Lab 1

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EE 2245 Microelectronics Labs

Lab 1: Lab Instruments, DC and AC Circuits (2 Weeks)

實驗室:_____組別:______ Names and ID Numbers: ________________________________________
(1) Get familiarized with the instruments in the lab.
(2) Validate the superposition principle.
(3) Validate Thévenin’s theorem and maximum power transfer through experimental measurements.
(4) Validate Norton’s theorem through experimental measurements.
(5) Verify the a.c. responses of a RL circuit and a RLC circuit

Procedure :

Part 1: DC Power Supply

(a) Turn on the dc power supply. Set the output voltages to tracked values of +3 V and -3V, and use a
DMM to verify them. Similarly, familiarize yourself with assigning the values independently to + 2V
and -4 V, and verify them with a DMM.

(b) The dc power supply can also be used as a current source. Prepare the DMM for current
measurement, and connect it to the “+” output port of the supply (no current output at this point). Set the
output current at 20 mA from the “+” port, and verify the value with the DMM. Similarly, try to get -20
mA from the “-“ port. (Note: In case you do not get the desired current value, you should first check and
set the power supply voltage to some value other than zero.)

Part 2: Function Generator and Oscilloscope

(a) Probe Calibration: Connect one end of the oscilloscope probe to Channel 1 and the other to the
calibration connections at the lower right corner of the scope (different locations on some scopes).
Check if the waveform is satisfactory.

(b) Connect a coaxial cable to the output of the function generator, and connect the measuring probe to
CH-1 of the oscilloscope. Set the probe’s measuring option to “1x” (make sure that the option is “1x” as
well in the scope. Connect the “+“ and “–“ ends of the two wires.

(c) Set the output of the function generator to a 1-kHz sinusoidal waveform of 1-V amplitude. Set the
triggering signal source to CH-1. Adjust the trigger level and the x and y grid sizes to display the
waveform on screen. Check if the waveform is correct.
Now change the measuring option to “10x” in the probe and the scope. Check if the waveform
magnitude is correct.

(d) Following part (c), apply additionally a 1-V dc offset to the sinusoidal waveform. Use the
dc-coupling and the ac-coupling modes in scope, and explain below what you see in difference.

Part 3: Superposition

Figure 3-1

(a) The circuit to be analyzed using the superposition principle appears in Fig. 3-1. Measure the
individual resistance by a DMM and fill in the values.

R1 = ___________, R2 = ___________, R3 = ___________, and R4 = ___________

(b) Using the measured values, analyze the voltage Vi across each resistor Ri and the accompanying
current Ii and the delivered power Pi .
Your Analysis:

V1 = ___________V, V2 = ___________ V, V3 = ____________ V, and V4 = ____________ V

I1 = ____________A, I2 = ____________A, I3 = ____________ A, and I4 = ____________ A
P1 = ___________W, P2 = ___________ W, P3 = ____________W, and P4 = ____________W

Figure 3-2

Figure 3-3

(c) Determine the effect of Es. Construct the network of Fig. 3-2 and measure the voltages Vi1 across
resistors (Note: In case you cannot raise the voltage to 2 V, try increase the current limit of the power
supply using ISET). Calculate the currents Ii1 and the delivered power Pi1 accordingly using the
measured resistance values (Note: You will get less accurate results by measuring the current directly,
because the internal resistance of DMM is not small enough).

V11 = ____________ V, V21 = ___________ V, V31 = ___________ V, and V41 = ___________ V

I11 = _____________ A, I21 = ___________ A, I31 = ____________ A, and I41 = ___________ A
P11 = ____________ W, P21 = ___________ W, P31 = ___________ W, and P41 = ___________ W

(d) Determine the effect of Is. Construct the network of Fig. 3-3 and measure the voltages Vi2 across
resistors (Note: In case you cannot raise the current to 50 mA, try increase the voltage limit of the power
supply using VSET). Calculate the currents Ii2 and Pi2 accordingly using the measured resistance values.

V12 = ___________ V, V22 = ___________ V, V32 = ___________ V, and V42 = ___________ V

I12 = ____________ A, I22 = ___________ A, I32 = ____________ A, and I42 = ___________ A
P12 = ____________W, P22 = ___________ W, P32 = ___________ W, and P42 = ___________ W
(e) Add up Vi1 and Vi2 and fill in the blanks below. Comment on your comparison with respect to results
of part 3(b).

V1(total) = ___________ V, V2(total) = ___________ V, V3(total) = ___________ V, and V4(total) =

___________ V

Your Comment:

(f) Add up Pi1 and Pi2 and fill in the blanks below. Comment on your comparison with respect to results
of part 3(b). Is the superposition applicable to the power effects? Explain.

P1(total) = ___________ W, P2(total) = ___________ W, P3(total) = ___________ W, and P4(total) =

___________ W

Part 4: Thévenin’s Theorem

Figure 4-1

(a) Construct the network of Fig. 4-1 (power is off for now). Calculate the Thévenin voltage Vth and
resistance Rth by using the open-circuit voltage and the short-circuit current for the network to the left of
the resistor RL. The calculation should be based on the measured resistances.
R1 measured = _________, R2 measured = _________, R3 measured = _________, RL measured = _________

Vth = ___________ V, Rth = _____________

(b) Using the Thévenin equivalent circuit in Fig. 4-2, calculate the current IL.

Figure 4-2


IL = _____________ A

(c) Turn on the power supply in Fig. 4-1 and measure the voltage VL. Use the measured value of RL to
calculate the current IL.
VL measured = ___________ V, IL measured = ______________ A

How does the measured value of IL compare with the calculated value in part (b)?
Your Comment:

(d) Determine Rth by constructing the network of Fig. 4-3 and measuring the resistance between points
a-b with RL removed.

Figure 4-3

Rth measured = _____________

How does the measured value compare with the calculated value in part (a)?
Your Comment:

(e) Determine Vth by constructing the network of Fig. 4-4 and measuring between points with RL

Figure 4-4

Vth measured = _____________ V

How does the measured value compare with the calculated value in part (a)?
Your Comment:

Part 5: Maximum Power Transfer (DC and AC)

(a) Construct the network of Fig. 5-1. Insert measured values of each resistor.

Figure 5-1

Figure 5-2

R1 measured = __________, R2 measured = __________, R3 measured = __________, R4 measured = _________

(b) The Thévenin equivalent circuit will now be determined for the network to the left of the terminals
a-b without disturbing the structure of the network. All the measurements will be made at the terminal
Determine VTh by turning on the supply and measuring the open-circuit voltage Vab.

VTh = Vab = ___________

Introduce the 1-k potentiometer to the terminals a-b as shown in Fig. 5-2. Turn on the supply and
adjust the potentiometer until the voltage VL is Vth/2, a condition that must exist if RL = RTh. Then turn
off the supply and remove the potentiometer from the network carefully. Measure the resistance between
the two terminals connected to a-b and record as RTh.

RTh = RL=______________

(c) Now we need to check our measured results against a theoretic solution. Calculate RTh and VTh for
the network to the left of terminals a-b of Fig. 5-1. Use measured resistor values.

RTh = ______________, VTh=______________

How do the calculated and measured values compare?


(d) Let us now plot PL versus RL to confirm the condition for maximum power transfer. Leave the
potentiometer as connected in Fig. 5-2 and measure VL for all the values RL appearing in Table 5-1.
(Note: Be sure to remove the potentiometer from the network when setting the values of RL.) Then
calculate the resulting power to the load and complete the table. Finally, plot P L vs. RL on Graph 5-1.
Please explain if the drawn curve matches your analysis.

Table 5-1
RL () VL (measured) PL = VL2/RL (mW)
0 0 0

Graph 5-1

(e) For the ac case, construct the network of Fig. 5-3. Set the 0-1-k potentiometer RL to the desired
value for maximum power transfer.
R_meas = _______, L_meas = ________mH, ZTh_meas = _________
RL_meas = _______

Figure 5-3

(f) You are required to select at least three different capacitors to demonstrate maximum power transfer
for the ac case. Calculate the power delivered to the load using PL = (Vab(p-p))2/8RL derived from
 1  Vab p  p   
  
2  2  2  2
Vabrms     Vab p  p 
PL   

and fill in Table 5-2.

Table 5-2
C_meas (F) Xc () @ 10 kHz ZL () Vab(p-p) (V) PL (mW)

(g) Plot PL (mW) vs. C (F) in the space below. Please also describe the conditions to achieve
maximum power transfer, and explain whether it have been successfully demonstrated by your measured

Part 6: Norton’s Theorem

(a) Construct the network of Fig. 6-1(a) (power is off for now). Fill in the measured resistance values.

Figure 6-1 (a) Figure 6-1(b)

R1 measured = _________, R2 measured = _________, R3 measured = _________, RL measured = ________

(b) Using the measured resistance values, calculate the Norton current (IN = Vth/Rth) and the Norton
resistance (RN = Rth) for the network to the left of the 160- resistor. See Fig. 6-3(a).

RN = _____________, IN = ______________ A
(c) Using the Norton equivalent circuit in Fig. 6-3(a), calculate the current IL for a load of 160 .

IL = ______________ A

(d) Now return to Fig. 6-1(a). Turn on the supply and measure the voltage Vab. Then calculate the
current IL using the measured resistor value.
Vab = ____________ V
IL measured = _____________ A

How do the IL values in (c) and (d) compare?


(e) The following procedure will show you how to measure the Norton current and resistance when the
circuit schematic is assumed unknown. The value of IN can be determined by replacing the 160-
resistor by a short circuit and measuring the short-circuit current. You can accomplish this by removing
the 160- resistor and replacing it by the ammeter section of the DMM. Please fill in the value.
IN measured = _____________A
How do the IN values in (b) and (e) compare?

(f) RN is now experimentally determined by first calculating IN/2 using the measured value from part
(e). For the Norton equivalent circuit with RL = RN, we get IL = IN/2.
 ______________ A
As shown in Fig. 6-1(b), remove the 160- resistor and connect the 1-k potentiometer and ammeter in
a series configuration between points a-b. Turn on the supply and vary the potentiometer until the

ammeter reading is IN/2. Then remove the potentiometer and measure its value, which should be equal to
RN measured = ____________
Note: Since the internal resistance of the ammeter in our lab is relatively larger than expected, you
would notice some difference in the RN values measured in (b) and (f).

(g) We will now construct the Norton equivalent circuit defined by the calculated values of R N and IN
from part (b). First construct the network of Fig. 6-2.

Figure 6-2

Then vary the dc supply voltage until the DMM indicates the value of IN from part (b). Record the
values of V and IN.
Vi = _____________ V, IN = ______________ A

Next remove the DMM and, using it as an ohmmeter, set the 0-1-k potentiometer to the value of RN
from part (b). Now insert the potentiometer in the circuit of Fig. 6-3(b)
RN = ____________

The network of Fig. 6-3(b) is the Norton equivalent circuit. The 0-1-k potentiometer is equivalent to
RN, and the 10-k resistor in series with the dc source is the equivalent current source. The 10-k
resistor is chosen to ensure minimum sensitivity on IN to the smaller resistor value connected in parallel
in Fig. 6-3(b).

(a) (b)
Figure 6-3

Measure the voltage Vab and compute IL using the measured resistor value.

Vab = _____________ V, IL = _______________ A

How does the IL value here compare with the calculated level from part (c)? Has the Norton equivalent
circuit been verified with respect to Fig. 6-1?

Part 7: 1st-order R-L circuit

Part 7-1: VL, VR, and I versus Frequency
(a) Construct the network as shown in Fig. 7-1. Insert the measured resistance value. For the frequency
range of interest, we will ignore the effects of the internal resistance of the inductor.

(b) Please first connect the output of the function generator to the oscilloscope to make sure that you get
4 V (p-p) before connect to the RL circuit. Record the voltage VL(p-p) for the frequencies appearing in
Table 7-1. DO NOT MEASURE THE VOLTAGE VR AT THIS POINT! The grounds of the supply and
the scope are connected together and thus will short out the effect of the inductor when you measure VR
directly. And doing so may result in damage to the equipment.

2 k

Figure 7-1

(c) Turn off the supply and interchange the positions of R and L in Fig. 7-1 (VERY IMPORTANT!) and
measure VR(p-p) for the same frequencies. Write down the measurements in Table 7-1.

(d) Calculate I p  p  VR p  p  / Rmeasured and insert the values in Table 7-1.

(e) Calculate the reactance XL (=VL(p-p)/ I(p-p), magnitude only) at each frequency and insert the values in
Table 7-1. Also, calculate the reactance (XL(calculated) = 2fL) at each frequency using the inductance value
(10 mH) and complete the table.

Table 7-1
Frequency VL(p-p) (V) VR(p-p) (V) I(p-p) (A) XL(measured) = XL(calculated) =
(kHz) VL(p-p)/ I(p-p) 2fL
(f) How do the measured and calculated values of XL compare?

(g) Plot the measured value of XL versus frequency on Graph 7-1. Is the resulting plot a straight line?
Should it be? Why?

(h) Use the measured XL on Graph 7-1 to calculate a reasonable value for L from L = XL/2f.

L(measured) = ____________H

XL (k)

f (kHz)
Graph 7-1

(i) Plot the curve of VL(p-p) vs. frequency on Graph 7-2 and label the name of the curve.

(j) Plot the curve of VR(p-p) vs. frequency on Graph 7-2 and label the name of the curve.

(k) As the frequency increases, describe in a few sentences what happens to the voltages across the
inductor and the resistor. Explain why.

(l) At the point where VL = VR, does the reactance XL = R? Should they be equal? Why? Record the level
of voltages and the impedance of each element below.

VL = VR = ______________ V

XL = _______________
R = ______________

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Graph 7-2

(m) Determine VL(p-p) and VR(p-p) at some random frequency such as 50 kHz from the curves.

VL(p-p) = _____________ V, VR(p-p) = _______________ V

Are the magnitudes such that VL(p-p) + VR(p-p) = E(p-p)? If not, why not? Please explain.


(n) Plot the curve of I(p-p) vs. frequency on Graph 7-3.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Graph 7-3

(o) How does the curve of Ip-p vs. frequency compare to the curve of VR(p-p) vs. frequency? Explain why

they compare as they do.


(p) Calculate the voltage VL(p-p) at a frequency of 40 kHz using the measured L (from (h)) and R, and

compare with the measured result of Table 7-1.


VL(p-p) (calculated) = _____________ V, VL(p-p) (measured) = _____________ V

(q) At low frequencies the inductor approaches a low-impedance short-circuit equivalent and at high

frequencies a high-impedance open-circuit equivalent. Do the data of Table 7-1 and Graph 7-2 and 7-3

verify the above statement? Comment accordingly.


Part 7-2: The Total Impedance ZT versus Frequency

(a) Transfer the results of Ip-p from Table 7-1 to Table 7-2 for each frequency.
Table 7-2
Frequency (kHz) Ep-p (V) Ip-p (mA) ZT = Ep-p / Ip-p
ZT  R 2  X L2

1 4
5 4
10 4
15 4
20 4
25 4
30 4
35 4
40 4
60 4
80 4
100 4

(b) At each frequency, calculate the magnitude of the total impedance using the equation

ZT  E p  p / I p  p in Table 7-2.

(c) Plot the curve of measured ZT vs. frequency on Graph 7-4 and label the curve.

(d) For each frequency calculate the total impedance using the equation ZT  R 2  X L2 and the

measured values of R and XL. Insert the results in Table 7-2.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Graph 7-4

(e) How do the magnitudes of ZT compare for the last two columns of Table 7-2?

(f) On Graph 7-4, plot measured R vs. frequency. Label the curve.

(g) On Graph 7-4, plot measured XL vs. frequency. Label the curve.

(h) At which frequency does X L  R based on the measured values? At which frequency does
X L  R based on the nameplate values of L and R?

f = ____________Hz (from graph), f = ______________Hz (from nameplate values)

(i) For frequencies less than the frequency calculated in part 7-2(h), is the network primarily resistive or

(j) The phase angle by which the applied voltage leads the same current is determined by

  tan1  X L / R  . Calculate the phase angle using the measured R and XL for each of the frequencies in

Table 7-3.
Table 7-3
Frequency (kHz) R (measured) () XL ()  = tan-1(XL/R) (degree)

(k) At a frequency of 1 kHz, does the phase angle suggest a primarily resistive or inductive network?
Explain why.

(l) At a frequency greater than 80 kHz, does the phase angle suggest a primarily resistive or inductive
network? Explain why.

(m) Plot  versus frequency for the frequency range 1 kHz to 100 kHz on Graph 7-5. At what frequency
is the phase angle equal to 45? At 45, what is the relationship between XL and R?

f (measured  = 45) = _________________Hz

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Graph 7-5

Part 8: Series R-L-C circuit

(a) Construct the network of Fig. 8-1. Insert the measured resistance value. Ignore the effect of inductor
resistance in the following analysis.

330 H

50 nF

Figure 8-1

(b) Measure all the component voltages with E = 8 V(p-p) at 30 kHz. Make sure the element is placed in
the position of the capacitor C as in previous experiments.

VR(p-p) = ______________ V, VL(p-p) = ______________ V, VC(p-p) = ______________ V

(c) Determine Ip-p from Ip-p = VR(p-p)/Rmeasured.

Ip-p = _____________ A

(d) Calculate ZT from ZT = Ep-p/Ip-p.

ZT = _____________

(e) Using the nameplate values for L and C and the measured value for R, calculate Z T and compare to
the result of (d).

ZT(calculated) = ____________

 
(f) Please explain why E p  p  V R2 p  p   V L p  p   VC  p  p  2 , and compare with your measured

values. Is the measured value of Vc(p-p) reasonable? Please explain.

(g) Use the voltage divider rule to calculate the voltage Vab(p-p).

Vab(p-p) (calculated) = ______________V

(h) Measure the voltage Vab(p-p) and compare to the result of (g).

Vab(p-p) (measured) = _______________V


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