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I. Objectives: First Session Second Session

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GRADES 1 TO 12 School PALAWAN NATIONAL SCHOOL Grade Level HE 11: 1-5

Teaching Dates and Time October 14-18, 2024 Quarter Second – WEEK 3

DAYS Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday



A. Content Standards At the end of the lesson, the learner understands the nature and elements of oral communication in context.
B. Performance Standards At the end of the lesson, the learner designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled oral communication activities based on
C. Learning Competencies Uses principles of effective speech writing focusing on MELC: Explain that a shift in speech context, speech style, speech act,
audience profile, logical organization, duration, and word and communication strategy affects the following: language form,
choice and grammatical correctness (EN11/12OCIIcj-25; duration of interaction, the relationship of speaker, roles, and
EN11/12OC-IIcj25.1-25.5) responsibilities of the speaker, message, and delivery. (LN- 11/12OC-
Specific Objectives:
Specific Objectives:
1. Identify the principles of effective speech writing process;
1. Identify the types of speeches according to delivery and
2. Distinguish the components of the speech writing
processes; and
3. Employ principles of effective speech writing focusing on 2. Explain the advantage and disadvantages of various speech
audience profile. contexts and delivery
3. Demonstrate effective use of communicative strategy in
variety of speech situations.

II.CONTENT Using Principles of an Effective Speech Writing Principles in Speech Writing and Delivery
A. References CLAS WEEK 3 Oral Communication in Context – Grade 11
Self-Learning Module (SLM) Quarter 2 – Module 3: Principles of Speech
Writing, First Edition, 2020
B. Other Learning Resources Projector or smart TV Projector or smart TV
- Sample videos or recordings of oral communication activities - Sample videos or recordings of oral communication activities
- Whiteboard or chart paper for class discussion notes - Whiteboard or chart paper for class discussion notes
Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the
Effective speech writing – An effective speech writing
new lesson
applying the principles in speech writing such as conducting
audience analysis, determining the purpose of the speech,
selecting a topic, narrowing down a topic, gathering data
and others.
Recursive—you can repeat the procedures and have
more drafts before you can settle for your final draft

A. DAILY OBJECTIVES 1. Identify the principles of speech writing;

Establishing a purpose for the lesson 1. Recognize the various communication situations; 2. Differentiate the stages or processes of speech writing;
2. Identify speech contexts, acts, style, and communicative 3. Use principles of effective speech writing focusing on audience
strategies in various situations; and profile, logical organization, duration, word choice, grammatical
3. Distinguish the shifting in speech act, speech context, and and correctness; and
communicative strategy in various speech situation. 4. Deliver speech using the principles of effective speech delivery
B. PRE-ACTIVITY Activity 2. Let us Warm Up!
Presenting examples/instances of the new
lesson Directions: Put a check on the column that determines how often you
practice what the statement says. Add the points of each scale to
determine your level of proficiency. Do this as objectively as possible
and bear in mind that there are no wrong answers.

Answer the questions that follow based on Figure 1.

What is speech writing
Guide Questions:
1. What was your score and level of proficiency in the activity?
2. What is meant by your score in terms of your ability to ‘plan”?
3. Do you consider ‘planning’ your speech content and delivery
important in any form of activities you want to do? Why or why not?
C. ACTIVITY Discuss the following: Discuss:
Discussing new concepts and practicing new
 The components of the speech writing process.  Speech Writing Process
skills #1
1. Audience analysis
2. Purpose
3. Topic
4. Narrowing down the topic
5. Data gathering

 Conducting Audience Analysis

a) Audience analysis
b) Demography
c) Situation
d) Psychology
 Determining the purpose of the speech
 Selecting and Narrowing a Topic
 Narrowing down
 Data Gathering
 Selecting a Writing Pattern
 Preparing an Outline
 Rehearsing
 Some Guidelines in Speech Writing
D. ANALYSIS/ABSTRACTION ACTIVITY 3: Which tells the truth?
Discussing new concepts and practicing new ACTIVITY 1: Find Me!
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement tell a fact about the principles
skills #2
Directions: Identify the order of process of effective speech of speech writing and FALSE if not. Use a separate sheet for your
writing. Write 1-7 to identify answers.
1. An outline determines whether your supporting ideas match your
_____________ Conducting audience analysis main idea or not.
_____________ Creating body of the speech 2. Any speech should include an introduction, body, and conclusion.
_____________ Determining the purpose of the speech 3. In the introduction, you explain the importance of your topic by
_____________ Editing and/or Revising
giving examples.
_____________ Gathering data
_____________ Preparing an outline 4. Knowing the audience and the occasion is crucial in writing a
_____________ Selecting a speech pattern speech.
5. Rehearsing is a major requirement.
ACTIVITY 2: Matching Type 6. Speech writing is a recursive process.
7. The approach that you will use in your introduction can determine
Directions: Match the situations in Column A with the
the success of your speech.
process of communication in Column B. Write the letter of
the correct answer on the space before each item. 8. The primary objective of speech writing is getting the right or
appropriate topic.
9. The purpose of the speech will help you identify ideas that will
support your main idea or message.
10. Word choice is one consideration in writing a speech
Developing mastery Directions: Arrange the following information below
Activity 4: Let Us Plan!
following the format of a questionnaire. Write the answer on
the blank provided for. Directions: Interview at least 10 people inside your class group
who will be considered as your target audience. Following the
speech writing process, write an outline of your speech based on
the data you will gather. Copy the tables in the next page on as
your guide on a separate sheet of paper and fill out the columns
with ideas you have gleaned from your target audience.

I. Demographic Profile:
II. Attitudinal Analysis:


Directions: Fill in the table below with the appropriate

details given inside the box.
Activity 5: Let Us Write!
Directions: Using the outline, you made in activity 5, write speech
with a title, introduction, body and conclusion.

F. APPLICATION If you were to write a speech, who would be your target Identify 3 situations where your knowledge and understanding of
Finding practical applications of concepts audience? How you gather your data from them? How do Principles in Speech Writing and Delivery can be helpful to you as
and skills in daily living
components of speech writing process help you write an a student.
effective speech?
G. GENERALIZATION/ Activity 6: Activity 6. Let Us Summarize!
ABSTRACTION Directions: Based on what you have learned in this lesson, list at least 5
Making generalization and abstractions Directions: being described inside the box on the right side. principles or characteristics of speech writing. An example is provided for
about the lesson Write your answer on the space provided for before each you as a guide.

H. ASSESSMENT 10-item quiz 10-item Item Quiz

Evaluating learning
Directions: Read each item carefully and write the letter of Direction: Read carefully the questions and answer the questions that
your answer in a ¼ sheet of paper. follow. Choose the letter of your answer.
1. What is the first stage in speech writing?
1. Which of the following entails looking into the profile of a. Determining the purpose
your target audience? b. Analyzing the audience
A. Audience analysis C. Narrowing down a topic c. Selecting a topic
B. Data Gathering D. Purpose d. Rehearsing

I. ASSIGNMENT/REMEDIATION Activity 7. Time to Give Deliver Your Speech!

Additional activities for application or Directions: Using the speech you crafted in Activity 5, deliver a
manuscript speech using any table or chair available in your house as
your podium/ lectern. Video record and post it in your FB account and
tag your teacher.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners
who have caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared: Checked/Reviewed: Verified/Approved:


Teacher I Master Teacher II Principal I, SHS

PALAWAN NATIONAL SCHOOL, Bgy. Manggahan, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan

Telephone No.: Principal’s Office (048) 716 2786 ● Administrative Office (048) 434 4199
E-mail Address: [email protected]

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