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2015-CE-I-CT-O-20-1 Dated 13.09.2024

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SII{tT SttFR / Government of India

td dTl-6l.q i Nlinistry of Railways

@qtg I Railway Board)

No.20 I S/CE-A CT I O I 20 I I New Delhi, Dated 13.09.2024

As per list attached.

Sub: Powers of Acceptance for Works Tenders

Ref: (i) Railway Board's letter No. 2007|CE-UCT/18 dated 07.03.2008
(ii) Railway Board's letter No. z0lllCE-UCTl9 dated 10.09.2020
(iii) Railway Board's letter No. 2OlslCE-ACTlOlzD/l dated 14.09.2021,28.05.2024

In modification to letters under reference, Board has decided to amend the powers for
acceptance of Works Tenders, as indicated below:-

Powers for Acceptance of Works Tenders Accepting Authority

for all Works Contracts including EPC
Tenders (For each Tender)
(D Upto Rs. 50 Lakh Selection Grade/JA Grade/Sr. Scale holding
independent charge, subject to stipulation
mentioned in letters under reference (i) & (ii)
(ii) Upto Rs.4 Crore Selection Grade/JA Grade
(iii) Above Rs. 4 Crore and upto Rs. 50 SAG/ADRM
(iv) Above Rs. 4 Crore and upto Rs. 100 SAG in Construction
(v) Above Rs. 50 Crore and upto Rs. 100 DRtv{/ CW]v{/ CHOD in SA Grade
(vi) Above Rs. 50 Crore and upto Rs. 300 AGM/PHoD in HAG
Tii) AUo"e Rs. 50 Crore and upto Rs. 1000 PCEE, PCSTE & CAOiRE in HAG
(viii) Full Powers CAO/Construction in HAG & General

i. Where no AGM is posted, such tenders shall also be accepted by GM.
ii. The Tender Committee for Tenders to be accepted by 'CHOD in SA Grade' shall be of
SA Grade level.
iii. item no.vii above:
The powers shall be exercised for tenders related to Signaling, LTE, Kavach,
Electrification & 2x25kv works only.

e,J, e nft- |6i


2. This issues with the concurence of the Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.

ufi r*gt,n
or{u5656qqr6fr Ad-ifr .gsrzffi d*
[Phone: 030-44803: Rly: 0I L-23383379:MTNL]
e-mail address : [email protected]
No.2015/CB-llcTlol20ll New Delhi, Dated 13.09.2024
Copy forwarded for information to:
1. The PFAs, All Indian Railways.
2. Dy. Comptroller and Auditor General of India (Railways), Room No.224, Rail Bhawan,
New Delhi <-

For Member Finance


LIST FOR DISTRIBUTION (No.20 I S/CE-UCT/O I 20 I l, diled 13.09.2024)

l. General Managers, All Indian Railways & Production Units

2. General Manager (Con), N.F. Railway, Guwahati
3. General Manager /CORE, Allahabad
4. Chief Adminisfative Offrcers (Con), All Indian Railways (Except N.F. Railway)
5. Principal Chief Engineers, All Indian Railways
1. CAO, COFMOW, Tilak Bridge, New Delhi
2. Principal CAO, Diesel Loco Modernization Works, Patiala (Punjab)
3. CAO (Workshop Projects), Chamber Bhawan, Judge's Court Road, Anta Ghat, Patna-800001, Bihar
l. Director General, RDSO, ManakNagar, Lucknow
2. Director General, NAI& Vadodara
3. Director General, IRICEN, Pune - 4l I 001 (Maharashfra)
4. Director General, IRIEEN, PB No.-233, Nasik Road42210l (Maharashtra)
5. Director General, ruSET, Taa Naka Road, [alla Gudq Secunderabad-5000l7
6. Director, IRIMEE, Jamalpur Distt-Jamalpur, PIN-S11214 (Bihar)
7. Director General, IRITM, Sarswati Residential Estate, TRITM Campus, Manak Nagar, Lucknow
l. CMD, CONCO& Concor Bhawan, C-3, Mathura Roa4 Opp. Apollo Hospital, New Delhi- I10076
2. CMD, IRCON International Limite4 C4, District Centre, Saket, New Delhi- I10017
3. CMD, RITES Ltd., RITES Bhawan, Plot No.l, Sector-29, Gurgaon
4. CMD, RVNL, August Kranti Bhawan,Plot No.25, I't Floor, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi
5. CMD, MRVC Ltd., Churchgate Station Bldg, Mumbai- 400020
6. CMD, KONKAN Railway Corporation Ltd, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi-l 10001
7. MD, DFCCIL, 5m Floor, Pragati Maidan Metro Station Building Complex, New Delhi-l 10001
8. Chairman, RLDA, Near Safclarjung Railway Statioq Moti Bagh, Phase-I, New Delhi- I10021
9. MD, CRIS, Chanakyapur, New Delhi
10. CMD, RailTel Corporation of India Ltd. Plot No. 143, Institutional Area, Sector44, Gurgaon - 122003
I I . CME, IROAF, 126 Floor, Core- 1 , Scope Minar, Distt. Cente, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi- t 10092
12. CMD, IRFC Limited, UG Floor, EastTower, NBCC Place, Bhisham Pitamah Marg, LodhiRoad, Pragati
Vihar, New Delhi
13. CMD, IRCTC Ltd., 8-148, I lth Floor, Statesman House, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi I 10001
14. CMD, Braithwaite & Co. limited, 5 Hide Road Kolkata 700043
Copv to:
t. General Secretary IRCA' DRM Office, New Delhi
2. General Secretary, AIR-F, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi
3. General Secretary, NFIR, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi
4. General Secretary, IRPOF, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi
5. General Secretary, FROA, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi
6. General Secretary, AIRPA, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi
7. General Secretary, AISC & STREA5 Rail Bhawan, New Delhi
8. The Secretary, RBSS, Group (A) Offrces Association, Rail Bhawan
9. The Secretary, RBSS, Group @) Offrces Association, Rail Bhawan
10. General Secretary, RBSSS Association, Rail Bhawan
11. fne Secretary, RBMSA Rail Bhawan
12. fne Secretary, Railway, Group (D) Employees Associatior\ Rail Bhawan
1. Concerned PSO for kind information of Chairman cum CEO, M/Infra, M/T&RS M/O&BD, M/Finance,
Railway Board
2. Adv./M& EDPGAIR, OSD/M& OSR(Co-orO/MR
3. Chief Vigilance Officers, All Indian Railways
4. DG(RHS), DG(RPF), AM(CE), AM(Works), AM(B), AM(Elec.), AM(RS), AM(ME), AM/Tele,
AM/C&IS, AM/Sig., AM(Plg.), PED(B&S), PED(Vigilance), EDCE(P), PED/Safety, PED/Gati Shakti,
EDCE(G), EDTK(M&MC), EDCE(B&S), EDF(X), ED/GS(Civil-I), ED/GS(Civil-II), ED/GS(Elect.),
EDIGS(S&T), ED/GS/SD, EDW(Plg.), ED(L&A), ED(PSU), EDVE, ED(Safery), ED(Sig. Dev.), ED(
Tele), EDRS(G), EDEE(G), EDFE, EDE(N), ED(Accounts), ED/T&MPP, EDME(Chg.), EDME(FrI.),
ED/Plg., JS(conf), JS(P), JS(G), JS(D), Vigilance-Ill, Vig(Conf) of Railway Board.

hrfr L6
?u tL t7,1.L+ t;+

e{FFcT HSFR Government of India

tfr dTffiqMinistry of Railways

(H qt6) tRuitway Board)

No. 2017ICE-UCT/9 New Delhi, dated 10.W.2020

As per list attached

Sub: Simplification of Procedure for Acceptance of Works Tenders

Ref: l. Railway Board's lefferNo. 20L7!CE-VCT/9 dated 07.03.2008
2. Railway Board's letrerNo. 20L7ICE-UCT19 datdII.W.2017
3. Railway Board's letter No. 2017 I CE-II CT 19 dated, 08.0 I .2020

l. In Modification of para-3 of Railway.Board's letter referred at (l) above and in

supersession of eadier instuctions issued by Railway Board vide Ietrer referied fr (2) &
(3) above, Board (IvflInfra, MF) have decided the following procedure for finalization of
works tender:
1.1 For open tcnders for Works invited throush e-tenderins:

1.1.1 For tenders having valuc uoto and including Rs 50 lalfi - Dfuect acceptance of
tender by concerned executive in Selection Grade /JAG level or Sr. Scale level
holding independent charge (subject to para 1.1.2 below). Letter of Acceptance
shall be issued only with the prior vetting of associate flrnance with respect to
the items, rates & quantities accgpted by the Accepting authority. The
Accepting authority while accepting the tender shall record a reasoned note
with regard to tender evaluation and acceptance th€ form of detailed
speaking order. The Aocepting authority shall be responsible to ensure that:

a) No splitting has been done wtrile inviting tender to b'ring it wi0fn the ambit
of power of diroct acceptance of tender.

b) Sanctioned detailed estimate is available.

c) The tender scbedule has been prepared as per rates, items and quaotities
provided within the sanctioned deailed estirnate.

1.1.2 [n case the tender notice period is less than 21 days or accepting authority
intend to accept offer other than lowest financial offer; direct acceptance of
tertder is not allowed in the tender upto and including Rs 50 lakh. Such tenders
shall be dealt by Tender Committee, constituted as per para 1.1.3 below.

1.1.3 For e-tenders above Rs 50 lakh and upto and including Rs 5 cpre- The Tender
Committee strall be constituted with two members out of which one should
essentially be from the Finance Departnent and the other from the concerned
Executive Departnent.

1.1.4 The existing practice of tlvee members Tender Committee shall be applicable
for worla e-tender of value more tlwn Rs 5 crore, *cepl tor Compocitc
. Tendets, where Tendcr Commiace can be constituted withfour ttumbers.

L.2 f,'of works tenderg other then para 1.1 above:

r.2.1 For tenders having value upto and including Rs 20 lakh- The Tender
Committee shall be constituted with two members out of wtricb, one should
essentially be from the Finance Departrient and the other from the concerned
Executive Departnent.

1.2.2 The existingpractice of three menbers Tender Committee

slwll be applicable
for tender of value more than Rs 20 lakh except for Composlle Tenders,
where Tender Corunlttee can be constitutedwithfour mcnberc.

2. This issues with ttte concwrerrce of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

mtffiI fre{rol frfrdr SdDdV ffi drt
[Phone: 0lL-23383379; Rly no. 03044803]

No. 2017/CE-VCT|9 New Delhi, dated 10.09.2020

Copy fonvarded for information to:

l. The Deputy Comptroller & Auditor General of India (Railways), Room No. 224, Rail Bhawan,
2. The PFAs, All Indian Railways

For Financial CommissionerlRailways
G*m.raY E$laD,

I.{*" 200?/CE- I lCTl ls New Delhi, Tft Mnr*h, 2ffiS


As per list attsehe<*.

tub; Empa*acaart of fhtd Orefall*gur (Effi Contnct mttGr$'

Bctt Bo r }lttffi ISn. l) 2OGI/CE-VGT l+lPt.l drtGf, tIll6,G.B(Xl6
lll ?3fIF.I/C*II3 &tGd lt.O.lrcl
iltl 3+lCf-IICT/{f drtGC l?.l0.mm
tvl 9{/CE.I/CT/+ drtcd llJil9..W
vt ffxIr I cBIf6T/ It d*hd tr&OB'3tffiI
rll ffiilIl80ffi If'Yl 17 dntsd O*' LP;rm66'

Subsegucnt b the issue of hrd'e letter datcd 28.9.07 citd as

refer.ence {v} abore, Eloald havc rcvie{rcd certain aepecto of exiating mrks
eontract rnanagemcnt practiner trix thc purpose sf flutfter enrpomrnrent
af field srggnizatisns in uror*s contrsct mattem. Accordfuryly, ertsin
existing elaueee in GCC heve been modified end aertain new cleuees
hgve bmn intrcduced as detaild beloun-

1. hjo hryrtrr* aa rugfir of *ad ttr ttrl Eorhr Cofi*mt.

Ae per the cxisting pracedure, payment for steel supplicd by a
sffIrls crmtr*ctor i* gcncrdty arrangcd onb flftcr sctusl u**g{c of atectr in
the work- Howcnrer, it has Row been decided that wtrere coagid*red
ne+essery by C,AO/C in contracts of rralue mott than Rs. 15 fiorc each, a
suitable clauec for meking etage payment lbr steel phyeical$" bnought hy
rhe contra*tar to ilre airc (even befonr it* actua! use in the ururk), rn*y be
incorprated as pf,rt of the tendcr conditions- This clause, intcr &Iirn,
should coyer the following aspeets :-

a) fire material *lell be strictly i$ accorda;rce with the contr*et


bl The tender schedule shall provide for individual NS rate to be

quoted by the tenderers for steel ecparately.

c) The material ehall be detivered *t site and properly stored under

covered sheds in measurable stacke.
I di Th* quantitie* of materide shall be broughr to the site only in auch
hstatlrnentx that u,ould facilitate smooth prosress of work and
consumed in reasonable time.

e] hper accourttal in the material regi*ter to be maintained in the

pre**ribed fbrmat at the eite for the receipt and uee of the xnaterial.

r) Ownerehip of such matrrid shgll be deemed to vest trith the

Railrays for which the eontractor should eubrnit an indernnity
bond in preecribed format

s) Befare releaeing the atage payrrent, the contractor shall ineure the
material at hie own coet in favuur of Railways against theft,
dam*ges, fire ste.

hl SteWR payment in all such casea sha$ not bc Erore than 75% of the
rate of eteel au,arded in the conFact. The balance payment shall be
relea*d only afner the material is aetual$ consumed in the work.
iI Tlrc prica variation clairn for eteel would contirrrre to be gwerrred as
per e*ant PV clause and with referrence to deliwry at sitc.

2. Sc€arflty DGFo*lt

As pff the Board's letter No.20O3/ CE,.U gt 14 lP{,,"t dared

12/ 16.05,20o6., following conditione for security depoeit waa preecribed:

'Ilntrec* ot mrunse spec{fed m th€ qpeua{ mnddfions, f any, ttw

seqrn{y @/Rate of rwwry/iltfode of rew,wry stralt be qrr wtfur:-

fal secunry oeposirpr ach wark shqrld fu tl: glntrac. tahuc,

5% of

{b} rhg rat* of r€enr}€ry shouJd fu at the rate of lM af the &i& amounf
tif the full seatrttg deposit is recotnred,

{4 fua*rily Deposrt wia tu rcwuered onlg fiom the rurming brlls o/ rhs
wntrwt and no ather mde af wllr,d;ing sD such c,s sD in t*w form. af
insfrumenI.s ft'k€ BG FD efc. stwll be awpted, tawands secunfu

SectriQl @posrr shall be rehlrned ta tile oontrador o.fier tlre phgmr'onl

mrnpfetion of tle w*rk cs oerttfied bg the competemt Autlwritg. Tlw
Competent Autlwrity slrcll rwnno,lly be thc uttlarity ruho rs ampetent to
sign the CIonrract. lf thi"s Competent Authority b of the rartk lauter tlwn JA
Grorie, theri a JA Grade Olfier {cancerned with the wark) should lssue fhe


@rti@te. mte wtifimte, inter dia, sho,LM menti*a thlrt t/le work hrrs
been wmptet& in all rcspec{s and that alt tLtc clntrvt4r.tal obligsfians hfiia
bcen ,r-?$t$sd W tlre wntractars and tlwt thete ls no dtxe fiom the
com&sr{*{rr. lo #*ifiuagrr rynninsf #w oontmcs ffiIerftd,EeSltB releaslrryl
t 16 SD, an un*ndttionf,l and unequiusc.d no clcim oertiftate ftwrl tltc
mntracfor @nerrt ed shattld be abtgJineff,

In padist modifiestion to the above inatnrctirnns, it h*rs now b*cn

decid€d that:-

{l} AItEr ttre wurk is plryeicaily eo,lnpltt*d, ecc,urity dep*it

rccffi*rd frsm the running bills a{ a snffictor can be rctufi!€d
to him if he Bo deeire*, in lierr of FDR/irruvpcable Benk
Guarantee for aquivalent smount to bc suhmiued bS, him.

{ii} ln csse of mnimcts of value Rs.$O cil)rrc artd aborne. irrevoe*hle

Bank Ouarante can aleo bc ereptd as a mode of obtaining
eecurity depoeil

&. 11roEcntorr fcadlr Cgrnlttar fu br&rr of vrlu: of,

**m htA ud lcrr ctcL.
In parti*t modifieation af Bocrd's $6ftGr No.72/Sl-I/eT/ 12 dattd
11.3.1981, it hag been drcidcd thst for WsEts Tesdcre of Yslue upto
Re.2O lal(h, rhc Tender Cmoittec shall hsaltcr be conedhrtcd \sith
only mo Membor* out af wlrich, onc furld ewntialty tt frorn thc
Acoaunts Deptt. arrd thc other fum drs mnegm*d Elrss$tive Deptt
Howcver, the existing practicc of thrte msmber Tlender Cornmittee rnill
conti*ue to be applicable for tcnders of valuc morc tlran Re.2O hkh each.

4. ulntrrm Trn&r nefie B6r&od k soqhctr of rurll vlht"

In partial modification to para 1238 of Engineering fode, it, has
been decided that CAO/C/DRM be empomlrd to reduce the nninimum
tender noticr period of onc month b 2l dsf* where eensiderad neceasa4r
u,ithout Finanw concurr*nce. Needlees to eayn this shoutd br resorted to
only s.fter the bid document, site sursey rqrorta, plena etc. ar: ready and
that *ueh reduetjon in Tender Nntice period doee not rcstrict the level of
ccmpetition. Flrrther rcduction cf this Terrdsr Notice period kom ?I d*yn
{but not less than tS days in any caso) in rare exceptional circumetances
in the case of *mall value works ehall be errcrciscd by CAOIC with the
concurrence *f the FA&CAO/C.


5. Elfgftruty Crltarh for Tottl Tend;ta

In partial rnodilication to para and 2,3"4.2 of Boand'* letter
No. 94lCE-IlCf14 dated I?.IS.20SZ end subsequent arnendmrnts
thereon, Board have reviewed the eligibility criteria that are presently
adopted and have decided as under:-

'IXre exieting eligibitity

criteria matr normally be taken as a general
guideline for adoption in rrorks tenders. Hourever, in case of *pecial
circrrmg,taqces, warranting eome relaxation in the effibility critsria,
CACIIC with the per*onal concurrencG of FA&CAO/C may e&ct
relqxetion in ttre existing eligibitity criteria prescribod in para and of Board's letter dated L7.LA.OQ neferred above, and eubaequent
alnendrnent* thereon. This relaxation would nd peraonal approval of
CAOIC and exercise of this por,er shall not be re-delegated. Moreover,
thes€ pourers shall be ercercisd judicioucty duly recording the special
circumatances surrounding the tender in questian and not in a routine

6" Inccnttrc Eonus Pryucct Chura.

Coneidering the *eed of early and tiras bor.md eunpletirn of
throughput enhancement wodrs primarb thosc eoming under the Fl,an
Heade Soublind and Tralfrc Facilities', it has been decided to introduce
an Ineentive Bonus Paymant "Clause ae part of tender eonditions in
tenders relatiag to such throughput enhsneem€rrt works- t'trie clauee,
inter alia, ahould cover the following parsmeters:

(1) The incendve bonue polable shall not be more than 1% nf the
initiel contraet value or revised contract value whichever is less
for every one month of early eompletion ahead of the original
completion period or revised completion period whichever is

(iil Ttre msximum incentiye payable shalt not be more than 6Yo of
the original contract rralue or rrvised contract value whichever is

(ii$ This incentive scheme shell not apply if extension to the original
cornpletion period is given irrespective af on whose account
(Rail*;.nys account or contractore account|"

{iv} Period less t}ran a month will not be reckcned for the incenlive
honus caiculari*n.

T" Adoptlon of $po Frckot Syrtcu of tcnderlag for hlgh nalue

Instructiorrs already exist tide Etoard's letter No.94lCp-llgff4

dated t7.Og.g7 for adopting two packet system of rcnderirrg for large
value arorks. Thes,e inatructions s-re again reiterated and Railways may
follon" two packet open tender systern instsad of reeorting to *ingle paeket
open tender for high value tendera. The Railway may alm resort to
prequslilication Bnder to avoid delays in verificatisn of credentiale of

8. gfrglo ?eu&r

As per Engineering Code Bera 1214-A, General il{enager* ar€

empowrrd to award contracts on single tender. In partial rnodilication
to this para, it has now been deeided to empower CAOIC with the
personal conclursrlce of FA&CAO/C to float and linaJise single tender:s of
value Rot mnne than Rs.2 crore each enly fnr the purpos€ of early
completion of lsst mile of throughput enhanoement u,ork relating to
Doublingl and Tralfic Facility' plan heade. Tender Committee in all such
caaes would be at SAG level with acceptanee by CAO/C. T?re exercise of
this Ssluer would be done pei:*onally by CAO/C udth the personal
concr-rtrence of FA&CAO I C.

9. Applic*Hoa of ilsblllntien Adrrrcae Ghuat end Intorcet R*ta

fur trobllt**tton Adrunccs"

?he rate of interest on ad.vances extended bry Railways to

contra*tofs qffi"s dournwardly revissd to L4Vn vide Bo&rd's letter
No,200?lCE.IleT/ tB detsd 28.ff9.?007. On a further revieul of tlis
clause, Board have decided as under:-

a) The inrcrest rate applicable to mobiliaation edrrance is further

reduced from 14% to LZo/o.
h) The mobilization advance clause henceforth be restricted only to
high value tenders of value Rs" 1O Crore and above each.

lO. .&mcadmcnt to Prles VarXatlou Ctauts ln Sortg eoutr*ct.

In partial modification to item 2 {iii} of Board's letter No.20O7/

CE-il*T/ 1S dated 28.Oq"2O07, it ha* been decided ts delete the existing
lower limit of SYt for disatlowing the P1/ claim.


l[. PErt Eatlsnsta

In partiet rnodification to item 4O(5) of Board's letter No.

F{x}IIl2o06/P\il117 dated 04.'12.2006, GMs are now authoriaed to
aanction part eetime.te costing upto of the total value of the wnrk, ae
originally sanctioned in the budget to incur expenditrrre tswarde
pretriminary activities viz., FLS, Geptnchnical Studies, Deeign, Prepamtion
of Flans, Drarnrings etc,

These modified clauees/previsions shall be applicable Erith

proepectirye effect in atl future work* eontraete-

Thia iasues with the eoncturence of Finance Eirectorate of Minietry

of Railways.

Please acknowledge the rcceipt.

p ArytriS
Itrucutltr Dfiucfior Gaual ^Brggr,(e )
Railuray Board

t{o.2007 ICH-t/gt I L8 07.03.2008

Copy forwarded for inforrnation bo:

i. FA&CAOs erd FA&CAOICs - all Indian Railways

ll Dy. Comptroller and Auditor General of India (Railways),
Room No. 224, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi (with 46 coBies)

r_4-_--> -+_
For .fllnancla I Conrniscloner ficltnrclrs,

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