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12-12 Atoms

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Chapter 12
12.1 Introduction
Thomson Model of Atom- (plum pudding model)
The first model of atom was proposed by J. J. Thomson in 1898.
▪ According to this model, the positive charge of the atom is
uniformly distributed throughout the volume of the atom .
▪ The negatively charged electrons are embedded in it like seeds in a
This model is also called plum pudding model of the atom.

Alpha-Particle Scattering and Rutherford’s Nuclear Model of

Ernst Rutherford , a former research student of J. J. Thomson, proposed
a classic experiment of scattering of these α-particles by atoms to
investigate the atomic structure. The explanation of the results led to the
birth of Rutherford’s planetary model of atom (also called the nuclear
model of the atom).

12.2 Alpha-Particle Scattering and Rutherford’s Nuclear Model

of atom
At the suggestion of Ernst Rutherford, in 1911, H. Geiger and E. Marsden
performed scattering experiment.

Alpha-particles emitted by a 214 83𝐵𝑖 radioactive source were collimated

into a narrow beam by passing through lead bricks. The beam was
allowed to fall on a thin foil of gold of thickness 2.1 × 10–7 m. The
scattered alpha-particles were observed through a rotatable detector
consisting of zinc sulphide screen and a microscope.
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▪ Many of the α-particles pass through the foil. It means that
they do not suffer any collisions.
▪ Only 0.14% of the incident α-particles scatter by more than 1º.
▪ About 1 in 8000 of incident α-particles deflect by more than 90º.
Rutherford argued that , greater part of the mass of the atom and its
positive charge were concentrated tightly at its centre. When the
incoming α-particle make a close encounter with the positive charge
,that would result in a large deflection.
Rutherford’s nuclear model of the atom
▪ Most of an atom is empty space.
▪ The entire positive charge and most of the mass of the atom
are concentrated in the nucleus with the electrons some
distance away.
▪ The electrons would be moving in orbits about the nucleus just
as the planets do around the sun.
▪ The size of the nucleus to be about 10–15 m to 10–14 m.
▪ The electrostatic force of attraction, between the
revolving electrons and the nucleus provides the
centripetal force to keep them in their orbits.
Impact Parameter (b)

Impact parameter is the perpendicular distance of the initial velocity

vector of the 𝛂 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞 from the centre of the nucleus.
Alpha-particle trajectory
The trajectory traced by an α-particle depends on the impact parameter,
b of collision.
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▪ For an α-particle close to the nucleus , impact parameter is
small and it suffers large scattering.
▪ For head on collision, the impact parameter b=0 and
α particle rebounds back ie,angle of scattering 𝜃 =1800.
▪ For large impact parameter, the angle of scattering will be
small ( 𝜃 ≈00) and such α particles go undeviated.
Electron orbits
The electrostatic force of attraction(Fe), between the revolving electrons
and the nucleus provides the centripetal force (Fc) to keep them in their
Fc = Fe
mv2 1 e2
r 4πε0 r2

The kinetic energy (K) of electron

𝟏 𝟐 𝐞𝟐
K = 𝒎𝒗 =
𝟐 𝟖𝛑𝛆𝟎 𝐫
The potential energy (U) of electron
𝟒𝛑𝛆𝟎 𝐫
(The negative sign in U signifies that the electrostatic force is in the –r
Thus the total energy E of the electron in a hydrogen atom is
E = K+U
e2 e2
E= −
8πε0 r 4πε0 r
E = 𝟖𝛑𝛆

The total energy of the electron is negative. This implies the fact that the
electron is bound to the nucleus. If E were positive, an electron will not
follow a closed orbit around the nucleus.
Limitations of Rutherford Model
Rutherford nuclear model has two main difficulties in explaining the
structure of atom:
(a) Rutherford model could not explain stability of
matter. The accelerated electrons revolving around the
nucleus loses energy and must spiral into the nucleus.
This contradicts the stability of matter.
(b) It cannot explain the characteristic line spectra of atoms of
different elements.
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12.3 Atomic Spectra

Each element has a characteristic spectrum of radiation, which it emits.
There are two types of spectra-Emission spectrum and Absorption

Emission Spectrum
When an atomic gas or vapour is excited at low pressure, by passing an
electric current through it, the emitted radiation has a spectrum which
contains certain specific wavelengths only. A spectrum of this kind is
termed as emission line spectrum and it consists of bright lines on a
dark background. Study of emission line spectra of a material is used for
identification of the gas.

Absorption Spectrum
When white light passes through a gas and we analyse the transmitted
light using a spectrometer we find some dark lines in the spectrum.
These dark lines correspond precisely to those wavelengths which were
found in the emission line spectrum of the gas. This is called the
absorption spectrum of the material of the gas.

12.4 Bohr Model of Hydrogen Atom

Niels Bohr made certain modifications in Rutherford’s model using the
ideas of quantum hypothesis. Bohr combined classical and early
quantum concepts and gave his theory in the form of three postulates.

1) Bohr’s first postulate states that an electron in an atom revolves in

certain stable orbits without the emission of radiant energy.
2) Second postulate states that the electron revolves around the nucleus
only in those orbits for which the angular momentum is an integral
multiple of h/2π where h is the Planck’s constant
L = mvr = ,where n = 1,2,3……….
n is called principal quantum number
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3) Third postulate states that when an electron make a transition from
higher energy level to lower energy level a photon is emitted having
energy equal to the energy difference between the initial and final states.
The frequency of the emitted photon is then given by
hν = 𝑬𝒊 - 𝑬𝒇
Energy of Hydrogen Atom
Total energy of 𝒏𝒕𝒉 energy level
En =
8πε0 rn

The radius of hydrogen atom

n2 h2 ε0
rn =

Substituting for rn from eqn(3)

En = n2 h2 ε0
8πε0 ( )

𝐄𝐧 =
𝟖𝐧𝟐 𝛆𝟎 𝟐 𝐡𝟐
𝐄𝐧 = eV
𝐄𝐧 𝛂 𝟐
The negative sign of the total energy of an electron moving in an orbit
means that the electron is bound with the nucleus.

Energy levels
The energy of an atom is the least (largest negative value) when its
electron is revolving in an orbit closest to the nucleus for n = 1. The
energy is progressively larger in the outer orbits.

Ground State
The lowest energy state of an atom is called the Ground State, with the
electron revolving in the orbit of smallest radius, the Bohr radius, a0.
For ground state n=1
𝐄𝟏 = 𝟐 eV = -13.6 eV

At room temperature most of the Hydrogen atoms are in ground state.

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Excited States
When Hydrogen atom receives energy by the process such as collisions,
the atoms may acquire sufficient energy to raise the electrons to higher
energy states. Then atom is said to be in an excited state.

For first excited state (second energy level)

n =2, E2 = 2 eV = -3.4 eV
For second excited state (third energy level)
n =3 , E3 = 2 eV = -1.51 eV
And so on..
The energy level diagram for the hydrogen atom

12.5 The Line spectra of Hydrogen Atom

The various lines in the atomic spectra are produced when electrons
jump from higher energy state to a lower energy state and photons are
emitted. These spectral lines are called emission lines. But when an atom
absorbs a photon that has precisely the same energy needed by the
electron in a lower energy state to make transitions to a higher energy
state, the process is called absorption. Thus if photons with a continuous
range of frequencies pass through a rarefied gas and then are analysed
with a spectrometer, a series of dark spectral absorption lines appear in
the continuous spectrum. The dark lines indicate the frequencies that
have been absorbed by the atoms of the gas.
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12.6 De Broglie’s Explanation of Bohr’s second postulate of Quantisation
De Broglie argued that electron in its circular orbit behaves as a particle
wave. The particle wave can produce standing wave under resonant

For 𝒏𝒕𝒉 orbit of radius 𝑟𝑛 , the resonant condition is

2 π 𝑟𝑛 = n λ----------- (1) where n=1,2,3…..

But by de Broglie hypothesis , for matter waves

λ = ---------------(2)

Substituing eqn (2) in eqn (1),

2 π rn = n
mv 𝐫𝐧 = where n=1,2,3……
This Bohr’s second postulate of Quantisation.

Limitations of Bohr Atom Model

(i) The Bohr model is applicable to hydrogenic atoms. It cannot be
extended two or more electron atoms. Difficulty lies in the fact
that each electron interacts not only with the positively charged
nucleus but also with all other electrons.
(ii) While the Bohr’s model correctly predicts the frequencies of the
light emitted by hydrogenic atoms, the model is unable to
explain the intensity variations of the frequencies in the

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