Ch-2 (D) Iliyas Shahi Dynasty
Ch-2 (D) Iliyas Shahi Dynasty
Ch-2 (D) Iliyas Shahi Dynasty
Paper -1
• Political stability
• Culture & justice
• Architecture & Calligraphy
• Imperial army
• Abdicate
• Sufism
• Confrontation
• Treaty
• Confederacy
• Communal harmony
Mini Research (Group work)
• You are a messenger for the Sultan of Delhi in 1204.
He has heard that Bakhtiyar has captured Nadia in a
very clever way. He likes to hear heroic stories told
in a dramatic way and has picked you as his best
story teller. He wants you to tell him what happened.
• So do a little research and prepare to give your
account in the most dramatic way possible!
Activity -1
He exchanged embassies
Sikander Shah was He lavishly patronized
with Chinese Emperor
succeeded by his son madrassa in Mecca &
and has correspondence
Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah Medina
with poet of IRAN Hafiz
• Kotowali • Nim
• Dakhil
Darwaza Darwaza
Darasbari, Sona Mosque,Tatipara
Mosque, Kadamrasul Masjid
Art and culture practice during the Iliyas
Shahi Dynasty- Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah
He signed a
Babur appeared in Nusrat avoided
treaty with Babur
the scene after his anti Mughal
which made
Panipath victory confederacy
Bengal safe
Sher Shah
Assassination of
Nusrat shah created Afghans grew stronger
the trend of decline of He was great threat to
under the leadership of
the Hussain Shahi Sher Shah Mughal in Delhi