Quotation No ____________
Please quote your lowest price on the item/s listed below, stating the shortest time of delivery and
submit your quotations duly signed by your representative not later than _____________ in the return
envelope attached herewith.
After having carefully read and accepted your conditions, I/We quote you on the item at prices
noted above.
Printed Name/Signature
Tel. No./Cellphone No.
Request for Quotation
Quotation No ____________
Please quote your lowest price on the item/s listed below, stating the shortest time of delivery and
submit your quotations duly signed by your representative not later than _____________ in the return
envelope attached herewith.
After having carefully read and accepted your conditions, I/We quote you on the item at prices
noted above.
Printed Name/Signature
Tel. No./Cellphone No.
Request for Quotation
Quotation No ____________
Please quote your lowest price on the item/s listed below, stating the shortest time of delivery and
submit your quotations duly signed by your representative not later than _____________ in the return
envelope attached herewith.
After having carefully read and accepted your conditions, I/We quote you on the item at prices
noted above.
Printed Name/Signature
Tel. No./Cellphone No.