Prime Time Test 3
Prime Time Test 3
Prime Time Test 3
(Time: 50 minutes)
A Complete the sentences with the correct word.
1 Ice from the polar ice caps is ....................................... due to rising global temperatures.
2 The weather is .......................................; you never know what to wear.
3 One of the ....................................... sprained her ankle in the race.
4 The white rhino could become ....................................... .
5 It’s dangerous to go river bugging ....................................... because you can’t see where
you’re going.
6 We followed the ....................................... into the village.
7 There is a special ....................................... on flights to Germany this week.
8 It’s not raining hard; it’s only a light ....................................... .
9 We stayed in a ....................................... apartment for a week.
10 Scientists predict that the earth’s temperature will ....................................... in the future.
1 I promise I ......... at the animal shelter 6 If Nigel ......... a life jacket, he would have
after school. drowned.
A am volunteering A won’t wear
B volunteer B didn’t wear
C will volunteer C hadn’t worn
2 Charlie ......... on a caving expedition this 7 My flight for Paris ......... at 7:00 am
weekend. tomorrow morning.
A goes B is going C going to go A will leave B leaves C is leaving
3 If it’s a nice day tomorrow, we ......... 8 Look, he’s driving too fast! He ......... into
sailing. the tree!
A would have gone A is going to crash
B would go B is crashing
C will go C will crash
4 Don’t worry. I ......... you book the plane 9 Tom ......... Biology at university next year.
tickets online. A studies
A am helping B is studying
B help C is going to study
C will help
10 Unless you ......... protective clothing, you
5 If you don’t water plants, they ......... . can’t go volcano surfing.
A are dying B die C would die A don’t wear B will wear C wear