2015-CE-I-CT-O-20-1 Dated 13.09.2024
2015-CE-I-CT-O-20-1 Dated 13.09.2024
2015-CE-I-CT-O-20-1 Dated 13.09.2024
As per list attached.
In modification to letters under reference, Board has decided to amend the powers for
acceptance of Works Tenders, as indicated below:-
i. Where no AGM is posted, such tenders shall also be accepted by GM.
ii. The Tender Committee for Tenders to be accepted by 'CHOD in SA Grade' shall be of
SA Grade level.
iii. item no.vii above:
The powers shall be exercised for tenders related to Signaling, LTE, Kavach,
Electrification & 2x25kv works only.
2. This issues with the concurence of the Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.
ufi r*gt,n
or{u5656qqr6fr Ad-ifr .gsrzffi d*
[Phone: 030-44803: Rly: 0I L-23383379:MTNL]
e-mail address : [email protected]
No.2015/CB-llcTlol20ll New Delhi, Dated 13.09.2024
Copy forwarded for information to:
1. The PFAs, All Indian Railways.
2. Dy. Comptroller and Auditor General of India (Railways), Room No.224, Rail Bhawan,
New Delhi <-
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e{FFcT HSFR Government of India
1.1.1 For tenders having valuc uoto and including Rs 50 lalfi - Dfuect acceptance of
tender by concerned executive in Selection Grade /JAG level or Sr. Scale level
holding independent charge (subject to para 1.1.2 below). Letter of Acceptance
shall be issued only with the prior vetting of associate flrnance with respect to
the items, rates & quantities accgpted by the Accepting authority. The
Accepting authority while accepting the tender shall record a reasoned note
with regard to tender evaluation and acceptance th€ form of detailed
speaking order. The Aocepting authority shall be responsible to ensure that:
a) No splitting has been done wtrile inviting tender to b'ring it wi0fn the ambit
of power of diroct acceptance of tender.
c) The tender scbedule has been prepared as per rates, items and quaotities
provided within the sanctioned deailed estirnate.
1.1.2 [n case the tender notice period is less than 21 days or accepting authority
intend to accept offer other than lowest financial offer; direct acceptance of
tertder is not allowed in the tender upto and including Rs 50 lakh. Such tenders
shall be dealt by Tender Committee, constituted as per para 1.1.3 below.
1.1.3 For e-tenders above Rs 50 lakh and upto and including Rs 5 cpre- The Tender
Committee strall be constituted with two members out of which one should
essentially be from the Finance Departnent and the other from the concerned
Executive Departnent.
1.1.4 The existing practice of tlvee members Tender Committee shall be applicable
for worla e-tender of value more tlwn Rs 5 crore, *cepl tor Compocitc
. Tendets, where Tendcr Commiace can be constituted withfour ttumbers.
r.2.1 For tenders having value upto and including Rs 20 lakh- The Tender
Committee shall be constituted with two members out of wtricb, one should
essentially be from the Finance Departrient and the other from the concerned
Executive Departnent.
2. This issues with ttte concwrerrce of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
mtffiI fre{rol frfrdr SdDdV ffi drt
[Phone: 0lL-23383379; Rly no. 03044803]
For Financial CommissionerlRailways
G*m.raY E$laD,
s) Befare releaeing the atage payrrent, the contractor shall ineure the
material at hie own coet in favuur of Railways against theft,
dam*ges, fire ste.
hl SteWR payment in all such casea sha$ not bc Erore than 75% of the
rate of eteel au,arded in the conFact. The balance payment shall be
relea*d only afner the material is aetual$ consumed in the work.
iI Tlrc prica variation clairn for eteel would contirrrre to be gwerrred as
per e*ant PV clause and with referrence to deliwry at sitc.
2. Sc€arflty DGFo*lt
{b} rhg rat* of r€enr}€ry shouJd fu at the rate of lM af the &i& amounf
tif the full seatrttg deposit is recotnred,
{4 fua*rily Deposrt wia tu rcwuered onlg fiom the rurming brlls o/ rhs
wntrwt and no ather mde af wllr,d;ing sD such c,s sD in t*w form. af
insfrumenI.s ft'k€ BG FD efc. stwll be awpted, tawands secunfu
@rti@te. mte wtifimte, inter dia, sho,LM menti*a thlrt t/le work hrrs
been wmptet& in all rcspec{s and that alt tLtc clntrvt4r.tal obligsfians hfiia
bcen ,r-?$t$sd W tlre wntractars and tlwt thete ls no dtxe fiom the
com&sr{*{rr. lo #*ifiuagrr rynninsf #w oontmcs ffiIerftd,EeSltB releaslrryl
t 16 SD, an un*ndttionf,l and unequiusc.d no clcim oertiftate ftwrl tltc
mntracfor @nerrt ed shattld be abtgJineff,
(1) The incendve bonue polable shall not be more than 1% nf the
initiel contraet value or revised contract value whichever is less
for every one month of early eompletion ahead of the original
completion period or revised completion period whichever is
(iil Ttre msximum incentiye payable shalt not be more than 6Yo of
the original contract rralue or rrvised contract value whichever is
(ii$ This incentive scheme shell not apply if extension to the original
cornpletion period is given irrespective af on whose account
(Rail*;.nys account or contractore account|"
{iv} Period less t}ran a month will not be reckcned for the incenlive
honus caiculari*n.
T" Adoptlon of $po Frckot Syrtcu of tcnderlag for hlgh nalue
8. gfrglo ?eu&r
p ArytriS
Itrucutltr Dfiucfior Gaual ^Brggr,(e )
Railuray Board
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For .fllnancla I Conrniscloner ficltnrclrs,