Prime Time Test 3

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Test 3

(Time: 50 minutes)

A Complete the sentences with the correct word.

• extinct • melting • unpredictable • drizzle • self-catering • offer • rise • backwards

• competitors • footpath

1 Ice from the polar ice caps is ....................................... due to rising global temperatures.
2 The weather is .......................................; you never know what to wear.
3 One of the ....................................... sprained her ankle in the race.
4 The white rhino could become ....................................... .
5 It’s dangerous to go river bugging ....................................... because you can’t see where
you’re going.
6 We followed the ....................................... into the village.
7 There is a special ....................................... on flights to Germany this week.
8 It’s not raining hard; it’s only a light ....................................... .
9 We stayed in a ....................................... apartment for a week.
10 Scientists predict that the earth’s temperature will ....................................... in the future.

B Underline the correct item.

1 Greenhouse gases/fuels suround the earth.

2 We’re taking a survival research/course this weekend.
3 He is a marine/natural biologist who studies sea creatures.
4 Global / Climate warming is threatening natural animal habitats.
5 The best part of the trip was the stunning scenery/scene.
6 They have turned the area into a natural/nature reserve.
7 Most university students prefer to stay in a youth hostel/hotel.
8 Sea waters / levels are rising due to melting glacier ice.

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Test 3
C Choose the correct item.

1 I promise I ......... at the animal shelter 6 If Nigel ......... a life jacket, he would have
after school. drowned.
A am volunteering A won’t wear
B volunteer B didn’t wear
C will volunteer C hadn’t worn

2 Charlie ......... on a caving expedition this 7 My flight for Paris ......... at 7:00 am
weekend. tomorrow morning.
A goes B is going C going to go A will leave B leaves C is leaving

3 If it’s a nice day tomorrow, we ......... 8 Look, he’s driving too fast! He ......... into
sailing. the tree!
A would have gone A is going to crash
B would go B is crashing
C will go C will crash

4 Don’t worry. I ......... you book the plane 9 Tom ......... Biology at university next year.
tickets online. A studies
A am helping B is studying
B help C is going to study
C will help
10 Unless you ......... protective clothing, you
5 If you don’t water plants, they ......... . can’t go volcano surfing.
A are dying B die C would die A don’t wear B will wear C wear

D Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1 I wish I ....................................... (be) more careful. I wouldn’t have hurt myself.

2 I wish I ....................................... (have) a lighter to start a camp fire.
3 I wish the weather ....................................... (not/to be) so hot.
4 If only Mike ................................. (not leave) the compass at home. We wouldn’t be lost now.
5 If only we ....................................... (bring) sleeping bags. We wouldn’t be cold at night.

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Test 3
E Read the text. For each gap (1-6) choose the word(s) that best fit(s).

The Rainforests of the Sea

Would you like to visit one of the most spectacular natural wonders of the
to the Great Barrier Reef on the north-east coast of Australia. It cove
kilometres and 1) ................... of 3,000 individual reefs and over 900 islan
The Great Barrier Reef is home to a wide range of animal and plant s
species of fish inhabit the reef along with 2) ................... other sea crea
Reef is also a breeding ground for green turtles and humpback whales. T
for how long?
3) ................... scientists from the University of Queensland, the Grea
They report disturbing findings. The temperature of the sea water is risin
and much of the coral 4) ................... a white colour, a sign that it is dyin
to blame. Over 2 million tourists visit the reef every year, but their prese
1 A has B contains C consists D includes
disturb the reef and ships drop their anchors on it. Some factories
2 A much B many C few D little
................... the damage because they dump poisonous chemicals into th
3 A According to B Thanks to C Despite D Regardless
So what can we do to secure the future of the Great Barrier Reef? Scie
4 A turned B was turning C had turned D is turning
we 6) ................... action now, the Great Barrier Reef will have
5 A in B on C for D with
governments and wild life organizations need to act together to protect
6 A get B start C bring D take
Reef and in this way preserve the remarkable rainforests of the sea.

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Test 3
Everyday English
F Choose the correct response.

1 A: How can I help you?

B: a I’d like a room, please.
4 A: How much is it per night?
b Single, please.
B: a It’s two hours.
b It’s £90.
2 A: What name, please?
B: a It’s 35 Green street.
5 A: We look forward to seeing you.
b It’s James Myers.
B: a Thank you. Goodbye.
b Certainly.
3 A: Does that include breakfast?
B: a No, it isn’t.
b Yes, it does.

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Test 3
H Read the advert and write an email asking for more information
(120-150 words). Include:

• opening comments & reason for writing

• your questions (where, the cost, other activities, special clothes, etc.)
• your closing comments

The World Outdoors invites you to our Multi-S

June 15th – 21st
A fun week of white-water rafting, river buggin
If you’re 18-26 years old and keen on joining u

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