Micro Present
Micro Present
Micro Present
Starting Abbreviating
The thing about… is… In a nutshell,
What I nd most interesting To cut a long story short…
about… is…
Sequencers Addition
First of all, What’s more,
To begin with, On top of that,
First and foremost, Besides that,
Secondly, Apart from that,
Finally, Another thing to consider is…
Last but not least, We shouldn’t forget that…
And to top it all off, It’s also worth bearing in mind
Adding Emphasis that…
(I don’t agree with him) at all. You know?
Without a shadow of a doubt. So,
By far the best/worst/biggest etc. I mean,
is… In other words
The park near my house is How can I put this?
especially/particularly beautiful
Contrast/Comparison Conclusion
On the one hand, on the other So to sum up,
hand, So in summary,
But actually… So to wrap up,
But in actual fact… So as I was saying,
However All in all,
Tourism in How we can Modern The worst The best
your city save the cinema thing about thing about
planet being a being a
teenager teenager
The most Ways to live Consumeris The effect The world in
important a healthier m the internet 20 years’
invention life is having on time
ever society
The Sexism in Differences The ideal The most
importance the media between holiday useful
of fashion your life and subjects at
nowadays your school
Modern Different Dating The most The best
music pressures nowadays useful thing way to study
that girls you own for exams
and boys
The best The perfect Smartphone Zoos and The best
place to go weekend addiction pets thing to
on a rst study at uni