Design Study of Power Plant System For Non-Rigid Airship
Design Study of Power Plant System For Non-Rigid Airship
Design Study of Power Plant System For Non-Rigid Airship
3) Dumping Helium:
In this method, the equivalent weight lost
in terms of fuel used is compensated by
releasing Helium. However, this method
leads to a substantial increase in operating
cost, since Helium is a very expensive and
rare source, hence it should be only as the
last resort, such as during emergencies. Fig. 2: SFC for different aero engines and
their application for various airborne
Innovative efforts towards development of vehicles
efficient ballast recovery systems using
Solar, Fuel cells and/or battery powered
airships will probably provide a lasting
solution to this problem. Fig. 1 explains
It can be seen that there is little difference Further, the choice of the engine type is also
at these two ratings and relatively small influenced by the total operating cost i.e.,
differences over the full power range for initial cost, running cost in terms of
H-T-A machines. maintenance expenses and fuel as well as the
Airships operate at take-off power settings effect of the weight on payload to be carried.
for very short periods (typically 30
seconds), in order to obtain short field
lengths and high take off heaviness, and
cruise at much lower percentage powers.
A typical power on a small airship cruising
at about 55 kmph could be less than 20 %
of the TOP. At this low power, SFC for all
engines are higher especially for turbines
where they may be up to over four times
that either TOP or MCP. The poor SFC of
turbines at lower power is possibly
explained by their self-sustaining ground
idle fuel flow. One of the most popular
small turbines has the fuel flow at ground Fig. 3: Propulsion system weight +fuel
idle (zero horsepower) of 34 kg/hr/eng. A weight Vs duration for two different
similar sized piston engine equipped, small engine types
airship could be cruising at in excess of 64
kmph with this total ship fuel flow. Power off-take
For short duration flights, there may be Electrical power demand to drive systems
advantages in using turbines. This is such as air conditioning in passenger
because of their lighter installation weight airships, or missions fit for military
compared with currently certified piston operations, tends to be much greater now
engines (it may be possible to mount them than in previous years. Because of the very
outboard and vector them if their oil low power required to propel the airship,
system allows). However the flight systems consume a much higher percentage
duration at which the turbine-powered ship of the total power required than on H-T-A-
becomes less attractive than one powered aircraft.
by reciprocating engines, becomes lower Compared with an H-T-A aircraft (requiring
as cruise speed increases. This is because 5 to 15 % of the total engine power to drive
the higher fuel flow of the turbine- the electronics), on some of the military
powered ship will cancel the advantage of systems that have been investigated in the
their lighter installation weight of the airship role, the electrical power required has
engine above this duration. The duration at been well over 65% of the total power
which this happens can be determined by required at low medium cruise speeds. This
constructing a chart shown in Fig. 3 for the means that the fuel used to generate the
size of the airship and power plants being electrical power requirement may be
considered. considerably greater driver in determining
This chart should be calculated for all the the duration of the ship than the propulsive
engines. If no form of ballast recovery is power required as they are both included as
fitted, the amount of fuel used (including parts of the maximum ‘in flight’ fuel usage.
reserves and ballast that may be dumped) It follows that much care must be taken in
must not exceed the difference between deciding how this power should be taircraft
maximum heaviness and maximum APUs are invariably powered by small
lightness in normal use. turbines with poor SFCs (by L-T-A
standards) and are mainly producers of large
the complete thrust arising from the engine airship takes- off, the total thrust is diverted
driven propeller has to be directed towards bottom by adjusting the angles of
downward. Thrust vectoring systems are the vanes, as shown in Position three in Fig.
required to achieve this. Based on the 4. The desired position of the vanes when
weight of the propulsion system, thrust the airship is in Cruise mode is also shown
vectoring system weight is 0.12 to 0.16 kg in Fig. 4.
per kg of vectored mass of air, which is
only a small part (4% to 6%) of the whole Provision can be made to position the
propulsion system weight as stated by louvers at any desired intermediate position
Craig in [1] also, allowing any desired split between
The two configurations for providing upward and forward components of the
thrust vectoring are possible, viz.: thrust forces. Lofting of the cross section
1.Combined Ducted propeller-engine from circular to square or rectangular is
Thrust vectoring system: - The required for achieving minimum fabricating
complete thrust system comprising cost by making identical louver vanes.
engine, propeller and duct collectively Since undesirable gyroscopic torque is
rotated as desired. In this type, efforts removed, as there is no rotation of engine-
required are more due to addition of propeller-Duct system, lesser effort is
gyroscopic torque. Also, because of required to move all vanes simultaneously
increased torsional moments while through their respective angular displace-
rotating, required load bearing ments. Also there is no need to provide more
members gets increased leading to members for load bearing, thus leading to
additional gondola weight. Thus minimum weight of the gondola. This is a
engines can not be put little away from suitable option from reliability, thrust
the gondola so as to have minimal recovery and ease of manufacturing and for
noise and vibrations. Despite of all effortless operation.
these effects, system is quite simple to However, to use such a configuration as a
realize and can be worked out for small thrust vectoring system, some experiment-
airships. ation has to be carried out so as to obtain the
2. Multiple louver vane system: - This data about the performance of the whole
system basically consists of circular configuration to obtain the net thrust and
duct over the propeller which is then normal force available from the engine +
lofted in square/rectangular shape. At propeller + thrust vectoring louver system for
this end, some louver shaped vanes are various louver angles.
attached in a circular fashion as shown
in the Fig. 4.
This vehicle can be suitably instrumented, Effect of power plant related design
and force, torque and fuel flow measure- features and options:
ment can be carried out by running it at a The choice of engine type (Diesel or Petrol)
uniform speed on a smooth road or level affects the engine specific fuel consumption
test tracks. Alternatively, the above studies and weight per unit power. These parameters
could be carried out by mounting the power were taken as 0.46 lb/(HP-hr) and 0.85
plant assembly in an Open-Jet wind tunnel. kg/HP for Petrol engines and 0.37 lb/(HP-hr)
and 1.025 kg/HP for Diesel engines,
Methodology for sizing and selection of respectively, which are the average of the
an airship engine: values suggested by Cheeseman in [1].
A methodology for arriving at the baseline The choice of normally aspirated v/s
specifications of a non-rigid airship of supercharged engine affects the value of the
conventional configuration, given the power lapse factor with altitude, which, for
performance and operational requirements normally aspirated piston-prop engines was
has been developed as part of the ongoing estimated using the formula in Eq. 1
Program on Airship Design & suggested by Raymer [3]. For supercharged
Development (PADD) at IIT, Bombay. engines, kalt is assumed to be unity.
This methodology uses statistical data ⎛ (1 − σ crH ) ⎞
related to existing airships, and arrives at k alt = σ crH − ⎜ ⎟ (1)
⎝ 7 . 55 ⎠
the geometric parameters based on
empirical and semi-empirical equations,
Where, kalt, scrH are lapse factor with altitude
most of which were taken from standard
and air density at cruising altitude. The use
design textbooks such as Khoury & Gillett
of ducted propeller leads to improved
[1], Raymer [3] and Stinton [4]. The
propeller efficiency lower noise levels and
methodology calculates the power
higher operational safety near ground, at the
requirements based on the operational
cost of increase in weight and complexity.
inputs such as Range, Cruising speed and
Stinton [4] has plotted the variation in
altitude, Pressure Height and Atmospheric
propeller efficiency of propellers and ducted
conditions. The details of the methodology
fans with airspeed. The mean values of
are reported in [2], due to paucity of space.
propeller efficiency for un-ducted and
The selection of a particular power-plant
ducted fan in the speed range of 70 to 90
related design feature or option as listed in
kmph were taken as 0.53 and 0.76,
Table 1 has a direct effect on some of the
respectively. The weight of the un-ducted
parameter values, as discussed below.
propeller, ducted propeller and the duct was
taken as 0.175, 0.125 and 0.375 kg /HP,
Design respectively, which are the mean of the
Option 1 Option 2
Feature range for these values suggested by Craig in
Engine Type Diesel Petrol [1].
Engine Normally Supercharg Provision of thrust vectoring leads to an
Charging aspirated ed additional weight penalty, which is estimated
Propeller as 14% of the weight of the vectored mass.
Ducted Un-ducted
Type This value is the mean of the range
Thrust suggested by Craig in [1].
Present Absent
Vectoring A simple transmission system with no
Transmission separate accessory gearbox was assumed to
Simple Complex
system weigh 0.17 kg/HP installed power. On the
Table 1: The optimal design features for other hand, a complex system including
initial sizing of the power plant accessory drives was assumed to weigh
0.275 kg/HP of installed power. These
figures are the mean of the ranges suggested