NEWS Longtest

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News is detail information that provide facts and present scene.

Rules to perform a news :
1. Practice Makes Perfect
The best way to start is to practice reading news stories that you’ve
written for class. If your school has a student Tv station, doing some on –
air work there is also helpful, as you’ll probably be able to get a recording
of it afterward. You can also record yourself with various apps on your
2. Things to Work On
Speed is one impotant consideration when reading the news. If you read
too slowly, viewers may get bored and impatient and consider changing
the cannel. If you read too fast, viewers may have a hard time
understanding you. Typically, news anchors read between 150 and 175
words per minute, and some station may time new reporters or anchors to
get a baseline for that individual’s usual reading speed.
3. Sounding Natural and Conversational
Another common problem person face when learning to read the news is
learning to sound as if they’re not reading – something that is much
harder that it sound !
4. Accent and Dialects
There are many different “accents “ and regionalisms associated with
American English. Depending on where you grew up, others may perceive
an accent. If you learned English as a second language, you may have an
accent associated with your first language.
5. Adjusting Tone for Content
When you read you should sound moderately upbeat, but not overly
chipper. However, you’ll need to adjust your tone when reading somber
stories, like those involving deaths or serious injuries. Sometimes slowing
down and speaking more quietly can help you convey the seriousness of a
sad situation.

Provide presentation from this news by your self!
1. Now many linguistics and ESL teachers agree on that students learn to speak in the second
language by "interacting". Communicative language teaching and collaborative learning serve
best for this aim. Communicative language teaching is based on real-life situations that
require communication. By using this method in ESL classes, students will have the
opportunity of communicating with each other in the target language. In brief, ESL teachers
should create a classroom environment where students have real-life communication,
authentic activities, and meaningful tasks that promote oral language. This can occur when
students collaborate in groups to achieve a goal or to complete a task.

2. Alonso (2014) observe that fluency controlled activities for instance storytelling,
discussions, debates, simulations and role play provide learners with room to practice using
language for instance the use of vocabulary and formulaic expressions are communicative
and interactive. These activities focus more on fluency and the teacher is a facilitator.
Students also benefit from these classroom activities because in real life performance is
dynamic and improves with practice in context. A study done by Alonso (2014) in Spain found
that Institutions and State Language School teachers used role play, problem solving,
discussions and debates and simulations more than Secondary Education (SE) teachers.
These activities were found to give learners enough time to practice using language in
context thus improvement of communicative competence.

3. Although the practice of speaking in the classroom is a key element in the development of
the second language, oral skills have not always been central in second language teaching
methodologies. Teachers are not integrating various class activities in one lesson. Very few
teachers managed to integrate several activities in a lesson. According to Kochhar (1992) a
good lesson is evaluated basing on the varied activities the teacher used to actively involve
the learners and how productive the activities were. Al-Abn (2008) in Al – Hosni (2014)
observe that learners have difficulty in learning speaking skills due to lack of oral activities in
the text book and recommended oral activities for instance songs, stories, rhymes and more
conversational language to encourage students to practice using language , have fun and to
enjoy learning in speaking skills lesson. Talley and Hui-ling (2014) recommend that topics
should be creative to allow the teacher to mix varied classroom activities for instance videos,
songs, role play and storytelling which help in promoting learner regular inclusion and

4. Motivation is an important factor which determines the rate at which learners undertake
the activities. According to Littlewood, (1984) ‘Motivation is the crucial force which
determines whether a learner embarks in a task at all, how much energy he/she devotes to it,
and how long he/she perseveres.’ This is an indication that the communicative skills are
developed when the learner is motivated and is provided with opportunity to practice using
language in context. Al-Hosni (2014) observes that some learners lack motivation to speak
English because they do not see the need to learn or speak English. This means that teachers
should endeavor to explain to their learners the importance of learning English language in
order to develop internal motivation.

5. In speaking class, teachers are required to create communicative and interactive activities
by giving students a great deal of opportunities to practice the target language. Essentially,
the class manifests student-centred backdrop rather than teacher centered… teachers are to
prepare classroom activities that are devoted and best facilitate speaking exercises. Teachers
also carry the burden of knowing how learners from specific communities learn so that the
teaching styles are uniform with the learners’ learning styles in order to enhance learning.
There is six speaking strategies to be employed by teachers when teaching speaking skills
lesson for instance i) lengthen wait time between question and answer, ii) to improve
questioning techniques, iii) focus on content iv) Establish a warm rapport with the students,
v) to accept variety of answers and vi) To allow for student rehearsals. Learners also expect
their teachers to give them feedback on their performance. A teacher should only correct
when there is a problem but should not correct every time a student makes a mistake
because this will affect the flow of conversation, destroy the purpose for the speaking activity,
demotivating students and learners may become afraid to speak. Thus a teacher should
endeavour to correct mistakes positively and with a lot of encouragement.

6. The public found a short conclusion about 1) keyword related to distance education were
the most frequently used in eight of the ten journals, 2) the authors identified possible bias
toward researhing and understanding higher and adult education over PK-12 populations, 3)
the authors found a balance between keywords related to teaching and those concerned
within cognition, 4) the keywords indicated that the field has maintained a focus on teacher
education and preparation within the field. A metatrends analysis of the most promising
technologies that social web and mobile devices had a large impact on publication trends,
with games and immersive environments also emerged as important.

7. The entire valuable experience gained from cooperative learning activities such as
learning to function in groups or teams should be applicable to the workplace setting.
Indeed, this appears to be the case. Research findings have supported the use of
cooperative learning as one instructional learning strategy to further promote individual
cognitive and affective growth. In their research study, Saunders and Batson (1999)
surveyed both adult graduate students and their employers regarding the impact of
cooperative learning upon their personal and professional development. The graduate
students reported that cooperative learning promoted intellectual growth, increased
effectiveness, and helped to develop those skills considered necessary to become a
reflective practitioner on the job. Moreover, surveys from employers confirmed the
transfer of skills by employees through the demonstration of new skills, modified
techniques, and technology use.

8. A number of emerging themes and strategies were discussed among participants

regarding as how to successfully manage these situations. The first obvious strategy is
recognizing that a free rider is in the group; however, a few faculty members stated that
in the past they were indifferent to group dynamics and group behavior and that each
student was accountable for his or her own work. Given the current emphasis upon the
role of teamwork within organizations, faculty members noted that their tendency to
ignore such free riding has decreased. Moreover, they maintained that to ignore a free
rider would be potentially destructive to the future use of groups as an instructional
strategy because students would not want to participate.

9. Each of these strategies may be considered a viable method of addressing students

who may be considered free riders. It should be noted that the use of peer grading has
been previously found to be an effective way of dealing with free riders because of the
impact that such continuous feedback has upon shaping the behavior of nonparticipants
within the group (Brooks & Ammons, 2003). It may be that peer grading has a larger
impact upon free riders and their behavior because the evaluation is conducted by group
members who are able to witness the behavior of free riders ‘first hand’ and are best
able to comment upon it as they see it. Additionally, such evaluation may illustrate a
positive peer pressure which collectively forces the free rider into participating because
other members are aware of the behavior and able to address it through their own
assessments of each member’s performance and contribution to the group. Given these
findings, it is important to examine the impact of these three methods of dealing with
free riders to determine their advantages and disadvantages. It may also prove useful to
interview students within groups to obtain their perceptions and experiences of working
with free riders and their feelings regarding the way in which faculty members have
addressed such behaviors. This information could not only provide additional strategies
that may help in dealing with free riders, but also illuminate the thoughts and ideas of
those students who have first hand experience with free riders. This may be especially
helpful since peer grading was one strategy that faculty members used and believed to
be an effective method of handling free riders.

Interacting : berinteraksi current : saat ini

Aim : tujuan / target emphasis : memperluas
Require : membutuhkan among : didalam / diantara
Opportunity : kesempatan obvious : yang jelas
Authentic : asli/khas tendency : minat
Meaningful : bermakna ignore : mengabaikan
Oral language : bahasa lisan consider : mempertimbangkan
Occur : terjadi previously : sebelumnya
Achieve : mencapai found : menemukan
Observe : mengamati behavior : perilaku
Fluency : lancar berbicara
Using : menggunakan
Enough : cukup
Brief : jelasnya
Development : pengembangan
Manage : mengatur
Involve : ikut andil
Improve : meningkatkan
Problem solving : memecahkan masalah
Integrate : menyatukan
Recommended : menyarankan
Encourage : memberanikan diri
Determine : menjelaskan
Frequently : sering
Concern : khawatir
Impact : dampak
Entire : keseluruhan
Appear : muncul
Growth : pertumbuhan
Regard : berdasarkan
Necessary : dibutuhkan
Through : melalui
Ask Opinion
What do you think ?

What’s your opinion ?

What are your ideas?

Do you have any thoughts on that ?

How do you feel about that ?

Giving opinion
I think we should
I don’t think we need to
I believe that
I don’t believe that
In my opinion,
I feel that
Opinions come in three basic types :
a) Lay witness opinions are the kind of conclusions, generalizations and
characterizations that ordinary people make to communicate what they
have seen. They are admissible as long as they are rationally based on
the witness's perception and the characterization is helpful to a clear
understanding of their testimony. Rationality is a reasonable person
standard -- is this the kind of characterization people commonly would
make based on what was observed?
b) Skilled witness opinions are the kind of conclusions people make based
on their experience (often from their occupation) -- that a car’s tires are
worn and should be replaced or graffiti is a gang sign. Like other lay
opinions, they characterize what the witness has seen and are admissible
if rationally based on the witness’s perception and helpful to the jury. The
difference is that their experience is taken into account in deciding
whether the opinion is “rational” -- is this the kind of opinion a person
familiar with auto repair would make? There is no clear dividing line
between lay and skilled opinions.
c) Expert witnesses may testify to broad range of opinions and conclusion
and , unlike lay and skilled witnesses, do not need personal knowledge.
They are separately discussed in the next chapter.

How to Build Opinion :

(A) Personal knowledge. A witness's opinion must be based on personal
knowledge and observation of the events and characterize them. The
foundation may be laid either from the witness's own testimony or from
the context. No particular quantum of knowledge required, and the
adequacy of a witness’s observations supporting a conclusion is a
question of weight, not admissibility.
(B) Rational basis. The opinion must be rationally based on information
available to the witness. To be rational, an opinion must be the type of
opinion a reasonable person would form based on the observation, e.g.,
an eyewitness’s opinion that driver could not have avoided the accident.
(C) Experience. Whether an opinion is rational depends in part on the
witness's experience. We usually look to common experience, and assume
that everyone can characterize soup as hot or cold. For skilled witnesses,
a foundation must be laid describing what kind of experience they have
that is not common.
(D) Helpfulness. The opinion will help the jury understand a witness's
testimony or determine a fact in issue. This is not a question of relevancy,
but of whether the opinion will help give substance and clarity to
underlying facts which are difficult to articulate.
(E) Special circumstances. If the opinion concerns a person's mental
condition, the value of goods or services, or the identity of a person or
object based on comparison, the witness must demonstrate specialized
knowledge gained over time; e.g., to state opinion as to caliber of a gun, a
witness must show familiarity with guns.
(F) How to object. The witness is stating an opinion. You must argue that
the foundation for one or more of theses criteria has not been laid. For
example: a) Personal knowledge. A witness testifies that she called the
police because the neighbors were having a fight. You could object to the
characterization “fight” for lack of foundation to show that the witness
had any personal knowledge of what was going on in the neighbors'
apartment. b) Experience. A 7-year-old child testifies that the defendant's
car was going 60 miles an hour. You could object for lack of foundation
that a young child has the necessary experience to make the opinion
reliable because the child does not drive a car.
Camels are four-legged mammals with the ability to survive in a desert.
According to the data, there are only three species left of camels in the
world. They are: Dromedary Camels (one-humped camel), Bactrian
Camels (two-humped camel) and Wild Bactrian Camel which has a very
limited population. Only some place in the world are inhabited by camels,
those place are: The Middle East, The Horn of Africa, Central Asia,
Northwest China and Mongolia. Camels can provide a lot of things for
humans, for example: they produce milk, we can eat their meat, we can
use their hair for textiles, and we can also ride on themor use them as a
courier to bring our belongings.
Camels legs are very long. It is recorded that the average height of a full-
grown adult camel can reach 1.85 m, it could reach the height of 2.15 m if
we add the size of the hump into it too. The “hump” is where they store
the fat that can be changed into water to keep their body hydrated
whenever food and water is scarce. It is located on top of their back. Their
head resemble the head of a horse and their eyes is located on each side
of the head. Their eyes is protected by the three eyelid and two rows of
long lashes, which help them survive the blowing sand. They can also shut
their nostrils when the sand storms is coming.
Most camels can live up to 50 years old. An adult camel can reach 1,000
kg of body weight. Even with this heavy body, they can still run at 65
km/h and sustain its speed at 40 km/h in a long range run. They are
herbivore, since most of them live in a desert so most of the time the
consume desert plants as their main diet. Their color varies from cream,
brown, black and tan.
Report Text is an information report or a report text is a piece of text that
presents information about a subject. It purpose to classify and/or
describe using facts about the subject’s parts, behaviour and qualities.
Report text consists with :
1. A general opening statement in the first paragraph
2. A series of paragraphs about the subject
3. A concluding paragraph (can be use or not)

Report Text Motion, Please report it on your own words!

Cats or as we usually called it as the domestic cat are four-legged carnivorous
mammal. Their latin name is Felis catus or Felis silvestris catus. The
domestication of cats is believed to have started since ancient Egypt 9,500 years
ago. Since that, cats have become humans companion. Nowadays it is the most
popular pet in the world and also the second most popular pet in the US and they
are often called as the house cats. It is believed that there are more than 70 cat
breeds now in the world.
Most cats are furry, only some of them such as Sphynx cat born with less fur on
their body. Some cats have a long tail and some others have a short tail. It also
has a very flexible body and sharp claws which can be retracted. Usually cats
can grow up to 4 to 5 kg in weight and 23 to 25 cm in length, but sometimes it
can be smaller or grow even bigger. Their eyes allow them to see in the dark and
their ears allow them to hear sound with a high frequency that human could not
hear. They are a good solitary hunters who have a really good sense of smell.
There are various colors of cats in the world such as white, brown, grey, black,
stripes and even multi color. They are a social species and they can make
various sound such as mewing, purring, hissing and growling.
Rabbits are four-legged herbivorous mammals with long ears, a divided upper lip
and two powerful back legs which make them a good hopper. At first, they were
called coneys. The name “Rabbit” was first used to address the young coneys
until the 18th century when the word “Rabbit” became more popular in the
society. The new born rabbits are naked and blind, this helpless condition is the
reason why rabbits live in a secure dens underground. Rabbits can only be found
in several parts of the world, and of all that are divided into eight different
genera, they are: Genus Pentalagus, Genus Bunolagus, Genus Nesolagus, Genus
Romerolagus, Genus Brachylagus, Genus Sylvilagus, Genus Oryctolagus and
Genus Poelagus.
All rabbits has a typical short tail. Their average body size are 20 to 50 cm long
and the average weight around half to 2 kg. It is recorded that adult rabbit has 3
years lifespan in their natural habitat, but it is also believed that they can live
longer if they are under human care. Just like human, they sleep for about 8
hours in their underground burrows. They have a wide variety of color, start from
white, brown, black and grey, but most of them have a combination of some
colors. Rabbits communicate to each other by performing various body position
and also by making a few sounds.

Chicken is the most popular domesticated fowl in the world with a total
population of more than 19 billion in 2011. Even if some people keep it at home
as a pet, but generally it is considered to be livestock because most people keep
it as a source of food for its meat and eggs. The ability of female chicken, usually
called as “hen”, to lay egg every day, give them the title “bird that gives birth
every day” since the mid-15th century BC. Chickens are omnivore. They
consume almost anything, starting from worm, insect, seeds, rice to lizard and
young mice. In their natural habitat, chickens can live up to ten years.
Chicken have several nickname that come from several places. The name
“cocks” refer to the adult male chickens with age of more than one year. This
nickname is used widely in the UK and Ireland. Meanwhile, the same chicken is
called “roosters” in United States, Australia and Canada. Another nickname is
used when we want to address to male chickens with age less than a year, and
the nickname is “cockerels”. As the world develop, some parts of the world allow
the implementation of surgical or chemical castration to the male chicken. A
castrated roosters are called “capons”.
As for the female chicken, there are two nickname for them, they are “hen” for
the adult female chicken, and “pullets” for the young female chicken.
Chickens have two legs with four fingers on each of it. They also have two wings
on each side of the body. All of their body is covered with plumage. Both adult
male and female chicken have additional flesh on their head called a comb and
also under their head called wattles. There are
several difference between male and female chickens, some of them are: there
are an additional part on each of rooster’s leg called as the spur (it is their
weapon during a fight), rooster’s plumage usually looks shiny and has a brighter
color, roosters usually have long tail.

Mind Mapping !
1. Build the Opening Statement
2. Show the fact
3. mention the important part
Understanding Motion
Bears are wild animals. Although they are carnivore, most of them also consume
plants and fruits. There are only eight species of bears remaining in the world,
they are: Brown Bear, Polar Bear, Asian Black Bear, American Black Bear, Sun
Bear, Sloth Bear, Spectacled Bear and Giant Panda. Bears are spread around the
globe except for the Polar Bear which can only be found in the North Pole.

Most bears can live up to 20 years. Each species can reach different body size
when they have fully grown up. Panda can grow up to 90 cm, Polar Bear can
grow up to 2 m, Brown Bear can grow up to 150 cm. The largest bear such as
Brown Bear can reach 600 kg in weight. With their heavy weight, they can still
swim well and they are still a good runner and a good climber too. They can
reach maximum speed in running at 40 km/h. They live in a cave or logs,
especially during the winter for hibernation that can take up to 100 days. Even if
they can stand on two feet like humans, but they are classified as ca rnivorans
(doglike carnivorans) who walked on four legs. All of their body are covered with
thick skin and long fur. This is one of the reason they are being hunted by
humans since prehistoric times.

Bears have sharp claws on their hand that they can use to dig or to defend
themselves during a fight. Generally, bears have a huge and strong body with
short tail and small ears. Male bears usually have larger body than the female.
They have an excellent sense of smell that help them a lot in finding food.


1. Find the keywords

2. Find the measurement

3. Find the plot


Do Speech!
Good morning all the respectable principal, the teachers and all the staff,
and my dear beloved friends. Let me to say thank you for this opportunity
to deliver my speech in this nice day about saving money.
If we have the habit of saving money this will give us a lot of advantages,
but this is not easy. Most of us know that it is important to save money,
but we let ourselves be carried away by impulses of buying everything
that interest us and we do not have a good money management, this can
affect our future. Therefore, I would like to give you my view on the
advantages of saving money for teenagers.
Dear Audience, By saving money, we can have the possibility of enjoying
a healthy financial future and reach our plans and goals. What do I mean
by this? People who save from a very young age can aspire to a better
financial future. Although saving requires short-term sacrifice, after
several years of savings and side aside our money, we can enjoy better
conditions in the future. One of the main advantages of saving is that it
allows us to carry out many of our plans and reach our goals. When we
want to acquire a certain newest gadget with a high price, we can use our
saving to buy it. Or we can also use our savings to pay for our school fee
in our dream school. So it is always necessary to save.
Another advantage is that it can train us to be discipline. Great discipline
can help us achieve our goals. As we know, it is not always so easy to
save money, but the habit of saving encourages self-discipline, because
we do not make some current expenses to have better benefits in the
future. This requires a great deal of will and these will help us achieve
other personal goals.
My beloved friends, The next advantage would be no need to borrow. We
all know that there are now many shop that offer multiple alternatives to
buy now and pay later, the so-called credits. But one of the great benefits
of saving is that we can pay cash, therefore, we have no need to borrow
to achieve our goals.
Now that we have known the reasons for saving and the importance of
creating an emergency fund, it is time to develop a savings plan. The
savings plan serves as a guide to meet our individual and family financial
goals. To develop this Savings Plan we have to keep track of our income
and expenses, this will allow us to analyze our savings capacity.
As I have explained before, saving is an indispensable habit to enjoy good
health and financial freedom in the future, but it must be made clear that
it is not easy when you do not have the habit, at the beginning it can be
complicated. But this resistance is going away little by little and we will
get a habit of well-defined savings. Let’s save our money for our future.
That’s all that i can say for this short speech. I hope it can be beneficial for
us. Thank you for your attention.

Main Structure of Speech !

1. Opening, salute

2. Background information

3. Purpose

4. The way
5. Effect
Attention !
Developing idea can be done as we do build a narrative text. The main
rule is you have to mention your main idea for each paragraph do you
want to create.

Divide the structure !

One day, a cat and a fox were having a conversation. The fox, who was a
conceited creature, boasted how clever she was. “Why, I know at least a
hundred tricks to get away from our mutual enemies, the dogs,” she said.
“I know only one trick to get away from dogs,” said the cat. “You should
teach me some of yours!”.
“Well, maybe someday, when I have the time, I may teach you a few of
the simpler ones”, replied the fox airily.
Just then they heard the barking of a pack of dogs in the distance. The
barking grew louder and louder – the dogs were coming in their direction!
At once the cat ran to the nearest tree and climbed into its branches, well
out of reach of any dog. “This is the trick I told you about, the only one I
know”, said the cat. “Which one of your hundred tricks are you going to
The fox sat silently under the tree, wondering which trick she should use.
Before she could make up her mind, the dogs arrived. They fell upon the
fox and tore her to pieces.


The Fox and The Grapes

One afternoon there was a fox that was walking through the forest and
spotted a bunch of grapes hanging from over a lofty branch. “Just the
thing to quench my thirst,” quoted the fox. Taking a few steps backward,
the fox jumped but unfortunately he missed the hanging grapes. Again
the fox took a few paces backward, ran, and tried to reach them but he
still failed.
Finally, giving up, the fox turned up his nose and said, “They’re probably
sour anyway,” and proceeded to walk away.



Rules for Debates Good luck and have fun with these!

Each ten-minute debate will take the following form. Debaters will stand
at the front of the room and follow each other in quick succession. Each
team (Pro/Con) is allowed 3 minutes for presentation of argument, then
each side has 2 minutes for amplifying arguments and rebutting the
opposition. Although you are not required to write out your speech, you
may find it helpful to do so.
1st affirmative (+) (3 minutes) 1st negative (-) (3 minutes) 2nd
affirmative (+) (2 minutes) 2nd negative (-) (2 minutes)
Use your time well. Someone from class—the timekeeper—will keep time
and cut you off after the allotted times (even in mid-sentence). It is
important not to use either less than or more than the time allotted.
Before the start of class, each team hands in one page bibliography of
resources used in the preparation of the debate, with the date, the
number of the debate team, pro or con side, and names of debaters listed
at top of page. After the debate, the class will vote. They are your primary
audience (not just the instructor, and certainly not a formal debating
judge). This is a modified Lincoln–Douglas debate, not a parliamentary
debate, so any questions you ask of the opposing side are rhetorical only
(i.e., they are not required to respond). It will be in your best interests to
use as much specific evidence from the text as you can. Be sure to meet
with your partner beforehand to prepare a unified strategy of attack or
Students are expected to attend each class, and to debate on the dates
assigned. The debate topic always refers to the readings assigned for that
day, and the debates must focus directly on the material in those readings
(and include other resources you have found relevant, but NOT Wikipedia,
please). If for any reason you are unable to debate on the date assigned,
you are personally responsible for finding a replacement: you must make
alternate arrangements with a classmate willing to exchange debate
dates. The professor will not be involved in these arrangements. There is
no possible ‘make-up’ for a missed debate for which a replacement has
not been arranged. Costumes are permitted, even encouraged, but— as a
courtesy to your teachers and fellow students, who need to see your facial
expressions fully—hats and masks are forbidden. No hats are to be worn
in class at any time.
Boiled down:
• two persons on each side, all debaters stand and face audience for
whole debates • 10 minutes total: pro (3 minutes), con (3 minutes); pro
(2 minutes), con (2 minutes) • debaters will be evaluated on the cogency
of their arguments and the clarity of their presentation -- not on whether
or not their side "wins" in the class vote which will be taken at the end
• pedagogical goal of debates: to identify as many arguments and
positions as possible with respect to the issue at hand
• a debate schedule, list of student email and phone contacts, and debate
topics will be distributed
• scheduled debaters who are no-shows will be summarily executed at the
next class -- the axe to be wielded by the partner they left in the lurch
• At beginning of term, two ‘officials,’ a timekeeper and a vote counter will
be appointed

Suggestions for making a good debate presentation • state your position

at the outset • state the main points you intend to argue; this is often
most effectively done by listing them, briefly and precisely: “Our first
point is..... Our second point is..... And our final point is....” • then present
each of your main points in more detail; provide whatever explanations
and clarifications are needed, and give arguments or evidence in favor of
your position • summarize one final time, briefly and precisely, the main
point(s) you have just made Note: Keep searching until you find the exact
word or formulation that best conveys what you are trying to say at any
given point. Precision is essential.
Debate Motion
1. Communicative language teaching is based on real-life situations that
require communication
Issue :

Keyword Fact :

Solve Agree/Disagree :
Debate Motion
1. Teachers used role play, problem solving, discussions and debates and
simulations more than Secondary Education (SE) teachers
Issue :

Keyword Fact :

Solve Agree/Disagree :
NO Rules Section
1. Prepare any motion do you like!
2. Perform with your own words!
3. Speak Slowly but Clear Pronounciation!

1. Folklore

2. Romance

3. Fairytale

4. Horror

5. Comedy

6. Story telling

7. Speech

8. Declaration

9. Dialogue

10. Descriptive Text

Dialogue occurs by two or more people who reply each other and utter the
purpose about any motion and discussion. Based on the commonly
formula with :
WHAT ask about any purpose, the answer must be
WHEN ask about time or date, the answer mention about time or
WHERE ask about place, the answer mention about places or time
WHO ask about person / things, the answer person / things
WHY ask about reason, the answer any possible meaning happen
HOW ask about the way, the answer about the step happening

To improve speaking skill and develop more information there is a rule for
dialogue theme, by:
1. Group divide by 3 – 4 person each group
2. Theme will share a moment before the dialogue happen
3. Dialogue only conduct for 10 minutes, then a person who can’t catch up
the moment to speak, have to move to other group.
4. Theme still same as first pick, but the person who move, have to
conduct their own dialogue to follow the theme.
5. No silent time, if happen, the group get punishment.
Dialogue Theme Example
The Story of Toba Lake
Once upon a time, there was a man who was living in north Sumatra. He
lived in a simple hut in a farming field. They did some gardening and
fishing for his daily life.
One day, while the man was do fishing, he caught a big golden fish in his
trap. It was the biggest catch which he ever had in his life. Surprisingly,
this fish turned into a beautiful princess. He felt in love with her and
proposed her to be his wife. She said; “Yes, but you have to promise not
to tell anyone about the secret that I was once a fish, otherwise there will
be a huge disaster”. The man made the deal and they got married, lived
happily and had a daughter.
Few years later, this daughter would help bringing lunch to her father out
in the fields. One day, his daughter was so hungry and she ate his father’s
lunch. Unfortunately, he found out and got furious, and shouted; “You
damned daughter of a fish”. The daughter ran home and asked her
mother. The mother started crying, felt sad that her husband had broken
his promise.
Then she told her daughter to run up the hills because a huge disaster
was about to come. When her daughter left, she prayed. Soon there was a
big earthquake followed by non-stop pouring rain. The whole area got
flooded and became Toba Lake. She turned into a fish again and the man
became the island of Samosir.

Mention and discuss, why fishing is the only one job on

Toba Lake? And Which one is wrong, the matter from
the Lake or the person who get angry?
Dialogue Theme Example
The Ant and the Dove
One hot day, an ant was seeking for some water. After walking around for
a moment, she came to a spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb up
a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and fell
unintentionally into the water.

She could have sunk if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her. Seeing
that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly put off a leaf from a tree and
dropped it immediately into the water near the struggling ant. Then the
ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her
safely to dry ground.

Not long after at that, there was a hunter nearby who was throwing out
his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it in this way.
Guessing what he should do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling
the pain, the hunter dropped his net and the dove flew away quickly from
this net.

Mention and discuss, why she didn’t sunk? And what is

the reason the ant can be slipped out before?
When someone asking questions about us, we may describe what they
need to know. So, everyone have to develop the knowlegde about
anything matter around their environment. Including about parking lot or
slippery stairs.
So, let’s start our discussion with simple theme! Please use your own
1. Where did you go for Spring Break ?
2. How was your trip ?
3. When did you get back ?
4. What kind of things did you see ?
5. who did you go with ?
6. How many people were there ?
7. Whose car did you drive ?
When asking for details about a particular item you are considering buying
you can say
1. Could you give me some information about this computer ?
2. Can you give me more details about that CD player ?
3. Could you tell me about this bookcase ?
4. What can you tell me about these blenders ?

• What – asking for information about something what is the date today ?

• Where – asking in or at what place or position where does he stay ?

• When – asking about time when do you go to school everday ?

• Who – asking about person or people who did you meet yesterday ?

• Which – asking about choice which one do you like ?

• Why – asking for reason, asking what....for why do you like eating ice – cream ?

• How – asking about manner, condition and quality how does this work ?

1. Tell us about your trip It was the most horrible five days of
my life. First, we missed our flight : then we had to
wait four hours for our luggage. The food on the
plane was terrible, and there was no shower in the
2. What happened to your Ankle ? Well, my best friend and I went skiing
over the weekend. I wanted to try some thing
exciting. So I took the most difficult trail. I hit a
bump and fell. Then i slid 500 meters before I
could stop.

3. What did you do last summer ? We went scuba diving in malaysia. It

was my first time, so I learned a lot. We took a
boat out to a tiny island, found the perfect spot,
and swam for hours among the fishes.
Guessing about the meaning of the passage that you don’t understand,
only need two or three words that you understanding the meaning from
the sentences.
Passage 1
Elephants are four-legged herbivorous mammals with a very huge body.
They have a very distinctive body part which became their unique feature
in most people mind, it is called “the trunk”. It is basically their nose, but
it can also be used for several purpose besides breathing. It can be used
to grasp object (food, flowers, etc), to suck and pour water, and also to do
hand shake with humans. It is recorded that there are three species of
elephant existed in the world. They are: The African Bush Elephant, The
African Forest Elephant and The Asian Elephant.

A full grown elephant can reach 3.3 meters in height and 6.4 meters in
length, with the total body weight of 12.000 kilograms. The time that a
baby elephant spend in their mother womb is about 18 to 22 months.
They can live up to 60 to 70 years. It is believed that an elephant have a
very strong memory and also affection. It is proven by the emphaty that
they show towards their dying or dead friend. They have two large ear
flaps that help them in controlling their body temperature. Their legs look
like pillar. It helps them to carry their super heavy body. They can perform
various ways of communication for example they can communicate to
each other through body touching, smell and also sound (infrasound and
seismic communication). Elephants are considered to be one of
endangered animals by the International Union for Conservation of Nature
(IUCN), because they are hunted by humans since a long time ago for
their ivory.
Guessing Tips :
1. You have to know the meaning of vocabulary items that surraound it


2. The way the word is formed

3. Find for it synonims and definitions

4. Find Antonym and contrast

5. Understanding Cause and Effect from the text before

6. Parts of the speech on those sentences

7. General Knowledge

Practice Passage !
Jakarta (ANTARA) - President Joko Widodo has asked all members of the
National Scout Movement to lead two national movements to help
promote the values of discipline and caring in the time of the COVID-19
pandemic. "I ask for you (the National Scout Movement) to make two
national movements, first is the movement of national discipline that
encourages the people to follow health protocols," the President said at
the State Palace in Jakarta on Wednesday.
The President made the statement at a ceremony to mark the 59th
National Scout Movement Day. Minister of Youth and Sports, Zainudin
Amali, and chief of Presidential Staff, Moeldoko, were present at the
ceremony, while other attendees, including chief of the National Quarter
of the Scout Movement, Budi Waseso, attended the ceremony via video
conferencing. "The two movements will sharpen your leadership, in
deepening the true soul of scouts, as stipulated in the movement's dwi
dharma (two purposes), tri satya (three essences), and dasa dharma (ten
purposes) of the scouts," he added.
He emphasized that the Indonesian Scouts have always created tough
generations adept in facing every challenge. “(To be) Disciplined in taking
actions, fearless in facing every challenge, always caring, ready to
sacrifice for the greater good, and in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic,
that can be challenging, those are the characters (attributes) that we
need," he continued. As head of the National Scouts Movements'
supervisory board, the President said that discipline covers abiding by
health protocols, wearing masks, maintaining distance, and encouraging
all elements of the public to follow the guidelines.
"The COVID-19 pandemic era has led to a health and economic crisis," he
said, adding that an attitude of discipline, caring in the pursuit of joint
interests, and solving problems needs to be inculcated. He said he
believed that if such values are promoted, Indonesia will be able to stem
the spread of COVID-19 and reduce the associated risks. The Indonesian
Scouts Movement came into being on August 14, 1941. As the President is
scheduled to deliver his State Speech in the House of Representatives on
August 15 this year, the National Quarter chief Budi Waseso moved up the
commemoration ceremony to Wednesday.
"The theme of the 59th National Scouts Movement Day is 'The Scouts
Movement Assisting COVID-19 Handling and Defending the Nation',"
Waseso said in his address.
Vocabulary Occasion !
Sorry, I didn’t mean to It doesn’t matter
You are really something That sounds like a fun
Take it easy What is going on?
Don’t block my sight Feel free
I change my mind Is there anything else?
Don’t give up!
I don’t care
Please move a bit
How could it be
Wish me luck
I pray for youIs there anybody home?

Take care of yourself!

Not so bad
It is your turn
Just a minute
Just kidding
Guide me!
Imperative Sentence
Get Out!
Don’t Go!
Please sit here!
Go now!
Don’t sit there!
Don’t forget to bring your book!
Wash your hand!
Please waiting here!
Don’t be late!
Relax, everybody!
Nobody move!
The rest of you can go home!
Keep out of this!
Be quiet!
Queue, please!
Help me with this, will you?

Asking and Giving

Would you give me ......?

Do you have any idea ?

What is your feeling about ....?

What do you think about ....?

How about a glass of water ...?

Do yo think ....?

I personally believe that .... ?

I consider ...?

If I had my view, I would ...?

In my opinion ...?

I think that ...?

From my point of view ...?

Honestly, I willl .... if you ...., I swear!
I can assure you that .... ?
I am telling you, it’s the truth!
I really want to help
It’s obvious, believe me!
Could you ....?
Would you ....?
Can I get ....?
It’s crystal clear !

Commonly a simple appreciation to show good manners like :
Thank you
Thanks so much
Thank you so much
Thanks a lot
Thanks a ton
Thanks a bunch
Thanks a million
All I can say is thanks
All I can say is thank you
I appreciate it
I really appreciate it

You’re the best!
Hats off to you!
I ‘m happy for you
Best of luck!
Fantastic Job!
Well done!
That’s wonderful!
Would you like some cake ?
Answer option :
Yes Please No, Im good, Thank you
Sure. Thanks I’d better not
Okay. Thank you No. But thank you for asking

Would you like to go see a movie ?

Okay, sounds good No. I’d rather not
Sure, I’d love to I’m sorry, but I can’t
Yeah, Good Idea No, but thanks for inviting me

How about some more pie?

All right Thanks NO. thanks
Looks good. Thanks I’m really full. Thanks anyway
Don’t mind if I do Looks delicious. But I’ll have to pass

How about going for skiing this weekend ?

Great. What time? Sorry. I’m busy this weekend
Sounds like fun I don’t think I can
All right. When and where? How about some other time?

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