p-ISSN: 2685-2020 ; e-ISSN: 2685-2012
Background: Stunting, defined as inadequate height for age, is a severe public health issue that affects
millions of children worldwide, particularly in low and middle-income countries. It leads to long-term impacts
on physical health, cognitive development, and economic productivity. Psychoeducation has been identified
as a potential intervention to mitigate the effects of stunting by enhancing community and parental practices.
Methods: This research is a pre-experimental study with a pre-post design. Measurements are conducted
before and after the psychoeducation on stunting issues. The population consists of all cadres in the
Candiroto Community Health Center work area, and the sample size is 22 people. Statistical testing used
the Wilcoxon test to determine the statistical differences before and after the psychoeducation.
Results: The results indicate that there is a difference in knowledge and affective of the cadres regarding
stunting issues.
Conclusion: Psychoeducation is an effective intervention used as an approach for health cadres to
understand and address stunting issues.
Received: September 11, 2024; Revised September 13, 2024: Accepted: September 26, 2024
p-ISSN: 2685-2020 ; e-ISSN: 2685-2012
consequences of stunting. One promising Online education about stunting and obesity
approach to tackling this issue is through prevention for parents of early childhood
psychoeducation, which aims to increase education students in Surabaya has
awareness and understanding of the factors successfully improved parents' knowledge,
influencing stunting as well as strategies for which is expected to help reduce stunting and
preventing and managing it. The aim of this obesity among children (Damayanti et al,
study is to determine the impact of 2023). Analyzing individual empowerment in
psychoeducation on the knowledge and stunting prevention programs shows that
affective of health cadres regarding stunting empowering cadres through community-based
issues. programs can increase individual engagement
Methods. This research is a pre- and empowerment, which is important for
experimental study with a pre-post design. The stunting prevention (Setyoadi et al., 2023).
study was conducted in July and August 2024. Online education initiatives, such as webinars,
Measurements are conducted before and after play a significant role in improving
the intervention. The population consists of all understanding and spreading knowledge about
cadres in the Candiroto community health stunting prevention and management
center area, Temanggung, Central Java. The strategies. These webinars effectively enhance
sample size is 22 people. Consists of health parents' knowledge about stunting and obesity
cadres who have a focus on stunting. The prevention, with the hope of reducing these
exclusion criteria are health cadres who are not conditions among children. Additionally,
active. Statistical testing computer assisted empowering cadres through community-based
used the Wilcoxon test to determine the programs has been shown to improve
statistical differences before and after the individual engagement and empowerment,
psychoeducation. which is critical for stunting prevention.
Result and Discussion. Psychoeducational Practices
The results indicate that there is a difference in Effective parenting practices, enhanced by
knowledge and affective of the cadres regarding psychoeducational interventions, can improve
stunting issues (p<0,05). Psychoeducation, as a child development outcomes and help prevent
public health intervention, plays a crucial role in stunting. These practices are vital for early
addressing stunting issues. This program not childhood development (Primasari & Keliat,
only focuses on delivering basic information 2020).. Quasi-experimental studies show that
about proper nutrition and hygiene but also behavior change communication models that
educates parents and communities on effective improve parenting practices related to child
ways to support child growth and development. health, protection from neglect, and injury have
In areas with high stunting prevalence, lifelong impacts on health, learning, and
psychoeducation becomes a vital tool to raise economic productivity. This research integrates
awareness and change community behavior. Early Childhood Development components into
Recent research findings indicate that with maternal and child health programs, leading to
appropriate interventions, psychoeducation significant improvements in early learning
can significantly reduce stunting rates in support and nutrition practices (Rosales et al.,
affected communities 2019). Effective parenting practices, reinforced
Community Involvement through by psychoeducational interventions, play a
Psychoeducation crucial role in improving child development
Initiatives such as online webinars have outcomes and preventing stunting. Research
been crucial in enhancing understanding and indicates that communication models that
disseminating knowledge about stunting enhance parenting practices have long-term
prevention and management strategies to impacts on children's health, learning, and
parents and caregivers (Rachmah et al., 2022). economic productivity. Furthermore,
p-ISSN: 2685-2020 ; e-ISSN: 2685-2012
p-ISSN: 2685-2020 ; e-ISSN: 2685-2012