Main - Initial Student Health History New Mexico
Main - Initial Student Health History New Mexico
Main - Initial Student Health History New Mexico
(Parent/Guardian: The purpose of this form is to identify problems that may affect learning for the student. You may choose not to
answer any question. The school nurse is available to help you at # M T W Th F)
Weight: Birth Length: Age in weeks at birth: Full Post Term
Premature Term
2. Difficult pregnancy (e.g. pre-term contractions, bleeding, illness/infection, eclampsia, pregnancy
related diabetes):
Y N If Y, explain:
3. Medications/drugs taken during the pregnancy: None Over the Counter Prescription
Alcohol Street Drugs Explain reason for medications:
4.Did student have problems after birth (e.g. difficulty breathing, yellow skin)? Y N
5. Did student receive special care after birth? Y N Explain:
1.Has HISTORYphysical, occupational, speech, or language therapy?
the student received Y N
If Y, explain:
2.Are you or has anyone ever been concerned about the student’s development? Y N
If Y, explain:
Check any of the following which the student currently has or has had diagnosed
in the past. Asthma Cancer Convulsion or
Allergies Depression Excessive thirst
Anaphylaxis Diabetes Head injury
Anemia Kidney disease Heart problems or murmur
ADD/ADHD Frequent Urination Hepatitis (yellow jaundice)
Thyroid disease Nerve or muscle disease Ingestion of
poisons/medication Shingles Frequent/severe headaches
Vaccine Preventable Diseases Life changing events/accidents
Other health concerns
Explain any check mark and give age of problem onset or diagnosis:
1. List any other diagnosis, syndrome or disability the student has or has had in past. (List
condition, treatment, who diagnosed, etc.)
2. Has the student had more than 3 colds, sinus infections, or ear infections in any one year? Y N
If Y, explain:
3. Has the student ever had any vision or hearing problems? Y N
If Y, explain:
Adapted from Albuquerque Public Schools page 1 of 2
4. Medication - Is the student taking medication now? Y N
If Y, list the medications (include prescribed, over-the-counter, herbal and other remedies) and
the condition for which the student takes this remedy):
Has the student ever taken any medication for longer than two weeks? Y N
If Y, list medication and when it was taken?
5. Sleep – Number of hours of sleep the student gets most nights: Normal bedtime:
Studen snore wets his/her pants or wets has other sleep issues.
t: s the bed
7. Behavior – Student has friendships that seem normal for his/her age. Y N
If N, explain:
Do you have any concerns about student’s behavior? Y
If Y, explain:
MEDICAL CARECare Provider: Phone #:
Other providers/physicians/specialists:
Medical Insurance: Medicaid/Salud MCO:
Medicaid #:
Other Insurance/Coverage:
No Other Insurance/Coverage
Date of last physical exam: Date copy of provider report requested:
Summary of Findings:
Date of last dental visit/exam: Summary of Findings: