Grade X Record - Computer
Grade X Record - Computer
Grade X Record - Computer
Step 1. Select the text to be formatted. The selected text may be a collection of
characters, words, lines, paragraph, page, frame or table.
Step 2. To format the selected text, choose appropriate style by clicking the
button from the top of the Styles bar.
Step 3. A list of styles for that category appears. Double click on the desired
style to apply to the selected text.
Program 2:
What is Fill Format Style, how it can be applied.
This method is useful when a same style is to be applied at many places
scattered in the document. Fill Format can be used to style scattered – pages,
frames, tables, lists, paragraphs or characters. Follow the steps given below to
use it.
Step 2. Open the Styles window and select the desired style category and then
desired style from drop down list.
Step 4. To apply the selected style, take the mouse pointer to desired location
and click. Do take care to apply style on appropriate type of content.
Step 5. Repeat step 4 until all the changes have been made for that style in the
entire document.
Step 6. To quit Fill Format option, click the Fill Format button again or press
the Esc key.
Program 3:
Vipin wants to Insert images in his document help him for Inserting
image using Insert Image option.
LibreOffice Writer allows to work on images by providing various tools such
as using Insert Image dialog, using Drag and Drop option, using Cut, Copy and
Paste option and lastly by Linking.
Step 3. Select and click on Insert > Image from menu bar.
Step 4. An Insert Image dialog box will open which will allow to choose the
picture file to be inserted.
Step 5. Select the file and click on Open button to insert an image in
Program 4:
Rohan has created a report on Environmental Pollution in LibreOffice
Writer. Help him to add table of contents to his document with the
heading as Rohan’s Table of Contents.
To add Table of Contents, follow the steps given below.
Step 2. Select Insert > Table of Contents and Index > Table of Contents, Index
or Bibliography. The Table of Contents, Index and Bibliography dialog box will
be displayed.
Step 3. In the Type the Titles text box, type Rohan’s Table of Contents.
Step 4. Click OK. The Table of Contents will be inserted in Rohan’s document.
Program 5:
Kapil want to create a document with predefined formatting and want to
save that document as Template for future use help him to accomplish
his task.
Step 1. Open the document in LibreOffice Writer whose template is to be
Step 2. From main menu bar, select File > Templates > Save. The Save
AsTemplate dialog box will appear.
Step 3. Type the name of the new template (T1) in Template Name text box.
Step 4. Select the category of the template being created. Some of the
categories that can be seen in the dialog box are My Templates, Business
Correspondence, Online Business Documents and Presentations.
Step 5. Click and select Set as default template checkbox to make the current
template as the default template.
Step 6. Click Save button to save the template. A template in Writer is saved
with an extension .ott.
Unit – 2
Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced) using LibreOffice Calc
In the modern digital world, one of the most important thing is counting
and calculations. In computers we can do the calculations on number of
records spread over the long sheet using the spreadsheet software that
helps to work with numbers efficiently. It becomes easy to visualise a
huge grid of numbers when represented using charts in electronic
It includes – analysing data to extract useful information for making
effective decisions. Macros, is the another powerful feature of
spreadsheet covered in this unit. Macros are a set of stored functions
used to automate processes repeatedly. You can create multiple sheets
and link the data in multiple sheets. It can be done in two ways, one is
creating reference to other sheets by using keyboard and mouse, and
other is by linking external data.
LibreOffice Calc also provides the sharing feature that allows to share
the spreadsheet for editing purpose. This saves to keep track of multiple
copies of the same spreadsheet corrected by different users. Sharing
allows the users to work on the same spreadsheet in collaboration.
Program 1:
What is the use of Data Consolidation? Write steps to perform this
Step 2. Click on Data > Consolidate or use the keyboard shortcut key ALT+D,
the Consolidate dialog window will open.
Step 3. In the Function box, choose Sum function from the drop down as we
want to add the data from all the sheets.
Step 4. Click in the Source data ranges box and then click on the worksheet
ABC_Branch and select the area to be consolidated and then click on the Add
button will add the copy reference in the consolidation ranges.
Step 5. Click on the sheet XYZ_Branch and select the area to be consolidated
and then click on ADD will add the next consolidation range.
Step 6. Click on the ‘+’ sign next to Options in the Consolidate dialog window
to change the settings.
‘Consolidate by’ has two options Row labels and Column labels. Check row
label or column label or both if you want to consolidate it by matching the
label. If Link to source data is checked, then it will keep on updating the data
of the Consolidate sheet automatically if there is any change made in the
selected ranges.
Step 7. Click on ‘Copy results to’ and then click on any of the cell in the
Consolidate sheet where you want to copy the final result after consolidation.
Step 8. Click on OK button. It will display the Consolidate sheet with data after
consolidation.Consolidated Sheet
Consolidated sheet
Program 2:
What is Goal Seek? Write steps to perform this action.
Goal Seek helps in finding out the input for the specific output. For example, if
you want to know the number of units produced to get the desired output
then use Goal seek analysis tool.
Follow the following steps after creating this data to use Goal seek tool to
change marks of S.St. from 30 to desired marks.
3. HINDI 56
4. MATHS 78
6. S.St 30
7 TOTAL 268
Step 1.Enter the values in the worksheet.
Step 2. Write the formula in the cell (B7)where the calculation has to be used.
Step 3. Place the cursor in the formula cell(B7), choose Tools > Goal Seek.
Step 4. The Goal seek dialog window will appear, the Formula cell box will
have the correct formula.
Step 5. Place the cursor on the Variable cell box and click on the cell (B6) that
contains the value to be changed.
Program 3:
What is Macro? How can we record macro for any operation?
A macro is a single instruction that executes a set of instructions. These set of
instructions can be a sequence of commands or keystrokes that can be used
for any number of times later. A sequence of actions such as keystrokes and
clicks can be recorded and then run as per the requirement.
Record a macro to apply the following style to the Heading “Data Analysis” in
the cell A1.
The font style should be “Times New Roman”
The font size should be “14”
The font colour should be “Blue”
Cells from A1 to G1 should be merged and centred.
Step 1. Create the spreadsheet. Write the heading “Data Analysis” in cell A1.
Step 2. Choose Tools > Macros > Record Macro. Perform the actions
mentioned in program 2 in the spreadsheet.
Step 3.Click Stop Recording to stop the Macro Recorder.
Step 4. The Basic Macro dialog appears, in which you can save and run the
Step 5. A Standard library is present by default when a spreadsheet is created
and saved.
Step 6. To save the macro, first select the object where you want to save the
macro in the Save macro in list box. You can change the name of the macro.
Here, we have named the macro as FormatHeading.
Note: If all the macros will be given the same name then they will over
write the previous Macro created by that name.
Program 4:
What is use of Hyperlink in LibreOffice Calc? Explain with an example.
Sometimes it is required to jump to a document stored at a different location
from within a document. It can be done by creating a hyperlink. It is possible
to jump from a sheet in the same spreadsheet, different spreadsheet or a
website by creating a hyperlink.
Step 2. From the main menu, select and click on Insert > Hyperlink. An
Hyperlink dialog box will open.
Step 3. To insert the spreadsheet document, click on the Document on the left
pan of dialog box, then to select the spreadsheet document, click on the button
located after the Path. Select the required document. In our case we select the
spreadsheet document “Result-X-A”.
Step 4. Then click on the Target button to choose the sheet which is to be
hyperlinked. Target in Document helps to specifically choose a target in the
document such as sheet, tables, frames, images, headings and so on. Here in
our case we will select the sheet Result.
Step 5. Click on Apply and Close button to exit the Target Document window.
Step 6. Enter the text in the Text box to assign the hyperlink to that text. In
our case we have entered the text as “Result-X-A”. So the hyperlink will be
assigned to the text “Result-X-A”.
Step 7. Click on Apply and Close button to confirm the changes and exit the
Hyperlink dialog box.
Step 8. Observe that the hyperlink is assigned to the word “Result-X-A”.
Step 9. To open the hyperlinked sheet, press the Ctrl key and click on the
hyperlinked word “ResultX-A”, the sheet will be opened in the new window.
Program 5:
What is the use of sharing of Worksheet? How can we share any
worksheet in LibreOffice Calc? Write steps.
In LibreOffice Calc, one spreadsheet can be used by more than one user at a
time by sharing it. A shared spreadsheet is a same sheet that can be accessed
by more than one user and can allow them to make changes simultaneously
on it. It saves the trouble of keeping track of multiple copies of the same
spreadsheet. Sharing allows working in collaboration so that everyone can
contribute, make changes and view it.
Step 2. Select and click on Tools > Share Spreadsheet from main menu bar.
This will open the Share Document dialog window which can be used to
enable or disable sharing option.
Step 3. Click on the checkbox “Share this spreadsheet with other users” to
share the spreadsheet and click on OK button. This will open the confirmation
dialog window to save the spreadsheet to activate the shared mode.
Step 5. Once the spreadsheet is saved, the name of the spreadsheet in the title
bar will display (shared) along with the name of the spreadsheet.
Unit – 3
Data: The raw facts constitutes data. The facts may be related to any person,
place, activity or things. It may be stored in the form of text, graphics, audio or
Program 1:
Ruhi has created database name Sports Day, now she wants to create a
table in Design view help her to fulfill her task.
Let us help Ruhi to create a table named Events using in the option Create
Table in Design view in the Sports Day database.
After clicking on Design view follow the following steps to do so.
Step 1. Type the first field name (EventId) in the Field Name column. Press
Tab key. The cursor moves to the second column i.e. Field Type.
Step 2. The Field Type column contains a list box. As you click on the down
arrow, it appears and we can select the desired data type from the list box.
Select the datatype (Varchar).
Step 3. Observe that certain properties appear in the Field Properties Pane as
the data type is selected. Some of the properties are Entry required, Length,
Default value, Format example. Set the desired properties for the entered
Step 4. Press Tab key to move to the next column. Add any description if
youwant in the third column.
Step 5. Once the properties for the field are set, press Tab key to move to next
row. Selecting data type for field Fields entered using Creating Table in Design
Step 6. Enter the next field by repeating steps 1,2 and 3. Repeat the process
for adding all fields in the table.
Steps 7. After creating the table you need to save it on the disk.
To save the table click on the save button or follow menu option File > Save
As. Enter the name of table and click on OK button.
Program 2:
What do understand by Referential Integrity? Explain with a suitable
There are two tables in the database – Events and EventCategory with a
common field as CategoryID.
In Event table, EventID is the primary key and CategoryID is the foreign key.
In EventCategory table, CategoryID is the primary key. To set up relationship
between these tables follow the following steps.
Events EventCategory
EventName CategoryID
Date CategoryName
Points TeacherIncharge
Step 1.From main menu of LibreOffice Base, click on Tools > Relationships…
Step 2. The Relationship Design screen will appear. In the middle of the
screen there is Add Tables dialog box. Both the tables are listed in the dialog
Step 3. In the Add Tables dialog box, click Events table and then click Add
button. Similarly add EventCategory table to the Relationship Area.
Step 4. Click Close button to close the Add Tables dialog box. Observe that the
tables Events and EventCategory table added to the Relationship Area along
with all its field list.
Step 5. As discussed before, CategoryID is the common field in the two tables.
Hence it will be used to set a relationship between the two tables. To create a
relation Add Tables dialog box in Relationship Design Screen Events and
EventCategory Tables added in Relationship Design window Relationship
between two tables between the two tables, we just have to drag the common
field CategoryID from the Events table and drop it in EventCategory table. A
line connecting both the tables with the common field (CategoryID) appears.
Program 3:
A form is an object of the database that has a user friendly interface where
data can be entered and seen in an attractive and easy-to-read format. For any
database, it is the front end for data entry and data modification.
Step 1. Open the Sports Day database created in LibreOffice, and click the
Form icon on the Database Pane. Click the option Use Wizard to Create Form…
onthe Tasks Pane.
Step 2. The step 1 of the wizard is to select the tables or queries for which the
form has to be created. As we are creating a form for Events table, select
Events table from “Tables and queries” list box.
Step 3. After selecting the Events table, all the fields of the Events table will be
listed in the Available Fields list box.
Step 4. As we require all the fields to appear in the Form, shift all the fields of
Event table from Available Fields list box to Fields in the Form list box using>>
button. Observe that, all the fields are shifted to Fields in the Form list
box.Click on Next button to move forward.
Step 5. The second step consists of setting up a subform, i.e. a form within a
form. You need to check the checkbox “Add Subform” to add the subform.
Since we do not want to set up any subform, click Next button to proceed
Step 6. The wizard skips the next two steps that relate to the subform and
moves on to step 5. This step arrange controls i.e. to set up the design of the
form. Observe that, by default, all controls will be left aligned. Four layouts are
given in this step of the wizard to choose from:
• Display as datasheet
Let us select Columnar Display with labels on the left arrangement. Also note
that as we choose the Layout type, the fields are arranged in the Form Design
view also.
Step 8. The step 6 of the wizard asks whether the form will be used for
displaying data, entering data or both. As we go with the default settings, so
we click Next button.
Step 9. The next step is to apply styles to the form being created.
Step 11. The next step is to set the name of the form. Say EventsForm. Click
Modify the form option.
Adding a calendar for the date field While filling up a form on a computer,
mostly a calendar is displayed. This is because it is easy to choose a date
rather than typing it. To add the calendar to the date field in the form, follow
the steps given below:
Step 1. Place the mouse pointer over the Date text box and press Ctrl+Click to
select it.
Step 3. In the Properties: Date Field dialog box, scroll down for Date Format
property. By default, Standard (short) format will be displayed.
Step 4. Click to open the list box and select Standard (long) format.
Step 5. Scroll down further till you find the DropDown property. By default its
value will be No. Select Yes.
Step 6. Close the dialog box. The selected date control text box on the form
changes to a list box with an arrow being displayed in the extreme right as.
Program 5:
Let us create a report using the table Events from the Sports Day database.
Follow the following steps to create a report.
Step 1. In the LibreOffice Base User Interface, click on the Reports icon in the
Database Pane.
Step 2. From the Tasks Pane, click Use Wizard to Create Report… option.
Step 3.The Report wizard along with two other windows will be displayed.
One of the window is Report Builder window and the other is Add Field
dialog box. We will confine our study to the wizard.
Step 4. The first step of wizard is to select the table and the corresponding
fields that we want to display in our report. From the Tables or Queries list
box, select the table Events.
Step 5. All the fields of the Events table will be listed in the Available Fields
list box. Click >> button to shift all the fields to Fields in report list box.
Step 6. Click on the Next button. The next step is to label the fields.
Step 7.Click on the Next button.
Step 8.The fourth step is to set the Sort options. If the data to be displayed in
the report has to be sorted in either ascending or descending order of a
particular field, specify the field and sorting order in this step.
Step 9. Click on the Next button to move on to the next step in which the
layout of the report will be selected.
Step 10. Out of various Layout options given, choose the desired layout, say
Tabular and also the layout of headers and footers (Default). You may also
choose the orientation option Landscape or Portrait in this step.
Step 11. Click on the Next button to move to last step. Type the name of the
report as EventsReport.