Journal of Bacteriology-2017-Ramage-e00352-17.full
Journal of Bacteriology-2017-Ramage-e00352-17.full
Journal of Bacteriology-2017-Ramage-e00352-17.full
multilocus sequence type (sequence type 258 [ST258]), whose success is not well
Genomic studies of K. pneumoniae have characterized relationships among clinical
isolates and identified functions required for infection. One study found that ST258
clinical strains isolated worldwide fall into two clades that differ in a 215-kb region that
includes capsule biosynthesis genes (3). Another key study used whole-genome se-
quencing of isolates from an outbreak of carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae infec-
tions at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center to formulate a
scenario for how the infection spread (4).
with a PCR fragment carrying the chloramphenicol resistance gene (cat) in place of the
KPC-3-encoding gene, followed by elimination of the cat gene by FLP-mediated
recombination at FRT sites flanking the gene (see Materials and Methods). As expected,
MKP103 was imipenem sensitive and carried a deletion of the predicted size (see
Materials and Methods).
Transposon T30. For mutagenesis of MKP103, we created transposon T30, a
mini-Tn5 derivative encoding chloramphenicol resistance (Fig. 1). T30 carries mosaic
end sequences to support the formation of transposon-transposase complexes in vitro.
The transposon also carries loxP recombination sites near its ends, making it possible to
eliminate the cat gene by Cre recombination (Fig. 1). It should be possible to create
double mutants from library strains by deleting the resistance marker from one mutant
and introducing a second insertion by transformation of genomic DNA from a different
mutant (10).
Primary mutant collection. To create the primary transposon mutant collection,
MKP103 was mutagenized by transformation of transposon T30-transposase com-
plexes, followed by selection for chloramphenicol-resistant colonies (11). Colonies were
then arrayed robotically in a 384-well format (see Materials and Methods). To identify
transposon insertion locations, arrayed cells were grown overnight and PCR fragments
corresponding to genome-transposon junction regions were amplified and individually
sequenced (see Materials and Methods). A total of 41,769 unique insertions were
identified, corresponding to 86% of the strain’s predicted coding genes (Table 1).
Two-allele library. A smaller library with two or three unique insertion mutants per
gene was constructed from the primary mutant collection (Table 1). Mutants with
insertion sites in the centers of genes were chosen for inclusion where possible, and
strains were colony purified and resequenced to verify genome insertion locations. The
identities of mutants in this two-allele library and additional information are provided
in Data Set S1 in the supplemental material and in a genome browser ( (Fig. 2).
KPNIH1 essential genes. Mutants deficient in 828 KPNIH1 genes were absent from
the two-allele library (Table 1; Data Set S2). We assume that these genes represent both
functions essential for growth under the mutant selection conditions used and non-
essential genes missed by chance. To help distinguish the essential subset, we gener-
FIG 2 Mutant browser screenshot. The locations of transposon insertions in the two-allele library are shown for one of two lac regions
in the KPNIH1 genome. The searchable browser ( provides linked information about
each insertion and can be used to create lists of mutants for request.
ated a pool of ⬃100,000 transposon T30 mutants and characterized it by Tn-seq (12)
(see Materials and Methods). That analysis identified 642 putative essential genes, 373
of which were also unrepresented in the two-allele library. (Fig. 3, top; Data Set S2).
Genes scored as essential by Tn-seq thus account for nearly half (373/828) of those
absent from the KPNIH1 two-allele library.
To help identify any KPNIH1 essential genes represented in the two-allele library by
nonnull mutations, we examined orthologues of the highly validated Escherichia coli
K-12 essential gene set (13). Since K. pneumoniae and E. coli are closely related, most K.
pneumoniae orthologues of E. coli essential genes should also be essential. Of the 289
KPNIH1 orthologues we identified, more than two-thirds (205) fell into the high-
confidence set of 373 E. coli essential genes (Fig. 3, bottom; Data Set S2) (13). However,
another 46 orthologues were scored as essential by Tn-seq but had mutants in the
two-allele library (Fig. 3, bottom; Data Set S2). Most of these 46 genes were underrep-
resented in the arrayed primary mutant collection (data not shown). We therefore
assume that most or all of the 46 genes are essential in KPNIH1 and that insertions
mapping to them in the two-allele library are not inactivating. Five orthologues were
absent from the two-allele library but scored as nonessential by Tn-seq, and 33
orthologues were nonessential by both criteria (Fig. 3; Data Set S2). Mutants deficient
in many of these additional 38 genes were underrepresented in the Tn-seq pool,
suggesting that they may grow slowly (Data Set S2). Overall, this analysis bolsters the
conclusion that about half of the genes without mutants in the two-allele library are
missing because they are essential and identifies mutants in the library that are unlikely
to have fully inactivating mutations because they affect essential genes. A consensus
set of 424 KPNIH1 essential genes based on our studies is presented in Data Set S2.
Genotype-phenotype validation tests using custom PM plates. We evaluated
the use of the two-allele mutant library to identify genotype-phenotype associations for
seven clinically relevant antibiotic resistance traits. Candidate resistance genes corre-
sponded to two-component regulators, efflux pumps, and additional genes ortholo-
gous to established E. coli resistance functions (14, 15). We wished to screen candidate
mutants by using phenotype microarray (PM) assays (Biolog) (16, 17), but the levels of
many antibiotics in the commercially available plates were too low to support effective
screening. Thus, we designed custom PM plates tailored to the resistance profile of the
MKP103 parent strain. The plates provided coverage of three classes of antibiotics
used to treat K. pneumoniae infections: an aminoglycoside (amikacin), five different
-lactams, and a fluoroquinolone (ciprofloxacin) (Fig. S1).
We assayed antibiotic sensitivity in triplicate in a total of 76 mutants corresponding
to insertions in 46 genes (Data Set S3). For genes represented by multiple mutant
ciprofloxacin) are shown for genes with significant mutant phenotypes (Fig. S1 and Data Set S2). Assays were carried out in triplicate, and average values for two
mutant alleles are provided for all genes except cpxA and mcrB. E. coli phenotypes are based on lists of aminoglycoside (amikacin, gentamicin, streptomycin, and
tobramycin), -lactam (aztreonam, ceftoxime, cefsulodin, amdinocillin, and oxacillin), and quinolone (ciprofloxacin, nalidixic acid, and norfloxacin) sensitivity
phenotypes (15).
bRND, resistance-nodulation-division family efflux; PG, peptidoglycan metabolism; TCR, two-component regulation.
mutagenesis. Electroporated cells were grown in SOC and plated on LB agar supplemented with
chloramphenicol (175 g/ml). The efficiency of transformation was approximately 10 transfor-
mants/g of PCR DNA.
Deletion of transposon T30 sequences by Cre/lox recombination. Transposon T30 sequences
between directly repeated loxP sequences near the transposon ends were eliminated by recombination
through transient introduction of a nonreplicating plasmid (pCre2) expressing Cre recombinase (26).
Transposon insertion mutants were conjugated with SM10pir/pCre2 by mixing cells at a donor-to-
recipient ratio of 10:1, spotting them on 0.45-m-thick nitrocellulose membranes (Millipore), and
incubating them for 4 h at 37° on LB agar. Cells were then resuspended in 1 ml of LB and streaked onto
LB agar. Resulting colonies were screened to identify those that had become chloramphenicol sensitive
(⬃50% of the total). Such sensitive strains (in three cases examined) were found by PCR and DNA
Supplemental material for this article may be found at
We thank Karen Frank for supplying KPNIH1.
This work was supported by grant U54AI057141 from the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health.
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