ANSWERKEY Revisionassignmentclass7forHYE 2024-25

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SECTION A MCQ- 1 Mark 1 x 20 20

SECTION B 2 Mark 2x5 10

SECTION C 3 Mark 3x7 21

SECTION D 5 Mark 5x3 15

SECTION E Case Study 4x3 12


38 QUESTIONS 78 + 2 = 80 MARKS
(2 Marks Neatness)


Q1. Multiple Choice Based Questions
1. Which of these elements is needed by plants to make proteins?

a. Nitrogen b. Phosphorus c. Calcium d. Magnesium

2. What type of energy conversion takes place during the process of

photosynthesis? a. Solar to heat b. Solar to mechanical. c. Solar to chemical d.

Solar to electrical
3. Chloroplast contains a green pigment called__________.
a. Chlorophyll b. xanthophyll c. cyanine d. both a and b
4. Assertion(A): Leguminous plants are nitrogen fixers.

Reason(R): Leaves of leguminous plants can take nitrogen directly

from the air. (a) Both (A) and (R) are true & Reason is the correct

explanation of the (A). (b) Both (A) and (R) are true & Reason is NOT

the correct explanation of (A) (c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R)

is false

(d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true

Q2. Very Short Answer questions.
a) Name the raw materials required and products formed during
photosynthesis. Ans. Raw materials- carbon dioxide, water, chlorophyll
and sunlight.

Products- Glucose, Oxygen.

b) Why is mistletoe called a partial parasite?

Ans It can prepare its own food with help of its green leaves but is
dependent on host plant for water and minerals to make food.

c) What is haustoria? How does it help a parasitic plant?

Ans. Haustoria are special structure present in parasitic plants like

Cuscuta, that pierces into the host body. It helps a parasitic plant to
absorb ready-made food from host.

d) Define lichens.

Ans. Lichens is symbiotic association in which algae and fungi live and work
together. Algae provides food to fungi and fungi in return provide protection,
water and minerals to algae.

Q3. Give reasons for the following statements.

1. The roots of saprophytes contain organisms called fungi.

Ans. Fungi secrete digestive juices on dead and decaying matter and
convert it into a liquid that is used as nutrients by saprophytes.

2. Fertilizers and manures help to replenish the nutrients in the soil.

Ans. They help as these contain nutrients such as nitrogen,
potassium and phosphorous needed by plants for their
Q4. Answer these questions
Look at the picture and answer the
that follow.
a. Which type of plants are these
roots found?
Give one example of such a
Ans. In Leguminous plants, ex. Pea, gram.
b. What are the swellings in the roots called?
Ans. Root nodules


1. Fill in the blanks:
a. Pancreatic juice is released by a gland called pancreas.

b. Mucus in stomach helps to protect inner lining of stomach from action of HCl

and enzymes. c. Small intestine has finger-like projections called villi

d. The process in which simple, soluble digested food substances are

absorbed into the blood is called absorption.

2. Answer in one word:

a. Enzyme released by a salivary gland that breaks down starch into sugar

salivary amylase. b. The part of the alimentary canal which absorbs water and

salts colon.

c. A substance which kills bacteria in the stomach hydrochloric acid

d. The organ which stores bile gall bladder.

3. Short Answer type questions

Name and mention the functions of the following:

i) Fleshy muscular organ attached at the back to the floor of the buccal
cavity. Ans. Organ- Tongue, Functions – helps to : mix saliva with food, to
speak, swallow food. ii) Reddish brown gland situated in the upper part of the
abdomen on the right side Ans. Liver, Functions—secrete bile juice that helps
in digestion of fats.
4. A major part of protein digestion occurs in the organ (A). Gastric juice
contains pepsin, mucus. Pepsin is secreted in an inactive form as pepsinogen,
which is activated by (B). a. Identify A, B.

Ans. A- Stomach B- HCl

b. What are proteins broken down into? amino acids
c. Except the stomach, protein digestion takes place in which organ? small intestine

5. Case study-based questions .

Ingestion is the process via which food enters an organism's body. We consume
food when we place it in our mouths with our hands. Nevertheless, different
animals have unique organs for this reason and swallow food in diverse ways.

1. Name the organs by which the following animals procure their

food. (a)Hydra: tentacles (b) Bees: feeding tube(proboscis)

2. Write any two problems caused by tooth decay.

Ans. holes or cavities in teeth , toothache.

3. Taste buds help us to enjoy our food. List two advantages of having taste
buds. Ans. helps to i) distinguish 4 types of taste- sour, salty, bitter and
sweet, ii) to distinguish which food is safe to eat.


Q1. Multiple Choice Bases Questions

1. Identify which of the following is correct for the heat flow in the process of
conduction? a. Heat flows from hotter end to hotter end . b. Heat flows from the
hotter end to colder end

c. Heat flows from colder end to colder end. d. Heat flows from the colder end to
hotter end. 2. Which of the following are NOT good conductors of heat?
a. copper b. mud c. asbestos d. both b and c
3. In the Fahrenheit and Celsius scale, the normal human body temperature is

____& ____ a. 100 0F &40 0C b. 32 0F & 100OC c. 98.60F &370C d.23 0F &980C

4. The mode of heat transfer which does not need a material medium is:
a. Conduction b. Convection c. Radiation d. All the above

Q2. Very Short Answer questions.

1. Write two factors on which the absorbing and reflecting power of a
substance depends. Ans. a) nature of its surface b) colour of the object
2. What is the range of (i) lab thermometer (ii) clinical thermometer. (in
Celsius scale) Ans. i) – 10O C to 110O C ii) 35 OC to 42OC

Q3. Give reasons for the following statements.

1. We wear light-coloured clothes in summer. (to be corrected)
Ans. White coloured clothes absorb less heat and keep us cool.
2. Mercury is preferred in thermometers instead of alcohol ones. ( to be
corrected). Ans. As alcohol thermometer cannot measure temperature

above 78OC.

3. Air conditioners are fitted at higher levels on the walls of the room.

Ans. This is done so that the convection currents are set in the air and the rooms
get cool faster. 4. We wear woollen garments in winters.

Ans. Wool is a bad conductor of heat, air gets trapped in between the wool fibres.
Both air and wool prevent flow of heat from our body to cool surroundings and vice
versa. So, we feel warm. 5. Exhaust fans are placed near the roof in the kitchen.

Ans. The released fumes and gases, are warmer and lighter, so escapes out
through exhaust fans. Fresh air coming from outside is cooler and takes the
place of warm air rising upwards and thus, a convection current set up.

Q4. Answer these questions

1. Convert
0 0 0 0
(i) 212 F to C (ii) 45 F to C

Using formula, C/100 = F- Using formula, C/100 = F-

32/180 C/100 = 32/180 C/100 =

212-32/180 45-32/180

C/100 = 180 /180 C= C/100 = 13/180 C=

180/180 X 100 C= 100 0 13 /180 X 100 C= 7.2

2. If you were walking barefoot on a tiled floor that is directly under the
sun, which path would you take – white tile or black tile? Justify the same.

Ans. White tile, as white tiles will absorb less heat.

3. Explain how a thermos flask prevents heat loss by (i) radiation (ii)
conduction (iii) by convection.

Ans. i) The surface of double-walled glass bottle is silvered like a mirror to

reduce heat loss by radiation.

ii) cork pieces, plastic cap and plastic stopper

iii) Vacuum between the walls

4. Identify the breeze and describe it briefly.

Ans. Sea breeze.

During daytime, land gets heated up faster than

water. Thus, air above land surface , being
expands and rises up. The cooler air above sea
blows towards the land to take its place.

Q1. Multiple choice based questions:
1. Which among the following is not an organic acid?
a. Sulphuric acid b. Acetic acid c. Tartaric acid d. Lactic acid 2.

Riya performed two tests on a given solution. Her observations


(i) It turned blue litmus solution red .

(ii) A deep pink colour was produced by adding china rose

indicator. Help her in identifying the solution from her


a. shampoo solution b. common salt solution c. lime water d. sugar

solution 3. Assertion: Curd, lemon juice, orange juice and vinegar
taste sour. Reason: These substances contain acids.
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true & Reason is the correct
explanation of the Assertion (A)

(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true & Reason is NOT
the correct explanation of Assertion (A)

(c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false

(d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true
4. The effect of bee stings can be neutralized by rubbing
a) orange juice b) tomato juice c) vinegar d) calamine lotion
Q2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:
a) Bases that dissolve in water are called alkalis.
b) Acidic soil is treated with bases such as quick lime or slaked lime. c)
Features of our body like our looks, eye colour are due to presence of
an acid in
each cell which is called DNA.

d) Acids are good conductors of electricity.

e) pH range of basic solutions is more than 7.

Q3. Name these:
a) A reaction of acid with a base is termed as this type of reaction:
neutralisation b) Acid present in automobile batteries. Sulphuric acid
c) A powerful solution of two strong acids that can even dissolve gold.

Aqua regia d) The acid present in tea and apple is Tannic acid and Malic

acid respectively. Q4. Give reasons for the following statements.

a) Acids should not be stored in metal containers.

Ans. Acids are corrosive in nature. They may destroy paper, cloth and metal.

b) Milk of magnesia is used to cure indigestion.

Ans. It contains magnesium hydroxide(weak base) which helps to neutralize

the effect of excessive acid produced during indigestion and thus gives relief.

c) Fruits and many other edible substances contain acids, yet these acids do not
burn our mouth. Ans. They are organic acids, not strong and also diluted because of
water in fruits.

Q5. Answer these questions

1. In an experiment, three test tubes A, B and C were taken. Milk, soap solution
and vinegar were taken in test tubes A, B and C respectively.
a) What will be the colour change if phenolphthalein was added to each
test tube? Ans. A- no change B- it turns pink C- no change
b) Write the nature of each solution.
Ans. A- is neutral B- is basic C- is acidic

2. Write the common names of the following chemicals.

(i) Magnesium Hydroxide milk of magnesia (ii) Calcium hydroxide slaked

lime (iii) Zinc carbonate calamine

3. Name the substance which farmers add to soil if the soil is

(a) acidic in nature- quick lime (b) basic in nature -organic
matter(manure/compost) (ii) During the neutralization reaction, does the
temperature of the container increase or decrease and why?

Ans. Increase, as heat is produced.

(iii) Solution (X) does not change the colour of either blue litmus or red
litmus. On the basis of this observation classify this solution as acidic or
basic or neutral.
Ans. Neutral

4. Write two differences between acids and bases.(Refer table 5.7 , pg no. 68 Any 2

Taste Sour Bitter

Touch Not soapy Soapy

5. Name the acids that are present in acid rain. How is acid rain
harmful for soil? Ans. Acids – nitric acid, sulphuric acid, carbonic acid

Harmful effects – i) makes soil acidic and unfit for cultivation ii) corrodes buildings,

Q1. Multiple choice-based questions:

1. For making a chapatti, a ball of dough is first rolled to a round flattened dough
(change-X). On heating, the flattened dough changes into a cooked chapatti
(change-Y). Choose the correct statement pertaining to these changes.

a) X is a chemical change whereas Y is a physical change.

b) X is a physical change whereas Y is a chemical change.

c) Both X and Y are physical changes. d) Both X and Y are chemical changes.

2. Assertion: When carbon dioxide is passed through lime water, it turns lime
water milky. Reason: The solution turns milky due to the formation of calcium

(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true & Reason is the correct explanation of
the Assertion (b) Both Assertion and Reason are true & Reason is NOT the
correct explanation of Assertion

(c) Assertion is true, but Reason is false (d) Assertion is false, but Reason is true

3. Which of the following is a chemical change?

(a) Twinkling of stars (b) Cooking of vegetable (c) Cutting of fruits (d) Boiling of water

Q2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

a) The reactions in which energy in the form of heat is released are called

exothermic reactions. b) In a chemical reaction, the new substances which are

formed are called products.

Q3. Write Chemical the equation to show the following reactions.

a) Reaction between baking soda and vinegar.


b) Magnesium oxide dissolved in water.

MgO + H2O Mg(OH)2

c) Iron when exposed to oxygen and moisture in the air.

4 Fe+ 3O2 + 2XH2O 2Fe2O3xH2O

d) Carbon dioxide when dissolved in lime water.

Ca(OH)2 + CO2 CaCO3 + H2O

e) Neutralisation Reaction HCl+ NaOH NaCl+ H2O
Q4. Give reasons for the following statements.

a) Bubbles are formed with hissing sound when acetic acid is added to
baking soda. Ans. CO2 produced during the chemical reaction escapes

b) Painting iron objects prevents them from rusting.

Ans. Painting prevents the iron articles from coming in contact with
moist air. c) Crystallization is a physical change.

Ans. As there is only a change in physical properties (shape and size) and it can
be reversed on heating.
Q5. Answer these questions:
1. Give chemical equation to show displacement reaction.

Ans. CuSO4 +Fe FeSO4+ Cu

Blue in colour pale green
in colour
2. In following reaction:

Carbon + oxygen carbon dioxide

i. Name the reactants: carbon, oxygen
ii. Name the product: carbon dioxide
Q1. Multiple Choice Based Questions:
1. One millennium is equal to:
a. 10 years b. 10 centuries c. 1000years d. both b and c 2. A car is

moving at 72 km/hrs. The speed of the car in m/s is

a) 25 m/s b) 40 m/s c) 20 m/s d) 30 m/s

3. Clocks based on vibrations of atoms for measuring time.
a. Timer b. Quartz clock c. Atomic clocks d. Sand clock

4. The distance time graph of a car which has now stopped after covering some
distance is: a. Straight line parallel to the distance axis (Y- axis).

b. Straight line parallel to the time axis (X-axis).

c. Curved line. d. Zig zag line
5. Which of the following distance-time graphs shows a train moving with a
speed that is not constant? c) option

6. A simple pendulum takes 32s to complete 20 oscillations. What is

the time period of the pendulum?
a) 1.2s b)1.6s c) 2s d)2.5s
7. The bob of a pendulum completes one oscillation when it
moves from:

a) 2 – 3 b) 2 - 3 – 1 c) 3 - 1 - 2 - 3 – 1 d) 2 - 3 - 2 - 1 – 2

Q2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words

a) The position of the bob when it is at rest is called its mean position.
b) The Maharaja of Jaipur, built the biggest sundial in the world.
c) An object is said to be in motion when its position changes with time or with
respect to its surroundings.

d) Frequency of a pendulum is the number of oscillations made by it in

one second. Q3. Name these.

a) Instrument on a vehicle’s dashboard which indicates the speed of the vehicle in


b) Motion of a swing. Periodic motion

c) In a distance-time graph, the dependent variable is taken on this axis. Y-axis

d)The motion in which an object covers equal distances in equal intervals of

time. uniform

e) The maximum displacement of the bob of the pendulum from its mean
position on either side is termed as this. Amplitude

Q4. Answer these questions

Time (min) 0 10 20 30 40 50

Distance (in 0 15 30 45 60 75
m) from the

i) What kind of motion does the given graph represent? uniform

ii) Draw a distance-time graph from the data given below. (In rough notebook)
iii) How much distance is covered by the cycle between 10 to 30
minutes? Ans. 45m -15m = 30 m

Q5. Case Study Based Question:

When you look around in your classroom you see many things like desk, boards,
tables and chairs that do not move. They are said to be at rest. However, you
see some children playing in the school ground, some moving in the corridor etc.
They are said to be motion. 1. When is an object said to be at rest?

Ans. An object is said to be at rest when its position does not change with time or
with respect to its surroundings.

2. What data does the odometer of a vehicle show?

Ans. Distance covered by the vehicle in km.

3. Calculate the time taken by a bus to reach Agra from Faridabad, if it is moving
at a constant speed of 80km/h. Distance of Agra from Faridabad is 480 km.

Ans. Distance travelled = 480 km

Speed = 80 km/hr

So, time taken = distance/ speed = 480/80 = 6 hrs.


NOTEBOOK) 1. A horse runs a distance of 500 m in 30 s. What is the

speed of the horse in: a) m/s b) km/h ?

a) Speed=Distance / Time

=500 / 30

=16.7 m/s

b) 16.7 X 3600 / 1000

=60.12 km/h
2. The distance between the two stations is 540 km. A train takes 10 hours
to cover this distance. Calculate the speed of the train.

Speed=Distance / Time
=540 / 10
=54 km/h
3. A simple pendulum takes 28 s to complete 12 oscillations. What is the time
period of the pendulum?

Time taken for 12 oscillations= 28 s

So, time taken for 1 oscillation=28 / 12
=2.3 s
4. The bob of a simple pendulum takes 0.5 seconds to go from one extreme
position to next extreme position. Calculate the time period of the pendulum.

Time taken by one oscillation=2X 0. 5s=1.0s

Therefore, Time period of the pendulum =1s
5. Given below is the distance-time graph of the motion of an object.

(i) What does the graph indicate about the motion of an object?
Non-uniform motion
(ii) What will be the distance travelled by the object in 12s?
(iii) What is the speed of the object between 4 to 12 s?
=0.5 m/s
6. A car starts from rest at 2.00 p.m. The distances covered by the car at
various instants of time are recorded as follows:

Distance(k 0 20 40 60 80
Time(pm) 2 2.30 3.00 3.30 4.00

i. Draw distance-time graph.

ii. What distance was covered by the car at 2.45 pm?

Distance=30 km

7. An express train leaves Agra railway station at 7:00 pm and reaches

Lucknow at midnight. Its speed is 80 km/h. Determine the distance
between Agra and Lucknow. Speed of train = 80 km/hr
Time taken= 5 hrs (7 pm to midnight)
So, distance between Agra and Lucknow= SX T
= 80 x 5
= 400 km.
8. Convert the given temperature to degrees Celsius.
(a) 1490F (b) 480 F
a)Using formula, C/100 = F-32/180
C/100 = 149-32/180
C/100 = 117/180
C= 117/180 X 100
C= 65
b) Using formula, C/100 = F-32/180
C/100 = 48-32/180
C/100 = 16/180
C= 16/180 X 100
C= 8.88
9. The odometer of a car reads 350 km when the clock shows the time 12:30
pm. What is the distance moved by car, if at 1 pm, the odometer reading has
changed to 500 km? Calculate the speed of the car in km/min during this
time. Express the speed in km/hr. Initial reading = 350 km

Final reading = 500 km

Distance covered = 500 - 350 = 150 km

Time taken = 30 minutes

Speed = distance /time

= 150/30 = 5 km/min

Speed in km/hr = 5 × 60
= 300 km/hr
10. Swapna travelled by plane flying at an average speed of 600km/h. The
plane left the airport at 13:00 h and reached its destination at 15:45 h. How
far did Swapna travel?
Distance covered by plane = speed × time
Average speed =600 km/h
Time taken =15:45h −13:00h
= 2:45 h or 2 h 45 min = 2hr +3/4 hr = 11/4 hr
Distance=600× 11/4 =1650km
Ch- 1 Nutrition in plants
1. Schematic diagram showing photosynthesis
2. Stomata (closed and open)
Ch- 2 Nutrition in Animals
1. Types of teeth
2. Human digestive system
3. Nutrition in Amoeba
Ch- 13 Time and Motion
1. Motion of a simple pendulum
2. Distance-time graphs for uniform , non-uniform motion , when object
is at rest Ch-4 Heat
1. Laboratory and Clinical thermometer
2. Thermos flask
3. Land and Sea breeze
4. To show the transfer of heat by convection in water (Fig 4.19 Activity 8)

NOTE- ANY DIAGRAM from the book or handout/ Thinking classroom book
can be given for identification and questions based on it can be asked.


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