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Vol No, Issue No, Month / Year

ISSN NO: 0377-9254

Author Name1, Author Name2 and Author Name3
Author Affiliation(s) Department, University, Country
Author Affiliation(s) Department, University, Country
Author Affiliation(s) Department, University, Country

Abstract— This document gives the production editor in charge of your

formatting instructions for authors journal at the JES,
preparing papers for publication in [email protected].
the JES Journals. The authors must
follow the instructions given in the 2. PAGE LAYOUT
document for the papers to be
published. You can use this document An easy way to comply with the
as both an instruction set and as a journal paper formatting requirements is
template into which you can type your to use this document as a template and
own text. The abstract is to be in simply type your text into it
fully-justified italicized text as it is A. Page Layout
here, below the author information.
Use the word “Abstract” as the title, Your paper must use a page size
in 12-point Times New Roman, corresponding to A4 which is 21 cm
boldface type, centered relative to the (8.27") wide and 29.7cm (11.69") long.
column, initially capitalized. The The margins must be set as follows:
abstract is to be in 11-point, single- • Top = 2.03 cm (0.80")
spaced type, and may be up to 3 in.
(18 picas or 7.62 cm) long. Leave two • Bottom = 3.05 cm (1.20")
blank lines after the abstract, and • Left = Right = 3.5 cm (1.38")
then begin the main text. All
manuscripts must be in English.
Keywords— Put your keywords All paragraphs must be indented. All
here, keywords are separated by paragraphs must be justified, i.e. both
comma. We would like to encourage left-justified and right-justified.
you to list your keywords in this
section 3.1. TEXT FONT OF ENTIRE
1. INTRODUCTION The entire document should be in
This document is a template. An Times New Roman or Times font. Type
electronic copy can be downloaded from 3 fonts must not be used. Other font
the journal website. For questions on types may be used if needed for special
paper guidelines, please contact the purposes.
journal publications committee as Recommended font sizes are shown in
indicated on the journal website. Table 1.
Information about final paper
submission is available from the journal 3.2. TITLE AND AUTHOR
website. These guidelines include DETAILS
complete descriptions of the fonts, Title must be in 16 pt Regular font.
spacing, and related information for Author name must be in 12 pt Regular
producing your proceedings font. Author affiliation must be in 12 pt
manuscripts. Please follow them and if Italic. Email address must be in 12 pt
you have any questions, direct them to Italic Regular font. Page No:1

Fig. 1 A sample line graph using colors
4. AUTHOR NAME(S) AND which contrast well both on screen and
AFFILIATION(S) on a black-and-white hardcopy

Author details must not show any Figures must be numbered using
professional title (e.g. Managing Arabic numerals. Figure captions must
Director), any academic title (e.g. Dr.) be in 10 pt Regular font. Captions of a
or any membership of any professional single line must be centered whereas
organization (e.g. Senior Member multi-line captions must be justified
IEEE). (e.g. Fig. 1). Captions with figure
To avoid confusion, the family name numbers must be placed after their
must be written as the last part of each associated figures, as shown in Fig. 1.
author name (e.g. John A.K. Smith).
Tables must be numbered using
Each affiliation must include, at the uppercase Roman numerals. Table
very least, the name of the company and captions must be centred and in 11 pt
the name of the country where the Regular font with Small Caps. Every
author is based (e.g. JES Pub, Australia). word in a table caption must be
capitalized except for short minor words
4.2. CORRESPONDING AUTHOR as listed in Section III-B. Captions with
Corresponding author should have an table numbers must be placed before
asterisk sign (*) if possible, after the their associated tables, as shown in
corresponding author’s name. The Table 1.
Corresponding author (e.g.,
*Corresponding Author) label should be Table I. Font Sizes For Papers
appeared at the footnote section of the Font Appearance (in Time New Roman or Times)
first page of the paper, Times New Size Regular Bold Italic
Roman in style and 10 in font size. 11 table caption (in reference item
Small Caps), (partial)
Email address is compulsory for the figure caption,
corresponding author. reference item
12 author email address abstract abstract heading
5. FIGURES AND TABLES (in Courier), body (also in Bold)
cell in a table
Figures and tables must be centered 12 author name
page. Large figures and tables may span 16 title
across both pages. Any table or figure
that takes up more than 1 column width 5.3. EQUATIONS
must be positioned either at the top or at Including symbols and equations in
the bottom of the page. the text, the variable name and style
must be consistent with those in the
5.1. FIGURE CAPTIONS equations. Equations should be indented
at the left margin and numbered at the
right margin, equation number is
enclosed with open and close
parenthesis () Time New Roman in style
and 11pt font size. Define all symbols
the first time they are used. All equation
symbols must be defined in a clear and
understandable way.

For Example:
List and number all bibliographical
references that has important
contribution on the paper, (if possible,
limit to 20, which only are necessary
citations are recommended). 9-point
6. FIRST-ORDER HEADINGS Times New Roman, fully justified,
A level-1 heading 1. single-spaced, at the end of your paper.
Number the reference items
consecutively in square brackets (e.g.
Times New Roman 13-point boldface,
[1]). Do not abbreviate the months.
all capitalized, flush left, with one blank
When referring to a reference item,
line before, and one blank line after.
please simply use the reference number,
as in [2]. Do not use “Ref. [3]” or
“Reference [3]” except at the beginning
of a sentence, e.g. “Reference [3] shows
A level-2 heading must be in Times …”. Multiple references are each
New Roman 11-point boldface, all numbered with separate brackets (e.g.
capitalized, flush left, with one blank [2], [3], [4]–[6]). (See examples below)
line before, and one after.
[1] Faragher, John Mack. "Bungalow and Ranch
6.1.1. THIRD-ORDER House: The Architectural Backwash of
HEADINGS: A level-3 heading must California." Western Historical Quarterly
be indented, as in this paragraph, are 32.2 (2001): 149-173.
discouraged. However, if you must use
them, use 11-point Times New Roman, BOOK
boldface, all capitalized, flush left, and [2] Gebhard, David, et al. A Guide to
proceeded by one blank line, followed Architecture in San Francisco & Northern
by a colon and your text on the same California. Santa Barbara: Peregrine, 1973.
[3] Mitchell, James A. “MLA Citation”. A
Guide to Citation, My London Publisher,
7. FOOTNOTES 2017, pp. 107-134.
Use footnotes sparingly (or not at all)
and place them at the bottom section of CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS
the page on which they are referenced [4] Zheng, Hongyan, et al. "Evaluation of
to. Use Times New Roman 9-point type, Factors Affecting the Efficacy of English
Acqusition in CALL Environment."
single-spaced. To help your readers, International Conference on Computer
avoid using footnotes altogether and Technology and Development, Kota
include necessary peripheral Kinabalu, Malaysia, 13-15 November 2009.
observations in the text (within Vol. 2., IEEE Computer Society, 2009, pp.
parentheses, if you prefer, as in this 494-496. IEEE Xplore,
sentence). u/stamp/stamp.jsp?
An appendix, if needed, should
[5] Neustel, Michael S. Patent analyzing
appear before the acknowledgments. system. US 20140200880 A1, United States
Patent and Trademark Office, 17 July 2014.
Do not use the phrases "et al." and
These should be brief and placed at "ibid." in the reference section. Instead,
the end of the text before the references.
the names of all authors in a reference must be listed.

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