Ch-2 (D) Iliyas Shahi Dynasty

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Bangladesh Studies

Paper -1

Topic 2 (d) The rule of the

independent sultans (1338-
Lets have a quick recap of your
previous learned topic
• Where was Bakhtiyar Khalzi
born and raised in?
• Why did his Tibetan expedition
• Who assassinated him?
Learning Objectives

• This section covers the rule of the independent

Students will learn about:
• The Ilyas Shahi Dynasty
• The Hussain Shahi Dynasty.
Lets get acquainted with some
significant key terms.

• Political stability
• Culture & justice
• Architecture & Calligraphy
• Imperial army
• Abdicate
• Sufism
• Confrontation
• Treaty
• Confederacy
• Communal harmony
Mini Research (Group work)
• You are a messenger for the Sultan of Delhi in 1204.
He has heard that Bakhtiyar has captured Nadia in a
very clever way. He likes to hear heroic stories told
in a dramatic way and has picked you as his best
story teller. He wants you to tell him what happened.
• So do a little research and prepare to give your
account in the most dramatic way possible!
Activity -1

• Watch the video-
• Identify four information from this video
• Fakhruddin (see Topic 2c) had established himself
as independent Sultan of Sonargaon and after his
death in 1349 was succeeded by his son, Gazi Shah.
However, more significant events were happening in
Lakhnauti, where an army commander, Ali Mubrak,
seized control and established an independent
• In 1342 he was overthrown and killed by his foster
brother, Haji Iliyas, who established the Iliyas Shahi
Dynasty which ruled Bengal for the next hundred
The Iliyas Shahi Dynasty
He brought three
Haji Iliyas Shahi the Long title
major geographical
founder of the Shamsuddin Abul
units under one
dynasty Muzaffer Shah

Sultan Fizuz has

Sultan Firuz invaded
Shah-i-Bangala or temporary success
with his enormous
the king of Bengal but could not crush
army in 1353
Haji Iliyas

Haji Iliyasi extended

his authority in
Bihar , Nepal
,Orissa & Assam
Sikandar Shah
• Haji Iliyas was succeeded by his son, Sikandar Shah,
who ruled a prosperous and politically stable Bengal
for about thirty years and died around 1390.
• Sultan Firuz of Delhi invaded Bengal again in 1359,
but Sikandar, like his father, successfully faced the
imperial army of Delhi.
• After this date, the Sultans of Delhi realized the
growing strength of the Sultans of Bengal and they
did not try to capture Bengal for quite a long time
Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah-
Culture and justice

He exchanged embassies
Sikander Shah was He lavishly patronized
with Chinese Emperor
succeeded by his son madrassa in Mecca &
and has correspondence
Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah Medina
with poet of IRAN Hafiz

Once he told to the There was no invasion

He had great respect for
Chief Justice , he was by Delhi Sultanate
law and justice
not above the law during his reign.
The Iliyas Shahi Dynasty
• Haji Iliyas, the founder of the Iliyas Shahi Dynasty,
took control of Lakhnauti in 1342 and assumed the
long title of Sultan Shamsuddin Abul Muzaffar Iliyas
• Some historians think that Iliyas was the first ruler
who brought the three major geographical units of
Satgaon, Sonargaon and Lakhnauti under a single
• It is probably because of this that he called himself
Shah-i-Bangala or the King of Bengal.
The Iliyas Shahi Dynasty
• Haji Iliyas's rise as an independent ruler in Bengal
offended the Sultan in Delhi. Sultan Firuz Tughluq
invaded Bengal with an enormous army in 1353.
• Though Firuz had some temporary success, he could
not crush Haji Iliyas who continued to rule freely.
• Though Fakhruddin started the process of an
independent Bengal in 1338, it was Haji Iliyas who
was the real founder.
Sikandar Shah
• Haji Iliyas was succeeded by his son, Sikandar Shah,
who ruled a prosperous and politically stable Bengal
for about thirty years and died around 1390.
• Sultan Firuz of Delhi invaded Bengal again in 1359,
but Sikandar, like his father, successfully faced the
imperial army of Delhi.
• After this date, the Sultans of Delhi realized the
growing strength of the Sultans of Bengal and they
did not try to capture Bengal for quite a long time.
Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah-
Culture and justice

• Sikandar Shah was succeded by his son,

Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah (1390--1410).
• Ghiyasuddin was an able ruler.
• He exchanged embassies with the Chinese Emperor
and maintained correspondences with the famous
poet, Hafiz of Iran.
• He also lavishly patronized several madrassa in
Mecca and Medina.
• Ghiyasuddin was also famous for his respect for law
and justice.
• It is said that he once told the Chief Justice of his
kingdom that though he was the Sultan, he was not
above the law.
• Ghiyasuddin was fortunate that during his reign there
were no invasions by the Delhi Sultanate and so he
had no wars to fight.
The return of the Iliyas Shahi
• Jalaluddin's son, Shamshuddin Ahmad Shah, has
been described by some historians as a just ruler and
by others as oppressive.
• He was murdered by his slave, Nasir Khan, who
ascended the throne.
• This made the nobles outraged and they killed him
and restored the Iliyas Shahi Dynasty by installing
Nasiruddin Mahmood Shah, grandson of Haji
Iliyas(1442 AD).
• He ruled for seventeen years (1433-1459), and during
his reign the boundary of Bengal was greatly
• Nasiruddin was succeeded by his able son,
Rukhunuddin Barbak Shah (1459-1574).
• Ruknuddin had brought a large number of slaves of
Ethiopean origin who became politically powerful
over the time. Soon after Ruknuddin's death, the
activities of some of these 'slaves’ created political
• Between 1487 and 1493, four of the slaves became
Sultans and were killed by rivals. A period of unrest
was finally brought to an end when a noble of Arab
• origin named Sayid Hussain assumed power (1494)
and entitled himself as Alauddin Hussain Shah.
Art and culture during the
Iliyas Shahi Dynasty
• With the establishment of Iliyas Shahi Dynasty, the
initial unrest and political instability were brought to
a minimum.
• Therefore the Sultans could pay more attention to
the development of art and culture.
• In the field of architecture, the most spectacular
achievement was the famous Adina Mosque in
Pandua, built by Sikandar Shah in 1375. The mosque
was not only larger than the largest mosque of the
Delhi Sultans of the time, but it was also the largest
mosque in the whole subcontinent of India.
Adina Mosque
The significant monuments of
Iliyas Shahi period
• The important monuments erected during the Iliyas
Shahi period were
• The tomb of Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah at Sonargaon
• The Kotwali Darwaza
• The Dakhil Darwaza
• The Nim Darwaza
• The Tantipara mosque, the Kadamrasul Masjid and
the Darasbari mosque of Gaur
• The Sona Masjid of Pandua.
The significant monuments of
Iliyas Shahi period

• Kotowali • Nim
• Dakhil
Darwaza Darwaza
Darasbari, Sona Mosque,Tatipara
Mosque, Kadamrasul Masjid
Art and culture practice during the Iliyas
Shahi Dynasty- Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah

• Under the patronage of Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah,

Shah Muhammad Sagir wrote his famous poem,Yusuf-
• It brought about a revolution in Bengali literature,
which was greatly enriched with the addition of the
religious stories of Islam and the introduction of the
romantic tale as a new theme for Bengali poets.
• Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah asked Krittivas to write the
Ramayana in Bengali.
Art and culture practice during the Iliyas
Shahi Dynasty- Ruknuddin Barbak Shah

• Ruknuddin Barbak Shah extended his patronage to

Muslim and Hindu scholars alike.
• During his reign, Zaynuddin composed the Rasulbijay
and Ibrahim Qayum Faruqi composed the
• Ruknuddin Barbak Shah equally extended his
patronage to Hindu scholars and poets -- during his
reign, Raimukuta Brhaspati acquired fame and glory,
and Barbak Shah honoured Maladhar Basu, the
compiler of the Srikrishnavijay, with the with the title
of 'Gunaraj Khan'.
Feedback questions (day-1)
• Who was the real founder of an independent Bengal
in 1338?
• Which major regions did he bring under a single
authority in Bengal?
• How did Sikander rule Bengal, and for how long?
• What were Sikander's thoughts on justice? Can you
provide an example?
• What were the spectacular achievements of the Ilyas
Shahi dynasty in the field of architecture?(any two)
Feedback questions
• How did Ruknuddin Barbak Shah extended his patronage to
Hindu scholars and poets?
• How has Shamshuddin Ahmad Shah, been described by some
of the historians? How was his assassinator being treated?
• Explain the contribution of Ilias Shahi Dynasty to art and
culture in Bengal.(Q/A in detail) mark in your book
• Mosques
• Monuments
• Poets and poems etc.
Day-2 (Pre-session task) (Nusrat Shah)
• Who was the founder of Ilias Shahi dynasty?

• Explain the cultural development and social justice

implications during the reign of Ghiyas Uddin Azam
Nusrat Shah

He ascended the He cleverly avoid

throne of Bengal confrontation
(1519-1532) with Babur

He signed a
Babur appeared in Nusrat avoided
treaty with Babur
the scene after his anti Mughal
which made
Panipath victory confederacy
Bengal safe
Sher Shah

Assassination of
Nusrat shah created Afghans grew stronger
the trend of decline of He was great threat to
under the leadership of
the Hussain Shahi Sher Shah Mughal in Delhi

Sher Shah captured

Threats for Sultans of Gaur ,the independent
Bengal status of Bengal was
finally lost
• After the death of Hussain Shah, Nusrat Shah
(1519--1532) ascended the throne of Bengal.
• He was an able ruler like his father. Nusrat cleverly
tried to avoid any confrontation with Babur, founder
of the Mughal Empire, who had appeared in the
eastern Indian scene after his victory at Panipath
(1526). Nusrat professed neutrality and avoided
having any connection with the anti-Mughal
confederacy that was formed by Mahmud Lodi with
Afghan chiefs. When Babur sent an expedition to
Bengal, Nusrat Shah concluded a treaty which made
Bengal safe.
Independence of Bengal lost to Sher Shah,
Afghan leader
• Nusrat Shah was killed by an assassin in 1532 and
succeeded by Alauddin Feruz Shah and then
Ghiasuddin Mahmud.
• But they could not reverse the trend of decline of
the Husain Shahi Dynasty that had started after the
death of Nusrat Shah. Meanwhile, the Afghans grew
stronger under the leadership of Sher Shah, who
posed a great threat to the Mughals in Delhi as well
as the Sultans of Bengal and when he captured Gaur
in 1538, the independent status of Bengal was finally
Feedback questions (Day-2)
• Who ascended the throne of Bengal after the death
of Hussain Shahi?
• How did Nusrat Shah profess his neutrality with

• Whose leadership posed a great threat to the

Day-3 M.C.W 5 marks
• Which regions did Iliyas Shahi conquer after taking
control of Bengal?
• With whom did Ghyasuddin exchange embassies and
maintain correspondence?

• Which major regions did he bring under a single

authority in Bengal?
Hussain Shahi Dynasty-Golden
age of Bengal Sultanate Day-3
• The Hussain Shahi Dynasty was marked by a long
spell of undisturbed peace, prosperity, communal
harmony and the development of Bengali culture and
literature. This is why the Hussain Shahi era is
considered the 'golden age' of the Bengal sultanate.
• The rulers of this period took an active interest in
the growth of local literature by patronizing the
major poets of the time.
1.The sultans, because of their close association with
the local people, gave status and dignity to the Bangla
language which now began to play the role that was
earlier played by Sanskrit in the pre-Muslim period.
Prolific writers and poets of
Hussain Shahi Dynasty
• Kavindra Parameshvara and Shrikara Nandi, the
translators of the Mahabharata patronized by two
governers of Chittagong under Hussain Shahi.
• Writers- Vaisnava padas, Yashoraj Khan, served as an
official of Husain Shah.
• Sheikh Kabir, a Muslim poet, was intimately
connected with Nusrat Shah.
• Shaikh Zahid composed his yogic philosophy Adya
Parichaya in 1498-99 AD, one of the earliest
specimens of Bangla poems dealing with yogic ideas.
Hussain Shahi period-
Architecture and calligraphy
• During the Hussain Shahi period, Bengal's
contributions to architecture and calligraphy were
• significant.
• Architecture and calligraphy were largely the product
of court patronage.
• The case was probably similar with music, particularly
its classical branch which seems to have flourished in
the court.
• The reign of Nusrat Shah witnessed a sudden
flowering of pictorial art as is evidenced by the ten
folio illustrations of the first part of the
Sikandarnamah, known as the Sharafnamah, which
Architectural development & Mosques
during Hussain Shahi Dynasty.
• By the time the Hussain Shahi rulers came to power,
Bengal had already developed a tradition of
architecture. Hussain Shahi architecture is a
continuation of this earlier tradition.
• The ruins of the Darasbari Madrassa at Gaur (on the
Bangladesh side of the medieval city)
exhibit the vigour of the building art in the period.
Architectural development & Mosques
during Hussain Shahi Dynasty-Sets
examples of glorious creation
• The Gumti gate, the Qadam Rasal.
• The Jahanian Mosque, the Bara Sona mosque,Chota
Sona mosque.
• The Sura mosque and Hemtabad mosque in Dinajpur,
Bagha mosque, Navaram mosque in Pabna, the Majlis
Aulia mosque of Pathrail in Faridpur, the Sankarpasha
mosque of Sylhet and the Goaldi mosque in
Sonargaon are some excellent examples of the
• The Bara Sona mosque and the Chhota Sona mosque
have a spirit of ornamentation which most of the
earlier structures lack.
Hussain Shahi period- The
predominance of the stone cutters' art
• In this period, we find a predominance of the stone
cutters' art.
• The architecture of the period clearly reveals local
influences and gives expression to Bengal's life and
• The old Terracotta, which had its revival in the earlier
period of Muslim rule, continued under the
• Hussain Shahi rulers.
• The local elements, which found expression in the
architecture of the period, include the curvature of
the cornice and the copy of the chauchala.
Question /Answer (in detail)
• Explain the contribution of Hussain Shahi Dynasty to art and
culture in Bengal.(Q/A in detail) mark in your book
• Poets, poems
• Architecture and calligraphy
• Artistically and meticulously made mosques
• Stone cutters art etc.

• Explain the contribution of Iliyas Shahi Dynasty to art and

culture in Bengal.(Q/A in detail) mark in your book
• Mosques
• Monuments
• Poets and poems etc.
• Religion and trade
Feedback questions day-3
• Can you name three mosques established
during the Hussain Shahi dynasty that
symbolized Muslim rule in Bengal?

• Provide two examples of architectural developments

during the Hussain Shahi dynasty that signify the
glorious brick style of Bengal.
Arts and Literature
• Provide examples of art
and literature that are
significant to Iliyas and
Hussain Shahi dynasty
Day-4 Group Project
• Objective: Synthesize learning through project presentations and
collaborative review activities.
• Introduction: Recap of key points from the previous lessons.
• Activity 1: Group Project Presentation
• Instructions: Students will present their group projects (from
previous homework) on topics such as:
• Comparison of the Ilyas Shahi and Hussain Shahi dynasties.
• Architectural achievements of the Ilyas Shahi dynasty & Hussain
Shahi Dynasty.
• Trade and economic policies under the Hussain Shahi dynasty.
• Materials: Visual aids (posters, slides), presentation notes.
• Outcome: Consolidation of knowledge and peer learning.
• Project Presentation
• Class Test

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