S40 Owners Manual MY12 en Tp14006
S40 Owners Manual MY12 en Tp14006
S40 Owners Manual MY12 en Tp14006
We hope you will enjoy many years of driving pleasure in your Volvo. In order to increase your enjoyment of the car, we recommend that
The car has been designed for the safety and comfort of you and your you familiarise yourself with the equipment, instructions and mainte-
passengers. Volvo is one of the safest cars in the world. Your Volvo nance information contained in this owner's manual.
has also been designed to satisfy all current safety and environmental
Table of contents
00 01 02
00 Introduction 01 Safety 02 Instruments and controls
Important information................................. 8 Seatbelts................................................... 16 Overview, left-hand drive cars.................. 46
Volvo and the environment....................... 12 Airbag system........................................... 19 Overview, right-hand drive cars................ 48
Airbags...................................................... 20 Driver's door control panel....................... 50
Activating/deactivating the airbag*........... 22 Combined instrument panel...................... 51
Side airbags (SIPS bags).......................... 24 Indicator and warning symbols................. 52
Inflatable Curtain (IC)................................ 26 Information display................................... 56
WHIPS....................................................... 27 Electrical socket........................................ 58
When the systems deploy......................... 29 Lighting panel........................................... 60
Crash mode.............................................. 30 Left-hand stalk switch............................... 64
Child safety............................................... 31 Right-hand stalk switch............................ 67
Cruise control*.......................................... 69
Keypad in the steering wheel*.................. 71
Steering wheel adjustment, hazard warn-
ing flashers................................................ 72
Parking brake............................................ 73
Power windows......................................... 74
Windows, rearview and door mirrors........ 76
Power sunroof* ........................................ 80
Personal preferences................................ 82
HomeLink *.............................................. 85
03 04 05
03 Climate control 04 Interior 05 Locks and alarm
General information on climate control..... 90 Front seats.............................................. 106 Remote control key with key blade......... 120
Manual climate control, AC....................... 92 Interior lighting........................................ 108 Active locks............................................. 123
Electronic climate control, ECC*............... 95 Storage spaces in the passenger com- Privacy locking*....................................... 124
Air distribution........................................... 98 partment.................................................. 110 Keyless drive*.......................................... 126
Fuel-driven engine block heater and pas- Rear seat................................................. 114 Battery in remote control key.................. 129
senger compartment heater*.................... 99 Cargo area.............................................. 116 Locking and unlocking............................ 130
Fuel-driven auxiliary heater* (diesel)....... 102 Child safety locks.................................... 133
Alarm*..................................................... 134
06 07 08
06 Starting and driving 07 Wheels and tyres 08 Car care
General.................................................... 140 General.................................................... 190 Cleaning.................................................. 206
Refuelling................................................ 142 Tyre pressure.......................................... 194 Touching up paintwork........................... 210
Alcolock*................................................. 146 Warning triangle* and spare wheel * ...... 195 Rustproofing........................................... 211
Starting the engine.................................. 150 Changing wheels.................................... 198
Starting the engine – Flexifuel................. 152 Emergency puncture repair*................... 200
Keyless drive*.......................................... 154
Manual gearbox...................................... 155
Automatic gearbox.................................. 156
DRIVe Start-Stop*................................... 161
Brake system.......................................... 165
DSTC – Stability and traction control sys-
tem*......................................................... 167
Park Assist*............................................. 169
BLIS* – Blind Spot Information System. . 171
Towing and recovery.............................. 174
Start assistance...................................... 177
Driving with a trailer................................ 178
Towing equipment*................................. 180
Detachable towbar* ............................... 182
Loading................................................... 186
Adjusting headlamp pattern.................... 187
09 10 11
09 Maintenance and service 10 Infotainment system 11 Specifications
Volvo service........................................... 214 General.................................................... 246 Type designation..................................... 280
Self-maintenance.................................... 215 Audio functions....................................... 248 Dimensions and weights......................... 282
Bonnet and engine compartment........... 216 Radio functions....................................... 253 Engine specifications.............................. 285
Oils and fluids......................................... 218 CD functions........................................... 258 Engine oil................................................ 286
Wiper blades........................................... 224 Menu structure – audio system.............. 261 Fluids and lubricants............................... 288
Battery..................................................... 225 Phone functions*..................................... 262 Fuel......................................................... 291
Replacing bulbs...................................... 229 Menu structure – phone*......................... 269 Wheel and tyres, dimensions and pres-
Fuses...................................................... 235 Bluetooth handsfree*.............................. 272 sure ........................................................ 293
Electrical system..................................... 295
Type approval......................................... 297
Symbols in the display............................ 298
12 Alphabetical Index
Alphabetical Index.................................. 302
Table of contents
Important information
Reading the Owner's Manual In the event of uncertainty over what is stand- lighted in the owner's manual by means of the
ard or an option/accessory, contact a Volvo text being slightly larger and printed in grey.
Introduction dealer. Examples of this are in menu texts and mes-
A good way of getting to know your new car is sage texts on the information display (e.g.
to read the owner's manual, ideally before your Special texts AUDIO SETTINGS).
first journey. This will give you the opportunity
to familiarise yourself with new functions, to WARNING Decals
see how best to handle the car in different sit- The car contains different types of decal which
Warning texts advise of a risk of personal
uations, and to make the best use of all the are designed to convey important information
car's features. Please pay attention to the in a simple and clear manner. The decals in the
safety instructions contained in the manual. car have the following descending degree of
The specifications, design features and illus- IMPORTANT importance for the warning/information.
trations in this owner's manual are not binding. Important texts advise of a risk of material Warning for personal injury
We reserve the right to make modifications damage.
without prior notice.
© Volvo Car Corporation NOTE
Option NOTE texts give advice or tips that facilitate
the use of features and functions for exam-
All types of option/accessory are marked with
an asterisk*.
In addition to standard equipment, this manual Footnote
also describes options (factory fitted equip-
There is footnote information in the owner's
ment) and certain accessories (retrofitted extra
manual that is located at the bottom of the
page. This information is an addition to the text
The equipment described in the owner's man- that it refers to via a number. If the footnote
ual is not available in all cars - they have dif- refers to text in a table then letters are used G031590
Important information
bered and are used to illustrate a move-
Important information
• Coolant way the driver drives the vehicle, such as vehi- applicable legal requirements. For further infor-
• Engine oil cle speed, brake and accelerator pedal use, mation - contact a Volvo dealer.
steering wheel movement and whether or not
To be continued the driver and passengers have used their
Accessories and extra equipment
`` This symbol is located furthest down to the seatbelts. For the reasons given this informa-
tion may be stored in the vehicle's computers The incorrect connection and installation of
right when a section continues on the following
for a certain length of time, but also as a result accessories can negatively affect the car's
of a collision or incident. This information may electrical system. Certain accessories only
be stored by Volvo as long as it can help to function when their associated software is
Recording data installed in the car's computer system. We
further develop and further enhance safety and
Your vehicle contains a number of computers quality and as long as there are legal require- therefore recommend that you always contact
whose function is to continuously check and ments and other regulations that Volvo needs an authorised Volvo workshop before installing
monitor the vehicle's operation and function- to consider. accessories which are connected to or affect
ality. Some of the computers can record infor- the electrical system.
mation during normal driving if they detect an Volvo will not contribute to the above-descri-
error. In addition, information is recorded in the bed information being disclosed to third parties
without the vehicle owner's consent. However, Change of ownership for cars with
event of a crash or incident. Parts of the recor-
due to national legislation and regulations Volvo On Call *
ded information are required so that techni-
cians can diagnose and rectify faults in the Volvo may be required to disclose such infor- Volvo On Call is a supplemental service that
vehicle during servicing and maintenance and mation to authorities such as police authorities, consists of safety, security and comfort serv-
so that Volvo can fulfil legal requirements and or others who may assert a legal right to have ices. If the car has Volvo On Call and there is a
other regulations. In addition to this, the infor- access to it. change of owner, it is very important that these
mation is used for research purposes by Volvo services are discontinued so that the former
To be able to read and interpret the information owner cannot access the services in the car.
in order to continually develop quality and recorded by the computers in the vehicle
safety, as the information can contribute to a Contact the call centre by pressing the ON
requires special technical equipment that CALL button in the car or contact an author-
better understanding of the factors that cause Volvo, and workshops that have entered into
accidents and injuries. The information ised Volvo workshop. See also "Changing the
agreements with Volvo, have access to. Volvo security code" in the owner's manual for Volvo
includes details of the status and functionality is responsible that the information, which is
of various systems and modules in the vehicle On Call.
transferred to Volvo during servicing and main-
with regard to engine, throttle, steering and tenance, is stored and handled in a secure
brake systems, amongst other things. This manner and that the handling complies with
information may include details regarding the
Important information
Environmental care is one of Volvo Car Corpo- Fuel consumption many cases the exhaust emissions are well
ration's core values which influence all opera- Volvo cars have competitive fuel consumption below the applicable standards.
tions. We also believe that our customers share in each of their respective classes. Lower fuel
our consideration for the environment. consumption generally results in lower emis- Clean air in the passenger compartment
sion of the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide. A passenger compartment filter prevents dust
Your Volvo complies with strict international and pollen from entering the passenger com-
environmental standards and is also manufac- It is possible for the driver to influence fuel con- partment via the air intake.
tured in one of the cleanest and most resource- sumption. For more information read under the
efficient plants in the world. Volvo Car Corpo- heading, Reducing environmental impact. A sophisticated air quality system, IAQS* (Inte-
ration has global ISO certification, which rior Air Quality System) ensures that the incom-
includes the environmental standard ISO Efficient emission control ing air is cleaner than the air in the traffic out-
14001 covering all factories and several of our Your Volvo is manufactured following the con- side.
other units. We also set requirements for our cept "Clean inside and out" – a concept that The system consists of an electronic sensor
partners so that they work systematically with encompasses a clean interior environment as and a carbon filter. The incoming air is moni-
environmental issues. well as highly efficient emission control. In tored continuously and if there is an increase in
the level of certain unhealthy gases such as • Avoid letting the engine idle - switch off the Recycling
carbon monoxide then the air intake is closed. engine when stationary for longer periods. As a part of Volvo's environmental work, it is
Such a situation may arise in heavy traffic, Pay attention to local regulations. important that the car is recycled in an envi-
queues and tunnels for example. • Drive economically - think ahead. ronmentally sound manner. Almost all of the
The entry of nitrous oxides, ground-level ozone • Perform service and maintenance in car can be recycled. The last owner of the car
and hydrocarbons is prevented by the carbon accordance with the owner's manual's is therefore requested to contact a dealer for
filter. instructions - follow the Service and War- referral to a certified/approved recycling
ranty Booklet's recommended intervals. facility.
• If the car is equipped with an engine block
The interior of a Volvo is designed to be plea- heater*, use it before starting from cold - it The owner's manual and the
sant and comfortable, even for people with improves starting capacity and reduces environment
contact allergies and for asthma sufferers. wear in cold weather and the engine rea-
Extreme attention has been given to choosing The Forest Stewardship Council symbol
ches normal operating temperature more shows that the paper pulp in this publication
environmentally-compatible materials. quickly, which lowers consumption and
comes from FSC certified forests or other
reduces emissions.
Volvo workshops and the environment controlled sources.
Regular maintenance creates the conditions • High speed increases consumption con-
siderably due to increased wind resistance
for a long service life and low fuel consumption
- a doubling of speed increases wind resis-
for your car. In this way you contribute to a
tance 4 times.
cleaner environment. When Volvo's workshops
are entrusted with the service and mainte- • Always dispose of environmentally hazar-
nance of your car it becomes part of our sys- dous waste, such as batteries and oils, in
tem. We make clear demands regarding the an environmentally safe manner. Consult a
way in which our workshops are designed in workshop in the event of uncertainty about
how this type of waste should be discarded
order to prevent spills and discharges into the
- an authorised Volvo workshop is recom-
environment. Our workshop staff have the
knowledge and the tools required to guarantee
good environmental care. Following this advice can save money, the
planet's resources are saved, and the car's
Reducing environmental impact durability is extended. For more information
You can easily help reduce environmental and further advice, see the pages 140 and
impact - here are a few tips: 291.
01 Seatbelts
• do not use clips or anything else that can appear damaged. The seatbelt must also be
prevent the seatbelt from fitting properly
replaced if it shows signs of wear or dam-
Tensioning the hip strap. The belt must be posi- • ensure that the seatbelt is not twisted or age. The new seatbelt must be type-
tioned low down. caught on anything approved and designed for installation at
the same location as the replaced seatbelt.
Heavy braking can have serious consequences • the hip strap must be positioned low down
if the seatbelts are not used. Ensure that all (not over the abdomen)
passengers use their seatbelts. It is important • tension the hip strap over the lap by pulling
that the seatbelt lies against the body so it can the diagonal shoulder belt as illustrated.
provide maximum protection. Do not lean the
backrest too far back. The seatbelt is designed WARNING
to protect in a normal seating position.
The seatbelts and airbags interact. If a seat-
Putting on a seatbelt belt is not used or is used incorrectly, this
may diminish the protection provided by the
– Pull the seatbelt out slowly and secure it by airbag in the event of a collision.
pressing the buckle into the lock. A loud
"click" indicates that the seatbelt has
01 Safety
Seatbelts 01
Seatbelts and pregnancy such that they can easily maintain control of the Child seats are not covered by the seatbelt
vehicle as they drive (which means that they reminder system.
must be able to easily operate the foot pedals
and steering wheel). They should strive to posi- Rear seat
tion the seat with as large a distance as possi- The seatbelt reminder in the rear seat has two
ble between their abdomen and the steering subfunctions:
wheel. • Provides information on which seatbelts
are being used in the rear seat. A message
Seatbelt reminder appears in the information display when
the seatbelts are in use, or if one of the rear
doors has been opened. The message is
cleared automatically after driving for
approximately 30 seconds or after press-
ing the indicator stalk's READ button.
• Provides a warning if one of the rear seat-
belts is unfastened during a journey. This
The seatbelt should always be worn during warning takes the form of a message on
pregnancy. But it is crucial that it be worn in the the information display along with the
correct way. The diagonal section of the seat- audio/visual signal. The warning ceases
belt should wrap over the shoulder then be when the seatbelt is re-fastened or when
routed between the breasts and to the side of acknowledged manually by pressing the
the abdomen. READ button.
The message on the information display show-
The lap section of the seatbelt should lay flat
ing which seatbelts are in use is always avail-
over the thighs and as low as possible under
Unbelted occupants will be reminded to fasten able. Press the READ button to see stored
the abdomen. – It must never be allowed to ride
their seatbelts by means of an audio and visual messages.
upward. Remove the slack from the seatbelt
and ensure that it fits as close to the body as reminder. The audio reminder is speed Certain markets
possible. In addition, check that there are no dependent, and in some cases time depend- An audio signal and indicator lamp remind the
twists in the seatbelt. ent. The visual reminder is located in the roof driver if not wearing a seatbelt to use one. At
console and the combined instrument panel. low speed, the audio reminder will sound for
As a pregnancy progresses, pregnant drivers
should adjust their seats and steering wheel the first 6 seconds.
01 Safety
01 Seatbelts
Seatbelt tensioner
The front seatbelts and the two for the outer
rear seats are equipped with seatbelt tension-
ers. A mechanism in the seatbelt tensioner
tightens the seatbelt in the event of a suffi-
ciently violent collision. The seatbelt then pro-
vides more effective restraint for occupants.
Never insert the tongue of the passenger's
seatbelt into the buckle on the driver's side.
Always insert the tongue of the seatbelt into
the buckle on the correct side. Do not make
any damages on seatbelts nor insert any
foreign objects into a buckle. The seatbelts
and buckles would then possibly not func-
tion as intended in the event of a collision.
There is a risk of serous injury.
01 Safety
Airbag system 01
If the warning symbol for the airbag system
remains illuminated or illuminates while driv-
ing, it means that the airbag system does
not have full functionality. The symbol indi-
The warning symbol in the combined instru- cates a fault in the seatbelt tensioner sys-
ment panel illuminates when the remote con- tem, SIPS, SRS or the IC system. Volvo rec-
trol key is turned to key position I, II or III. The ommends that you contact an authorised
Volvo workshop immediately.
symbol goes out after approx. 6 seconds pro-
vided the airbag system is fault-free.
01 Safety
01 Airbags
cushion the impact, the airbag deflates when
compressed. When this occurs, smoke
escapes into the car. This is completely nor- SRS system, right-hand drive
mal. The entire process, including inflation and
deflation of the airbag, takes place within
tenths of a second.
01 Safety
Airbags 01
01 Safety
Indicator showing that the passenger airbag is
A warning symbol in the roof console indicates
that the airbag for the front passenger seat is
activated (see preceding illustration).
01 Safety
01 Safety
The inflatable curtain IC (Inflatable Curtain) is a WARNING WARNING
part of SIPS and the airbags. It is fitted in the
headlining along both sides of the roof and Never hang or attach heavy items onto the Do not load the car higher than 50 mm under
protects the car's occupants sitting in the outer handles in the roof. The hook is only
the top edge of the side windows. Other-
designed for light clothing (not for solid
seats. A sufficiently violent collision trips the wise, the intended protection of the inflat-
objects such as umbrellas for example).
sensors and the inflatable curtain is inflated. able curtain, which is concealed in the head-
The inflatable curtain helps to prevent the Do not screw or install anything onto the lining, may be compromised.
car's headlining, door pillars or side panels.
driver and passengers from striking their heads
This could compromise the intended pro-
on the inside of the car during a collision. tection. Volvo recommends that you only WARNING
ever use Volvo genuine parts that are
approved for placement in these areas. The inflatable curtain is a supplement to the
Always use a seatbelt.
01 Safety
The whiplash protection system (WHIPS) con- Properties of the seat WHIPS system and child seats/booster
sists of energy absorbing backrests and spe- When the WHIPS system is deployed, the front cushions
cially designed head restraints for the front seat backrests are lowered backward to alter The protection provided by the car to children
seats. The system is actuated by a rear-end the seating position of the driver and front seat seated in a child seat or on a booster cushion
collision, where the angle and speed of the col- passenger. This reduces the risk of whiplash is not diminished by the WHIPS system.
lision, and the nature of the colliding vehicle all injury.
have an influence. Correct seating position
WARNING For the best possible protection, the driver and
WARNING front seat passenger should sit in the centre of
Never modify or repair the seat or WHIPS the seat with as little space as possible
The WHIPS system is a supplement to the system yourself. Volvo recommends that between the head and the head restraint.
seatbelts. Always use a seatbelt. you contact an authorised Volvo workshop.
01 Safety
01 Safety
01 Safety
01 Crash mode
Driving after a collision Firstly, remove the remote control key and then WARNING
reinsert it. The car's electronics will then try to
reset themselves to normal mode. Then try to Never, under any circumstances, attempt to
restart the car if it smells of fuel when the
start the car. If CRASH MODE SEE
MANUAL is still shown on the display then the displayed. Leave the car at once.
car must not be driven or towed. Even if the car
appears to be driveable, hidden damage may
make the car impossible to control once mov- WARNING
ing. If the car is in crash mode it must not be
towed. It must be transported from its loca-
Moving the car tion. Volvo recommends that you have it
If NORMAL MODE is shown after CRASH conveyed to an authorised Volvo workshop.
MODE SEE MANUAL has been reset, the car
can be moved carefully out of a dangerous
01 Safety
Child safety 01
Children should sit comfortably and NOTE Do not attach the straps for the child seat to
safely the horizontal adjustment bar, springs, rails or
In the event of questions when fitting child beams under the seat. Sharp edges can dam-
Volvo recommends that children travel in rear- safety products, contact the manufacturer
facing child seats until as late an age as pos- age the straps.
for clearer instructions.
sible, at least until 3-4 years of age, and then Look in the installation instructions for the child
front-facing booster cushions/child seats until seat for the correct fitting.
up to 10 years of age. Child seats
Location of child seats
The position of a child in the car and the choice
You may place:
of equipment are dictated by the child's weight
and size, for more information, see page 33. • a child seat/booster cushion on the front
passenger seat, provided the passenger
NOTE airbag is not activated1.
to sit on the knee of a passenger.
Volvo has child safety equipment (child seats,
booster cushions & attachment devices) which Child seats and airbags are not compatible.
is designed for your particular car. Using Vol-
vo's child safety equipment provides you with NOTE
optimum conditions for your child to travel
safely in the car. Furthermore, the child safety When using child safety products it is
important to read the installation instruc-
equipment fits and is easy to use. tions included with the product.
01 Safety
01 Child safety
01 Safety
Child safety 01
Volvo infant seat (Volvo Infant Seat) - Volvo infant seat (Volvo Infant Seat) - Volvo infant seat (Volvo Infant Seat) -
rear-facing child seat, secured with the rear-facing child seat, secured with the rear-facing child seat, secured with the
car's seatbelt car's seatbelt car's seatbelt.
Type approval: E1 04301146 Type approval: E1 04301146 Type approval: E1 03301146
(U) (U) (U)
Rear-facing child seat (Child Seat) - rear- Rear-facing child seat (Child Seat) - rear- Rear-facing child seat (Child Seat) - rear-
facing child seat, secured with the car's facing child seat, secured with the car's facing child seat, secured with the car's
seatbelt and straps. Use a protective seatbelt, straps and support legs. seatbelt, straps and support legs.
cushion between the child seat and the
Type approval: E5 03135 Type approval: E5 03135
(L) (L)
Type approval: E5 03135
Child seats which are universally Child seats which are universally Child seats which are universally
approved. approved. approved.
(U) (U) (U)
3 With regard to other child seats the car should be included in the manufacturer's enclosed list of vehicles or be universally approved in accordance with the ECE R44 legal requirement.
01 Safety
01 Child safety
Rear-facing child seat (Child Seat) - rear- Rear-facing child seat (Child Seat) - rear- Rear-facing child seat (Child Seat) - rear-
facing child seat, secured with the car's facing child seat, secured with the car's facing child seat, secured with the car's
seatbelt and straps. Use a protective seatbelt, straps and support legs. seatbelt, straps and support legs.
cushion between the child seat and the
Type approval: E5 03135 Type approval: E5 03135
(L) (L)
Type approval: E5 03135
Child seats which are universally Child seats which are universally Child seats which are universally
approved. approved. approved.
(U) (U) (U)
01 Safety
Child safety 01
Volvo rear-facing/turnable child seat Volvo rear-facing/turnable child seat Volvo rear-facing/turnable child seat
(Volvo Convertible Child Seat) - front-fac- (Volvo Convertible Child Seat) - front-fac- (Volvo Convertible Child Seat) - front-fac-
ing child seat, secured with the car's ing child seat, secured with the car's ing child seat, secured with the car's
seatbelt. seatbelt. seatbelt.
Type approval: E5 04191 Type approval: E5 04191 Type approval: E5 04191
(L) (L) (L)
01 Safety
01 Child safety
Booster cushion with and without back- Booster cushion with and without back- Booster cushion with and without back-
rest (Booster Cushion with and without rest (Booster Cushion with and without rest (Booster Cushion with and without
backrest). backrest). backrest).
Type approval: E5 03139 Type approval: E5 03139 Type approval: E5 03139
(UF) (UF) (UF)
L: Suitable for specific child seats. These child seats may be intended for use in a special car model, limited or semi-universal categories.
U: Suitable for universally approved child seats in this weight class.
UF: Suitable for front-facing universally approved child seats in this weight class.
B: Built-in child seats approved for this weight class.
A For information on activated/deactivated airbag, see page 22.
01 Safety
Child safety 01
Pull that handle to raise the booster cush-
Grasp the cushion with both hands and
push it backwards.
01 Child safety
WARNING Lowering the booster cushion Child safety locks, rear doors
The controls for operating the rear door power
Repair or replacement should only be per-
formed by a workshop. Volvo recommends windows and the rear door opening handles
that you contact an authorised Volvo work- can be blocked from opening from the inside.
shop. Do not make any modifications or For more information see page 133.
additions to the booster cushion yourself.
If an integrated booster cushion has been ISOFIX fixture system for child seats
subjected to a major load, such as in con-
junction with a collision, the entire booster
cushion must be replaced. Even if the
booster cushion appears to be undamaged,
it may not afford the same level of protec-
tion. The booster cushion must also be
replaced if it is heavily worn.
Remember to stow away the booster cush-
ion before lowering the rear seat backrest. Mounting points for the ISOFIX fixture system
are concealed behind the lower section of the
rear seat backrest, in the outer seats.
The location of the mounting points is indicated
by symbols in the backrest upholstery (see
illustration above).
Press the seat cushion down to access the
mounting points.
01 Safety
Child safety 01
01 Safety
01 Child safety
01 Safety
Child safety 01
Type of child seat Weight Size class Passenger seats for ISOFIX installation of child seats
Front seat Outer rear seat
Front-facing child seat 9-18 kg B X OKB
X: The ISOFIX position is not suitable for ISOFIX child seats in this weight class and/or size class.
IL: Suitable for specific ISOFIX child seats. These child seats may be intended for use in a special car model, limited or semi-universal categories.
IUF: Suitable for front-facing ISOFIX child seats that are universally approved in this weight class.
A In order to be able to fit the infant/child seat in the rear seat, the front passenger seat has been adjusted to a location in front of centre position.
B Volvo recommends rear-facing child seats for this group.
01 Safety
01 Child safety
For cars equipped with a cargo area cover
over the cargo area, this must be removed
before a child seat can be fitted in the
mounting points.
01 Safety
Overview, left-hand drive cars................................................................ 46
Overview, right-hand drive cars.............................................................. 48
Driver's door control panel..................................................................... 50
Combined instrument panel.................................................................... 51
Indicator and warning symbols............................................................... 52
Information display.................................................................................. 56
Electrical socket...................................................................................... 58
Lighting panel.......................................................................................... 60
Left-hand stalk switch............................................................................. 64
Right-hand stalk switch.......................................................................... 67
Cruise control*........................................................................................ 69
Keypad in the steering wheel*................................................................ 71
Steering wheel adjustment, hazard warning flashers............................. 72
Parking brake.......................................................................................... 73
Power windows....................................................................................... 74
Windows, rearview and door mirrors...................................................... 76
Power sunroof* ...................................................................................... 80
Personal preferences.............................................................................. 82
HomeLink *............................................................................................ 85
02 Instruments and controls
02 Instruments and controls
02 Instruments and controls
02 Instruments and controls
Speedometer. Tachometer – Indicates engine speed in Button for trip meter – Used to measure
thousands of revolutions per minute (rpm). short distances. Short presses on the but-
Direction indicators, left. ton switches between the two trip meters
Indicator and warning symbols.
Warning symbol. T1 and T2. A long press (more than 2 sec-
Fuel gauge, see also trip computer, pag onds) resets an active trip meter to zero.
Information display – Shows information or e 65. Temperature gauge - Used for the engine
warning messages, outside temperature Main beam indicator. cooling system. A message will appear on
and clock. When the outside temperature
the display if the temperature becomes too
is between +2 °C to -5 °C a snowflake illu- Display – Display for automatic gear posi-
high and the gauge goes into the red zone.
minates on the display. This warns of icy tion, rain sensor, odometer, trip meter and
Bear in mind that extra lights placed in front
roads. The outside temperature gauge cruise control.
of the air intake, for example, reduce the
may show a slightly high reading after the Also shows gear shift indicator (GSI) and cooling capacity at high outside tempera-
car has been stationary. gear positions in the D2 and DRIVe model, tures and high engine loads.
Information symbol. see page 155.
Indicator and warning symbols.
Direction indicator, right.
02 Instruments and controls
Functionality check, symbols Symbols in the centre of the instrument When the symbol illuminates:
All indicator and warning symbols1 illuminate panel 1. Stop in a safe manner. Do not drive the car
when the remote control key is turned to posi- further.
tion II before starting. This is to check that the
2. Read the information on the information
symbols are working. When the engine starts,
display. Implement the action in accord-
all the symbols should go out except the park-
ance with the message in the display. Clear
ing brake symbol, which only goes out when
the message using READ.
the brake is disengaged.
The yellow information symbol illu-
If the engine does not start within
minates and a text appears on the
five seconds, all symbols extin-
information display. The message
guish except the symbols for a
fault in the car's emissions system text is cleared using the READ but-
and for low oil pressure. Certain ton, see page 56, or disappears
symbols may have no function, automatically after a period of time (time
depending on the car's specifica- depending on which function is indicated).
tions. The yellow information symbol can also illumi-
nate in conjunction with other symbols.
The red warning symbol illumi-
nates when a fault has been indi-
cated which could affect the safety NOTE
and/or driveability of the car. An When a service message is shown, the sym-
explanatory text is shown on the bol and message are cleared using the
information display at the same time. The sym- READ button, or disappear automatically
bol remains visible until the fault has been rec- after a time.
tified but the text message can be cleared with
the READ button, see page 56. The warning
symbol can also illuminate in conjunction with
other symbols.
1 For certain engine variants, the symbol for low oil pressure is not used. Warnings are given via display text, see page 56.
02 Instruments and controls
Indicator symbols – right-hand side Indicator symbol for trailer Low oil pressure2
This symbol flashes when the If this symbol illuminates during
02 direction indicators are used and driving then the engine's oil pres-
the trailer is connected. If the sym- sure is too low. Stop the engine
bol does not flash then one of the immediately and check the engine
lamps on the trailer or the car is oil level, top up if necessary. If the
faulty. symbol illuminates and the oil level is normal
Volvo recommends that you contact an author-
Parking brake applied ised Volvo workshop.
The symbol illuminates when the
parking brake is applied. Always Seatbelt reminder
pull the parking brake lever to the This symbol illuminates if someone
G029049 end position. in a front seat has not put on their
seatbelt or if someone in a rear
seat has taken off their seatbelt.
Indicator symbol for trailer The symbol illuminates irrespective of how Alternator not charging
hard the parking brake is applied. If this symbol illuminates while
Parking brake applied
driving, a fault has occurred in the
Airbags – SRS Airbags – SRS electrical system. Volvo recom-
If this symbol remains illuminated mends that you visit an authorised
Low oil pressure or illuminates while driving, it Volvo workshop.
Seatbelt reminder means a fault has been detected in
the seatbelt buckle, SRS, SIPS or Fault in brake system
Alternator not charging IC system. Volvo recommends that If this symbol illuminates, the brake
drive directly to an authorised Volvo workshop fluid level may be too low.
Fault in brake system for inspection.
2 For certain engine variants, the symbol for low oil pressure is not used. Warnings are given via display text, see page 56.
02 Instruments and controls
– Stop the car in a safe place and check the have the brake system checked. Volvo rec- Low speed
level in the brake fluid reservoir, see ommends that you seek assistance from If the car moves at a speed less
page 222. If the reservoir level is below an authorised Volvo workshop. than 5 km/h, the information sym- 02
MIN then the car should not be driven fur- bol illuminates and DRIVER
6. If the level in the reservoir is below MIN
ther. Volvo recommends that the car is DOOR OPEN, PASSENGER
then the car should not be driven any fur-
transported to an authorised Volvo work- DOOR OPEN,LEFT REAR
ther. Have the car transported to a work-
shop to have the brake system checked. DOOR OPEN, BONNET OPEN or RIGHT
shop to have the brake system checked.
If the BRAKE and ABS symbols Volvo recommends that you seek assis- REAR DOOR OPEN is shown on the display.
illuminate at the same time, there tance from an authorised Volvo workshop. Stop the car safely as soon as possible and
may be a fault in the brake force close the door or bonnet.
distribution system. WARNING High speed
If the car is moving faster than
If the BRAKE and ABS symbols are lit at the
same time, there is a risk that the rear end 10 km/h, the symbol illuminates
will skid during heavy braking. and one of the texts indicated in
the preceding paragraph appears
on the display.
1. Stop the car in a safe place and turn off the Reminder – doors not closed Boot lid reminder
engine. If one of the doors, the bonnet3 or the boot lid If the boot lid is open, this informa-
2. Restart the engine. is not properly closed, the driver will be tion symbol will illuminate and
reminded of this. BOOT LID OPEN will appear on
3. If both symbols extinguish, continue driv-
the display.
4. If the symbols remain illuminated, check
the level in the brake fluid reservoir, see
page 222.
5. If the brake fluid level is normal but the
symbols are still illuminated, the car can be
driven, with great care, to a workshop to
02 Instruments and controls
Information display
02 Instruments and controls
Information display
02 Instruments and controls
Electrical socket
Optional equipment and accessories - e.g.
TV screens, music players and mobile
phones - which are connected to one of the
passenger compartment's 12V electrical
sockets, could be activated by the climate
control system, even when the remote con-
trol key has been removed or when the car
is locked, for example, when the parking
Electrical socket
Always leave the plug in the socket when 02
the socket is not in use.
02 Instruments and controls
Lighting panel
Lighting panel
The lamps are switched off automatically when Fog lamps Fuel filler flap
the remote control key is turned to position I or Press button (5) to open the fuel filler flap when
0. 02
NOTE the car is unlocked, see page 130.
Regulations for use of fog lamps vary from
Instrument lighting country to country. Active Xenon headlamps*
The instrument lighting is switched on when
the remote control key is in position II and the Front fog lamps*
headlamp control (2) is in one of the end posi- The front fog lamps can be switched on along
tions. The lighting is automatically dimmed with the headlamps or the position lamps/park-
during the day and can be controlled manually ing lamps.
at night.
– Press the button (4).
– Roll the control up or down (3) for brighter
or dimmer lighting. The light in the button (4) illuminates when the
front fog lamps are switched on.
clock and outside temperature gauge, these the headlamps or the front fog lamps.
illuminate when the car is unlocked and when – Press the button (6).
the remote control key is removed from the
ignition switch. The displays extinguish when The rear fog lamp indicator symbol on the com- Lighting panel, for active Xenon headlamps
the car is locked. bined instrument panel and the light in the but- If the car is equipped with active Xenon head-
ton (6) illuminate when the rear fog lamp is lamps (Active Bending Lights, ABL) the light
switched on. from the headlamps follows the steering wheel
movement in order to provide maximum light-
ing in bends and junctions and so provide
increased safety.
Lighting panel
event of a malfunction. The function is only Daytime running lights - DRL* Posi- Specification
active in twilight or darkness and only when the To save fuel, daytime running lights (Daytime
02 tion
car is moving. Running Light) can be selected during the day
The function can be deactivated/activated with instead of the more energy-intensive dipped Daytime running lights
the headlamp control. beam. The daytime running lights mounted in
the spoiler use bright, low-energy diode tech- Daytime running lights when the
nology. car is being driven. Automatic
switching to parking lights when
the car is parked.
If the car is equipped with active
Headlamp pattern with function deactivated (left) Xenon headlamps (Active
and activated (right) respectively. Bending Lights, ABL) then this
Position A automatically gives DRL daytime run- function is also activated.
ning lights during the day.
Lighting panel
To achieve minimal energy consumption, 02
the rear lights are also switched off when
switching automatically from dipped beam
to DRLs.
This system help to save energy - it cannot
determine in all situations when daylight is
too weak or sufficiently strong, e.g. in mist
and rain.
The driver is always responsible for ensuring
that the car is driven with its lights in a cor-
rect state and in accordance with applicable
traffic regulations.
Brake light
The brake light automatically comes on during
braking. For information on the Emergency
brake lights and automatic hazard warning
flashers, see page 166.
02 Instruments and controls
Stalk switch positions Direction indicators Switching between main and dipped
02 Short flash sequence
– Move the stalk switch to the end position
– Move the stalk switch up or down to
(4) and release.
position (1) and release.
> The direction indicators flash 3 times The remote control key must be in position II
1 and the stalk switch returns to its origi- and the headlamp control in end position, see
nal position. page 60, for main beam to be switched on.
Continuous flash sequence Home safe lighting
1 Factory settings.
02 Instruments and controls
Trip computer* NOTE During the period for regeneration4 fuel con-
sumption may increase, see page 144.
If a warning message interrupts while you 02
are using the trip computer, this message AVERAGE
must be acknowledged. Acknowledge by Average fuel consumption is calculated from
pressing the READ button and revert to the the latest reset, which is performed with the
trip computer function. RESET button.
Functions NOTE
The trip computer displays the following infor- There may be a slight error in the reading if
mation: a fuel-driven heater is used.
2 No function in cars without trip computer, fuel-driven parking heater as well as stability and traction control system.
3 Certain markets.
4 Only applies to diesel cars with particle filter.
1. Select --- KM/H AVERAGE SPEED or
--.- L/100 KM AVERAGE
2. Reset with one press of the RESET button.
3. One long press of the RESET button (at
least 5 seconds) resets both average
speed and average consumption simulta-
02 Instruments and controls
Windscreen wipers off Before activating the wipers during winter • Active Xenon headlamps are only washed
ensure that the wiper blades are not frozen every fifth wash cycle irrespective of the
The windscreen wipers are off in, and that any snow or ice on the wind- time that elapses.
when the stalk switch is in position screen is scraped away.
0. • Halogen headlamps are not washed.
The switch on the lighting panel is in position
Use plenty of washer fluid when the wipers • Active Xenon headlamps are only washed
are cleaning the windscreen. The wind- every fifth wash cycle irrespective of the
screen must be wet when the windscreen time that elapses.
wipers are operating.
• Halogen headlamps are not washed.
Rain sensor* Activating the rain sensor: selected, or the sensitivity to rain when the rain
sensor is selected.
02 – Press the button (B), see page 67. A display
symbol shows that the rain sensor is
To turn the rain sensor off, either:
1. Press button (B)
2. Press the stalk switch downward to
another wiper program. If the stalk switch
is raised, the rain sensor will remain active,
the wipers make an extra sweep and then
return to rain sensor mode when the stalk
is released to position 0 (not activated), see
page 67.
The rain sensor is automatically deactivated
The rain sensor automatically activates the when the remote control key is removed from
windscreen wipers based on how much water the ignition switch or five minutes after the igni-
it detects on the windscreen. The sensitivity of tion is switched off.
the rain sensor can be adjusted using the
thumbwheel (C), see page 67. IMPORTANT
Turn the thumbwheel upwards for higher sen- At an automatic car wash: Deactivate the
sitivity and downwards for lower sensitivity, (an rain sensor by pressing the button (B) while
extra sweep is made when the thumbwheel is the remote control key is in position I or II.
turned upwards). Otherwise, the windscreen wipers could
start swiping and become damaged.
When activating the rain sensor, the remote Thumbwheel
control key must be in position I or II and the Use the thumbwheel to adjust the frequency of
windscreen wiper stalk switch must be in posi- wiper sweeps when intermittent wiping is
tion 0 (not activated).
Cruise control*
Temporary disengagement
– Press 0 to disengage the cruise control
temporarily. CRUISE will be shown on the
combined instrument panel. The speed set
Cruise control*
– Press CRUISE to disengage the cruise
control. CRUISE ON clears on the com-
bined instrument panel.
steering wheel.
2. Adjust the steering wheel to the position
that suits you best. Use the hazard warning flashers (all direction
3. Push back the lever to fix the steering indicators flash) when the car is stopped where
wheel in place. If the lever is stiff, press the it could be a traffic hazard or obstruction. Press
steering wheel lightly at the same time as the button to activate the function.
you push the lever back. A sufficiently violent collision or heavy braking
activates the hazard warning flashers automat-
ically, see page 166. The function can be
deactivated with the button.
02 Instruments and controls
Parking brake
General > The instrument panel's warning symbol Disengaging the parking brake
is illuminated. 1. Press the foot brake pedal down firmly.
2. Pull the parking brake lever up slightly,
NOTE press the button, lower the parking brake
The warning lamp symbol in the combined lever and release the button.
instrument panel illuminates irrespective of > The instrument panel's warning symbol
how hard the parking brake is applied. is switched off.
02 Instruments and controls
Power windows
02 Instruments and controls
Power windows
02 Instruments and controls
Interior rearview mirror Interior rearview mirror with compass* Calibrating the compass
Bright light from behind could be reflected in The upper right-hand corner of the rearview The earth is divided into 15 magnetic zones.
the rearview mirror and dazzle the driver. Use mirror has an integrated display that shows the The compass is set for the geographical area
dimming when disturbed by light from behind. compass direction in which the front of the car to which the car was delivered. The compass
is pointing. Eight different directions are shown should be calibrated if the car is moved across
Dipping with English abbreviations: N (north), NE (north several magnetic zones.
Control for dimming east), E (east), SE (south east), S (south), SW 1. Stop the car in a wide open area with the
Normal position (south west), W (west) and NW (north west). engine running at idling speed.
Dimmed position. 2. Press and hold button (1) for at least 6 sec-
onds. Following which, the character C is
Automatic dimming* shown (the button is concealed so use a
Bright light from behind is automatically paper clip for example to press it in).
dimmed by the rearview mirror. The control (1) 3. Press and hold button (1) for at least 3 sec-
is not available in mirrors with automatic dim- onds. The number for the current magnetic
ming. zone is displayed.
is shown on the display, which indicates
that the calibration is complete.
Magnetic zones, Asia. Magnetic zones, Australia.
Magnetic zones, Europe.
Magnetic zones, South America. Magnetic zones, Africa.
02 Instruments and controls
The door mirror on the driver's side is the
wide-angled type to provide optimal vision.
Objects may appear further away than they
actually are.
There is a sun blind built into the rear parcel The controls for adjusting the two door mirrors
Folding out the mirrors
shelf. are at the front of the driver's door armrest. The
1. Press the L and R button at the same time.
rearview mirrors can be operated in key posi-
– Pull up the sun blind and hook it into the
tion I and II. 2. Release the buttons. The mirrors automat-
roof clip using the two hooks for the blind.
ically stop in the fully extended position.
> The spring force in the blind keeps the 1. Press the L button for the left-hand door
hooks in position. mirror or the R button for the right-hand Automatic retracting/extending
door mirror. The light on the button illumi- When the car is locked/unlocked with the
When the sun blind is not in use - unhook it, nates. remote control or using the Keyless-system,
hold onto the handle and allow the blind to roll see page 126, the door mirrors are automati-
up slowly. 2. Adjust the position with the joystick in the
cally retracted/extended.
3. Press the L or R button again. The light
goes out.
Power sunroof*
Sliding position
Automatic operation
– Pull the control past the point of resistance
The sunroof controls are located in the roof (2) to the rear end position (1) or past the
panel. The sunroof can be opened in two posi- point of resistance (3) to the forward end
tions: position (4) and release. The sunroof
Ventilation position, up at the rear edge opens/closes completely.
Manual operation
Sliding position, backwards/forwards
Opening, automatic Open:
The remote control key must be in position I or – Pull the control rearward to the point of
Opening, manual
II. resistance (2). The sunroof moves to maxi-
Closing, manual mum open position as long as the button
is kept depressed.
Closing, automatic
Opening, ventilation position
– Press the control forward to the point of
Closing, ventilation position resistance (3). The sunroof moves to
Power sunroof*
closed position as long as the button is If you need to interrupt closing: Wind deflector
kept depressed.
– Press the lock button again. 02
The sunroof's pinch-protection function
Make sure that children or other passengers
only operates during automatic closing, not
are not in danger of becoming trapped in
manual closing.
any way when closing the sunroof with the
remote control. Always operate the sunroof
with caution.
Closing with remote control or lock
The sunroof features a manual, sliding interior
sunscreen. The sunscreen slides back auto-
matically when the sunroof is opened. Grip the
handle and slide the screen forward to close it.
The sunroof has a wind deflector that is folded
up when the sunroof is in the open position.
Pinch protection
The sunroof's pinch protection function is acti-
vated if the hatch is blocked by an object. If
blocked, the sunroof will stop and automati-
cally open to the previous position.
The sunroof's pinch protection function only
– One long press on the lock button closes operates during automatic closing, not dur-
the sunroof and all the windows. The doors ing manual closing.
and the boot lid are locked.
Make sure that nobody is in danger of
becoming trapped in any way when closing
the sunroof.
Personal preferences
02 Instruments and controls
Personal preferences
– Select On/Off depending on whether or not Doors – auto lock central locking button, as well as the outside
you wish the recirculation timer to be When the speed of the car exceeds 7 km/h the door handle button on cars with the keyless
active. doors and boot lid can be locked automatically. system: 02
The On/Off option is available. Pulling the door • Auto. close all windows - all windows
Reset all handle twice unlocks and opens the doors
Resets the climate function options to the fac- and the sunroof are closed simultaneously
from the inside. with one long press on the lock button.
tory settings.
Doors unlock This function can be selected for the unlock
There are two alternatives for unlocking: button on the remote control and the front
Car settings doors' central locking button:
• All doors – one press of the remote control
Retract mirrors when locking* unlocks all doors and the boot lid. • Auto. open all windows – all windows are
When the car is locked/unlocked with the opened simultaneously with one long
remote control the door mirrors can be retrac- • Driver door, then all – one press of the press on the unlock button.
remote control unlocks the driver's door. A
ted/extended automatically. The On/Off option
second press then unlocks the passenger Approach lighting
is available.
door and the boot lid. Select the time the car's lights should remain
Reduced guard* switched on when the approach lighting button
Keyless entry*
The deadlocks function can be temporarily is pressed - see page 120.
deactivated and the alarm level reduced if
• All doors - all doors are unlocked simul-
taneously. The following alternatives are available:
someone wishes to remain in the car and the
doors have to be locked from the outside. The • Doors on same side – front and rear • 30 seconds
Activate once and Ask on exit options are doors on the same side are unlocked
simultaneously. • 60 seconds
available, see pages 131 and 135.
• Both front doors – both front doors are • 90 seconds
Unlock confirm. light unlocked simultaneously. Home safe lighting
The hazard warning flashers can provide feed-
• Any door – any door or the boot lid can be Select the time the car's lights should remain
back when the car is unlocked with the remote unlocked separately. on when the left-hand stalk switch is pulled
control. The On/Off option is available.
back after the remote control key has been
Simultaneous closing/opening of all removed - see page 64.
Lock confirm. light windows
The hazard warning flashers can provide feed- The following alternatives are available:
This function can be selected for the lock but-
back when the car is locked with the remote
ton on the remote control and the front doors'
control. The On/Off option is available.
Personal preferences
• 30 seconds
• 60 seconds
• 90 seconds
• VIN number… - (Vehicle Identification
Number) is the car's unique identity num-
• Number of keys… - The number of keys
registered for the car is shown.
02 Instruments and controls
HomeLink *
HomeLink *
The particular distance that is required ess is repeated for approx. 20 seconds Programming individual buttons
between the original remote control and and indicates that the device has a "roll- To reprogram an individual button, proceed in
02 HomeLink depends on the programming ing code". The garage door, gate or sim- accordance with the following:
of the device in question. Perhaps several ilar is not activated when the pro-
grammed HomeLink button is 1. Depress the required button on
attempts will be required at different dis-
depressed. Continue the programming HomeLink and do not release until step 3
tances. Maintain each position for approx.
in accordance with the following. has been completed.
15 seconds before trying a new one.
5. Locate the "programming button1" on the 2. When the indicator lamp on HomeLink
3. Depress the button for the original remote
control and the button to be programmed receiver for the garage door for example, starts to flash, after approx. 20 seconds,
normally located close to the antenna's position the original remote control
on HomeLink simultaneously. Do not
release the buttons until the indicator lamp bracket on the receiver. If you have diffi- 5-30 cm from HomeLink. Monitor the indi-
has changed over from slow to rapid flash- culty in finding the button - consult the cator lamp.
ing. The rapid flashing indicates successful supplier's manual, or contact the supplier The particular distance that is required
programming. via the Internet: www.homelink.com. between the original remote control and
4. Test the programming by depressing the 6. Depress and release the "programming HomeLink depends on the programming of
button". The button flashes for the device in question. Perhaps several
programmed button on HomeLink and
approx. 30 seconds and the next step must attempts will be required at different dis-
watching the indicator lamp:
be carried out within this period. tances. Maintain each position for approx.
• Constant glow: The indicator lamp illu- 15 seconds before trying a new one.
minates with a constant glow when the 7. Depress the programmed button on
button is kept depressed, this indicates HomeLink, while the "programming but- 3. Depress the button on the original remote
that the programming is complete. The ton" is still flashing, keep it depressed for control. The indicator lamp will start to
garage door, gate or similar should now approx. 3 seconds and then release. flash. When the flashing has changed over
be activated when the programmed Repeat the press/hold/release sequence from a slow to a rapid flashing - release
HomeLink button is depressed. up to 3 times to conclude the program- both buttons. The rapid flashing indicates
ming. successful programming.
• Glow not constant: The indicator lamp
flashes quickly for approx. 2 seconds 4. Test the programming by depressing the
and then changes over to a constant programmed button on HomeLink and
glow for approx. 3 seconds. This proc- watching the indicator lamp:
HomeLink *
• Constant glow: The indicator lamp illu- 7. Depress the programmed button on
minates with a constant glow when the HomeLink, while the "programming but-
button is kept depressed, this indicates ton" is still flashing, keep it depressed for 02
that the programming is complete. The approx. 3 seconds and then release.
garage door, gate or similar should now Repeat the press/hold/release sequence
be activated when the programmed up to 3 times to conclude the program-
HomeLink button is depressed. ming.
• Glow not constant: The indicator lamp
flashes quickly for approx. 2 seconds Erasing programming
and then changes over to a constant It is only possible to erase the programming for
glow for approx. 3 seconds. This proc- all the buttons on HomeLink, not for individual
ess is repeated for approx. 20 seconds buttons.
and indicates that the device has a "roll-
– Depress the two outer buttons and do not
ing code". The garage door, gate or sim-
release until the indicator lamp starts to
ilar is not activated when the pro-
flash after approx. 20 seconds.
grammed HomeLink button is
depressed. Continue the programming > HomeLink is now set in so-called
in accordance with the following. "learn mode" and is ready to be pro-
grammed once more, see page 85.
5. Locate the "programming button2" on the
receiver for the garage door for example,
normally located close to the antenna's
bracket on the receiver. If you have diffi-
culty in finding the button - consult the
supplier's manual, or contact the supplier
via the Internet: www.homelink.com.
6. Depress and release the "programming
button". The button flashes for approx. 30
seconds and the next step must be carried
out within this period.
03 Climate control
Control panel
03 Climate control
Control panel
3. Recirculation The air quality system consists of a multi-filter • The defroster functions for the front, side
The function is selected to and a sensor. The filter separates gases and and rear windows can be used to demist
shut out bad air, exhaust particles to reduce the levels of odours and the windows.
gases etc. from the passen- pollution in the passenger compartment. When 4. Defroster
ger compartment. The air in the sensor detects polluted outside air, the air Used to quickly remove mist-
the passenger compartment intakes are closed and the air in the passenger ing and ice from the wind-
03 is recirculated, i.e. no outside compartment is recirculated. A green light (A) screen and side windows. Air
air is taken into the car when illuminates in the button when the air quality flows to the windows at high
this function is activated. If the air in the car sensor is active. fan speed. The light in the
recirculates for too long, there is a risk of mist- Activating the air quality sensor: defroster button illuminates
ing on the insides of the windows. when the function is active.
– Press AUTO (1) to activate the air quality
Timer sensor (normal setting). The following also takes place when the
The timer function reduces the risk of icing, defroster function is activated in order to pro-
misting and bad air (if recirculation is selected). Or: vide maximum dehumidification in the passen-
To activate/deactivate the function see – Switch between three functions by press- ger compartment:
page 82. ing repeatedly the recirculation button.
• the air conditioning (AC) is automatically
• Air quality sensor engaged – the light (A) switched on (can be switched off with the
NOTE AC button (6)
When Defroster (4) is selected, recirculation • recirculation is automatically disengaged.
is always deactivated.
• No recirculation engaged, provided it is not
required for cooling in hot weather – light When the defroster is switched off the climate
not illuminated. control returns to the previous settings.
3. Air quality system* • Recirculation engaged – the light (M) illu-
Same button as recirculation. 5. Air distribution
minates. The airflow can be distributed
Keep the following in mind: to the windows, dashboard
• As a rule, the air quality sensor should vents or floor by pressing the
always be engaged. air distribution buttons.
• Recirculation is limited in cold weather to
avoid misting.
A symbol on the display above the climate con- 7 and 8. Heated front seats* on the button. Automatic switching off discon-
trol panel and an illuminated light in the relevant To activate front seat heating: nects the rear window and door mirrors after
button indicate which function has been 12 – 20 minutes depending on outside tem-
selected. perature.
Refer to the table on page 98. During cold weather the defrosting* also con-
6. AC – On/Off (ON/OFF) tinues after 20 minutes in order to keep the rear
window and door mirrors free of ice and mist. 03
ON: The air conditioning is on.
It is controlled by the system's Higher heat: The intensity of the defrosting can be adapted
AUTO function. This way, to the outside temperature. This function must
– Press the button once – both lights illumi- be switched off manually.
incoming air is cooled and nate.
dehumidified. 10. Temperature selector
Lower heat: The temperatures on the
OFF: Off
– Press the button once – one light illumi- driver and passenger sides
When the defroster function is activated the air nates. can be set independently.
conditioning is automatically switched on (can
Heat off: Press the button once to acti-
be switched off with the AC button).
vate one side only. Press
– Press the button three times – light not illu- again to activate the other
NOTE minated. side. Press the button a third time to activate
The climate control system's demisting 9. Rear window and door mirror both sides.
function with humidity sensor is significantly defrosters
reduced with the air conditioning in deacti- The active side is indicated by the button's light
Heating is used to quickly and in the display above the climate control
vated mode (OFF), as well as with manually remove misting and ice from
selected air distribution and fan speed. panel.
the rear window and door mir-
rors. Press the button once to When the car is started, the most recent setting
start simultaneous rear win- is resumed.
dow and rearview mirror
defrosting. The function is NOTE
active if one lamp is illuminated in the button. Heating or cooling cannot be hastened by
The function is switched off manually or auto- selecting a higher or lower temperature than
matically. Switch off manually with one press the actual desired temperature.
Air distribution
Air to windscreen and side to prevent misting Air to floor and from dash- in sunny weather with
windows. Some air flows and icing in a cold and board air vents. cool outside tempera-
from the air vents. humid climate. (Not tures.
for low fan speed.)
Airflow to windows and from to ensure good com- Air to floor. Some air flows to to warm the feet.
dashboard air vents. fort in warm, dry the dashboard air vents and
weather. windows.
Airflow to the head and to ensure efficient Airflow to windows, from to provide cooler air for
chest from the dashboard cooling in warm dashboard air vents and to the feet or warmer air
air vents. weather. the floor. to the upper body in
cold weather or hot,
dry weather.
03 Climate control
Parking on a hill
If the car is parked on a steep hill, the front of
the car should point downhill to ensure that
there is a supply of fuel to the parking heater.
1 No function in cars without trip computer, fuel-driven parking heater as well as stability and traction control system.
With the direct start of the heater it will be acti- 7. Press RESET to activate the timer. NOTE
vated for 50 minutes.
After setting TIMER 1 a second start time can All timer programming will be cleared if the
Heating of the passenger compartment will be programmed with TIMER 2 by scrolling with car's clock is reset.
begin as soon as the engine coolant has the thumbwheel.
reached the correct temperature.
Set the alternative time in the same way as
TIMER 1. 03
The car can be started and driven while the Deactivating a timer-started heater
parking heater is running. A timer-started heater can be switched off
manually before the set time has elapsed. Pro-
ceed as follows:
Setting the timer 1. Press the READ button.
The time when the car shall be used and heated
is specified with the timer. 2. Use the thumbwheel to scroll to the text
Select between TIMER 1 and TIMER 2. TIMER 2.
1. Scroll with the thumbwheel to PARK The text ON flashes on the display.
3. Press RESET.
2. Give a long press (approx. 2 seconds) on
the RESET button in order to access the The text OFF is shown with a constant
flashing time setting. glow and the heater is switched OFF.
3. Select the required hour using the thumb- A timer-started heater can be switched off in
wheel. accordance with the instructions in the section
"Direct start and immediate stop".
4. Briefly press RESET to move to the flash-
ing minutes setting. Clock/timer
The heater's time is connected to the car's
5. Select the required minute using the
6. Briefly press RESET to confirm the setting.
The auxiliary heater cannot be switched on
or off manually but is only controlled by the
car's electronics.
When the auxiliary heater is active there may
be smoke from underneath the car, which is
perfectly normal.
Front seats............................................................................................ 106
Interior lighting...................................................................................... 108
Storage spaces in the passenger compartment................................... 110
Rear seat............................................................................................... 114
Cargo area............................................................................................ 116
04 Interior
Front seats
Seating position, manual seat Lumbar support1 (driver's and passenger The seats can be adjusted for a certain time
seat*), turn the wheel. after unlocking the door with the remote con-
Backrest rake: turn the wheel. trol key without the key being inserted into the
ignition switch. The seat can always be
Control panel for power seat*. adjusted in key position I or II.
Front edge of seat cushion up/down
Seat, forwards/backwards
Adjust the position of the driver's seat and
adjust the seatbelt, see page 16, before set- Seat, up/down
ting off, never while driving.
04 Backrest rake
Check that the seat is locked in position.
An overload protection is deployed if one of the
seats is blocked. If this happens, turn off the
Seating position, power seat* ignition and wait a short time before adjusting
the seat again. Only one of the seat's settings
The driver's and passenger seats can be can be adjusted at a time.
adjusted to the optimum sitting and driving
Forward/backward: lift the handle to adjust
the distance to the steering wheel and ped-
als. Check that the seat is locked after
changing the position setting.
Raise/lower the front of the seat cushion
(driver's and passenger seat*), pump up/
Raise/lower the seat (driver's and passen-
ger seat*), pump up/down.
Front seats
Emergency stop
If the seat accidentally begins to move, press
one of the setting buttons for the seat or mem-
ory buttons in order to stop the seat.
Interior lighting
Reading lamps and interior lighting Front roof lighting Vanity mirror*
The front reading lamps are switched on or off
by pressing the relevant button in the roof con-
Controls in roof console for front reading lamps
and passenger compartment lighting. The lamp is automatically switched on and off
respectively when the cover is opened or
Reading lamp left-hand, On/Off
Interior lighting
Reading lamps, rear. Glovebox lighting
Reading lamp right-hand, On/Off
Reading lamp left-hand rear, On/Off Glovebox lighting is switched on and off
All lighting in the passenger compartment can respectively when the lid is opened or closed.
be switched on in key position I and II as well Reading lamp right-hand rear, On/Off
as when the engine is running. The lighting can The lamps are switched on or off by pressing
also be activated within 30 minutes after: the relevant button.
• the engine has been switched off and the
remote control key is in position 0 Courtesy lighting
Courtesy lighting (and passenger compart-
• the car has been unlocked but the engine ment lighting) is switched on and off respec-
has not been started.
tively when a side door is opened or closed.
Interior lighting
Neutral position
When the switch (2) is in neutral position pas-
senger compartment lighting is switched on
and off automatically in accordance with the
The passenger compartment lighting is
switched on and remains on for 30 seconds if:
• the car is unlocked with the remote control
key or key blade.
• the engine is stopped and the remote con-
trol key is turned to position 0.
Passenger compartment lighting is switched
off when:
• the engine is started
• the car is locked with the key or remote
control key.
04 Interior
Storage spaces
04 Interior
Coat hanger, only for light garments.
Storage compartment and cup holder. The owner's manual and maps can be kept The coat hanger is located on the passenger
Storage pocket* on front edge of centre here for example. There are also holders for seat head restraint. Only hang light garments
rear seat cushion. coins, pens and fuel cards. on the hanger.
The glovebox can be locked with the remote
WARNING control key's detachable key blade. Further
information is available on page 121.
Ensure that no hard, sharp or heavy objects
lie or protrude in such a way that they could
cause injury during heavy braking.
Always secure large and heavy objects with
a seatbelt or cargo retaining straps.
In the deeper compartment there is space for
There is a storage space under the armrest. 10 normal CD cases. The cases must be stored There is space for a double cup holder under
There is also a smaller storage space in the vertically on the top edge for all 10 to have the roller cover. The space can be used for
detachable armrest. Press the small button space. storage by lifting out the cup holder. Lift at the
and lift the armrest to open the shallow com- rear edge of the cup holder where there is a
partment. Press the large button and lift the recess.
armrest to open the deeper compartment.
If the cup holder is being fitted - first align its
two guide lugs in the two recesses in the front
edge of the space and then press down the
rear edge of the cup holder.
Close the roller cover by gripping its front edge
from below and pulling forward.
04 Interior
A bottle holder for larger bottles is located on An ashtray is located towards the rear of the
When there are no buttons for parking assis- the rear of the tunnel console. tunnel console.
tance and BLIS, see page 169 and page Open the ashtray by pulling the top edge of the
171, the space can be used as a storage com- cover.
Emptying the ashtray:
WARNING 1. Press in the catch, see preceding illustra-
Objects placed in the storage compart- tion, and tilt the cover up.
ments must not obstruct the parking brake 2. Then lift the ashtray out.
lever when it is applied.
Rear seat
with middle of the back of the head. Raise the
head restraint as necessary.
To lower the head restraint, press the button by The rear seat backrests can be tipped forwards
the right-hand pillar at the same time as push- together, or individually, to make it easier to
ing down the head restraint. To remove the Lowering the backrest. transport long objects. To avoid damaging the
head restraint, the button by the right-hand pil- seatbelts when folding the backrests up or
Rear edge of seat cushion
lar must be pressed while lifting out the head down, these should be hooked onto the grab
restraint. Lock catch handles.
04 Interior
Rear seat
When the backrest has been raised, the red
indicator should no longer be showing. If it
is still showing then the backrest is not
locked in place.
Remember to take down the seatbelts once
you have raised the backrest.
04 Interior
Cargo area
The load retaining eyelets are used to fasten Fold down the cover to access the electrical The bag holder holds shopping bags in place
straps or nets to anchor items in the cargo socket. This socket works regardless of and prevents them tipping over and spilling
area. whether or not the ignition is on. their contents.
1. Open the hatch in the cargo area.
2. Secure the shopping bags with the strap.
Remember that using the electrical socket
with the engine switched off involves the
risk of discharging the car's battery.
Remote control key with key blade....................................................... 120
Active locks........................................................................................... 123
Privacy locking*..................................................................................... 124
Keyless drive*........................................................................................ 126
Battery in remote control key................................................................ 129
Locking and unlocking.......................................................................... 130
Child safety locks.................................................................................. 133
Alarm*.................................................................................................... 134
Remote control key Loss of a remote control key Remote control key functions
The car is supplied with 2 remote control keys. If you lose a remote control key, take the car
and the other remote control keys to a Volvo
The remote control keys contain detachable
workshop - an authorised Volvo workshop is
metal key blades for mechanical locking/
recommended. The code of the missing
unlocking of the driver's door and glovebox.
remote control key must be erased from the
The key blades' unique code is available at system as a theft prevention measure.
authorised Volvo workshops, which are rec-
ommended for ordering new key blades.
A maximum of 6 remote control keys/key The remote control keys are fitted with coded
blades can be programmed and used for one chips. The code must be accepted by the
single car. reader (receiver) in the ignition switch. The
engine can only be started if the correct remote
Turn signal indication during locking/ control key with the correct code is used.
05 unlocking
When the car is unlocked using the remote Locking – Locks all doors and the boot lid.
control key or Keyless drive system, two short Press and hold (at least 2 seconds) to also
flashes of the direction indicators serve to indi- close the side windows and the sunroof.
cate that unlocking was correctly performed.
For locking, the indication takes place with one
long flash and only if all locks have been If the sunroof and windows are closed using
the remote control key, check that no one is
locked, after the doors and the boot lid have in danger of getting hands caught.
been closed.
Personal preferences in the menu system can Unlocking – Unlocks the doors and the
be used to the deactivate indication via the boot lid. Press and hold (at least 4 seconds)
direction indicators. There will then be no visual to also open the side windows.
indication as to whether the lock status is cor-
rect, see page 83.
05 Locks and alarm
Approach lighting – Switches on the light- Detachable key blade Removing the key blade
ing at a distance – lights up the area around To remove the key blade from the remote con-
a car parked in a dark location. Press the trol key:
button once to switch on the interior light-
Slide the spring-loaded catch to the side.
ing, position/parking lamps, number plate
lighting and door mirror lamps (option). The Pull out the key blade at the same time.
lighting is switched off automatically after
30, 60 or 90 seconds. For information on Attaching the key blade
setting the delay time, see page 83. Be careful when inserting the key blade into the
Boot lid - Press the button once to unlock remote control key.
the boot lid only1.
1. Hold the remote control key with the nar-
Panic function – Used to attract attention row end pointing down and lower the key
in an emergency. Press and hold the red blade into its slot.
button for at least 3 seconds or press i
2. Lightly press the key blade to lock it in
t twice within 3 seconds to activate the 05
position. You should hear a "click".
direction indicators and the horn. The
Using the remote control key's detachable key
alarm can be deactivated with the same Unlocking doors with the key blade
button, after having been armed for at least If central locking cannot be activated with the
5 seconds. Otherwise the function • the driver's door can be opened manually remote control key, e.g. if the batteries are dis-
switches off automatically after 30 sec- if central locking cannot be activated with charged, then the driver's door can be
onds. the remote control key, see page 127.
unlocked and opened as follows:
• access to the glovebox and cargo area
IMPORTANT (privacy locking) is blocked, see pages 1. Insert the key blade in the driver's door
122 and 124. keyhole.
The narrow section of the remote control
key is particularly sensitive - this contains • the rear doors' mechanical child safety 2. Turn the blade 45 degrees clockwise and
the chip. The engine cannot be started if the locks can be activated/deactivated, see open the door.
chip is damaged. page 133. See also the figure and further information on
• PACOS* activated/deactivated, see page 127.
page 22.
The remote control key cannot unlock the
glovebox without the key blade.
This function is particularly useful for when
the car is left for service, at a hotel or similar.
05 Locks and alarm
Active locks
Active locks for remote control key with 05
key blade.
Active locks for remote control key with-
out key blade and with privacy locking
05 Locks and alarm
Privacy locking*
General information on privacy locking Activate privacy locking Rear seat backrests
The privacy locking function is intended for
when the car is left for service, with a hotel NOTE
parking valet or similar. The glovebox is then
Do not forget to lock the rear seat backrest.
locked and the boot lid lock is disconnected Do not reinsert the key blade into the remote
from the central locking - the cargo area cannot control key - keep it in a safe place.
be opened with either the central locking but-
ton on the driver's door or the remote control
In order that the cargo area with privacy locking
cannot be reached from the passenger com-
This means that the remote control key without partment, the opening mechanism in both rear
key blade can only be used to activate/deacti- seat backrests must be locked with the key
vate the alarm, to open the doors and to drive blade.
the car.
– Lock the left-hand backrest by turning the
The remote control key without key blade can key blade clockwise, the right-hand back-
05 then be handed over to the service or hotel staff rest is locked by turning the key blade anti-
Privacy locking activated.
- the loose key blade is retained by the car clockwise.
owner. 1. Remove the detachable key blade from the
remote control key, see page 121. Deactivate privacy locking
To reconnect the boot lid to the central locking
2. Insert the key blade in the glovebox automatic function, proceed as follows:
1. Insert the remote control key's detachable
3. Turn the key blade 180 degrees clock- key blade into the glovebox keyhole and
wise. The keyhole is vertical in the locked turn 180 degrees anticlockwise.
position for privacy locking.
2. Unlock the rear seat backrest.
4. Pull out the key blade. 3. Refit the key blade into the remote control
The glovebox is then locked and the boot lid key, see page 121.
can no longer be unlocked with the remote Following which, the glovebox is unlocked and
control key or the central locking button. all central locking functions are again con-
Privacy locking*
Keyless drive*
Keyless lock and ignition system Remote control key max. 1.5 m from the • the READ button has been pressed.
Never leave any remote control key in the
In order to open a door or the boot lid, a remote
control key must be no more than approx. car
1.5 m from the car door handle or boot lid. If a remote control key with keyless drive func-
tion is left in the car, it is made passive when
This means that the person who wishes to the car is locked. This prevents unauthorised
open a door must have the remote control key entry.
with him or her. It is not possible to open a door
if the remote control key is on the other side of If someone breaks into the car and finds the
the car. remote control key, it can be activated and
used again. It is therefore important to handle
The grey area in the illustration indicates the all remote control keys with equal care.
range covered by the system's antennas.
Interference to remote control key
Keyless drive*
When the remote control key is within the range
covered by the system's antennas:
1. Open the doors by pulling the relevant han-
2. Open the boot lid by pressing under the
boot lid opening button and lift the boot lid. 05
Cars with the keyless system have a button on the
outside door handles. If for some reason the keyless drive function in If central locking cannot be activated with the
the remote control key is not operating, the car remote control key, e.g. if the batteries are dis-
When the remote control key is within the range charged, then the driver's door can be opened
covered by the system's antennas, the doors can be unlocked using the remote control key
functions, see page 120. as follows:
and the boot lid are locked as follows:
1. To access the keyhole: Carefully prize out
– Push in the lock button on one of the door Power seat – remote control key with the plastic cover in the handle by inserting
handles. memory function the key blade in the hole on the bottom of
All doors must be closed before the lock button If several people with keyless drive remote the cover.
is pushed in. Otherwise they will not lock. control keys get into the car, then the driver's
seat will be adjusted for the person who opens 2. Unlock the door using the key blade.
When the car is locked, the lock buttons on the the door first.
inside of the doors retract.
Keyless drive*
When the driver's door is unlocked using the Centre console, under the rear section
key blade and is opened, the alarm is trig-
gered. It is switched off by inserting the Centre console, under the front section
remote control key in the ignition switch, see
page 135.
People with pacemaker operations should
Antenna location not come closer than 22 cm to the keyless
system's antennae with their pacemaker.
This is to prevent interference between the
pacemaker and the keyless system.
Personal preferences
05 The Keyless Drive system can have personal
preferences applied, see page 83.
Low battery in remote control key 1. Place the remote control key with the key-
When the battery runs down and full function- pad downward and prize up the cover
ality cannot be guaranteed, the information using a small screwdriver.
symbol and display show KEY BATTERY 2. Remove the cover.
LOW VOLTAGE or REMOTE BATTERY 3. Carefully examine how the battery's (+) and
LOW VOLTAGE. (–) sides are fitted (there is a diagram under
the cover).
Changing the remote control key 4. Prize out and change the battery. Avoid
battery touching the battery and its terminals with
your fingers.
5. Refit the cover and press it in.
> Dispose of the old battery in an environ-
mentally-responsible manner.
05 Locks and alarm
open - when the boot lid is then closed there Locking
is a risk that the keys will be locked in. If the doors are locked when the boot lid is
closed then it remains unlocked. Lock with the
remote control key's lock button or from inside With the central locking button on the driver's
to lock both doors and the boot lid. door, the doors and boot lid can be locked or
unlocked simultaneously.
A door cannot be unlocked by pulling up its
lock button.
– Press the upper section of the central lock- Automatic locking WARNING
ing button . When the speed of the car exceeds 7 km/h the
Do not allow anyone to remain in the car
doors and boot lid are locked automatically. without first deactivating the deadlocks in
Global opening
– Press the upper section of the central lock- When the function is activated and the doors order to avoid the risk of anyone being
have been locked they can be opened in two locked in.
ing button .
A long press (at least 4 seconds) also Temporary deactivation
opens all the side windows simultaneously • Pull one of the door handles twice
If someone is going to stay in the car but the
- for example, to quickly ventilate the pas- • Press the upper section of the central lock- doors must be locked from the outside, then
senger compartment during hot weather. ing button and pull the door handle. the deadlocks function can be temporarily
Locking The function can be activated/deactivated by switched off.
– Press the lower section of the central lock- means of personal preferences, see page 83.
ing button .
Press and hold (at least 2 seconds) to also 05
close all windows and the sunroof* at the When deadlocked, the doors cannot be
same time. opened from the inside if they are locked with
the remote control key.
All doors can be locked with each respective
door's lock button. The deadlocks are activated with the remote
control key and are set after a 10-25 second
Opening the doors delay after the doors have been locked.
When the doors are locked from the inside: The car can only be unlocked from a deadlock
– Pull the handle twice to unlock and open state with the remote control key. The driver's
the door. door can also be unlocked manually with the
remote control key's detachable key blade -
see page 121.
Deactivation is carried out as follows: The next time the remote control key is turned
to key position II the system is reset to zero and
1. Access the menu system under CAR
the instrument panel display shows the mes-
SETTINGS (for a detailed description of
sage FULL GUARD at which the deadlocks
the menu system, see page 83).
function and the alarm's movement and tilt
2. Select REDUCED GUARD. detectors* are re-engaged.
3. Select Activate once: The instrument or
panel display shows the message
• If the locking system shall not be changed:
Select no options at all and lock the car. Or
the deadlocks function is switched off press EXIT and lock the car.
when the car is locked.
Select Ask on exit: Each time the key is
turned to position 0 the audio system dis-
05 play shows the message Reduced guard
ask on exit Press ENTER to reduce
guard until engine is started Press EXIT
to cancel - select one of the options:
• If the deadlocks function shall be switched
Navigation off: Press ENTER and lock the car. Note
that the alarm's* movement and tilt detec-
tors are switched off at the same time, see
page 135.
Manual select, child lock, rear doors Electrical locking of the rear doors and The lamp in the button illuminates when the
power windows* lock is active.
Cars with electric child safety locks do not
also have manual child locks.
Manual child lock in left-hand rear door.
The door cannot be opened from inside. Driver's door control panel.
When the electric child safety lock is active
The door can be opened from inside.
then the rear:
The child safety lock controls are found on the
trailing edge of the rear doors and are only
• windows can only be opened with the driv-
er's door control panel
accessible when the doors are open.
• doors cannot be opened from inside.
To activate or deactivate the child safety locks:
1. Child safety locks are activated in key posi-
1. Remove the remote control key's key tion I or II.
2. Press the switch on the driver's door.
2. Turn the control using the key blade.
A message appears on the information dis-
• the battery's cable is disconnected The alarm is fully armed when the car's
05 • anyone tries to disconnect the siren. direction indicators have made one long
A red LED on the top of the instrument panel flash and the LED on the instrument panel
flashes once every other second.
indicates the alarm system's status:
• LED not lit – the alarm is not armed.
• The LED flashes once every other second Disarming the alarm
– Alarm is armed. – Press the remote control key unlock but-
• The LED flashes rapidly after disarming the ton. Two short flashes from the car's direc-
alarm and until key position II is activated tion indicators confirm that the alarm is
– the alarm has been triggered. disarmed and that the doors are unlocked.
If there is a fault in the alarm system, a message
appears on the display. At which point you
should contact a workshop - an authorised
Volvo workshop is recommended.
Automatic re-arming of the alarm Remote control key not working Alarm signals
This function prevents the car being left with When the alarm is triggered, the following hap-
the alarm disarmed unintentionally. pens:
If the car is unlocked with the remote control • A siren sounds for 25 seconds or until the
key (and the alarm is disarmed) but none of the alarm is deactivated. The siren has its own
doors or the boot lid is opened within 2 battery and works independently of the car
minutes, then the alarm is automatically re- battery.
armed. The car is relocked at the same time. • The direction indicators flash for
5 minutes or until the alarm is switched off.
Deactivating a triggered alarm
– Press the unlock button on the remote Reduced alarm level
control key or insert the key in the ignition To avoid accidental triggering of the alarm -
switch. e.g. if a dog is left in a locked car or during
Confirmation is given by two short flashes from transport on a car train or car ferry - the move-
ment and tilt detectors should be temporarily 05
the direction indicators.
If the alarm cannot be deactivated with the deactivated.
If the remote control key's batteries are dis- remote control key, e.g. if the key's battery is
charged then the alarm can be deactivated by The procedure is the same as with the tempo-
discharged - the car can be unlocked, dis-
unlocking the driver's door manually, inserting rary disengaging of deadlocks - see page 131
armed and the engine started as follows:
the remote control key in the ignition switch
1. Open the driver's door with the detachable
and turning it to key position II.
key blade. The alarm is triggered and the
Testing the alarm system
siren sounds. Testing the movement detector* in the
2. On cars with the keyless drive system: First passenger compartment
remove the knob by pressing in the 1. Open all the windows.
catch (1) and pulling out (2). 2. Engage the alarm function with the remote
3. Insert the remote control key in the ignition control key's lock button. Active alarm
switch (3). The alarm is deactivated. The function is confirmed with a slowly flashing
alarm light flashes rapidly until the remote alarm indicator.
control key is turned to key position II. 3. Please wait 30 seconds.
4. Test the movement detector by lifting out 4. Open the bonnet with the handle under the
a bag from a seat for example. dashboard.
> A siren should sound and all direction > A siren should sound and all direction
indicators should flash. indicators should flash.
5. Deactivate the alarm by unlocking the car 5. Deactivate the alarm by unlocking the car
with the remote control key. with the remote control key.
General.................................................................................................. 140
Refuelling.............................................................................................. 142
Alcolock*............................................................................................... 146
Starting the engine................................................................................ 150
Starting the engine – Flexifuel............................................................... 152
Keyless drive*........................................................................................ 154
Manual gearbox.................................................................................... 155
Automatic gearbox................................................................................ 156
DRIVe Start-Stop*................................................................................. 161
Brake system........................................................................................ 165
DSTC – Stability and traction control system*...................................... 167
Park Assist*........................................................................................... 169
BLIS* – Blind Spot Information System................................................ 171
Towing and recovery............................................................................. 174
Start assistance.................................................................................... 177
Driving with a trailer.............................................................................. 178
Towing equipment*............................................................................... 180
Detachable towbar* ............................................................................. 182
Loading................................................................................................. 186
Adjusting headlamp pattern.................................................................. 187
Economical driving For more information and further advice, see brake linings wet resulting in delayed brake
Driving economically means driving smoothly the pages 13 and 292. function.
while thinking ahead and adjusting your driving • Clean the electric contacts of the electric
style and speed to the prevailing conditions. WARNING engine block heater and trailer coupling
• Drive in the highest gear possible, adapted Never switch off the engine while moving, after driving in water and mud.
to the current traffic situation and road - such as downhill, this deactivates important
lower engine speeds result in lower fuel systems such as the power steering and IMPORTANT
consumption. brake servo.
Do not let the car stand with water over the
• Avoid driving with open windows. sills for any long period of time. This could
cause electrical malfunctions.
• Avoid sudden unnecessary acceleration Driving in water
and heavy braking. The car can be driven through water at a maxi- In the event of stalling in water, do not try to
restart. Tow the car from the water.
• Remove unnecessary items from the car - mum depth of 25 cm at a maximum speed of
the greater the load the higher the fuel con- 10 km/h. Extra caution should be exercised
sumption. when passing through flowing water.
Engine, gearbox and cooling system
• Use engine braking to slow down, when it Under special conditions, for example hard
can take place without risk to other road IMPORTANT
driving in hilly terrain and hot climate, there is
Engine damage can occur if water enters a risk that the engine and drive system may
• A roof load and ski box increase air resis- the air filter. overheat - in particular with a heavy load.
06 tance, leading to higher fuel consumption
In greater depths, water can enter the trans- For supplementary information about over-
- remove the load carriers when not in use. mission. This reduces the lubricating ability heating when driving with a trailer - see
• Do not run the engine to operating tem- of the oils and shortens the service life of the
page 178.
perature at idling speed, but rather drive systems.
with a light load as soon as possible - a • Remove any auxiliary lamps from in front
cold engine consumes more fuel than a When driving in water, maintain a low speed of the grille when driving in hot climates.
warm one. and do not stop the car. When the water has • In the event of a risk of overheating a built-
• Cars with the D2 engine and 6-speed man- been passed, depress the brake pedal lightly in protection function in the gearbox is acti-
ual transmission with Start/Stop* are and check that full brake function is achieved. vated which, amongst other things, illumi-
started in 2nd gear under normal condi- Water and mud for example can make the nates the instrument panel's yellow infor-
tions on level ground. mation lamp and there is a text message
displayed there regarding appropriate Open boot lid SAVE MODE. The energy-saving function
action - follow the recommendation given. then shuts down certain functions or reduces
• If the temperature gauge for the engine's WARNING certain functions such as the ventilation fan
cooling system goes into the red zone - and/or audio system.
Do not drive with the boot lid open. Toxic
stop and let the engine idle for a few exhaust fumes can be drawn into the car – In which case, charge the battery by star-
minutes. through the cargo area. ting the engine and then running it for at
• If the car overheats, the air conditioning least 15 minutes - battery charging is more
may be switched off temporarily. effective during driving than running the
• Do not turn the engine off immediately you Do not overload the battery engine at idling speed while stationary.
stop after a hard drive. The electrical functions in the car load the bat-
tery to varying degrees. Avoid having the
Slippery driving conditions
NOTE remote control key in key position II when the
engine is switched off. Instead use the I mode Practise driving on slippery surfaces under
It is normal for the engine's cooling fan to - which uses less power. controlled conditions to learn how the car
operate for a while after the engine has been reacts.
switched off. Note that the 12 volt outlet in the cargo area
supplies power even when the remote control
Diesel engine key has been removed from the ignition switch.
When driving under heavy load in a hot climate, Also, be aware of different accessories that
the engine cooling fan can be replaced with load the electrical system. Do not use functions 06
one of a greater capacity than the standard which use a lot of power when the engine is
model1. Check with your nearest Volvo dealer switched off. Examples of such functions are:
regarding the options for your car.
• ventilation fan
• windscreen wiper
• audio system (high volume)
• headlamps.
If the battery voltage is low the information dis-
play shows the text LOW BATTERY POWER
06 Starting and driving
Opening the fuel filler flap 3. Take out the cap. General information on fuel
4. Hang up the cap on the inside of the fuel
filler flap. WARNING
Always avoid inhaling fuel vapour and get-
NOTE ting fuel splashes in the eyes.
Put the petrol cap back on after refuelling. In the event of fuel in the eyes, remove any
Turn until one or more clear clicks are heard. contact lenses and rinse the eyes in plenty
of water for at least 15 minutes and seek
medical attention.
Filling up with fuel Never swallow fuel. Fuels such as petrol,
Do not overfill the tank but fill until the pump bioethanol and mixtures of them and diesel
nozzle cuts out. are highly toxic and could cause permanent
injury or be fatal if swallowed. Seek medical
attention immediately if fuel has been swal-
NOTE lowed.
Don not forget to switch off the fuel-driven heater Excess fuel in the tank can overflow in hot
before refuelling! weather.
Open the fuel filler flap with the button on the Fuel which spills on to the ground can be
lighting panel, see page 61. The engine must Fuel of a lower quality than that specified ignited by the exhaust fumes.
06 should not be used as engine power and fuel
be switched off before the flap can be opened.
The fuel flap is located on the rear right wing. consumption could be negatively affected, for Switch off the fuel-driven heater before star-
more information see the following section ting to refuel.
Closing Fuel. Never carry an activated mobile phone
Push in the flap until you hear a click. when refuelling. The ring signal could cause
spark build-up and ignite petrol fumes,
Fuel cap leading to fire and injury.
1. Turn the fuel cap until an obvious resis-
tance is felt.
2. Turn past the resistance until it comes to a
06 Starting and driving
IMPORTANT tinuously controls the injectors. The ratio of fuel Bioethanol E85
to air directed to the engine is continuously Do not modify the fuel system or its compo-
Mixing different types of fuel or the use of adjusted. These adjustments create optimal
fuel not recommended invalidates Volvo's nents, and do not replace components with
conditions for efficient combustion of harmful parts that are not specifically designed for use
guarantees, and any associated service
agreement. This applies to all engines. emissions (hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide with bioethanol.
NOTE: It does not apply to cars with engines and nitrous oxides) using the three-way cata-
that are adapted to run on ethanol fuel (E85). lytic converter.
Methanol must not be used. A decal on the
For information on fuel consumption, CO2 Petrol inside of the fuel filler flap shows the correct
emissions and tank volume - see page 292. Petrol must meet the EN 228 standard. Most alternative fuel.
engines can be run with octane ratings of 91, The use of components not designed for
Catalytic converter 95 and 98 RON. bioethanol engines could cause fire, injury
The purpose of the catalytic converter is to or engine damage.
purify exhaust gases. It is located in the flow of • 91 RON must not be used for 4-cylinder
exhaust gases close to the engine so that it engines and should only be used in excep-
tional cases with other engines. Reserve fuel can
quickly reaches operating temperature. The
catalytic converter consists of a monolith • 95 RON can be used for normal driving. The reserve fuel can should be filled with petrol,
(ceramic or metal) with channels. The channel see the NOTE box, page 152.
• 98 RON is recommended for optimum per-
walls are lined with a thin layer of platinum/rho- formance and minimum fuel consumption.
dium/palladium. These metals act as catalysts, When driving in temperatures above +38 °C,
i.e. they participate in and accelerate a chem- fuel with the highest possible octane rating is Make sure the reserve fuel can is securely
ical reaction without being used up them- recommended for optimum performance and fastened and that its cap is sealed.
selves. fuel economy.
Lambda-sondTM oxygen sensor WARNING
The Lambda-sond is part of a control system IMPORTANT
Ethanol is sensitive to sparks, and explosive
intended to reduce emissions and improve fuel • Always refuel with unleaded petrol so as gases could form in the reserve fuel can if it
economy. not to damage the catalytic converter. is refuelled with ethanol.
An oxygen sensor monitors the oxygen content • Do not use additives not recommended
of the exhaust gases leaving the engine. This by Volvo.
value is fed into an electronic system that con-
06 Starting and driving
Diesel companies. This fuel is less viscous at low tem- engine, once the fuel tank has been filled with
Diesel must meet the EN 590 or JIS K2204 peratures and reduces the risk of paraffin pre- diesel:
standards. cipitate.
1. Insert the remote control key in the ignition
switch and turn to key position II (see
Only ever use fuel that fulfils the European Use special winter grade fuel during cold 2. Wait approx. 1 minute.
diesel standard. months. 3. To start the engine: Depress the brake and/
or clutch pedal, and turn the remote control
The risk of condensation in the fuel tank is key to start position III.
IMPORTANT reduced if the tank is kept well filled. When
Diesel type fuels which must not be used: refuelling, check that the area around the fuel Draining condensation from the fuel filter
special additives, Marine Diesel Fuel, fuel filler pipe is clean. Avoid spilling fuel onto the The fuel filter separates condensation from the
oil, RME1 (Rape Methyl Ester) and vegetable paintwork. Wash off any spillage with deter- fuel. Condensation can disrupt engine opera-
oil. These fuels do not fulfil the requirements gent and water. tion.
in accordance with Volvo recommendations
and generate increased wear and engine The fuel filter must be drained at the intervals
damage that is not covered by the Volvo IMPORTANT specified in the Service and Warranty Booklet
warranty. The sulphur content must be a maximum of or if you suspect that the car has been filled
50 ppm. with contaminated fuel.
06 Diesel engines are sensitive to contaminants,
such as excessively high volumes of sulphur IMPORTANT
Empty tank
particles for example. Only use diesel fuel from The design of the fuel system in a diesel engine Certain special additives remove the water
well-known producers. Never use diesel of means that if the vehicle runs out of fuel, the separation in the fuel filter.
dubious quality. tank may need to be vented in the workshop in
At low temperatures (-40 °C to -6 °C), a paraffin order to restart the engine after fuelling. Diesel particle filter (DPF)
precipitate may form in the diesel fuel, which Once the engine has stopped due to fuel star- Diesel cars may be equipped with a particle fil-
may lead to ignition problems. Special diesel vation, the fuel system needs a few moments ter, which results in more efficient emission
fuel designed for low temperatures around to carry out a check. Do this before starting the control. The particles in the exhaust gases are
freezing point is available from the major oil collected in the filter during normal driving. So-
1 Diesel fuel may contain a certain amount of RME, but further amounts must not be added.
06 Starting and driving
Before starting the engine Result after breath test To bear in mind
The Alcolock is activated automatically and is Indicator lamp Specification
then ready for use when the car is opened. Before the breath test
(5) + Display text In order to obtain correct function and as accu-
1. When the indicator lamp (6) is green the rate a measurement result as possible:
Alcolock is ready for use. Green lamp + Start the engine - no
2. Withdraw the Alcolock from its holder. If
ALCOGUARD alcohol content • Avoid eating or drinking approx.
APPROVED TEST measured. 5 minutes before the breath test.
the Alcolock is outside the car when it is
unlocked then it must first be activated Yellow lamp + Engine starting pos-
• Avoid excess windscreen washing - the
with the switch (2). alcohol in the washer fluid may result in an
ALCOGUARD sible - measured incorrect measurement result.
3. Fold up the nozzle (1), take a deep breath APPROVED TEST alcohol content is
and blow with an even pressure until a above 0.1 promille Change of driver
"click" is heard after approx. 5 seconds. but below the limit In order to ensure that a new breath test is car-
The result will be one of the alternatives in value in forceA. ried out in the event of a change of driver -
the following table Result after breath depress the switch (2) and the send button (3)
test. Red lamp + DISAP- Engine starting not simultaneously for approx. 3 seconds. At
4. If no message is shown then the transmis- PROVED TEST possible - measured which point the car returns to start inhibition
sion to the car may have failed - in which WAIT 1 MINUTE alcohol content is mode and a new approved breath test is
case, press the button (3) to transmit the above the limit value required before starting the engine.
result to the car manually. in forceA.
5. Fold down the nozzle and refit the Alcolock A Limits vary between countries, so find out what limits apply.
Calibration and service
in its holder. See also the section entitled General information on the The Alcolock must be checked and calibrated
Alcolock on page146.
6. Start the engine following an approved at a workshop2 every 12 months.
breath test within 5 minutes - otherwise it NOTE 30 days before recalibration is necessary the
must be repeated. display shows ALCOGUARD CALIBR.
After a completed period of driving, the
REQUIRED. If calibration is not carried out
engine can be restarted within 30 minutes
without a new breath test. within these 30 days then normal engine star-
ting will be blocked - only starting with the
Bypass function will then be possible, see In extremely cold weather the heating time can Activating the Bypass function
page 148 section Emergency situation. be reduced by taking the Alcolock indoors. • Depress and hold the left-hand stalk
The message can be cleared by pressing the switch READ button and the button for
Emergency situation hazard warning flashers simultaneously for
send button (3) once. Otherwise it goes out on In the event of an emergency situation or the approx. 5 seconds - the display first shows
its own after approx. 2 minutes but then reap- Alcolock is out of order, it is possible to bypass BYPASS ACTIVATED WAIT 1 MINUTE
pears each time the engine is started - only the Alcolock in order to drive the car. and then ALCOGUARD BYPASS
recalibration at a workshop2 can clear the mes- ENABLED - after which the engine can be
sage permanently. started.
Cold or hot weather All Bypass activation is logged and saved in This function can be activated several times.
The colder the weather the longer it takes memory, see page 10 in the section, The error message shown during driving can
before the Alcolock is ready for use: Recording data. only be cleared at a workshop2.
Activating the Emergency function
Temperature (ºC) Maximum heat- After the Bypass function has been activated • Depress and hold the left-hand stalk
ing time (sec- the display shows ALCOGUARD BYPASS switch READ button and the button for
onds) ENABLED the whole time while driving and hazard warning flashers simultaneously for
can only be reset by a workshop2. approx. 5 seconds - the display shows
The Bypass function can be tested without the the engine can be started.
-5 to +10 60 error message being logged - in which case,
06 This function can be used once, after which a
carry out all the steps without starting the car.
-40 to -5 180 The error message is cleared when the car is reset must be made at a workshop2.
At temperatures below -20 ºC or above
When the Alcolock is installed, either the
+60 ºC the Alcolock requires additional power
Bypass or Emergency function is selected as
supply. The display shows ALCOGUARD
the bypassing option. This setting can be
INSERT POWER CABLE. In which case, con-
changed afterwards at a workshop2.
nect the power supply cable from the glovebox
and wait until indicator lamp (6) is green.
Before starting the engine NOTE 2. Turn the ignition key to position III when
– Apply the parking brake. the indicator symbol goes out.
The idling speed can be noticeably higher
Note that if the car is equipped with an alcolock than normal for certain engine types during Autostart *
then a breath test must first be approved cold starting. This is in order that the emis- With the autostart function, there is no need to
before the engine can be started, see sions system can reach normal operating
hold the remote control key (or ignition dial, on
temperature as quickly as possible, which
page 146. cars with Keyless Drive - see page 126) in key
minimises exhaust emissions and protects
the environment. position III until the engine has started.
Automatic gearbox
– Move the gear selector in position P or N. – Turn the key to key position III and release
it - the starter motor then works automati-
Manual gearbox Starting the engine cally until the engine has started.
Put the gear lever in neutral and hold the clutch
pedal fully depressed. This is particularly IMPORTANT NOTE
important in very cold conditions.
If the engine fails to start after 3 attempts - If the diesel engine is started in extreme cold
wait for 3 minutes before making a further without waiting for engine preheating, then
WARNING attempt. Starting capacity increases if the the automatic start sequence can be
battery is allowed to recover. delayed for a couple of seconds.
Never remove the remote control key from
the ignition switch while driving or when the
car is being towed. The steering lock could Petrol
06 otherwise be activated, making it impossi- – Turn the remote control key to key position Key positions
ble to steer the car. III. If the engine does not start within 0 – Locked position
The remote control key must be in key posi- 5–10 seconds, release the key and try The steering lock is activated
tion II when the car is being towed. again. when the remote control key
Diesel is removed from the ignition
1. Turn the remote control key to key position
> An indicator symbol in the combined
instrument panel shows that engine pre-
heating is underway, see page 53.
06 Starting and driving
General information about starting If the engine still does not start The lower the temperature, the longer the time
with Flexifuel – Please wait for one minute, fully depress required with the engine block heater. At
The engine is started in the same way as in a the accelerator pedal and repeat the pre- -20 °C the heater should be used for approx. 3
petrol-engined car, see page 150. vious procedure. hours.
Cars intended for E85 have an electric engine
NOTE IMPORTANT block heater*. Starting and driving with a pre-
If the engine does not start despite repeated heated engine involves significantly lower
The immobiliser is activated in the event of
repeated start attempts. Before a new start start attempts, contact a workshop - an emissions and reduced fuel consumption. For
attempt is made the key/dial must first be authorised Volvo workshop is recom- this reason you should aim to use the engine
turned back to position I or 0. mended. block heater throughout the winter months.
In the event of starting difficulties Engine block heater*
The engine block heater is powered by high
If the engine does not start at the first start voltage. Fault tracing and repair of an elec-
attempt, proceed as follows: tric engine block heater and its electrical
1. Depress the accelerator pedal 1/3 to 1/2. connections must only be carried out by a
workshop - an authorised Volvo workshop
2. Turn the remote control key/ignition dial to is recommended.
key position III.
3. When the engine has started, ease the NOTE
accelerator pedal gradually as the engine
Points to remember for carrying reserve
speed increases.
If the engine has not started after • In the event of stalling due to an empty
10 seconds, second attempt fuel tank, bioethanol E85 from a reserve
– Turn the remote control key/ignition dial to Electrical input to the engine block heater. fuel can may make the engine difficult
key position III until the engine starts, but When the temperature is expected to be lower to start in extreme cold. This is avoided
not longer than 60 seconds. than –10 °C and the car has been refuelled with by filling the reserve fuel can with 95
bioethanol E85, an engine block heater should octane petrol.
be used for about 2 hours to facilitate the quick
starting of the engine.
Fuel adaptation
If the fuel tank is filled with petrol after the car
has been driven on bioethanol E85 (or vice
versa) then the engine may run slightly
unevenly for a time. For this reason it is impor-
tant to allow the engine to accustom itself
(adapt) to the new fuel mixture.
Adaptation takes place automatically when the
car is driven for a short period at an even
After the fuel mixture in the tank has been
changed an adaptation should be made by
driving at an even speed for about 15
minutes. 06
06 Starting and driving
Keyless drive*
General Starting the car Starting with the remote control key
– Depress the clutch pedal (cars with manual
gearbox) or brake pedal (cars with auto-
matic gearbox).
Petrol engine
– Press in and turn the ignition dial to key
position III.
Diesel engine
1. First turn the ignition dial to key position II
and wait until the diesel indicator symbol in
the combined instrument panel goes out,
see page 53.
2. Following which, turn the ignition dial to
position III.
The keyless drive system allows the car to be If the remote control key's battery is dis-
unlocked, driven and locked without the need charged then the Keyless Drive function does
for a key, see page 126. not work. In which case, start the car by using
06 the remote control key as ignition dial.
The ignition switch ignition dial is used in the
same way as the remote control key. One pre- 1. Press in the catch in the ignition dial.
condition for starting the car is that the car's
2. Pull the ignition dial out from the ignition
remote control key is located inside the pas-
senger compartment or the cargo area.
3. Insert the remote control key into the igni-
tion switch and start in the same way as
with the ignition dial.
Manual gearbox
Get into the habit of always applying the
parking brake when parking on a slope - an
engaged gear is not sufficient to hold the car
in all situations.
Automatic gearbox
06 Starting and driving
Automatic gearbox
a level suitable for the selected gear, in order When kick-down is activated the car can Automatic gear selector inhibitor
to avoid jerking and stalling. change one or more gears at a time depending Cars with an automatic gearbox have special
on engine speed. The car changes up when the safety systems:
To return to automatic driving mode:
engine reaches its maximum speed in order to
• Move the lever to the side to the end posi- prevent damage to the engine. Keylock
tion at D. To remove the remote control key, the gear
Mechanical gear selector inhibitor selector must be in the P position. The key is
locked in all other positions.
When the accelerator pedal is pressed all the
way to the floor (beyond the position normally Parking position (P)
regarded as full acceleration) a lower gear is Stationary car with engine running:
immediately engaged. This is known as kick-
down. – Hold your foot on the brake pedal when
moving the gear selector to another posi-
If the accelerator is released from the kick- tion.
down position, the gearbox automatically
changes up. Electric gear inhibitor – Shiftlock Parking
Kick-down is used when maximum accelera- position (P position)
tion is needed, such as for overtaking. To be able to move the gear selector from the
P position to other gear positions, the remote
Safety function control key must be in position II and the brake
To prevent overrevving the engine, the gearbox pedal must be depressed.
control program has a protective downshift
inhibitor which prevents the kick-down func- Shiftlock – Neutral (N position)
The gear selector can be moved forward and If the gear selector is in the N position and the
tion. back freely between N and D. Other positions car has been stationary for at least three sec-
Geartronic does not permit downshifting/kick- are locked with a latch that is released with the onds (irrespective of whether the engine is run-
down which would result in an engine speed inhibitor button on the gear selector. ning) then the gear selector is locked in the N
high enough to damage the engine. Nothing With the inhibitor button depressed the lever position.
happens if the driver still tries to shift down in can be moved forwards or backwards between
this way at high engine speed – the original To be able to move the gear selector from the
P, R, N and D. N position to another gear position, the brake
gear remains engaged.
pedal must be depressed and the remote con-
trol key must be in position II.
06 Starting and driving
Automatic gearbox
Disengaging the gear selector inhibitor Cold start Automatic gearbox Powershift*
When starting in low temperatures, the gear
changes can sometimes feel hard. This is due
to the gearbox oil's viscosity at low tempera-
tures. To reduce engine emissions, the gear-
box shifts up later than normal when the engine
is started at low temperatures.
Depending on the engine temperature when
the engine is started, the idle speed after a
cold start may be higher than normal for
certain engine types.
D: Automatic gear positions. M (+/–): Manual gear
In certain cases, it may be necessary to move positions.
the car when it is not driveable, for example if
the battery is flat. Proceed as follows to move Powershift is a six-stage automatic gearbox
the car: that has double mechanical clutch discs in
contrast to a conventional automatic gearbox.
1. There is a small cover behind P-R-N-D on A conventional automatic gearbox has a
the gear selector panel. Open it at the rear hydraulic torque converter instead that trans-
edge. fers power from engine to gearbox.
2. Fully insert the key blade from the remote Powershift transmission operates in the same
control key. way and has similar controls and functions as
3. Hold the key blade down and at the same the Geartronic automatic transmission, descri-
time move the gear lever out of the P posi- bed in the previous section.
tion. In the event of uncertainty as to whether or not
the car is equipped with Powershift transmis-
sion, this can be verified by checking the des-
Automatic gearbox
ignation on the decal number (5) under the slower) on an uphill gradient, or with a trailer For important information regarding Powershift
bonnet - see page 280. The designa- hitched. The transmission cools down when transmission and towing - see page 174.
tion ”MPS6” means that it is Powershift trans- the car is stationary, with foot brake depressed
mission - otherwise it is Geartronic automatic and the engine running at idling speed. Text message and action
transmission. In some situations the display can show a mes-
Overheating during slow driving in queues can sage at the same time as a symbol is illumi-
To bear in mind be avoided by driving in stages: Stop the car nated.
The transmission's double clutch has overload and wait with your foot on the brake pedal until
there is a moderate distance to the traffic The table shows three steps with an increased
protection that is activated if it becomes too
ahead, drive forward a short distance, and then degree of seriousness should the gearbox
hot, e.g. if the car is held stationary with the
wait another moment with your foot on the become too hot. In parallel with the display text
accelerator pedal on an uphill gradient for a
brake pedal. the driver is also advised that the car's elec-
long time.
tronics are temporarily changing the driving
Overheated transmission causes the car to IMPORTANT characteristics. Follow the instructions on the
shake and vibrate, and the warning symbol illu- information display where appropriate.
minates and the information display shows a Use the foot brake to hold the car stationary
message. The transmission can also overheat on an uphill gradient - do not hold the car
during slow driving in queues (10 km/h or with the accelerator pedal. The gearbox
could then overheat.
06 Starting and driving
Automatic gearbox
TRANSM. OVERHEAT PARK SAFELY Significant pulling in the car's traction. Gearbox overheated. Park the car immedi-
ately in a safe manner.
TRANSM. COOLING LET ENGINE RUN No drive due to overheated gearbox. Gearbox overheated. For fastest cooling:
Run the engine at idling speed with the gear
lever in the N or P position until the mes-
sage clears.
A For fastest cooling: run the engine at idling speed with the gear lever in the N or P position, until the message clears.
06 Starting and driving
DRIVe Start-Stop*
Smart charging
The car's kinetic energy is used during engine
braking by means of it being converted into
electricity and stored in the car's battery.
DRIVe Start-Stop*
DRIVe Start-Stop*
Indication is made with an up or down arrow in Limitations has not depressed the clutch pedal in order to
the combined instrument panel's lower dis- engage a gear:
play. The engine does not auto-stop
Even if the Start/Stop function is activated, the • The driver's seatbelt buckle is opened.
Deactivating the Start/Stop function engine does not auto-stop if: • Misting forms on the windows.
• the driver has opened the seatbelt's • The outside temperature is below freezing
buckle. point or above approx. 30 °C.
• the car has not stopped completely. • There is a temporarily high current take-off
or battery capacity has dropped below the
• the car has been reversed and reverse gear lowest permissible level.
is disengaged.
• The car starts to roll - faster than the equiv-
• the engine does not have normal operating alent normal walking pace.
• Repeated pumping of the brake pedal.
• outside temperature is below freezing
The information display shows here that the Start/ point or above approx. 30 °C. WARNING
Stop function has been disengaged.
• the environment in the passenger com- Do not open the bonnet when the engine
In certain situations, it may partment differs from the preset values - has stopped automatically - the engine may
advisable to temporarily indicated by the ventilation fan running at suddenly start automatically. In order to
switch off the automatic a high speed. avoid starting automatically with raised
Start/Stop function - this is bonnet:
carried out by pressing this
• the capacity of the battery is below the 06
minimum permissible level. • Engage a gear and apply the parking
button once, at which point brake.
the button's lamp goes out. • battery temperature is below freezing point
or above approx. 55 °C.
Disengaged Start/Stop function is indicated by The engine does not auto-start
a message appearing on the information dis- The engine auto-starts without driver
In the following cases the engine does not
play for about 5 seconds. intervention auto-start after having auto-stopped:
An auto-stopped engine may restart in some
The Start/Stop function is disengaged until it is • The driver's seatbelt buckle has been
cases without the driver having decided that
reactivated with the button or until the next opened - a display text prompts the driver
the journey should continue. In the following
time the engine is started with the key. to start the engine normally.
cases the engine auto-starts even if the driver
• A gear is engaged without declutching - a
display text prompts the driver to set the
DRIVe Start-Stop*
AUTO START- Illuminates for If a message does not go out after performing
STOP ON about 5 seconds an action a workshop should be contacted - an
after Start/Stop has authorised Volvo workshop is recommended,
been activated. which also applies in the event of the need for
any other form of technical assistance.
AUTO START- Illuminates for
STOP OFF about 5 seconds
after Start/Stop has
been switched off.
Brake system
Brake servo Dampness can affect braking Bear in mind that driving with a trailer puts an
If the car is rolling or is being towed with the characteristics additional load on the car's brakes.
engine turned off, the brake pedal must be Brake components become wet when the car
depressed about 5 times harder than when the is driven in heavy rain, through pools of water Anti-lock braking system - ABS
engine is running. If the brake pedal is or when the car is washed. This may alter brake
The anti-lock braking system
depressed when the engine is started, you will pad friction characteristics so that there is a
(ABS) prevents the wheels from
feel the pedal drop. This is normal and due to delay before braking effect is noticed.
locking up during braking.
the brake servo becoming active. This may be Press the brake pedal lightly from time to time
more noticeable if the car has Emergency This means the ability to steer is
if driving for long stretches in rain or slushy
Brake Assistance (EBA). maintained and it is easier to swerve to avoid a
snow, as well as after setting off in very damp
hazard for example.
or cold weather. This warms up the brake pads
WARNING and dries off any water. This precaution is also After the engine has been started, the ABS will
The brake servo only works when the engine recommended before parking the car for a long perform a brief self-test at a speed of
is running. period in such weather conditions. about 20 km/h. This can be felt and heard as
pulses in the brake pedal.
NOTE If the brakes are used heavily To get the most out of the ABS:
When driving in the Alps or other roads with 1. Depress the brake pedal with full force.
If braking with the engine switched off,
press the brake pedal sharply once, not
similar characteristics, the car's brakes are Pulses will be felt.
repeatedly. heavily loaded even if the brake pedal is not 06
being depressed especially hard. 2. Steer the car in the direction of travel. Do
not release the pressure on the pedal.
Because speed is often low, the brakes are not
Brake circuits cooled as effectively as when driving on flat Practice braking with the ABS system in a traf-
This symbol illuminates if a brake roads at higher speed. fic-free area and in different weather condi-
circuit is not working. tions.
So as not to overload the brakes, shift down
If a fault should occur in one of the when driving downhill instead of using the foot
circuits, it is still possible to brake brake. Use the same gear driving downhill as
the car. The brake pedal will travel further and you would use driving uphill. This uses engine
may feel softer than normal. Harder pressure braking more efficiently so the foot brake is
on the pedal is needed to produce the normal only required for brief periods.
braking effect.
06 Starting and driving
Brake system
06 Starting and driving
switched off - after the engine is started the
the car.
next time DSTC is back in its normal mode
Spin Control again.
Controls and information display.
The function prevents the driving wheels from
spinning against the road surface during accel- Thumbwheel1 WARNING
eration. RESET button1 Suppressing system function may alter the
driving characteristics of the car. 06
Traction control system The stability system is activated automatically
The function is active at low speed and trans- each time the car is started.
fers power from the driving wheel that is spin- NOTE
System operation during skidding and accel-
ning to the one that is not.
eration can be partially deactivated. Operation DSTC ON is shown for several seconds on
during skidding is then delayed and so allows the display each time the engine is started.
more skidding which provides greater freedom
for dynamic driving. Traction in deep snow or
sand is improved at the same time as acceler-
ation is no longer limited.
1 No function in cars without trip computer, fuel-driven parking heater as well as stability and traction control system.
Messages on the information display If the symbols and are displayed at the
OFF means that the system has been tempo- • Read the message on the information dis-
rarily reduced due to excessive brake tempera- play.
If the symbol appears alone then it may
– The function is reactivated automatically appear as follows:
when the brakes have cooled.
• Flashing light means that the DSTC system
ANTI-SKID SERVICE REQUIRED system is now being activated.
disabled due to a fault.
• Constant glow for 2 seconds means sys-
– Stop the car in a safe place and turn off the tem check when the engine is started.
engine. • Constant glow after starting the engine or
> If the message remains when the engine while driving means that there is a fault in
is restarted, drive to a workshop. An the DSTC system.
authorised Volvo workshop is recom-
Park Assist*
Park Assist*
The system is automatically engaged when the Fault indicator Cleaning the sensors
car is started and the switch's On/Off lamp is If the information symbol illumi-
illuminated. If parking assistance is switched nates with constant glow and the
off with the button, the lamp goes out. display shows PARK ASSIST
ing assistance is disengaged. For
Front parking assistance is active at speeds
attention, contact a workshop - an authorised
below 15 km/h. The system is deactivated at
Volvo workshop is recommended.
higher speeds. When the speed is below
10 km/h the system is reactivated.
The distance covered to the front of the car is
about 0.8 metres. The signal for obstacles in In certain conditions the parking assistance
system may produce incorrect warning sig-
front comes from the front loudspeakers.
nals that are caused by external sound
Limitations sources that emit the same ultrasonic fre-
Front parking assistance cannot be combined quencies that the system works with.
with extra lights because the sensors are affec- Examples of such sources include horns, Parking assistance sensors.
ted by the extra lights. wet tyres on asphalt, pneumatic brakes and
The sensors must be cleaned regularly to
exhaust noises from motorcycles etc.
ensure that they work properly. Clean them
with water and car shampoo.
Rear parking assistance is activated when
reverse gear is engaged.
The distance covered to the rear of the car is
about 1.5 metres. The signal for obstacles Dirt, ice and snow covering the sensors may
behind comes from the rear loudspeakers. cause incorrect warning signals.
See the previous section Rear parking assis-
tance only.
Rearview mirror with BLIS system. The lamp illuminates on the side of the car A = approx. 3.0 m, B = approx. 9.5 m.
BLIS camera where the system has detected the vehicle.
If the car is overtaken on both sides at the When BLIS operates
Indicator lamp same time then both lamps illuminate.
The system operates when the car is driven at 06
BLIS symbol a speed above 10 km/h.
BLIS advises the driver with a message if a fault
arises in the system. If for example the sys- Overtaking
WARNING tem's cameras are obscured then the BLIS The system is designed to react if you overtake
The system is a supplement to, not a indicator lamp flashes and a message is shown another vehicle at a speed of up to 10 km/h
replacement for, a safe driving style and use in the information display. In such cases, check faster than the other vehicle.
of the rearview mirrors. It can never replace and clean the lenses. If necessary, the system
the driver's attention and responsibility. The The system is designed to react if you are over-
can be switched off temporarily by pressing the
responsibility for changing lanes safely taken by a vehicle travelling up to 70 km/h
BLIS button see page 172.
always rests with the driver. faster than your vehicle.
WARNING Activate/deactivate ton to clear the text message. For more infor-
mation on messages, see page 56.
BLIS does not work in sharp bends.
BLIS does not work when the car is revers- BLIS system message
ing. Text on the dis- Specification
A wide trailer coupled to the car can conceal play
other vehicles in adjacent lanes. It can pre-
vent the vehicle in the screened area from BLIS ON The BLIS system is
being detected by BLIS. activated.
workshop. NOTE
BLIS OFF The BLIS system is If the BLIS indicator lamp illuminates on iso-
deactivated. lated occasions despite there being no Own shadow on large, light, smooth surface, e.g.
other vehicle within the blind spot then this noise barrier or concrete road surface.
does not mean that a fault has arisen in the
In the event of a fault in the BLIS system the
Repair of the BLIS system components
display shows the text BLIS SERVICE
must only be performed by a workshop - an
authorised Volvo workshop is recom-
Here are several examples of situations where
the BLIS indicator lamp may illuminate even if
Cleaning there is no other vehicle within the blind spot. Low sun in the camera.
In order to work most effectively the BLIS cam-
era lenses must be clean. The lenses can be
cleaned with a soft cloth or damp sponge.
Clean the lenses carefully so that they are not
The lenses are electrically heated to melt ice
Reflection from shiny wet road surface.
or snow. If necessary, brush snow away
from the lenses.
06 Starting and driving
06 Starting and driving
Call a recovery service for recovery assistance.
The car must always be towed with the wheels
rolling forward.
Cars with automatic gearbox must only be
towed with drive wheels raised from the
06 Starting and driving
Start assistance
Starting with a donor battery 4. Connect one of the red jump lead's clamps IMPORTANT
to the donor battery's positive terminal (1).
Do not touch the crocodile clips during the
start procedure. There is a risk of sparks
IMPORTANT forming.
Connect the start cable carefully to avoid
short circuits with other components in the 11. Remove the jump leads in reverse order -
engine compartment.
first the black and then the red.
> Make sure that none of the black jump
5. Connect the red jump lead's other clamp lead's clamps comes into contact with
onto the car's positive terminal (2). the battery's positive terminal or the
6. Connect one of the black jump lead's clamp connected to the red jump lead.
clamps to the donor battery's negative ter-
minal (3). WARNING
7. Fit the other clamp to a grounding point, • The battery can generate oxyhydrogen
such as by the left-hand spring strut (4). gas, which is highly explosive. A spark
If the battery is flat then the car can be started can be formed if a jump lead is con-
with current from another battery. 8. Check that the jump lead clamps are
nected incorrectly, and this can be
affixed securely so that there are no sparks
When jump starting the car, the following steps enough for the battery to explode.
during the starting procedure.
are recommended to avoid short circuits or • The battery contains sulphuric acid, 06
other damage: 9. Start the engine of the "donor car" and which can cause serious burns.
allow it to run a few minutes at a speed
1. Turn the remote control key to key position slightly higher than idle approx. 1500 rpm. • If sulphuric acid comes into contact
0. with eyes, skin or clothing, flush with
10. Start the engine in the car with the dis- large quantities of water. If acid
2. Check that the donor battery has a voltage charged battery. splashes into the eyes - seek medical
of 12 V. attention immediately.
3. If the donor battery is installed in another
car - switch off the donor car's engine and For more information on the car's battery - see
make sure that the two cars do not touch page 225.
each other.
06 Starting and driving
06 Starting and driving
See also the specific information on slow
driving with trailer for cars with the
Powershift automatic transmission on page
Parking on a hill
1. Depress the foot brake.
2. Apply the parking brake.
3. Move the gear selector to parking position
4. Release the foot brake.
• Move the gear selector to park position P
when parking an automatic car with a
06 Starting and driving
Towing equipment*
If the car is fitted with a Volvo detachable
• Follow the installation instructions care-
• The detachable section must be locked
with the key before setting off.
• Check that the indicator window shows
green. Towbar storage space.
An adapter is required if the car's towing
IMPORTANT bracket has 13 pin electrics and the trailer has
Important checks 7 pin electrics. Use an adapter cable approved
• The towbar's towball must be cleaned and Always remove the towbar after use and by Volvo. Make sure the cable does not drag
greased regularly. store it in the appointed location in the car, on the ground.
firmly fastened with its strap.
If a towball hitch with vibration damper is
used, it is not necessary to grease the tow-
Towing equipment*
1 Side member
2 Ball centre
Detachable towbar*
2. Ensure that the mechanism is in the 3. Check that the indicator window (3) shows
1. Remove the protective cover by first press- unlocked position by turning the key clock- red. If the window does not show red,
ing in the catch and then pulling the wise. press in and turn the locking wheel anti-
cover straight back . clockwise until you hear a click.
Detachable towbar*
4. Insert the towbar until you hear a click. 7. Check that the towbar is secure by pulling
it up, down and back.
Only grease in the ball for the towing hitch,
the remainder of the towbar should be clean
and dry.
Detachable towbar*
8. Safety cable. 2. Push in the locking wheel and turn it
1. Insert the key and turn it clockwise to the anticlockwise until you hear a click.
WARNING unlocked position.
Be sure to attach the trailer's safety cable to
06 the correct place.
Detachable towbar*
3. Turn the locking wheel down fully, until it 4. Push on the protective cover.
comes to a stop. Hold it in this position
while pulling the towbar rearward and
Secure the towbar safely if it is stored in the
car, see page 180.
Correct light pattern for left or right- Halogen headlamps Headlamps with Active Bending Lights
hand traffic
General.................................................................................................. 190
Tyre pressure........................................................................................ 194
Warning triangle* and spare wheel * .................................................... 195
Changing wheels................................................................................... 198
Emergency puncture repair*................................................................. 200
07 Wheels and tyres
The reason for this is that tyres age and decom- wards in a straight line rather than having the tyres with little tread depth provide very poor
pose, even if they are hardly ever or never used. rear end skidding to one side, resulting in pos- grip in rain and snow.
The function can therefore be affected due to sible complete loss of control over the car. This
the tyre's constituent materials being broken is why it is important for the rear wheels never
Winter tyres
down. In such a case the tyre should then not to lose grip before the front wheels.
be used. This also applies to spare tyres, winter Volvo recommends winter tyres with specific
Wheels should be stored lying down or hanging winter tyre dimensions. Tyre dimensions are
tyres and tyres saved for future use. Examples
up, and not standing up. dependent on engine variant. When driving on
of external signs which indicate that the tyre is
unsuitable for use are cracks or discoloration. winter tyres, they must be fitted to all four
Tyres with tread wear indicators wheels.
The age of the tyre can be determined by the
DOT marking, see previous illustration. NOTE
Volvo recommends that you consult a Volvo
More even wear and maintenance dealer about which wheel rim and tyre types
The correct tyre pressure results in more even are most suitable.
wear, see page 194. Driving style, tyre pres-
sure, climate and road condition affect how Studded tyres
quickly your tyres age and wear. To avoid dif- Studded winter tyres should be run in gently for
ferences in tread depth and to prevent wear 500-1000 km, so that the studs settle properly
patterns arising, the front and rear wheels can into the tyres. This gives the tyre, and espe-
be switched with each other. A suitable dis- cially the studs, a longer service life.
tance for the first change is approx. 5000 km
and then at 10 000 km intervals. Volvo recom-
mends that you contact an authorised Volvo
workshop for checking if you are uncertain Tread wear indicators. The legal provisions for the use of studded 07
about tread depth. If significant differences in Tread wear indicators are narrow treadless tyres vary from country to country.
wear (>1 mm difference in tread depth) bands across the width of the tread. On the
between tyres have already occurred, the least side of the tyre are the letters TWI (Tread Wear Tread depth
worn tyres must always be placed on the rear. Indicator). When the tyre's tread depth is down Road conditions with ice, slush and low tem-
Understeer is normally easier to correct than to 1.6 mm, the tread depth will be level in height peratures place considerably higher demands
oversteer, and leads to the car continuing for- with the tread wear indicators. Change to new on tyres than summer conditions. It is therefore
tyres as soon as possible. Remember that
07 Wheels and tyres
07 Wheels and tyres
ted on the bolt nearest the air valve. Otherwise IMPORTANT be switched between front and rear positions,
the wheel cover cannot be fitted to the rim. never between left and right-hand sides, or
The car must never be driven fitted with vice versa.
more than one "Temporary Spare" wheel.
NOTE If the tyre is mounted incorrectly, the car's
Tighten the lockable wheel nuts to 110 Nm. braking characteristics and capacity to force
Summer and winter wheels rain, snow and slush out of the way are
adversely affected.
Spare wheel Temporary Spare* Tyres with the greatest tread depth should
The spare wheel (Temporary spare) is only always be fitted to the rear of the car (to
intended for use temporarily and must be decrease the risk of skidding).
replaced by an ordinary wheel as soon as pos-
sible. The car's handling may be altered by the Volvo recommends that you contact an author-
use of the spare wheel. The spare wheel is ised Volvo workshop for checking if you are
smaller than the normal wheel. The car's uncertain about tread depth.
ground clearance is affected accordingly. Pay
attention to high kerbs and do not machine
wash the car. If the spare wheel is fitted on the
front axle, you cannot use snow chains at the
same time. On all-wheel drive cars the drive on
the rear axle can be disconnected. The spare
wheel must not be repaired. The correct tyre
The arrow shows the tyre's direction of rotation.
pressure for the spare wheel is stated in the
tyre pressure table, see page 293. When summer and winter wheels are changed,
see page 198, the wheels should be marked
IMPORTANT with which side of the car they were mounted
on, for example L for left and R for right. Tyres
Never drive faster than 80 km/h with a spare with a tread pattern which are designed to only
wheel on the car. turn in one direction have the direction of rota-
tion marked with an arrow.
The tyre must always rotate in the same direc-
tion throughout its lifespan. Tyres should only
Tyre pressure
Warning triangle
The car's original jack* Taking out the spare wheel 3. Put the jack (3) back in the hole on the right
The original jack must only be used for chang- 1. Fold the rear edge of the floor mat forward. (4). Fasten the spare wheel (1) in the hole
ing wheels. The jack's thread should always be on the left (5).
2. Release the spare wheel and lift it out.
well greased. The spare wheel* plus jack* and
wheel wrench* are stored under the floor in the 3. Take out the jack and the wheel wrench.
Tools - returning into place
cargo area.
Putting the spare wheel* and jack* into Tools and jack* must be returned into place in
07 the cargo area the correct manner after use.
1. Crank the jack (3) to halfway in order that • For cars equipped with spare wheel, the
Volvo recommends only using the jack* that the jack shall fit horizontally in the bracket. jack must be cranked so that it fits into the
belongs to the car model in question, which spare wheel.
is indicated on the jack's label. 2. Fold in the handle (6) and place the wheel
The label also indicates the jack's maximum
wrench (2) on the jack. • For cars equipped with emergency punc-
ture repair kit, the jack must be fully
lift capacity at a specified minimum lifting
cranked together and returned into the
foam block.
The tools and jack* must be stored in the
intended location in the car's cargo area
when not in use.
First aid*
A case with first aid equipment is located in the
cargo area.
Changing wheels
G020331 selected, see page 215.
2. Apply the parking brake and engage
reverse gear, or position P if the car has an Telescopic wheel wrench.
automatic gearbox.
Set up the warning triangle if a wheel must be WARNING
3. Place chocks in front of and behind the
changed at a busy location. Make sure that the
wheels which will remain on the ground. Never position anything between the
car and jack are on a firm horizontal surface.
Use heavy wooden blocks or large stones. ground and the jack, nor between the jack
and the car's jacking point.
WARNING 4. Cars with steel rims have removable wheel
covers. Prize off the wheel cover with the
Check that the jack is not damaged, that the end of the wheel wrench, or pull it off by 6. There are two jacking points on each side
threads are thoroughly lubricated and that it of the car. There is a recess in the plastic
is free from dirt. hand.
07 cover at each point. Crank the foot of the
5. Loosen the wheel nuts ½-1 turn anticlock- jack down so it is pressed squarely on the
wise with the wheel wrench. ground. Check that the jack is seated cor-
rectly in the intended jacking point, as illus-
trated, and that the base is located directly
under it.
Changing wheels
The ground must be firm, smooth and level. 5. Put on the wheel cover (steel rim).
07 Wheels and tyres
Emergency puncture repair, general NOTE 1. Fold up the cargo area floor.
information 2. Lift up the emergency puncture repair kit.
The emergency puncture repair kit is only
intended for sealing tyres with a puncture in
the tread. Overview
The emergency puncture repair kit is used to
You should not drive faster than 80 km/h
seal a puncture as well as to check and adjust
after the emergency tyre repair kit has been
the tyre pressure. It consists of a compressor used. Volvo recommends that you visit an Decal, maximum permitted speed
and a bottle with sealing fluid. The kit works as authorised Volvo workshop for inspection of
a temporary repair. The sealing fluid bottle the sealed tyre (maximum driving distance Switch
must be replaced before its expiration date and is 200 km). The staff there can determine
after use. whether or not the tyre can be repaired or if Cable
07 it needs to be replaced.
The sealing fluid effectively seals tyres punc- Bottle holder (orange cap)
tured in the tread.
Taking out the emergency puncture Protective cap
repair kit Pressure reducing valve
The emergency puncture repair kit with com-
pressor and tools are found under the floor in Air hose
the cargo area.
08 Car care
08 Car care
Cleaning the interior Treatment of stains on textile upholstery To achieve best results Volvo recommends
Only use cleaning agents and car care prod- and headliner cleaning and the application of protective
ucts recommended by Volvo. Clean regularly A special fabric cleaning agent, available from cream once to four times per year (or more if
and follow the instructions included with the authorised Volvo dealers, is recommended to necessary). The Volvo Leather Care kit is avail-
car care product. avoid impairing the fire retardant qualities of able from your Volvo dealer.
the upholstery.
Vacuuming is important prior to using cleaning
IMPORTANT • Certain items of coloured clothing (for
Carpets and cargo area Sharp objects and Velcro may damage the example, jeans and suede garments)
Remove inlaid carpets for separate cleaning of fabric upholstery. may stain the upholstery.
the floor carpet and the inlaid carpets. Use a
• Never use strong solvents. Such prod-
vacuum cleaner to remove dust and dirt. ucts may damage fabric, vinyl and
Treating stains on leather upholstery
Each inlay mat is secured with pins. Volvo's leather upholstery is chromium-free leather upholstery.
– Take hold of the inlay mat at each pin and and is treated to preserve its original appear-
lift the mat straight up. ance. Washing instructions for leather
Leather upholstery ages and acquires a beau- upholstery
Fit the inlay mat in place by pressing it in at
each pin. tiful patina over time. The leather is refined and 1. Pour the leather cleaner on the dampened
processed so that it retains its natural charac- sponge and squeeze out a strong foam.
teristics. It is given a protective coating, but
WARNING 2. Work the dirt away with gentle circular
regular cleaning is required in order to maintain
Before setting off check that the inlaid mat both characteristics and appearance. Volvo movements.
in the driver area is firmly affixed and offers a comprehensive product for the clean- 3. Dab accurately with the sponge on the
secured in the pins in order to avoid getting ing and treatment of leather upholstery which, stains. Allow the sponge to absorb the
caught adjacent to and under the pedals.
when used in accordance with the instructions, stain. Do not rub.
preserves the leather's protective coating.
A special textile cleaner is recommended for 4. Wipe off with soft paper or a cloth and
After a period of use the natural appearance of
stains on the floor mat after vacuuming. Floor allow the leather to dry completely.
the leather will nevertheless emerge, depend-
08 mats should be cleaned with agents recom- ing more or less on the surface texture of the
mended by your Volvo dealer! leather. This is a natural maturing of the leather
and shows that it is a natural product.
08 Car care
Protective treatment of leather Group 1 (ink, wine, coffee, milk, sweat and
upholstery blood)
Vacuuming is important prior to using leather – Use a soft cloth or sponge. Mix a 5%
care agents. ammonia solution. (For blood stains, use a
1. Pour a small amount of the protective solution of 2 dl water and 25g salt.)
cream on the felted cloth and massage in Group 2 (fats, oils, sauces and chocolate)
a thin layer of cream with gentle circular
movements on the leather. 1. Same procedure as group I.
2. Allow the leather to dry for 20 minutes 2. Polish with an absorbent paper or cloth.
before use. Group 3 (dry dirt, dust)
The leather has now been given improved pro- 1. Use a soft brush to remove the dirt.
tection against stains and improved UV pro-
tection. 2. Same procedure as group I.
08 Car care
Touching up paintwork
Paintwork Stone chips and scratches If the stone chip has penetrated to the
Paint is an important part of the car's rust- bare metal
proofing and should therefore be checked reg- 1. Apply a piece of masking tape over the
ularly. To avoid the onset of rust, damaged damaged surface. Then remove the tape to
paintwork should be rectified immediately. The remove any loose paint.
most common types of paintwork damage are 2. Stir the primer well and apply using a fine
stone chips, scratches, and marks on the brush or a matchstick. Apply paint using a
edges of wings and doors. brush once the primer is dry.
Colour code 3. For scratches, proceed as above, but
mask around the damaged area to protect
the undamaged paintwork.
4. After a few days, polish the touched-up
areas. Use a soft rag and a small amount
of lapping paste.
• Primer in a can
Data plate. • Spray can or touch-up pen1
Code for car colour • Masking tape.
It is important that the correct colour is used.
Minor stone chips and scratches
For product decal location, see page 280.
If the stone chip has not penetrated to the bare
metal and there is an undamaged colour coat,
08 you can paint straight after cleaning the dam-
aged area.
08 Car care
Volvo service......................................................................................... 214
Self-maintenance.................................................................................. 215
Bonnet and engine compartment......................................................... 216
Oils and fluids....................................................................................... 218
Wiper blades......................................................................................... 224
Battery................................................................................................... 225
Replacing bulbs.................................................................................... 229
Fuses..................................................................................................... 235
09 Maintenance and service
09 Volvo service
For the Volvo warranty to apply, check and
follow the instructions in the Service and
Warranty Booklet.
09 Maintenance and service
Self-maintenance 09
Before starting work on the car Raising the car If you raise the car using a two-pillar workshop
lift, ensure that the front and rear lift arms are
Battery fixed under the lifting points. See preceding
Check that the battery cables are correctly illustration.
connected and tightened.
Never disconnect the battery when the engine Check regularly
is running (e.g. if replacing the battery). Check the following at regular intervals, for
Never use a quick charger to charge the bat- example, when refuelling:
tery. The battery cables must be disconnected • Coolant – The level must be between the
when charging the battery. MIN and MAX marks on the expansion
The battery contains acid that is both corrosive tank.
and toxic. It is therefore important to handle the • Engine oil – The level must be between the
battery in an environmentally correct manner. MIN and MAX marks.
Let your Volvo dealer assist you. • Power steering fluid – The level must be
between the MIN and MAX marks.
NOTE • Washer fluid – The reservoir should be well
The ignition system has very high voltage filled. Fill washer fluid with antifreeze at
and output. The voltage in the ignition sys- Volvo recommends only using the jack that temperatures around freezing point.
tem is highly dangerous. The ignition must belongs to the car model in question. If a
therefore always be switched off for work in jack is selected other than the one recom- • Brake and clutch fluid – The level must be
the engine compartment. mended by Volvo, follow the instructions for between the MIN and MAX marks.
Do not touch the spark plugs or ignition coils use supplied with the equipment.
when the ignition is on or the engine is hot.
Remember that the radiator fan (located at
If the car is raised with a workshop jack; posi-
the front of the engine compartment, behind
tion the jack against the front edge on the sub- the radiator) may start automatically some
frame. after the engine has been switched off.
Do not damage the splashguard under the Always have the engine cleaned by a work-
engine. Ensure that the jack is positioned so shop. There is a risk of fire if the engine is
that the car cannot slide off the jack. Always hot.
use axle stands or similar.
09 Maintenance and service
The illustration shows a left-hand drive car.
1. Pull the handle on the far left under the WARNING Dipstick1 for engine oil2
instrument panel. (In right-hand drive cars
the handle is on the far right.) You will hear Check that the bonnet locks properly when Radiator
when the catch releases. closed.
Radiator fan
2. Insert your hand under the centre of the Washer fluid reservoir (5-cyl.)
front edge of the bonnet and press the Engine compartment
safety catch to the right. Washer fluid reservoir (4-cyl.) Brake and clutch fluid reservoir (right-hand
3. Open the bonnet. drive)
Coolant expansion tank
Filling the engine oil2
Reservoir for the power steering fluid (con-
Brake and clutch fluid reservoir (left-hand
cealed behind the headlamp)
1 Engines with electronic oil level sensor have no dipstick (5-cyl. diesel).
2 The location varies depending on engine alternative.
09 Maintenance and service
Relay and fuse box
Air filter2
09 Maintenance and service
Checking the engine oil IMPORTANT Change the engine oil and oil filter in accord-
ance with the intervals specified in the Service
In order to fulfil the requirements for the and Warranty Booklet.
engine's service intervals all engines are
filled with a specially adapted synthetic Using oil of a higher than specified grade is
engine oil at the factory. The choice of oil permitted. If the car is driven in adverse con-
has been made very carefully with regard to ditions, Volvo recommends using an oil of a
service life, starting characteristics, fuel higher grade, see page 286.
consumption and environmental impact.
For capacities, see page 287 and onwards.
An approved engine oil must be used in
order that the recommended service inter-
vals can be applied. Only use a prescribed
Engine with oil dipstick1
grade of oil for both filling and oil change,
otherwise you will risk affecting service life,
starting characteristics, fuel consumption
and environmental impact.
Volvo Car Corporation disclaims all war-
Volvo recommends Castrol oil products. ranty liability if engine oil of the prescribed
grade and viscosity is not used.
IMPORTANT Volvo recommends that oil changes are car-
ried out at an authorised Volvo workshop.
Always use oil of the prescribed grade.
Check the oil level frequently and change
the oil regularly. The engine will be damaged Volvo uses different systems for warning of
if lower grade oil is used or if the car is driven low/high oil level or low/high oil pressure. Cer-
with the oil level too low. tain variants have an oil pressure sensor, and
then the lamp for oil pressure is used. Other
When driving under adverse conditions, see variants have an oil level sensor, and then the Petrol engine.
page 286. driver is informed via the warning symbol in the Dipstick, petrol engines.
centre of the instrument unit as well as by dis-
play texts. Certain models have both variants. Filler pipe, engine oil.
Contact a Volvo dealer for more information.
09 Maintenance and service
Never fill above the MAX mark. The level
should never be above MAX or below MIN
as this could lead to engine damage.
Do not spill oil onto the hot exhaust manifold
Diesel engine. The oil level must be within the area marked on the due to the risk of fire.
Dipstick, 4-cyl diesel engines.
Measurement and filling if required
Filler pipe, engine oil. 1. Ensure that the car is level. After switching
Checking the oil level in a new car is especially off the engine it is important to wait
important before the first scheduled oil change. 5 minutes to allow the oil time to run back
to the sump.
Volvo recommends checking the oil level every
2 500 km. The most accurate measurements 2. Pull up and wipe the dipstick.
are made on a cold engine before starting. The 3. Re-insert the dipstick.
measurement will be inaccurate if taken imme-
4. Pull it out and check the level.
diately after the engine is switched off. The
dipstick will indicate that the level is too low 5. If the level is close to MIN then 0.5 litres
because the oil has not had time to flow down should be added. If the level is significantly
into the oil sump.
09 Maintenance and service
The oil level is only detected by the system
during driving. The system cannot directly
detect changes when the oil is filled or
drained. The car must be driven
about 30 km before the oil level display is
Message and graph in the display.
Do not fill more oil if filling level (3) or (4)
Message appears as shown in the illustration below.
Filler pipe.3 The level must never be above MAX or
Engine oil level
You do not need to take action with respect to below MIN, as this could lead to engine
the engine oil level before a message is shown The oil level is checked using the electronic oil damage.
in the display, see the illustration below. level gauge with the thumbwheel when the
engine is switched off, see page 65.
Do not spill oil onto the hot exhaust manifold
If the message Oil service required is due to the risk of fire.
shown, visit a workshop. The oil level may
be too high.
09 Maintenance and service
Location of washer fluid reservoir4.
The windscreen and headlamp washers share
a common reservoir.
For capacities, see the table Fluids on page
Filler cap on 4-cylinder engines and diesel.
Filler cap on 5-cylinder engines.
When topping up the coolant, follow the
Add washer fluid with antifreeze in the winter instructions on the packaging. It is important
The figures 1-4 represent filling level. Do not fill so that the fluid does not freeze in the pump, that the mixture of coolant concentrate and
more oil if filling level (3) or (4) is shown. Recom- reservoir and hoses.
mended filling level is 4. water is correct for the prevailing weather con-
ditions. Never top up with water only. The risk
09 Maintenance and service
of freezing increases with both too little and too Check the coolant regularly Checking and topping up the brake and
much coolant concentrate. The level must lie between the MIN and MAX clutch fluid
marks on the expansion tank. If the system is
IMPORTANT not filled sufficiently, high local temperatures
• A high content of chlorine, chlorides could occur, causing a risk of damage (cracks)
and other salts may cause corrosion in to the cylinder head. Top up the coolant when
the cooling system. the level falls to the MIN mark.
• Always use coolant with anti-corrosion
agent as recommended by Volvo. WARNING
• Ensure that the coolant mixture is 50% Coolant can be very hot. If the coolant
water and 50% coolant. requires topping up when the engine is at
operating temperature, unscrew the expan-
• Mix the coolant with approved quality
sion tank cap slowly to gently release the
tap water. In the event of any doubt
about water quality, used ready-mixed
coolant in accordance with Volvo rec-
ommendations. NOTE
• When changing coolant/replacing cool- The engine must only be run with a well-
ing system components, flush the cool- filled cooling system. Otherwise, tempera-
ing system clean with approved quality tures that are too high may occur resulting
tap water or flush with ready-mixed in the risk of damage (cracks) in the cylinder
coolant. head.
• The engine must only be run with a well-
filled cooling system. Otherwise, tem-
peratures that are too high may occur
resulting in the risk of damage (cracks)
in the cylinder head.
09 Maintenance and service
Brake and clutch fluid have a common reser- Checking and topping up the power
voir5. The fluid level must be between the steering fluid
MIN and MAX marks. Check the level regularly.
Change the brake fluid every other year or at NOTE
every other regular service.
Check the level frequently.
For capacities and recommended fluid grade,
see the table Fluids on page 289.
The fluid does not require changing. For
The fluid should be changed annually on cars capacities and recommended fluid grade, see
driven in conditions requiring hard, frequent page 289.
braking, such as driving in mountains or tropi-
If a fault should arise in the power steering sys-
cal climates with high humidity.
tem or if the car is without power and must be
towed, it can still be steered. However, the
WARNING steering will be much heavier than normal and
If the brake fluid is under the MIN level in the it will require more effort to turn the steering
brake fluid reservoir, do not drive further wheel.
before topping up the brake fluid.
The reason for the loss of brake fluid must
be investigated.
09 Maintenance and service
09 Wiper blades
Wiper blades Replacing the wiper blades, windscreen 1. Lift up the wiper arm.
2. Press the button located on the wiper
blade mounting and pull straight out (1),
parallel with the wiper arm.
3. Slide in (2) the new wiper blade until a
"click" is heard.
> Check (3) that the blade is firmly instal-
led and fold down the wiper arm.
The wiper blades are different lengths. The
blade on the driver's side is longer than on
the other side.
For cleaning wiper blades and windscreen, see
page 206.
Check the wiper blades regularly.
Neglected maintenance shortens the serv-
ice life of the wiper blades.
09 Maintenance and service
Battery 09
09 Maintenance and service
09 Battery
Avoid sparks and naked Changing the battery 2. Tighten the clamp that holds the battery.
flames. 3. Connect the ventilation hose.
1. Remove the remote control key from the > Check that it is correctly connected to
ignition switch. both battery and outlet in the body.
2. Wait at least 5 minutes before touching any 4. Reinstall the front wall of the battery box.
electrical terminals. 5. Connect the red positive cable.
Risk of explosion.
> The car's electrical system needs to
6. Connect the black negative cable.
store the necessary information to the
control modules. 7. Attach the cover to the battery.
3. Remove the cover. For more information on the car's battery - see
pages 177 and 295.
4. Detach the black negative cable.
Must be taken for recy-
cling. WARNING DRIVe Start/Stop*
Cars with the Start/Stop function are equipped
Connect and remove the positive and neg-
ative cables in the correct order. with two 12 V batteries - one extra powerful
battery for starting and one standby battery
that helps during the Start/Stop function's star-
5. Detach the red positive cable. ting sequence.
NOTE 6. Undo the front wall of the battery box using For more information on Start/Stop - see
An expended battery must be recycled in an a screwdriver. page 161.
environmentally correct manner as it con- 7. Detach the ventilation hose from the bat-
tains lead. tery.
8. Release the clamp securing the battery.
9. Remove the battery.
1. Fit the battery into position.
Battery 09
Battery Start Standby • The engine auto-starts1 without the driver IMPORTANT
depressing the clutch pedal.
Cold start 760 120 If the following instruction is not observed
Location of the batteries then the Start/Stop function may temporar-
capacityA, ily cease to work after the connection of an
CCA (A) external battery or battery charger:
Dimen- 278×175×19 150×90×106 • The negative battery terminal on the
sionsB, 0 car's main battery must never be used
L×W×H for connecting an external battery or
(mm) battery charger - only the car chassis
may be used as the grounding point.
Capacity 70 8 See the section "Start assistance" - for a
(Ah) description of how the cable clamps must
be attached.
A In accordance with the SAE standard.
B Largest possible size.
• The higher the current take-off in the car
(extra cooling/heating, etc.) the more 1. Battery2 2. Standby battery.
the batteries must be charged = The standby battery normally requires no more
increased fuel consumption. service than the normal battery that is used for
• When the capacity of the battery has starting. A workshop should be contacted in
fallen below the lowest permissible level the event of questions or problems - an author-
then the Start/Stop function is disen- ised Volvo workshop is recommended.
1 Auto-start can only take place if the gear lever is in neutral position.
2 The battery is described in detail on page 225.
09 Maintenance and service
09 Battery
If the battery has become so discharged
that everything is "black" and in principle
the car does not have all the normal electri-
cal functions and the engine is subsequently
started using an external battery or battery
charger, then the Start/Stop function will be
activated. It will then be possible for the
engine to be auto-stopped but in the event
of an auto-stop the Start/Stop function may
fail to auto-start the engine due to inade-
quate capacity in the battery.
The battery must first be charged in order to
ensure a successful auto-start after an auto-
stop. At an outside temperature of +15 °C
the battery needs to be charged for at least
1 hour. At a lower outside temperature a
charging time of 3-4 hours is recom-
mended. The recommendation is that the
battery is charged using an external battery
If this is not possible then the recommen-
dation is to temporarily deactivate the
Start/Stop function until the battery has
been adequately recharged.
For more information about recharging the
battery, see the section "Battery" in the
chapter "Maintenance and service".
09 Maintenance and service
Replacing bulbs 09
On cars with Xenon headlamps, the
replacement of Xenon lamps must be car-
ried out at a workshop - an authorised Volvo
workshop is recommended. Working with
Xenon lamps demands extreme caution All front bulbs (except for fog lamps) are
because the headlamp is equipped with a changed by first removing the lamp housing
high voltage unit. from the engine compartment.
09 Maintenance and service
09 Replacing bulbs
Fitting the lamp housing 2. Bend aside the catches and remove the 5. Refit the lamp housing, see page 229.
1. Plug in the connector and refit the lamp cover.
housing and locking pin. Check that the pin 3. Unplug the connector from the bulb.
is correctly inserted. Main beam, Halogen
4. Release the spring clip securing the bulb.
2. Check the lighting. Press it in/down.
The lamp housing must be plugged in and 5. Pull out the bulb.
secured in place before the lighting is switched
on or the remote control key inserted into the
ignition switch.
Dipped beam
The illustration shows a halogen bulb.
1. Undo the whole lamp housing, see
page 229.
2. Undo the cover, located above the lamp
Fitting a new bulb housing, by turning it anticlockwise.
1. Fit the new bulb. It can only fit in one posi-
2. Press the spring clip in/up and then slightly Turn the bulb holder anticlockwise.
Removing the cover and bulb to the right in order to snap it into position. Right-hand headlamp:
1. Undo the whole lamp housing, see 3. Press the connector back on. Turn the bulb holder clockwise.
page 229.
4. Refit the plastic cover.
09 Maintenance and service
Replacing bulbs 09
4. Withdraw the bulb holder and change the 3. Withdraw the bulb holder and change the Direction indicators
bulb. bulb.
5. Refit the bulb holder. It can only be refitted 4. Press the bulb holder back on. A "click" is
in one position. heard when the bulb holder is fitted cor-
6. Refit the cover, located above the lamp
housing, by turning it clockwise. 5. Refit the cover, located above the lamp
housing, by turning it clockwise.
7. Refit the lamp housing, see page 229.
6. Refit the lamp housing, see page 229.
Position/parking lamps
ABL headlamps* have a position lamp (LED)
that cannot be replaced.
1. Undo the lamp housing, see page 229.
2. Twist the bulb holder anticlockwise and
remove it.
3. To remove the bulb from the bulb holder,
press the bulb in and turn it anticlockwise.
4. Fit a new bulb and refit the bulb holder into
09 Replacing bulbs
Side marker lamps Front fog lamps 6. Fit a new bulb by turning clockwise. (The
profile of the bulb holder corresponds to
the profile of the foot of the bulb.)
7. Refit the bulb holder. The TOP mark on the
bulb holder must always be upward.
1. Undo the lamp housing, see page 229. 1. Switch off all lights and turn the remote
control key to position 0.
2. Twist the bulb holder anticlockwise and
withdraw it. Replace the bulb. 2. Undo the cover by inserting a screwdriver
as illustrated (vertically) and continue to
3. Refit the bulb holder. It can only fit in one
press vertically in order to undo the clip
inside the cover.
4. Refit the lamp housing, see page 229.
3. Grip the edge of the cover and pull straight All bulbs in the rear lamp cluster are replaced
out. from inside the cargo area.
4. Unscrew the lamp housing screw and pull 1. Switch off all lights and turn the remote
it out. control key to position 0.
5. Turn the bulb anticlockwise and remove it. 2. Remove the cover in the panel to access
the bulbs. They are fitted in a separate bulb
09 Maintenance and service
Replacing bulbs 09
3. Unplug both connectors from the bulb Location of bulbs in the rear bulb Reversing lamp
holder. holder
4. Press the catches together and at the NOTE
same time pull out the bulb holder.
The rear fog lamp only illuminates in the left
5. Replace the bulb and plug in both connec- rear light cluster on a left-hand drive car and
tors. in the right on a right-hand drive.
If an error message remains after the broken
bulb has been replaced then we recom-
mend that you visit an authorised Volvo
Bulb holder.
The cable to the brake light's LED lamps is
fastened with clips in the bulb holder. It shall
not be removed.
Brake light (LED) 1. Switch off all lights and turn the remote
Position lamp control key to position 0.
2. Remove the screws with a screwdriver.
Position/parking lamps
3. Carefully detach the entire lamp housing
Rear fog lamp (one side) and withdraw it. Turn the connector anti-
Direction indicators clockwise and pull out the bulb.
09 Maintenance and service
09 Replacing bulbs
4. Replace the bulb. Vanity mirror lighting* Fitting the mirror glass
5. Insert the connector and turn clockwise. 1. First, press the three lugs at top edge of
mirror glass back into position.
6. Refit the entire lamp housing and screw it
into place. 2. Then press the three lower lugs back into
Cargo area
Removing the mirror glass
1. Insert a screwdriver underneath the lower
edge, in the centre. Carefully prize up the
Fuses 09
All electrical functions and components are
Never use a foreign object, or a fuse with an
fused to protect the car's electrical system amperage higher than that specified when
from damage by short circuiting and overload- replacing a fuse. This could cause signifi-
ing. cant damage to the electrical system and
possibly lead to fire.
The fuses are in two different locations in the
• Relay/Fuse box in the engine compart-
• Relay/Fuse box in the passenger compart-
If an electrical component or function does not
work, it may be because the component's fuse
was temporarily overloaded and blew.
1. Look in the fuse diagram to locate the fuse.
2. Pull out the fuse and check from the side
to see whether the curved wire has blown.
3. If this is the case, replace it with a new fuse
of the same colour and amperage.
Each fuse box has space for several spare
fuses. If the same fuse fails repeatedly then
there is a fault in the component. In which case,
Volvo recommends that you visit an authorised
Volvo workshop for this to be checked.
09 Maintenance and service
09 Fuses
The fuse box has 36 fuse positions. Be sure to • Fuses 1-6 are of the "Midi Fuse" type and
replace a blown fuse with a new fuse of the must only be replaced by a workshop.1
same colour and amperage. On the inside of the cover there are tweezers
• Fuses 19-36 are of the "Mini Fuse" type. that facilitate the procedure for the removal
and fitting of fuses.
• Fuses 7-18 are of the "JCASE" type and
should be replaced by a workshop.1
09 Maintenance and service
Fuses 09
1. Cooling fan 50 A 8. ABS valves 20 A 16. Infotainment system 30 A
3. Supply to passenger compart- 10. Ventilation fan 40 A 18. Supply to passenger compart-
ment fuse box 60 A ment fuse box 40 A
11. Headlamp washers 20 A
4. Supply to passenger compart- 19. Reserve –
ment fuse box 60 A 12. Heated rear window 30 A
20. Horn 15 A
5. PTC element, air preheater* 80 A 13. Actuator solenoid, starter
motor 30 A 21. Fuel-driven additional heater,
6. Glow plugs (DRIVe) 60 A passenger compartment
14. Trailer wiring* 40 A heater* 20 A
Glow plugs (5-cyl. diesel) 70 A
15. Reserve – 22. Reserve –
7. ABS pump 40 A
09 Fuses
23. Engine control module (5-cyl. 32. Injectors (5-cyl. petrol), Turbo 35. Relay coil, relay, climate con-
petrol), Transmission control control valve (5-cyl. diesel), Oil trol system, PTC element, oil
module (5-cyl.) 10 A level sensor (5-cyl. diesel) trap (5-cyl. petrol), Mass air
flow sensor (5-cyl. petrol),
Transmission control module Control valve, fuel flow
Turbo control valve (5-cyl. pet-
(4-cyl.) 15 A (DRIVe), Mass air flow sensor
rol), Solenoids, variable valve
(DRIVe), Control motor turbo
24. Heated fuel filter (5-cyl. diesel), timing (5-cyl. petrol), Injectors
(DRIVe) 10 A
PTC element, oil trap (5-cyl. (2.0 l petrol), EVAP valve (2.0 l
diesel) 20 A 33. Vacuum pump (5-cyl. petrol), petrol), Valve, air/fuel mixture
Relay coil, relay, vacuum (2.0 l petrol), Control valve, fuel
25. Central electronic module pump (5-cyl. petrol), Engine pressure (5-cyl. diesel), Engine
(CEM) (Start/Stop) 10 A control module (5-cyl. diesel), control module (5-cyl. diesel),
Heated fuel filter (DRIVe) 20 A Engine EGR (DRIVe) 15 A
26. Ignition switch 15 A
34. Ignition coils (petrol), Pressure 36. Engine control module (petrol,
27. A/C compressor 10 A switch, climate control system DRIVe), Accelerator pedal
(5-cyl.), Control module, glow position sensor (5-cyl. diesel),
28. Reserve –
plugs (5-cyl. diesel), EGR Lambda-sond (5-cyl. diesel) 10 A
29. Front fog lamps emission control (5-cyl. diesel),
Fuel pump (DRIVe), Lambda-
Daytime running lights (DRL)* 15 A
sond (DRIVe), Engine control
30. Coolant pump (Start/Stop) 10 A module (Start/Stop), Relay
coils, relays Start/Stop 10 A
31. Voltage regulator, alternator
(4-cyl. petrol) 10 A
Fuses 09
No. Component A
11M/1 Engine compartment, 125
electrical distribution
09 Fuses
The fuse box has 50 fuse positions. The fuses completely. The fuse box can be fully
are located under the glovebox. The box also unhooked.
provides space for several spare fuses. Tools
4. Close the fuse box in the reverse order.
for fuse replacement are located in the relay/
fuse box in the engine compartment, see 5. Remove the pins from the centre of the
page 236. clips. Fit the trim and the clips. Reinsert the
pins into the clips. This expands the clips
Replacing fuses and secures the trim.
1. Remove the trim concealing the fuse box
by pressing in the pin in the centre of the
clips (1) about one cm and then withdraw-
ing the clips.
2. Turn the two wing screws (that secure the
fuse box) (2) anticlockwise and remove
3. Lower the fuse box (3) half way. Pull it
towards the seat until it stops. Lower it
09 Maintenance and service
Fuses 09
43. Telematics*, Audio system, 49. SRS system 10 A 56. Remote control receiver,
RTI*, Bluetooth* 15 A Siren* 10 A
50. Reserve –
44. SRS system, Engine control 57. Data link connector (DLC),
module (5-cyl, DRIVe) 10 A 51. PTC element, air preheater*, brake light switch 15 A
Relay coil, relay, heated fuel
45. Electrical socket, passenger filter (5-cyl. diesel), AWD 10 A 58. Main beam, right, Relay coil,
compartment 15 A relay, auxiliary lamps* 7.5 A
52. Transmission control module,
46. Passenger compartment, glo- ABS system 5A 59. Main beam, left 7.5 A
vebox and courtesy lighting 5A
53. Power steering 10 A 60. Seat heating (driver's side) 15 A
47. Interior lighting, Remote con-
trolled garage door opener* 5A 54. Parking assistance*, Xenon* 10 A 61. Seat heating (passenger side) 15 A
09 Fuses
72. Reserve –
75. Reserve –
76. Reserve –
General.................................................................................................. 246
Audio functions..................................................................................... 248
Radio functions..................................................................................... 253
CD functions......................................................................................... 258
Menu structure – audio system............................................................. 261
Phone functions*................................................................................... 262
Menu structure – phone*....................................................................... 269
Bluetooth handsfree*............................................................................ 272
Infotainment system system can be easily operated using the con- • EXIT (6) leads back one step in the menu
trol panel or the steering wheel keypad*, see structure. A long press on EXIT will exit the
10 page 71. The display (2) shows messages and menu system.
information on the current function.
Menu options are numbered and can also be
Audio system selected directly with the keypad (3). So first
press MENU and then the figure/figures for the
desired menu option.
POWER (1) starts/switches off the audio sys-
tem. If the audio system is active when the
remote control key is turned to position 0 then Equipment
it continues to be active until the remote control The audio system can be equipped with differ-
key is removed from the ignition switch. The ent options and different versions. There are
audio system is started automatically the next three audio system versions:
time the remote control key is turned to posi-
tion I.
• Performance,
POWER - Pushbutton, audio system on/ • High Performance* or
off • Premuim Sound*
Display However, FM radio with RDS, AM radio and CD
Some infotainment system functions are con-
trolled via a menu system. The current menu player are included in all audio systems.
level is shown at the top right of the display.
MENU - Goes to the menu system Menu options are shown in the middle of the
Navigation buttons display.
1 Premium Sound.
10 Infotainment system
Audio functions
Audio controls ume adjusts automatically depending on vehi- External audio sources
cle speed, see page 251.
10 AUX, USB*
Audio source selection General
Repeatedly pressing AM/FM switches
between FM1, FM2 and AM.
Repeatedly pressing MODE changes between
CD, USB, AUX and BT.
AM/FM – Audio source selection
MODE - Audio source selection, CD, AUX, AUX input
USB (e.g. iPod)1 and BT* USB input*
The AUX and USB inputs enable the connec-
SOUND - Button tion of an external audio source, e.g. an
iPod1 or MP3 player.
Navigation button - Menus
If you choose to connect an iPod, MP3 player
Volume or a USB memory stick to the USB connection
Use VOLUME (1) or the steering wheel keypad then you can control the media via the car's
to regulate the volume, see page 71. Audio vol- audio controls.
1 USB only applies for High Performance and Premium Sound. The iPod trademark belongs to Apple Computer Inc.
Audio functions
10 Infotainment system
Audio functions
2 Premium Sound.
Audio functions
Activating/deactivating the subwoofer 3. Scroll to Surround FM…, Surround Automatic volume control5
• Press MENU and then ENTER. AM…, Surround CD…or Surround The auto volume control function allows the
AUX… and press ENTER. 10
• Scroll to Audio settings… and press audio volume to increase as the speed of the
ENTER. 4. Scroll to Dolby Pro Logic II3, 3 channel car increases. There are three levels to choose
• Scroll to Subwoofer and press ENTER. or Off and press ENTER. from: Low, Medium and High.
• Dolby Pro Logic II 3. Scroll to Equalizer front… or Equalizer Optimum sound reproduction
rear… and press ENTER. The audio system is calibrated for optimum
• 3 channel
4. The graphic on the display indicates the sound reproduction by means of digital signal
• Off - 2 channel stereo. audio level of the frequency in question. processing.
Activating/deactivating surround sound 5. Adjust the level with TUNING (4) or up/ This calibration takes into account loudspeak-
1. Press MENU and then ENTER. down with the navigation button. Addi- ers, amplifiers, passenger compartment
2. Scroll to Audio settings… and press tional frequencies can be selected using acoustics, listener position etc. for each com-
ENTER. the left/right navigation button. bination of car model and audio system.
6. Save with ENTER or EXIT to exit without
saving the settings.
2 Premium Sound.
3 Not available in AM and FM mode.
4 Certain audio systems.
5 Not Performance
10 Infotainment system
Audio functions
Radio functions
10 Infotainment system
Radio functions
10 Infotainment system
Radio functions
gramme types (PTY) interrupt one another in TP from current station/all stations News
order of priority, where alarm has the highest The radio can interrupt with traffic information This function allows news broad-
priority and programme types has the lowest. from only the set (current) station or from all casts within a set station's 10
If you want to return to the interrupted audio stations. RDS network to break through. The
source before the message or programme type message News shows that the func-
1. Select an FM station.
has been completed, press EXIT. tion is active.
2. Press MENU and then ENTER.
For further programme interruption settings, Activating/deactivating News
3. Scroll to Advanced radio settings… and 1. Press MENU and then ENTER.
see EON and REG see page 256. The pro-
press ENTER.
gramme functions are modified via the menu 2. Scroll to News and press ENTER.
system, see page 246. 4. Scroll to TP and press ENTER.
News from current station/all stations
Alarm 5. Scroll to TP station… and press ENTER. The radio can interrupt with news from only the
This function is used to warn of serious acci- > Either TP from current station or TP set (current) station or from all stations.
dents and catastrophes. The alarm cannot be from all stations is shown on the dis- 1. Select an FM station.
temporarily interrupted or deactivated. The play.
message ALARM! appears on the display 2. Press MENU and then ENTER.
6. Press ENTER.
when an alarm message is transmitted. 3. Scroll to Advanced radio settings… and
Activating/deactivating TP search press ENTER.
Traffic information – TP TP search is useful during long journeys while
This function allows traffic informa- 4. Scroll to News station… and press
an audio source other than the radio is being
tion broadcast within a set station's ENTER.
played. The function automatically searches
RDS network to break through. TP for traffic information within different > Either News from current station or
shows that the function has been RDS networks. News from all stations is shown on the
activated. If the set station can send traffic display.
information then appears on the display. 1. Press MENU and then ENTER.
5. Press ENTER.
2. Scroll to Advanced radio settings… and
Activating/deactivating TP
press ENTER.
1. Press MENU and then ENTER.
3. Scroll to TP and press ENTER.
2. Scroll to TP and press ENTER.
4. Scroll to TP search and press ENTER.
10 Infotainment system
Radio functions
Programme types – PTY 4. Scroll to Search PTY and press ENTER. Automatic frequency update – AF
The PTY function can be used to If the radio finds any of the selected pro- The AF function selects one of the strongest
10 select different programme types, gramme types, >| To seek appears on the dis- transmitters for a set station. The radio may
such as Pop music and Serious sometimes need to search through the entire
play. Press the navigation button to con-
classic. The PTY symbol indicates FM wavelength to find a strong transmitter. If
tinue searching for another broadcast of the
that the function is active. This function allows this occurs, the radio mutes and PI seekEXIT
selected programme types.
programme types broadcast within a set sta- to cancel appears in the display.
tion's RDS network to break through.
Display of programme type Activating/deactivating AF
Activating/deactivating PTY 1. Press MENU and then ENTER.
1. Select FM1 or FM2 with FM/AM. The programme type of the current station can
be shown on the display. 2. Scroll to Advanced radio settings… and
2. Press MENU and then ENTER. press ENTER.
3. Scroll to PTY and press ENTER. NOTE
3. Scroll to AF and press ENTER.
4. Scroll to Select PTY… and press Not all radio stations support this function.
ENTER. Regional radio programmes – REG
> A list of programme types appears: Activating/deactivating display This function causes the radio to con-
Current affairs, Information etc. The 1. Press MENU and then ENTER. tinue with a regional transmitter even
PTY function is activated by selecting
2. Scroll to PTY and press ENTER. if its signal strength is low.
programme types and deactivated by Regional indicates that the function
clearing all PTYs. 3. Scroll to Show PTY and press ENTER.
is active. The regional function is normally
5. Select the desired programme types or deactivated.
Clear all PTY… Radio text
Activating/deactivating REG
Search PTY Some RDS stations transmit information on
1. Press MENU and then ENTER.
This function searches the entire wavelength programme content, artists, etc. This informa-
for the selected programme type. tion can be shown on the display. 2. Scroll to Advanced radio settings… and
press ENTER.
1. Activate PTY. Activating/deactivating radio text
1. Press MENU and then ENTER. 3. Scroll to Regional and press ENTER.
2. Press MENU and then ENTER.
2. Scroll to Radio text and press ENTER.
3. Scroll to PTY and press ENTER.
10 Infotainment system
Radio functions
10 Infotainment system
CD functions
> An empty position is marked on the dis- When a CD containing audio files is inserted
play. The text Insert disc shows that a into the player the disc's folder structure is loa-
Navigation button – Fast forward/rewind, new disc can be inserted. The ded in. It may take a while before playback
track selection and menus CD changer can hold up to 6 CD discs. starts due to the quality of the disc.
CD changer position selection* 2. Inserting a CD in the CD changer. Navigation and playback
CD eject If a disc with audio files is inserted in the
CD insertion/eject
A CD will stay in the ejected position for CD player then the disc's folder structure is
CD insertion/eject slot approx. 12 seconds. Following which it is re- shown by pressing ENTER. The folder struc-
inserted in the player and playback continues. ture is navigated in the same way as the audio
MODE - Selection of audio source (CD, system's menu structure. Audio files have the
AUX, USB*) Eject individual discs by pressing the eject but-
ton (3). symbol and folders have the symbol .
TUNING - Knob for track selection Start audio file playback with ENTER.
Eject all discs with a long press on the eject
button. The entire magazine is emptied disc by When the playback of a file is finished the play-
Starting playback (CD player)
disc. The message EJECT ALL is shown in the back of the other files in the same folder con-
If a music CD is in the player when the audio
display. tinues. Folder change takes place automati-
system is in CD mode then playback is started
CD functions
cally when all files in the current folder have NOTE Activating/deactivating, random (CD
been played back. changer)
It is only possible to scroll between random 10
Press left/right on the navigation button if the If a normal music CD is being played:
CD tracks 1 on the current disc.
display is not wide enough to show the whole 1. Press MENU and then ENTER.
audio file name.
Different messages appear on the display 2. Scroll to Random and press ENTER.
Fast-wind/change CD tracks and audio depending on which random function has been
3. Scroll to Single disc or All discs and press
files selected:
Short presses right/left on the navigation but- • RANDOM means that the tracks from only
ton are used to scroll between one music CD are played The option All discs only applies to the music
CD tracks/audio files. Long presses are used CDs in the changer.
• RND ALL means that all tracks on all
to fast-wind CD tracks/audio files. TUNING (or music CDs in the CD changer are played. If a CD with audio files is being played:
the steering wheel keypad) can also be used
for this purpose. • RND FLD means that the audio files in a 1. Press MENU and then ENTER.
folder on the current CD are played.
2. Scroll to Random and press ENTER.
Scan CD Activating/deactivating, random (CD
This function plays the first 10 seconds of each 3. Scroll to Single disc or Folder and press
CD track/audio file. Press SCAN to activate. ENTER.
If a normal music CD is being played:
Interrupt with EXIT or SCAN to continue play- The function is deactivated when another CD
back of the current CD track/audio file. 1. Press MENU and then ENTER.
is selected.
2. Scroll to Random and press ENTER.
Random Disc text
This function plays the tracks in random order. If a disc with audio files is being played: If title information is stored on a music CD then
The random CD tracks/audio files can be scrol- 1. Press MENU and then ENTER. it can be shown on the display2.
led through in the normal way.
2. Scroll to Random and press ENTER. Activate/deactivate
3. Scroll to Folder or Disc and press 1. Start CD playback.
ENTER. 2. Press MENU and then ENTER.
3. Scroll to Disc text and press ENTER.
10 Infotainment system
CD functions
Using low quality CD discs could result in poor
10 or non-existent sound.
Only use standard discs (12 cm in diameter).
Do not use CD discs with adhesive disc
labels. The heat in the CD player may cause
the label to come off, damaging the
CD player.
10 Infotainment system
Phone functions*
Phone functions*
With the IDIS system (Intelligent Driver
Information System), incoming phone calls and
SMS messages can be delayed so that con-
• Always put traffic safety first. centration can be focused on driving when IDIS The phone can only be used with a valid SIM
• Switch off the phone system when refuel- determines that the traffic situation requires a card Subscriber Identity Module. Cards are
ling the car. high level of attention. available from various network operators. Con-
tact your network operator if you experience
• Switch off the system near blasting work. Incoming calls and SMS messages can be difficulties with the SIM card.
• Volvo recommends that an authorised delayed 5 seconds before they are diverted. If
Volvo workshop carries out phone system the current traffic situation still requires a high
level of attention from the driver then the
incoming call is diverted to the voice mail. The built-in phone cannot read 3G type SIM
Missed calls are shown in the display. cards (3G only). Combined 3G/GSM cards
work. Contact your network operator if a
IDIS be disconnected using menu function 6.5, replacement SIM card is required.
see page 269.
Phone functions*
the SIM card holder.
4. Carefully press in the SIM card holder.
Centre console control panel.
When the phone is active, the steering wheel
VOLUME - Control the background vol- keypad is locked to phone functions. To con-
Menus ume from the radio, for example, during a trol the audio system, the phone must be in
Page 269 describes how to control phone call standby mode (standby).
functions with the menu system.
Number and letter buttons
ENTER – Accept calls. A press of the but-
MENU - Opens the main menu ton reveals latest dialled numbers.
Traffic safety
For safety reasons, parts of the phone menu EXIT - End/refuse calls, clear entered char-
EXIT - End/refuse calls, clear entered char-
system cannot be accessed at speeds in acters. Changes between the audio menu
excess of 8 km/h. and the phone menu.
Navigation button – Scroll in menus and
Call volume – Increase/decrease
character rows
ENTER – Accept calls. A press of the but- Navigation buttons – Scroll in menus
ton reveals latest dialled numbers
PHONE - On/off and standby mode
Phone functions*
On/Off Activating from standby mode 2. Scroll to Hold or Resume and press
A handset appears in the display when the – Press PHONE. ENTER.
phone system is active or in standby mode
Dialling a third party
(standby). If the remote control key is turned to Making and receiving calls 1. Put the call on hold.
position 0 when the phone is in one of these
modes, the phone automatically resumes this To call 2. Dial the number of the third party.
mode the next time the remote control key is 1. Activate the phone system (if necessary).
turned to position I or II. Switching between calls
2. Dial the number or use the phone book, 1. Press MENU or ENTER.
Activating the phone system see page 267.
2. Scroll to Swap and press ENTER.
Phone system functions can only be used 3. Press ENTER.
when the phone is in active mode. Starting a conference call
Receiving a call A conference call consists of three parties that
1. Press PHONE.
For Auto answer, see menu option 4.3, see can talk to one another. Once a conference call
2. Enter the PIN code (if necessary) and press page 269. has been initiated, no more parties can be con-
– Press ENTER. nected. All calls are ended when a conference
call is ended.
Deactivating the phone system
Ending a call
No calls can be received when the phone sys- 1. Start two phone calls.
– Press EXIT.
tem is deactivated.
2. Press MENU or ENTER.
– Hold PHONE depressed until the phone is Refusing a call
– Press EXIT. 3. Scroll to Join and press ENTER.
Phone functions*
1. Press the key with the desired character - wxyz9 2. Scroll to Phone book… and press
once for the first character on the button, ENTER.
twice for the second, etc. See table. Pressed briefly if two char- 3. Scroll to New contact and press ENTER.
2. Press 1 for a space. If two characters in a acters shall be entered after
4. Enter a name and press ENTER.
row are to be entered using the same but- each other with the same
key. 5. Enter a number and press ENTER.
ton, press * or wait a few seconds.
Phone functions*
6. Scroll to SIM card or Phone memory and 4. Enter the first few letters of the item and 6. Enter the first few letters of the item and
press ENTER. press ENTER, or simply press ENTER. press ENTER, or simply press ENTER.
Searching for contacts in the phone book 5. Scroll to the item to be erased and press 7. Scroll to an item and press ENTER.
Use the down arrow of the navigation button ENTER.
8. Hold EXIT depressed to leave the menu
instead of MENU for direct access to the
6. Scroll to Erase and press ENTER. system.
Search menu.
Erase all contacts Calling using speed dial
1. Press MENU. 1. Press MENU. – Briefly press the required keypad button,
2. Scroll to Phone book… and press 2. Scroll to Phone book… and press followed by ENTER.
3. Scroll to Search and press ENTER. NOTE
3. Scroll to Erase SIM or Erase phone and
4. Enter the first few letters of the item and press ENTER. It takes a short time before speed dialling
press ENTER, or simply press ENTER. becomes available after the phone has been
If required, enter phone code. The factory-set activated.
5. Scroll to an item and press ENTER. default code is 1234.
Copying entries between the SIM card Speed dial To use the speed dial function Speed dial…
and Phone book A keypad button (1–9) can be used as a speed must be activated in the Phone book… menu,
1. Press MENU. dial number for a contact in the phone book. see page 271.
2. Scroll to Phone book… and press 1. Press MENU.
ENTER. Calling from the phone book
2. Scroll to Phone book… and press 1. Press MENU.
3. Scroll to Copy all… and press ENTER. ENTER.
4. Scroll to SIM to phone or Phone to SIM 2. Scroll to Phone book… and press
3. Scroll to Speed dial… and press ENTER.
and press ENTER. ENTER.
4. Scroll to Select numbers and press > All contacts in the phone book memory
Deleting contacts from the phone book ENTER. are displayed. The number of contacts
1. Press MENU.
5. Scroll to the digit of the keypad button for displayed can be reduced by entering
2. Scroll to Phone book… and press the speed dial number and press ENTER. part of the contact's name.
ENTER. 3. Scroll to a contact and press ENTER.
3. Scroll to Search and press ENTER.
Phone functions*
1 A maximum of 5 phones.
operator for information on message settings. 4.6.2 When busy 6.1.2. Manual select
Normally, these settings should not be altered.
4.6.3. Not answered 6.2. SIM security 10
3.3.1. SMSC number Select if the PIN code should be on, off or if the
4.6.4. Not reachable
3.3.2. Validity time… phone should automatically give the PIN code.
4.6.5. Fax calls
3.3.3. Message type… 6.2.1. On
4.6.6. Data calls
6.2.2. Off
4. Call settings 4.6.7. Cancel all
6.2.3. Automatic
4.1. Send my number
5. Change phone
Displays or hides your phone number to/from 6.3. Edit PIN code
the person you call. Contact your network 5.1. Car phone Change PIN code. Write down and save the
operator regarding ex-directory numbers. Select the built-in phone. code in a safe place.
4.2. Call waiting 5.2. Add phone 6.4. Sounds and volume
Be alerted during a phone call that there is Add mobile phones to the list Added phones. 6.4.1. Ring volume
another incoming call. 5.3-7. Added phones Adjust the ring tone volume.
4.3. Auto answer Select to connect to one of the added phones
(up to 5 phones). 6.4.2. Ring signals…
Automatically answers incoming calls.
4.4. Auto redial There are seven different ring tones.
Automatically calls a previously engaged num- NOTE 6.4.3. Mute radio
ber. The menu above only applies to cars with The radio can be switched off/on.
4.5. Voice mail number BluetoothTM handsfree.
6.4.4. Message beep
Stores voice mail number.
4.6. Call divert 6. Phone settings 6.5. IDIS
Choose when and what type of calls are to be 6.1. Selecting network If the IDIS function is deactivated, incoming
diverted to a specified phone number. Choose a network automatically or manually. calls are not delayed, regardless of the driving
The selected network is shown in the display in situation.
4.6.1. All calls
the phone's basic mode. 6.6. Reset phone settings
This setting only applies during the call in pro-
6.1.1. Automatic Reset the system's factory settings.
Bluetooth handsfree*
Bluetooth handsfree*
4. Choose one of the mobile phones in the the mobile phone can be controlled from the NOTE
audio system display. audio system.
Some mobile phones require that the 10
5. Enter the number series shown in the audio To call changeover from handsfree is confirmed
system display via the mobile phone key- 1. Make sure that the text PHONE is shown from the phone's keypad.
at the top of the display and that the
Alternative 2 - via the phone's menu system symbol is visible. Making and receiving calls
1. Activate the handsfree function with 2. Dial the number or use the phone book,
PHONE. If there is a phone connected, see page 275. Incoming call
disconnect the connected phone. Calls are accepted with ENTER even if the
3. Press ENTER. audio system is in CD or FM mode for example.
2. Search with the phone's BluetoothTM, see Refuse or end with EXIT.
The call is interrupted with EXIT.
the mobile phone's manual.
3. Select My Volvo Car in the list of units Disconnecting the mobile phone Auto answer
Automatic disconnection takes place if the The automatic answer function means that
detected in your mobile phone.
mobile phone moves out of the audio system's calls are accepted automatically. Activate/
4. Enter the PIN code '1234' into the mobile range. For more information on connection, deactivate under Phone Menu… Call
phone when prompted for the PIN code. see page 274. options… Automatic answer.
5. Select to connect to My Volvo Car from Manual disconnection takes place by deacti-
the mobile phone. In-call menu
vating the handsfree function with one long
Press MENU or ENTER during an ongoing call
The mobile phone is registered and connected press on PHONE. The handsfree function is
to access the following functions:
automatically to the audio system while the text also deactivated when the engine is switched
Synchronising is shown in the display. For off or when a door is opened1. • Mute microphone - audio system micro-
more information on how mobile phones are phone is muted.
When the mobile phone has been discon-
registered, see page 274. nected an ongoing call can be continued with • Transfer call to mobile - the call is trans-
When the connection is established the symbol the mobile phone's built-in microphone and ferred to the mobile phone.
is shown and the mobile phone's speaker.
BluetoothTM name is shown in the display. Now
Bluetooth handsfree*
Bluetooth handsfree*
Bluetooth handsfree*
twice for the second etc. Continue pressing for 3. Bluetooth… Menu structure - BluetoothTM
more characters, see the table on page 266. handsfree with built-in phone
10 3.1. Change phone
A short press on EXIT deletes an input char- 1. Call register…
3.1.1. Add phone
acter. One long press on EXIT clears all input 1.1. Last 10 missed calls
characters. / on the navigation button 3.1.2–6.Added phones3
1.2. Last 10 received calls
scrolls between the characters. 3.2. Remove phone
1.3. Last 10 dialled calls
3.3. Connect fr. mobile phone
Menu structure - BluetoothTM 2. Phone book…
3.4. Car Bluetooth info
handsfree 2.1. Search
4. Call options…
NOTE 2.2. Copy fr. mobile phone
4.1. Automatic answer
The menu for BluetoothTM handsfree is 3. Bluetooth…
4.2. Voice mail number
available in two variants. For cars with only 3.1. Remove phone
BluetoothTM handsfree and for cars with 5. Phone settings…
built-in phone and BluetoothTM handsfree. 3.2. Connect fr. mobile phone
5.1. Sounds and volume…
3.3. Car Bluetooth info
5.1.1. Ring volume
1. Call register… 4. Call options…
5.1.2. Ring signals…
1.1. Last 10 missed calls 4.1. Automatic answer
5.1.3. Mute radio
1.2. Last 10 received calls 4.2. Voice mail number
5.2. Synchronise phone book
1.3. Last 10 dialled calls 5. Change phone
2. Phone book… 5.1. Carphone
2.1. Search 5.2. Add phone
2.2. Copy fr. mobile phone 5.3–7. Added phones3
3 A maximum of 5 phones.
Bluetooth handsfree*
6. Phone settings…
6.1. Sounds and volume… 10
6.1.1. Ring volume
6.1.2. Ring signals…
6.1.3. Mute radio
6.2. Synchronise phone book
11 Specifications
Type designation
11 Specifications
Type designation
11 Specifications
11 Specifications
Kerb weight includes the driver, the fuel tank
The car's driving characteristics change
90% full and all fluids. depending on how heavily it is loaded and
The weight of passengers and accessories, how the load is distributed.
and towball load (when a trailer is hitched, see
table) influences the payload and is not
included in the kerb weight.
Permitted maximum load = Gross vehicle
weight - Kerb weight.
The documented kerb weight applies to
cars in the standard version - i.e. a car with-
out extra equipment or accessories. This
means that for every accessory added the
loading capacity of the car is reduced cor-
respondingly by the weight of the acces-
sory. For decal location, see page 280.
Examples of accessories that reduce load- Max. total weight
ing capacity are the Kinetic/Momentum/
Summum equipment levels, as well as other Max. train weight (car+trailer)
accessories such as Towbar, Load carriers,
Space box, Audio system, Auxiliary lamps, Max. front axle load
GPS, Fuel-driven heater, Safety grille, Car- Max. rear axle load
pets, Cargo cover, Power seats, etc.
Weighing the car is a certain way of ascer- Equipment level
taining the kerb weight of your own partic-
ular car. Max. load: See registration document.
Max. roof load: 75 kg.
11 Specifications
Engine Maximum weight, braked trailer (kg) Maximum towball load (kg)
1.6 1200 50
DRIVe 1300 75
D2 1300 75
2.0F 1350 75
2.0 1350 75
others 1500 75
Engine Maximum weight, unbraked trailer (kg) Maximum towball load (kg)
1.6, 2.0, 2.0F, D2 and DRIVe 650 50
others 700 50
11 Specifications
Engine specifications
Not all engines are available in all markets.
Engine Engine Output Output Torque (Nm/ No. of Bore Stroke Swept Com-
codeA (kW/rpm) (hp/rpm) rpm) cylinders (mm) (mm) volume pression
(litres) ratio
1.6 B4164S3 74/6000 100/6000 150/4000 4 79 81.4 1.596 11.0:1
11 Specifications
Engine oil
Adverse driving conditions The above also apply to shorter driving dis- IMPORTANT
Adverse driving conditions can lead to abnor- tances at low temperatures.
In order to fulfil the requirements for the
mally high oil temperature or oil consumption. Choose a fully synthetic engine oil for adverse engine's service intervals all engines are
Below are some examples of adverse driving driving conditions. It provides extra protection filled with a specially adapted synthetic
conditions. for the engine. engine oil at the factory. The choice of oil
has been made very carefully with regard to
Check the oil level more frequently for long Volvo recommends Castrol oil products.
11 service life, starting characteristics, fuel
journeys: consumption and environmental impact.
• towing a caravan or trailer An approved engine oil must be used in
• in mountainous regions order that the recommended service inter-
vals can be applied. Only use a prescribed
• at high speeds grade of oil for both filling and oil change,
• in temperatures colder than -30 °C or hot- otherwise you will risk affecting service life,
ter than +40 °C starting characteristics, fuel consumption
and environmental impact.
Volvo Car Corporation disclaims all war-
ranty liability if engine oil of the prescribed
grade and viscosity is not used.
Volvo recommends that oil changes are car-
ried out at an authorised Volvo workshop.
11 Specifications
Engine oil
Engine Engine code Recommended oil grade Volume, incl. oil filter
1.6 B4164S3 Oil grade: ACEA A5/B5 approx. 4.0
2.0F B4204S4 Viscosity: SAE 5W–30 approx. 4.3
11 Specifications
The recommended transmission fluid must
be used to prevent damage to the gearbox.
Do not mix with any other transmission fluid.
11 If the transmission is topped up with a dif-
ferent fluid, contact a workshop nearby for
servicing. Volvo recommends that you con-
tact an authorised Volvo workshop.
Gearbox oil
Manual gearbox Volume (litres) Prescribed transmission fluid
IB5 2.1 BOT 130 M
B6 1.6
M66 1.9
11 Specifications
Fluid System Volume Recommended oil grade
Coolant 1.6 5.8 Coolant recommended by Volvo mixed with 50% waterA, see the packaging. The thermostat
starts opening at:
2.0 and 2.0F 6.5 11
petrol engine (1.6) 82 °C
T5, automatic 7.5
petrol engines 90 °C
diesel engines 82 °C
D2 and DRIVe 6.2
diesel engine (D2) 83 °C
D3 and D4 8.5
Power steer- Power steering 1.0 – 1.2 WSS M2C204-A or equivalent product with same specifications.
ing fluid
Washer fluid 4-cyl. Petrol/Die- 4.0 Washer fluid recommended by Volvo - with frost protection during cold weather and below
sel freezing point.
11 Specifications
11 Petrol: T5 approx. 62
11 Specifications
2.0F 254 (242A) 10.9 (14.8A) 137 (135A) 5.9 (8.2A) 180 (174A) 7.7 (10.6A) 11
A E85
11 Specifications
: gram/km
• High speed results in increased wind resis- See further information and more advice on
tance. pages 13 and 140.
: litre/100 km • Fuel quality, road and traffic conditions, See page 142 for general information on fuel.
weather and the condition of the car.
A = urban driving Even a combination of the above-mentioned
B = extra-urban driving examples can result in significantly improved
11 consumption. For further information, please
C = combined driving refer to the regulations referred to.
Fuel consumption and emissions of Large deviations in fuel consumption may arise
carbon dioxide in a comparison with the EU driving cycles
Fuel consumption and emission values in the which are used in the certification of the car
table above are based on specific EU cycles1, and on which the consumption figures in the
that apply to cars with kerb weight in the basic table are based.
version and without extra equipment. The car's
weight may increase depending on equipment. To bear in mind
This, as well as how heavily the car is loaded, Tips that the driver can use in order to reduce
increases fuel consumption and carbon diox- consumption:
ide emissions. • Drive gently and avoid unnecessary accel-
There are several reasons for increased fuel eration as well as braking too hard.
consumption compared with the table's val- • Drive with the correct air pressure in the
ues. Examples of this are: tyres and check this regularly - select ECO
tyre pressure for best results, see the tyre
• The driver's driving style. pressure table on page 293.
• If the customer has specified wheels larger • Choice of tyres can affect fuel consump-
than those fitted as standard on the mod- tion - seek advice on suitable tyres from a
el's basic version, then resistance increa- dealer.
1 Official fuel consumption figures are based on two standardised driving cycles in a laboratory environment ("EU driving cycles") all in accordance with EU Directive 80/1268/EEC (Euro 4), EU Regulation
no 692/2008 (Euro 5) and UN ECE Regulation no 101. The regulations cover the driving cycles for urban driving and extra-urban driving. - Urban driving - the measurement starts with cold starting
the engine. The driving is simulated. - Extra-urban driving - the car is accelerated and braked at speeds between 0-120 km/h. The driving is simulated. - A car with a D2 engine and 6-speed manual
transmission with Start/Stop is started in 2nd gear. - The value for combined driving, which is given in the table, according to legislation, is a combination of urban driving and extra-urban driving.
CO2 emission - to calculate the carbon dioxide emissions from the two driving cycles, the exhaust gases are collected. These are then analysed and give the value for CO2 emissions.
11 Specifications
11 Specifications
Engine Tyre size Speed (km/h) Load, 1 - 3 persons Max. load Max. load
Front (kPa)A Rear (kPa) Front (kPa) Rear (kPa) ECO pressureB
205/55 R16 0–160 230 220 250 250 250
205/50 R17
11 D4 160+ 270 220 290 270 -
215/45 R18
All engines, tyres or combinations of these
are not always available in all markets.
11 Specifications
Electrical system
General The battery capacity is dependent upon the capacity as the original battery (see the label
The car has a voltage-regulated AC alternator. equipment level in the vehicle. If the starter on the battery).
The electrical system is single-pole and uses battery is replaced, therefore, you must ensure
the chassis and engine casing as a conductor. that you switch to a battery with the same
12 700 B 135 80
A Cars equipped with High Performance audio system.
B Cars equipped with diesel, keyless drive, Premium Sound audio system, fuel-driven heater or RTI.
Lighting Output (W) Type
Dipped beam, halogen 55 H7 LL
11 Specifications
Electrical system
Fog lamps 35 H8
Type approval
11 Specifications
Symbol Meaning Page Symbol Meaning Page Information symbols in the centre
console display
Low oil pres- 52, 54 Left direction 51
Symbol Meaning Page
sure indicators
Surround sound (only 251
Premium Sound)
Seatbelt 16, 54 Right direc- 51
reminder tion indicators News 255
Alternator not 54 Other information symbols in the Programme types 255
combined instrument panel
Symbol Meaning Page
Rain sensor* 68 Regional radio pro- 256
Fault in brake 54, 165
Cruise control* 69 Audio files 258
Main beam 51
Directory in CD disc 258
Phone* 272
Airbag, passenger 23
seat, deactivated
11 Specifications
12 Alphabetical Index
12 Alphabetical Index
Booster cushion
C fluids and oils...................................... 218
12 Alphabetical Index
size classes for child seats with the ISO- Combined instrument panel...................... 51 Disengaging the gear selector inhibitor... 158
FIX fixture system................................. 39 Compass................................................... 76 Display, messages..................................... 56
upper mounting points for child seats.. 42 calibration............................................. 76 Display lighting.......................................... 61
Cigarette lighter socket setting the zone.................................... 76
Dolby Surround Pro Logic II............ 247, 251
front seat............................................... 58 Condensation in headlamps.................... 206
Door mirrors............................................... 78
Cleaning Coolant.................................................... 221
automatic car washes......................... 206 Driver's door control panel.................. 50, 74
Cooling system........................................ 140
car wash............................................. 206 Driving
rims..................................................... 206 Crash, see Collision................................... 30 cooling system.................................... 140
12 seatbelts............................................. 209 Cruise control............................................ 69 economical......................................... 140
upholstery........................................... 208 in water............................................... 140
Climate control slippery driving conditions.................. 141
general.................................................. 90 D with trailer........................................... 178
personal preferences............................ 82 Driving in water........................................ 140
Climate control settings Driving with a trailer
deactivation........................................ 131
auto....................................................... 95 towball load........................................ 283
temporary deactivation....................... 131
Clock, adjustment...................................... 82 towing capacity.................................. 283
Deadlocks................................................ 131
Clutch fluid, checking & topping up........ 222 DSTC, see also Stability control system.. 167
Defroster.................................................... 93
Coat hanger............................................. 111 DSTC, see also Stability system
Diesel....................................................... 144 symbol.................................................. 53
Cold start................................................. 158
Diesel: engine preheater............................ 53 During a call, functions............................ 268
automatic gearbox.............................. 158
Diesel particle filter.................................. 144
crash mode........................................... 30 Dipstick, electronic.................................. 220
inflatable curtain, IC.............................. 26 Direction indicators.................................... 64
Colour code, paint................................... 210 Disc text................................................... 259
12 Alphabetical Index
12 Alphabetical Index
12 Alphabetical Index
Leather upholstery, washing instructions 208 parking lamps..................................... 231 Main beam "flash"..................................... 64
position lamps.................................... 231 Maintenance............................................ 215
side marker lamps.............................. 232 rustproofing........................................ 211
Active Xenon headlamps...................... 61
vanity mirror........................................ 234 self-maintenance................................ 215
approach light, duration............... 79, 120
automatic lighting............................... 109 Making calls..................................... 265, 273
12 Alphabetical Index
12 Alphabetical Index
12 Alphabetical Index
12 Alphabetical Index
Technical data, engine............................. 285 cable................................................... 180
Temperature Trip computer............................................ 65
actual temperature............................... 91 Tuning Radio............................................ 253 Ventilation.................................................. 91
passenger compartment, electronic cli- Vibration damper..................................... 180
Type approval, remote control key sys-
mate control.......................................... 97
tem........................................................... 297 Volume
passenger compartment, manual cli-
Type designation..................................... 280 audio system...................................... 248
mate control.......................................... 94
auto volume control............................ 251
Testing the alarm system......................... 135 Tyres
media player....................................... 248
direction of rotation............................ 193
driving characteristics......................... 190
A/C........................................................ 93
general................................................ 190
ECC...................................................... 96
maintenance....................................... 190
12 Alphabetical Index
child seat/booster cushion................... 27
Warning lamp whiplash injury...................................... 27
stability and traction control system. . 167 Windscreen wipers.................................... 67
Warning symbol, airbag system................ 19 rain sensor............................................ 68
Warning triangle....................................... 195 Winter tyres.............................................. 193
Washer fluid, filling................................... 221 Wiper blades............................................ 224
Washers cleaning.............................................. 224
headlamps............................................ 67 replacing, windscreen......................... 224
washer fluid, filling.............................. 221
windscreen........................................... 67
Water and dirt-repellent coating................ 79
Water-repellent surface, cleaning............ 207
Waxing..................................................... 207
kerb weight......................................... 283
changing............................................. 198
installation........................................... 199
removal............................................... 198
rims..................................................... 192
snow chains........................................ 192
spare wheel........................................ 196
Whiplash injury.......................................... 27