Business PPT IG1 Urvi

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Recruitment and

Recruitment is the process
from identifying that the
business needs to employ
someone up to the point
at which applications have
arrived at the business.

Employee selection?
Employee selection is
the process of evaluating
candidates for a specific
job and selecting an
individual for employment
based on the needs of the
Recruitment Process

Vacancy arises Job analysis Job description Job specification

When an employee A job analysis identifies A job description outlines A job specification is a
resigns, retires, or is and records the the responsibilities and document which outlines
dismissed responsibilities and tasks duties to be carried out by the requirements,
relating to a job. someone employed to do qualifications, expertise,
specific job. physical characteristics,
etc., for a specified job.
Application Procedures continued

application forms interviews and vacancy filled

job advertised in
and shortlisting selection
appropriate media
Example: LinkedIn, Selecting some
newspapers, Posters etc. candidates out of a
pool of candidates
Types of recruitment
Internal recruitment: when a vacancy is filled by someone who is an existing
employee of the business.

External recruitment: when a vacancy is filled by someone who is not an existing

employee and will be new to the business.
Advantages and disadvantages of internal recruitment
Advantages Disadvantages
» It is quicker and cheaper than external » No new ideas or experience come into the
recruitment, which may involve expensive business. Other companies may have different
advertising. ways of working and these ways may be better
» The person is already known to the business and in some respects, including making the business
their reliability, ability and potential are known. more efficient. Internal recruitment does not
allow for these working practices to be brought
» The person also knows how the organisation
into the business and this is a major limitation
works, its structure and what is expected from its
when the industry is changing rapidly.
» There may be rivalry among existing
» It can be very motivating for employees to see employees and jealousy towards the worker who
their fellow workers being promoted – it makes gains promotion.
them work harder if they consider that promotion is » The quality of internal candidates might be
possible for them too. low.
Advantages and disadvantages of external recruitment
Advantages Disadvantages

Fresh perspectives: Brings new ideas and Higher cost: Advertising, recruiting
innovation. agencies, and onboarding can be
Wider talent pool: Access to a broader expensive.
range of skills and experience. Time-consuming: Longer process to
Reduces internal conflict: Avoids potential find and integrate external candidates.
resentment from existing employees. Cultural fit issues: External hires may
Improves diversity: Increases the chance of take time to adapt to the company’s
adding different backgrounds and culture.
experiences. Morale impact: Internal employees
might feel overlooked for promotion.
Part-time employment is often considered to be between 1 and 30–35 hours a

Advantages Disadvantages
» more flexible in the hours of work » less likely to seek training because the
» easier to ask employees just to work at busy employees may see the job as
times temporary
» easier to extend business opening/operating » takes longer to recruit two part-time workers
hours by working evenings or at than one full-time employee
weekends » part-time employees can be less committed to
» fits in with looking after children and therefore the business and may be more
employee is willing to accept likely to leave to get another job
lower pay » less likely to be promoted because they will
» reduces business costs compared to employing not have gained the same skills
and paying a full-time employee and experience as full-time employees
» in some countries it is easier to make part-time » more difficult to communicate with part-time
workers redundant. employees when they are not in
Full-time employees will usually work 35 hours or more a week.

Advantages Disadvantages
More likely to seek training because the employees may see
More rigid in the hours of work – Employees have
the job as long-term – Employees are motivated to pursue
strict, set hours with little flexibility.
training, seeing the job as a stable, long-term opportunity.
Harder to ask employees just to work at busy times –
Takes less time to recruit two part-time workers than one
Employees are expected to work full shifts, not just
full-time employee – Hiring part-time workers is faster than
recruiting a single full-time employee. during peak hours.
Part-time employees can be more committed to the Harder to extend business opening/operating hours
business and may be less likely to leave for another job – by working evenings or at weekends – Operating
Part-time workers show dedication and are less inclined to hours are limited, with no evening or weekend
switch jobs. extensions.
More likely to be promoted because they will have gained Does not fit in with looking after children and
the same skills and experience as full-time employees – therefore the employee is not willing to accept lower
Part-time employees develop skills and experience pay – Employees prioritize higher wages and may not
comparable to their full-time counterparts, making them accommodate work schedules around childcare.
promotion candidates. Increases business costs compared to employing and
Easier to communicate with part-time employees even when
paying a full-time employee – Full-time employees are
they are not in work – Communication with part-time
more cost-effective compared to part-time workers in
workers is efficient, regardless of whether they are currently
this case.
Training Training is important because:
» introduce a new process or new
Training is a way of teaching people
new skills or improving the ones they
already have to help them do their » improve the efficiency of the
jobs better. workforce
» provide training for unskilled
workers to make them more valuable
to the
» decrease the supervision needed
» improve the opportunity for internal
» decrease the chances of accidents.
Types of training Description

introduction given to a new employee, explaining the

Induction training business’s activities, customs and procedures and introducing
them to their fellow workers.

On-the-job training occurs by watching a more experienced

On-the-job training
worker doing the job.

Off-the-job training involves being trained away from the

Off-the-job training
workplace, usually by specialist trainers.
Redundancy and dismissal
Redundancy occurs when a job role is
eliminated due to organizational changes or
economic reasons (e.g., company downsizing or

Dismissal is when an employee is terminated

due to their performance or behavior (e.g.,
theft or poor performance).
Employment Contracts: Must clearly outline terms such as pay,
working hours, and job responsibilities. Governed by labor laws
to ensure fair treatment and prevent exploitation.
Unfair Dismissal: Employees cannot be dismissed without a
valid reason (e.g., misconduct or poor performance). Legal
processes ensure the dismissal is fair, and employees can claim
compensation if dismissed unfairly.
Discrimination: Laws prohibit discrimination based on factors
like race, gender, age, disability, or religion in hiring, promotion,
and pay. Employers must provide equal opportunities to all
Health and Safety: Employers are legally required to provide a
safe working environment. Regulations mandate safety
training, equipment, and measures to prevent workplace
accidents and illnesses.
Legal Minimum Wage: Employers must pay workers at least the
legal minimum wage set by the government. Ensures
employees earn a fair wage for their work, preventing
situations in which downsizing the workforce
might be necessary
1. Financial Difficulties: When a company is facing significant financial
losses or reduced revenue, downsizing may be needed to cut costs.
2. Economic Recession: During broader economic downturns,
businesses may need to reduce staff to remain viable.
3. Mergers or Acquisitions: After a merger or acquisition, companies
often eliminate duplicate roles to streamline operations.
4. Technological Advancements: Automation or new technologies can
make certain roles redundant, leading to a reduced need for human
5. Restructuring: Companies may change their business model or
reorganize departments, leading to workforce reductions.
6. Declining Market Demand: If demand for a company's products or
services declines, fewer employees may be needed to meet
production or service levels.
7. Outsourcing: Shifting tasks to external providers can lead to the
downsizing of internal staff.
Communication is the
transferring of a message
from the sender to the
receiver, who understands
the message.
Types of communication
Internal communication is
between members of the
same organisation.

External communication is
between the organisation
and other organisations or
Communication Methods
Verbal communication Written communication Visual communication
Verbal communication is the Written communication is the Visual communication is
use of spoken words to convey use of written words to convey the use of visual elements
information or ideas between messages or information, such like images, symbols, or
people. It includes both what is as through emails, reports, graphics to convey
said (the words) and how it's
letters, or texts. information or messages.
said (tone, pitch, volume)

Verbal Written Visual

1. Clarity: Immediate 1.Permanent record: 1.Quick understanding: Images
feedback helps ensure Provides documentation and visuals are processed faster
understanding. for future reference. than text.
2. Speed: Information is 2.Clarity and precision: 2.Universal appeal: Can be
conveyed quickly. Allows for careful wording understood across language
and editing. barriers.
3. Emotional expression:
3.Wide reach: Can be 3.Memorable: Visuals tend to be
Tone and inflection
shared with many people more engaging and easier to
convey emotions
effectively. easily.
4.Simplifies complex information:
4. Flexibility: Allows for real- 4.Consistency: Ensures
Charts, diagrams, and
time adjustments during the message remains the
infographics make complicated
conversations. same over time.
data easier to grasp.

Verbal Written Visual

1. Misinterpretation: Tone and
1.Delayed feedback: 1.There is no feedback and the sender
words can be misunderstood.
Responses may take time. of the message may need to use other
2. No permanent record: Often forms of communication to check that
2. Misinterpretation:
lacks documentation for the message has been understood. For
Without tone, messages can
future reference. example, training videos are often
be misunderstood.
3. Limited attention span: followed by a written test for the new
3.Time-consuming: Writing
Listeners may lose focus staff to check their understanding.
and editing can be slow.
during lengthy conversations. 2. Charts and graphs are difficult for
4.Less personal: Lacks the
4. Ineffective in large groups: some people to interpret. The overall
immediacy and emotional
Hard to ensure everyone message might be misunderstood if the
connection of face-to-face
hears and understands receiver is unsure how to read values
interaction. from a graph or how to interpret a
technical diagram.
Informal communication
Informal is when information is sent
Communication and received casually using
everyday language.

Formal communication
is when messages are
sent through established
Formal Communication channels using professional
Language barriers

Language barriers occur when people cannot

effectively communicate due to speaking
different languages or having different levels of
language proficiency. These barriers can lead to
misunderstandings, reduced productivity, and
difficulty in building relationships. In business,
they can affect customer service, teamwork,
and the ability to follow instructions or safety
guidelines. Overcoming language barriers often
requires translation services, language training,
or the use of simplified communication
Thank you!

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