active against at The egg masses of marine invertebrates appear to
least one human pathogen. Lord (1986) demonstrated have broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity. The egg
that the contents of N. lapillus egg capsules were free masses of the seven mollusks found to inhibit the
from bacterial contamination and suggested that the growth of marine pathogens were also found to have
capsule walls were impermeable to bacteria. However, some activity against human pathogens of consider-
reproductive tracts free of bacteria would also be re- able medical importance. Both Gram-negative and
quired to produce egg capsules with axenic contents, Gram-positive marine and human pathogens were sus-
where physical defense would be more problematic. ceptible to extracts from the egg masses. Overall, how-
Consequently, a bacteria-free environment may be dif- ever, the Gram-positive bacterium S. aureus was more
ficult to achieve by physical defence mechanisms alone. susceptible to the toxic compounds in the eggs than the
This study indicates that antibacterial compounds are other test organisms (Table 4). S. aureus is an impor-
equally common in tough egg capsules and gelatinous tant human pathogen and has evolved resistance to a
egg masses, suggesting that chemical defence is the large number of conventional antibiotics in the last
primary mechanism used to maintain an axenic envi- decade (Stinson, 1996). The greater resistance of the
ronment for embryonic development. Gram-negative bacteria to the molluskan egg masses is
The requirement for antimicrobial protection ap- likely due to the greater reinforcement in their cell
pears to be greatest at the early stages of molluskan walls (e.g., Martin and Beveridge, 1986).
embryonic development. An assessment of antimicro- Overall, our data indicate that benthic invertebrate
bial activity in the egg masses of seven mollusks dur- egg masses provide a novel source of potential antimi-
ing two stages of development indicates that egg crobial agents. We have recently isolated a potent non-
masses have significantly greater antimicrobial activ- cytolytic antibiotic from the egg mass of D. orbita (Ben-
ity when first laid and then lose activity as the larvae kendorff et al., 2000a), which is bacteriostatic at the
develop and hatch (Table 5). These findings are consis- therapeutically significant concentration of 0.5 g/ml
tent with previous studies on molluskan egg masses and has a chemical structure different from that of all
that have reported the loss of antimicrobial activity antibiotics in current use. Previous studies on mollus-
during larval development (Kamiya et al., 1988; Ben- kan egg masses have reported agglutinating activity
kendorff et al., 2000a). The lack of antimicrobial activ- (Kamiya and Shimizu, 1981), antineoplastic and cyto-
ity at late stages of development suggests that mollus- lytic activity (Yamazaki et al., 1984, 1985; Roesner and
kan embryos lose their susceptibility to bacteria during Scheuer, 1986; Kisugi et al., 1987; Kamiya et al., 1988),
development. This is supported by the observations of antifeedant activity (Pennings, 1994), and tranquiliz-
Pechenik et al. (1984) on the survivorship of embryos ing effects (Marthy, 1976). These studies all demon-
strate that invertebrate egg masses are suitable tar- Harris, L. G. 1975. Studies on the life history of two coral-eating
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the evolution of larval type in marine invertebrates. Mar. Ecol.
The assistance of Bill Rudman and Ian Loch from the Australian Prog. Ser. 97, 247–260.
Museum in the species identification is greatly appreciated. We are Hollenbeak, K. H., Schmitz, F. J., Hossain, M. B., and Van Der Helm,
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Hunt, S. 1966. Carbohydrate and amino acid composition of the egg
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capsule of the whelk, Buccinum undatum. Nature 210, 436 – 437.
Fisheries, Tasmania kindly provided the strains of marine bacteria.
We also thank the Australian Flora and Fauna Research Centre, the Kamiya, H., Muramoto, K., Goto, R., and Yamazaki, M. 1988. Char-
Biomolecular Research Centre, and the Environmental Research acterisation of the antibacterial and antineoplastic glycoproteins
Institute, University of Wollongong for a supplementary postgradu- in a sea hare Aplysia juliana. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 54, 773–
ate scholarship to K.B. This is contribution No. from the Ecology and 777.
Genetics Group at the University of Wollongong. Kamiya, H., Muramoto, K., and Ogata, K. 1984. Antibacterial activ-
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