Nov-2023 Cz45a
Nov-2023 Cz45a
Nov-2023 Cz45a
1. Who is an Assessee?
Á› ö\¾zx£Áº GߣÁº ¯õº?
13. Mr. Desik was born in India in the year 2001. From 2011 to
2017, he was in Cambodia, from 2017 to 31st March 2021, he was
in Australia. On 1st April 2021 he came to India and stayed till
31st January 2022. Identify his residential status for the
AY 2022-2023.
v¸. ÷u]U GߣÁº 2001&® BsiÀ C¢v¯õÂÀ ¤Ó¢uõº.
2011&® Bsk •uÀ 2017&® Bsk Áøμ P®÷£õi¯õÂÀ AÁº
C¸¢uõº. 2017 •uÀ 2021, ©õºa 31 Áøμ Bìv÷μ¼¯õÂÀ
C¸¢uõº. H¨μÀ 1, 2021 AßÖ C¢v¯õÂØS Á¢x 31 áÚÁ›
2022 Áøμ u[Q°¸¢uõº. Á›Âv¨£õsk 2022-2023US AÁ›ß
Si°¸¨¦ {ø»ø¯U PnUQhÄ®.
3 62551/CZ45A/BS45A/
Ai¨£øha \®£Í® ©õu® JßÔØS ¹.12,000 BS®;
APÂø»¨£i ©õu® JßÔØS ¹.7,500 BS®; ÂØ£øÚ°ß
«uõÚ uμS J¸ Á¸hzvØS ¹.50,000 BS®.
AÁ›ß Á› ö\¾zuzuUP £oUöPõøhø¯ Psk¤iUPÄ®.
PART C — (3 × 10 = 30 marks)
4 62551/CZ45A/BS45A/
21. Calculate Income from Salary of Mr. Thirumalai from the
following information :
(h) Light and water charges paid by the employer per annum
5 62551/CZ45A/BS45A/
22. Mr. Srinivasan owns a house which consists of two equal
independent units. One is let out and the other one is self-
occupied. The let out portion is also self occupied for two months.
The other particulars are as follows :
Actual rent for the let out portion Rs.1,000 per month
EÒѺ Á› ¹. 2,500
uμ ÁõhøP ¹. 300
6 62551/CZ45A/BS45A/
23. Calculate Income from Profession from the following Receipts
and Payments given by Mrs. Kokila.
Notes :
(a) Depreciation of Rs.2,500 is to be provided
(b) Consider Rs.1,500 as opening stock and Rs.1,000 as closing
(c) Car is 60% used for Official purposes
(d) Income from other sources Rs.30,000.
v¸©v. ÷PõQ»õ öPõkzxÒÍ ö£ÖuÀPÒ ©ØÖ®
ö\¾zxuÀPμ¸¢x öuõÈÀ Á¸©õÚzøuU PnUQhÄ®
ö£ÖuÀPÒ ¹. ö\¾zxuÀPÒ ¹.
B쮣 C¸¨¦ R/öPõ 1,20,000 Fºva ö\»ÄPÒ 24,000
ÁõiUøP¯õÍ›hª¸¢x A¾Á»Pa ö\»ÄPÒ 6,000
Pmhn® A¾Á»PºPÐUSa \®£Í® 7,000
2020-21 32,000 Phß «uõÚ Ámi 1,000
2021-22 25,000 Á¸©õÚ Á› 1,500
2022-23 30,000 Á¸©õÚ Á› A£μõu® 600
ÁõiUøP¯õÍ›hª¸¢x ö\ÀÁ Á› 250
AߣΨ¦ 20,000 öPõÒ•uÀ AhUP® 5,000
£›_ ^mi¼¸¢x Á¸©õÚ® 24,000 CÖv C¸¨¦ ÷©/öPõ 2,05,650
2,51,000 2,51,000
7 62551/CZ45A/BS45A/
SÔ¨¦PÒ :
(A) ÷u´©õÚ® ¹.2,500 AÎUP¨£h ÷Ásk®
(B) B쮣 \μUQ¸¨¦ ¹.1,500 ©ØÖ® CÖv \μUQ¸¨¦ ¹.1,000
GÚ P¸uÄ®
(C) Fºv°ß 60 \uÃu E£÷¯õP® A¾Á»P £¯ß£õmiØPõÚx
(D) Cuμ ‰»[PÎß Á¸©õÚ® ¹.30,000 BS®.
8 62551/CZ45A/BS45A/