An Internal Audit Service Catalogue 1714841864
An Internal Audit Service Catalogue 1714841864
An Internal Audit Service Catalogue 1714841864
Internal Audit
Service Catalogue
Updated 2022
Level 5, 580 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 | PO Box A2311, Sydney South NSW 1235
T +61 2 9267 9155 F +61 2 9264 9240 E [email protected]
The evolution of Internal Audit outlined in the table on the
following page shows how internal audit work has evolved
over time.
Reporting to Generally CFO Generally CFO Generally CFO Emerged to Audit Committee Audit Committee
CEO and then for operations for operations
Audit Committee / CEO for / CEO for
reporting administration administration
Objective Assurance Assurance Assurance Assurance Assurance and Assurance and
advisory / Value- advisory / Value-
adding adding / Proactive
/ Offer insights
/ Key agent of
Focus Historical Historical Historical Historical Forward-looking Forward-looking /
Coverage Controls Controls Controls Controls Governance / Risk Governance / Risk
management / management /
Controls Controls
Outcome Detect mistakes Detect mistakes Improve controls Improve business Improve business Improve
unit controls units organisation /
Actively seek
innovation / Help
achieve strategic
Fraud focus Detect fraud Detect fraud Detect fraud Detect fraud Prevent fraud Prevent fraud
Service Offerings Service Type Source Elapsed Persuasive Opinion Deliverable Internal Audit
Timeframe Evidence* Monitor
Action Plans
Internal audit engage- Assurance Internal Audit 90 days Yes Yes Report Yes
Acquisition Assurance Internal Audit / on request 60 days Yes Yes Report Yes
Assurance advisory Advisory On request Quick Yes No Brief report No
Management requested Assurance / On request Various Yes Yes / No Report Yes / No
services Advisory
Business unit control Advisory On request Quick Yes No Brief report No
Health checks Assurance Internal Audit / on request Quick Yes Yes Brief report Yes
Multi-stage audits Assurance Internal Audit / on request Life of activity Yes Yes Reports at key timings Yes
Project assurance Assurance Internal Audit / on request Life of project Yes Yes Reports at key project Yes
Procurement advisory Advisory On request Quick Yes No Summary No
One week reviews Advisory Internal Audit Quick Yes No Brief report No
Risk and control im- Advisory On request Quick Yes No Improvement roadmap No
Control self- Advisory On request Quick Yes No Brief report No
Continuous auditing Assurance Internal Audit Continuous Yes Yes Ongoing reports Yes
Forensic and fraud Assurance Internal Audit / on request 60–90 days Yes Yes Report Yes
Subsidiary assurance Assurance Internal Audit 30 days Yes Yes Report Yes
Special audits Assurance Internal Audit / on request 60–90 days Yes Yes Report Yes
* Audit evidence is any information used by the auditor to determine whether the information being audited is stated in accordance with established criteria. Two determinants of persuasive-
ness of evidence are (1) Competence – the degree to which evidence can be considered trustworthy (2) Sufficiency – amount of evidence is enough to form a reasonable opinion.
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referencing. Some material is in the public domain. Except
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public domain, only material owned by the Institute of Internal
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