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48 R. S. MYONG
Hypersonic vehicles at high flight altitudes experience various flow regimes: continuum,
slip, transitional, and free-molecular. Considerable parts of gas flows become highly non-
equilibrium [20] because of the high Mach number and the low density, giving rise to a
large Knudsen number. A similar situation, although from a different origin, namely, a small
scale of the characteristic length, can be found in microscale gas flows; a typical example
is internal flows in the channels of a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) [2, 19]. As
a consequence of the high degree of nonequilibrium, the Navier–Stokes equations that are
based on a small deviation from local equilibrium are inadequate for the aforementioned flow
problems and new theoretical tools of analysis beyond the classical theory are necessary.
Much effort has been put into the development of such computational methods using
hydrodynamic and kinetic approaches in the literature. One of the most successful methods
is the so-called direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method [6, 32], and it has been used
widely to investigate hypersonic rarefied gas flows. However, the computational cost is very
high in the regime near the continuum limit because it is based on tracking a large number
of statistically representative particles. To reduce the computational cost, hybrid methods
which couple an Euler or Navier–Stokes solver with the DSMC method were proposed [33].
Even though these approaches can provide some benefits, there exist nontrivial issues to
resolve if such approaches are to be successfully implemented: (1) when to switch between
the continuum and molecular theory methods; and (2) how to pass information from one
method to another so that an uninterrupted run of the solution procedure can be smoothly
and continuously made.
However, there are computationally practicable methods that originate from the ki-
netic theory of gases and come under the general category of the moment method or the
Chapman–Enskog method. These methods produce basically continuum hydrodynamic
equations such as the Burnett equations [14, 22], the Grad’s moment equations [16], the
BGK–Burnett equations [3], the moment equations based on the Gaussian moment clo-
sure [7, 24, 25], and the moment equations derived by the so-called extended thermody-
namics [28]. However, it is known that most of equations have difficulty ensuring that the
second law of thermodynamics—one of the fundamental natural laws—is satisfied for all
conditions of flow.2 The absence of the consistency with the laws of thermodynamics in
the aforementioned hydrodynamic approaches manifests itself in some defective behavior
of the computed solutions with regard to some aspects of the flow problem, when either the
shock-structure problem at a very high Mach number or the rapidly expanding flow [9] are
In this study, we consider an alternative method such that the second law of thermody-
namics is satisfied to every order of approximation or by whatever approximation made
to the distribution function. This thermodynamic consistency requirement is enforced by
identifying the quantity that is mathematically representative of the second law of thermo-
dynamics. This quantity is called the calortropy, which reduces to the entropy known in
equilibrium thermodynamics as the processes become reversible. In this regard it is useful
to recall that in thermodynamics the entropy is defined for reversible processes only. This
calortropy can be shown to obey a nonnegative inequality directly related to the H theorem
For example, refer to papers [3, 9]. It is safe to say that the entropy production of the Burnett-type equations
is not proved to be positive for all Knudsen numbers and flow conditions.
obeyed by the Boltzmann kinetic equation. The nonnegative inequality associated with the
calortropy production provides us a thermodynamically consistent hydrodynamic equations
for flow processes far removed from equilibrium. For further details of this line of theory the
reader is referred to the original literature [12, 13]. The salient basic elements of the theory
are the nonequilibrium canonical distribution function and the cumulant expansion for the
Boltzmann collision term. Especially, the cumulant expansion may be regarded as a partial
resummation of the expansion of the Boltzmann collision integral in a series of the Knudsen
number, and as such, it takes into account highly nonlinear irreversible processes to infinite
order. The first-order cumulant expansion takes a form of hyperbolic sine function whose
argument is given in terms of basically a Rayleigh dissipation function. It turns out that
the new equations possess an unusual feature that the two extreme regimes of rarefied and
high density are adequately covered; in other words, that both free-molecular and contin-
uum limits are uniformly described by the single formula of nonlinear dissipation function
arising from the first-order cumulant expansion for the Boltzmann collision integral. The
thermodynamically consistent set of hydrodynamic equations are called the generalized
hydrodynamic equations, and were applied to calculate the shock profile for high Mach
numbers, up to M = 30, in the works [1, 30]. It was shown that the results are comparable
with the Monte Carlo simulation results and are in good agreement with experimental data.
There exists, however, a stiff challenge posed by Eu’s generalized hydrodynamic equa-
tions as a computational tool for the simulation of gas flows in the multidimensional problem,
because they are highly nonlinear and complex. It was found in the previous work [30] that
the difficulty mainly resides in the complicated highly nonlinear form of the constitutive
relations. The nonlinear terms, which appear in the form of a hyperbolic sine function, are
intimately related to the calortropy production in the system. Because of the aforementioned
nonlinear terms, it becomes apparent that the generalized hydrodynamic equations cannot
be put into the hyperbolic system of partial differential equations, for which many numerical
methods are available. For this reason, the constitutive equations, which are in the form of a
nonlinear algebraic system and are coupled with the hyperbolic conservation laws, must be
solved by an iterative method. Since the system involves six components of stress tensor and
three components of heat flux vector, the computation will be very demanding. However,
by observing that higher order variables (stress and heat flux) change far faster than the
conserved variables, a method to overcome the computational difficulty can be found. The
idea is to solve the constitutive equations with the conserved variables held constant since
the conserved variables will remain constant on the time scale of change for the higher order
variables such as the stress tensor and the heat flux.
In the present work we aim to develop an efficient multidimensional computational
method for Eu’s generalized hydrodynamic equations on the basis of the aforementioned
idea, which is in essence the foundation of the so-called adiabatic approximation [12, 13].
This idea is in fact akin to the center manifold approximation [18]. Our interest here lies
mainly in the development of a computational method for the generalized hydrodynamic
constitutive equations, but not in a numerical method of the hyperbolic conservation laws.
In particular, the main aim is to develop an efficient method for the calculation of the shear
stress and the heat flux for multidimensional problems.
A key feature of the present computational method is that it is based on the hydrodynamic
equations, which are proven to be consistent with the thermodynamic laws and compatible
with the underlying macroscopic irreversible thermodynamics and at the same time are not
restricted to small Knudsen numbers. In principle, it should yield solutions for all Knudsen
50 R. S. MYONG
numbers and under any flow condition. Another feature is that the mathematical system
of equations, like the Navier–Stokes equations, is of parabolic type. The parabolic type
equations are used on the ground that it is very hard to find any preferential direction
of propagation in high-order moments (stress and heat flux), contrary to the case with
conserved variables whose evolution must be restricted by the hyperbolic conservation
laws. Such choice is also motivated from previous studies where, except for certain extreme
conditions, the Navier–Stokes equations are shown to remain surprisingly robust [21].
The present paper is organized as follows. First, some characteristic features of the gen-
eralized hydrodynamics are discussed vis à vis other mathematical models for gas transport
in the nonlinear regimes. We then introduce a generalized hydrodynamic computational
model and slip boundary conditions. In Section 4 a computational method is developed for
solving the generalized hydrodynamic equations. Specific differences between the present
method and previous methods will be discussed and pointed out. In the last section we
present some numerical results in order to evaluate the present model and the conclusion is
In the nonlinear regime or processes occurring far removed from equilibrium, for example,
in rarefied and microscale gas transport, the mean free path becomes comparable with the
characteristic length of the system. As a result, the Knudsen number becomes large. Since
the linear fluid dynamic approximations taken for the constitutive relations for the stress
tensor and the heat flux in the classical hydrodynamics are valid in the regime of small
Knudsen numbers, the Navier–Stokes equations become inadequate, and it is necessary
to use mathematical models in which the microscopic molecular nature of gas is fully
taken into account so that the large Knudsen number regime is properly accounted for.
Such mathematical models range from the Boltzmann equation, the DSMC solutions, and
the high-order fluid dynamic equations to either the deterministic equations of motion,
which are solved by molecular dynamics methods, or probabilistic equations, such as the
Klimontovich equation and the Liouville equation, which are solved by the Monte Carlo
method. The fluid dynamic equations should be derived from the solution for the Boltzmann
equation that in principle yields a theory of macroscopic irreversible processes compatible
with thermodynamics, if proper care is exercised in solving the kinetic equation so as to
satisfy the thermodynamic laws.
Mathematical models and solution methods for the description of the motion of gases
are summarized in Fig. 1. Only the generalized hydrodynamic equations are taken for
illustration, but other fluid dynamic equations may be used for a similar purpose. It can be
easily seen from Fig. 1 that the Boltzmann equation plays a central role in the hierarchy of
mathematical models. It was derived as an evolution equation for the singlet distribution
function of a gas by considering the collision dynamics of two particles and combining
it with a statistical assumption in the form of the molecular chaos. Since the molecular
chaos assumption is not of a mechanical nature, the Boltzmann equation is not a purely
mechanical equation of motion for a gas but should be regarded as a fundamental equation at
the mesoscopic level of description of macroscopic processes in a dilute gas. Although it is
a first-order differential equation in space and time, its solution becomes very complicated
because it is nonlinear owing to the collision integral, which is made up of products of
FIG. 1. Mathematical models and solution methods for the description of the motion of gases.
distribution functions. There can be an infinite number of solutions admissible for the
kinetic equation, from which a thermodynamically compatible solution must be chosen.
This means that given the Boltzmann equation as the kinetic equation the thermodynamics
on the evolution of macroscopic variables are necessary to obtain the phenomenologically
correct solution.
Conversely, the DSMC method is fundamentally different from solution methods of
the Boltzmann equation in the sense that it is not based on any mathematical equations,
but simulates directly the motion and interaction of particles. In essence, it starts from the
Liouville equation and tracks down a large number of statistically representative particles by
suitably taking into account the effect of particle collisions. Since this process corresponds
to the introduction of the molecular chaos assumption, it is generally believed that the
DSMC method is equivalent to solving the Boltzmann equation for a gas undergoing binary
The derivation of fluid dynamic equations from the Boltzmann equation begins with a
realization that there exist three collision invariants in the Boltzmann equation: mass, total
momentum, and energy. These are nothing but the hyperbolic conservation laws which can
be also derived from the viewpoint of continuum mechanics. A difference can be found
in methods to derive the equations of high-order terms, namely, the shear stress and the
heat flux. There exist two basically different methods: the Chapman–Enskog method and
the moment method. In the Chapman–Enskog method, the equations of high-order terms
are derived by expanding the distribution functions, under the assumption of functional
hypothesis, in series of Knudsen number and by substituting them into the Boltzmann
equation to generate a hierarchy of equations, which are then sequentially solved. The
hydrodynamic equations appear as the solvability conditions in this method. In the moment
method, the hydrodynamic equations are obtained by expanding the distribution functions
52 R. S. MYONG
in moments, and the evolution equations for moments are derived from the Boltzmann
equations by using the macroscopic variables for the moments assumed. It turns out that
both methods yield the Navier–Stokes equations as the first-order approximation for the
nonconserved variables such as the stress tensor and the heat flux, but there remains a
serious problem that the resulting high-order equations beyond the first order may not
generally be consistent with the thermodynamic laws. One of the reasons for this problem
is that the second law of thermodynamics is not fully incorporated into the formulations of
these methods, even though the laws of thermodynamics govern macroscopic irreversible
processes and play a critical role in yielding the phenomenologically correct solutions for
the Boltzmann equation.
However, Eu’s generalized hydrodynamics are derived in a way that the resulting equa-
tions are completely consistent with the second law of thermodynamics to every order of
approximations that may be taken. As in the moment method, distribution functions are
assumed to evolve as functionals of macroscopic moments, but their flux dependence is
derived from a careful examination of the H theorem as well as the calortropy production
associated with the H theorem. For the detailed discussion of the subtlety of the Boltzmann
kinetic theory and Eu’s generalized hydrodynamics, the reader is referred to his original
work [10, 12, 13].
+ ∇ · FT = 0, (1)
Here, Π̂0 and Q̂0 are determined by the Newtonian law of viscosity and the Fourier law of
heat conduction, respectively:
Π0 = −2η[∇u](2) , Q0 = −λ∇ ln T.
The asterisks are omitted from the aforementioned equations for the notational brevity,
U = ρu ,
ρu 0
F= ρuu + γ M 2 pI ,
Fv = Re ,
¡ ¢ Π·u+ 1
ρE + γM
2 p u EcPr
Nδ Nδ Q
Π̂ ≡ Π, Q̂ ≡ √ ,
p p T /(2²)
Nδ 1
∇ û ≡ −2η ∇u, ² ≡ ,
p PrEcTr /4T
sinh(c R̂)
q(c R̂) = ,
c R̂
R̂ 2 ≡ Π̂: Π̂ + Q̂ · Q̂.
The U is the vector made up of conserved variables and FT represents the sum of the inviscid
flux vector F and the viscous flux vector Fv . The Π and Q represent the shear stress and
the heat flux, respectively. The symbol [∇u](2) stands for the traceless symmetric part of
tensor ∇u and the term [Π · ∇u](2) represents the traceless symmetric part of the coupling
between the shear stress and velocity gradient tensor. It should be mentioned that in the
present study the term (Q̂ · ∇ û)/2Pr appearing in the original constitutive relation of heat
flux [30] is omitted from the constitutive relation (3) for the sake of simplicity. The M, Re,
Ec, and Pr are dimensionless fluid dynamic numbers: Mach, Reynolds, Eckert, and Prandtl
numbers, respectively. The caretbover a symbol represents a quantity with the dimension
of the ratio of the stress to the pressure. The subscript r stands for the reference state; for
example, the state of the inflow condition. The constant c, which is given by
· √ ¸1/2
2 π
c= A2 (ν)0[4 − 2/(ν − 1)] , (4)
has a value between 1.0138 (Maxwellian) and 1.2232 (ν = 3), where ν is the exponent of
the inverse power law for the gas particle interaction potential. The A2 (ν) is a pure number;
its tabulated values are available in the monographs on kinetic theory [8]. The η and λ
are the Chapman–Enskog viscosity and thermal conductivity. They can be expressed as
η = T s , λ = T s+1 where s = 12 + 2/(ν − 1).
For a monatomic gas, γ = 53 and Pr = 23 . For a perfect gas, the following dimensionless
relations hold:
p/γ M 2 1
p = ρT, ρ E = + ρu · u. (5)
γ −1 2
54 R. S. MYONG
measures the magnitude of the viscous stress relative to the hydrostatic pressure, so that it
indicates the degree of departure from equilibrium. It should be emphasized that terms in the
present constitutive relations appear multiplied by the composite number Nδ . Through this
number the new hydrodynamic Eqs. (1)–(3) take into account the effects of high Knudsen
and Mach numbers. As Nδ becomes small, the Navier–Stokes–Fourier constitutive relations
are recovered from the constitutive relations (2) and (3):
Π = Π0 and Q = Q0 . (6)
The unique feature of the new set of hydrodynamic equations is the existence of a highly
nonlinear factor q(c R̂) in the constitutive relations. It depends on a parameter R̂, which
is directly related to the Rayleigh dissipation function and gives a measure of departure
from equilibrium. This nonlinear factor q(c R̂) describes the mode of energy dissipation
accompanying the irreversible processes and directly related to the calortropy production
in the system [12]:
Since R̂ 2 , which is the sum of the double contraction of stress tensors and the dot product
of heat flux vectors, and q(c R̂) always remain positive, σent is inherently positive regardless
of the value of the Knudsen number, the order of approximations, and flow conditions.
Another feature is that the new equations are frame-independent; in other words, they are
not dependent on the motion of the observer. This is related to the fact that the generalized
hydrodynamic equations can be made corotational by using the Jaumann derivative [11].
Not all of the previously mentioned hydrodynamic equations satisfy such property, whereas
the Navier–Stokes equations always do.3
There remains the general question of whether constitutive relations should be frame-independent or not. It was,
however, generally accepted that correctly formulated constitutive relations were necessarily frame-independent
The subscript w stands for the wall and l is the mean free path. The slip velocity depends
on the mean free path, that is, the Knudsen number, accommodation coefficients σ , and the
normal gradient of the tangential velocity. The case of σ = 1 represents perfect diffusive
reflection. However, it should be noticed that the slip velocity is unbounded since either the
value of the Knudsen number or the normal gradient of the tangential velocity can be very
It is also instructive to mention that owing to the presence of an adjustable coefficient σ this
condition loses the predictability. Consequently, handling the boundary condition for high-
Knudsen-number gas flows becomes problem-dependent. Some calculations indicated that
the general solutions were highly dependent on the exact value of surface accommodation
coefficients [26] used.
In the present study, a new boundary condition is considered that not only recovers the
predictability but also facilitates a hydrodynamic treatment of the entire density regime
with a single formalism. It is expected that the present method can avoid the problems
inherent to the Maxwell–Smoluchowski condition. The present method takes the interfacial
gas–surface molecule interaction into account. A fraction α of molecules reaching thermal
equilibrium with the wall can be expressed, in the dimensional form, as [5, 29]
α= , (9)
1 + βp
where the parameter β depends on the wall temperature Tw and the interfacial interac-
tion parameters. By imagining the gas–surface molecule interaction process as a chemical
reaction, it is possible to express the parameter β in the form
µ ¶
Alr De `
β= exp · , (10)
k B Tw k B Tw lr
where k B is the Boltzmann constant, and where A is the mean area of a site and De is the
potential parameter. These parameters can be inferred from experimental data or theoretical
consideration of intermolecular forces and the surface–molecule interaction. The subscript
r stands for the reference value such as the value at the free-stream or the local value
adjacent to the surface, and ` is a mean collision distance between the wall surface and the
gas molecules at all angles [5]. When the characteristic length L is taken equal to `, the `/lr
is equivalent to 1/Kn. When the free-stream mean free path is taken as `, it becomes unity.
With α so calculated, the boundary values of temperature and velocity can be determined
by the weighted means
A general velocity slip boundary condition has been developed by Beskok and Karniadakis [4] that remains
bounded for all Knudsen numbers. It must be, however, noted that there still exists a possibility of unboundness
from a small σ or from a large gradient of tangential velocity.
56 R. S. MYONG
were used, where m is the molecular mass and K is the coefficient of the inverse power law
of interaction. For an Ar–Al molecular interaction model,
De = 1.32 kcal/mol, A = 5 × 10−15 cm2 , dSTP = 3.659 × 10−8 cm.
FIG. 2. Fraction of molecules reaching thermal equilibrium in the interface as a function of pressure in
logarithmic scale (` = L = 1 µm, Tw = 300 K).
The generalized hydrodynamic Eqs. (1)–(3), as is the case for the well-documented
Navier–Stokes equations, must satisfy the collision-free hyperbolic conservation laws,
U d V + FT · n d S = 0,
∂t V S
where S represents the bounding surface of the control volume V . Here it should be em-
phasized that these laws are the exact consequence of both kinetic theory and continuum
mechanics. Only after some approximations are made to nonconserved variables (stress
and heat flux), do they become approximate fluid dynamic equations. Therefore, most of
modern CFD schemes based on the hyperbolic conservation laws can be applied to treating
these equations. In the present study, the upwind scheme with van Leer’s flux vector splitting
solver [35] is used. The one-dimensional discretized form of the hyperbolic conservation
laws in the finite volume formulation can be expressed as
· ¸
4t n
Uin+1 = Uin − FT 1 − FnT 1 , (14)
4x i+
where U is the cell-averaged conserved variables, 4x is the size of i-cell, 4t is the time step,
and FT is the numerical flux function which gives the flux through cell interfaces. Note that
in the finite volume formulation the shear stress and heat flux are defined only on cell sur-
faces. Second-order accuracy can be obtained by using the MUSCL–Hancock method [36].
any procedure to solve the algebraic equations but must solve a hyperbolic system with
more variables, for example, the 35-moment equations in the case of Ref. [7]. In practice,
they also require a wall boundary condition for higher order variables, which often becomes
difficult to determine, if not impossible.
From this consideration, it becomes apparent that the present numerical method shares
more common features with the Navier–Stokes method than with other moment methods.
It is based on the hyperbolic system with five components of conserved variables. An
additional step is needed only when stress and heat flux appearing in the flux of the system
are calculated from the nonlinear algebraic constitutive equations.
3 2
R̂ 2 = 5̂ + Q̂ 2x .
2 xx
5̂ yy = 5̂zz = − 5̂x x .
The equations for the second solver are given in the form
5̂x x q 2 (c R̂) = − (5̂x x + 1)5̂2x y 0 , (17)
5̂x x = 5̂zz = − 5̂ yy
and the constraint
· ¸1/2
¡ ¢ 3
5̂x y = sign 5̂x y 0 − (5̂x x + 1)5̂x x . (18)
These can be solved by the method of iteration, which turned out to provide converged
solutions within a few iterations. For mathematical proof of convergence, the reader is
referred to the previous work [30]. The iteration procedures can be summarized as follows.
In the solver on (u x , 0, Tx ), for positive 5̂x x and Q̂ x ,
1 £ ¡ ¢ ¤
R̂ n+1 = sinh−1 c 5̂x x n + 1 R̂ 0
Q̂ xn+1 Q̂ xn Q̂ x0
= = ,
5̂x x n+1 5̂x x n 5̂x x 0
5̂x x 0
5̂x x n+1 =
q(c R̂ n ) − 5̂x x 0
¡ ¢
5̂x x n + 1 Q̂ x0
Q̂ xn+1 = .
q(c R̂ n )
sinh−1 (c R̂ 0 )
5̂x x 1 = 5̂x x 0 ,
c R̂ 0
sinh−1 (c R̂ 0 )
Q̂ x1 = Q̂ x0 .
c R̂ 0
In the solver on (0, vx , 0), the 5̂x x can be obtained for a given 5̂x y 0 through the equation
5̂2x y 0
5̂x x n+1 = − .
3q 2 (c R̂ n )/2 + 5̂2x y 0
FIG. 3. (a) Generalized hydrodynamics, and second-order Burnett constitutive relations relative to the Navier–
Stokes relations (argon, u x only, no heat flux). The horizontal and vertical axes represent the Navier–Stokes
relations 5̂x x 0 and the relations 5̂x x , respectively. The gas is expanding in the range of 5̂x x 0 < 0, whereas the
gas is compressed in the range of 5̂x x 0 > 0. (b) Generalized hydrodynamic constitutive relations relative to the
Navier–Stokes relations (argon, vx only). The horizontal axis represents the velocity gradient v̂ x /2 or 5̂x y 0 . The
vertical axis represents the normal (5̂x x ) and shear (5̂x y ) stresses.
near the point where the flow separates at the shoulder of the hypersonic vehicles [27]. It
was suggested that the instability is caused by the problems that a rapidly expanding gas
exhibits a negative entropy production (more properly, the calortropy production) in the
Burnett-type formulations. The origin of the instability can be explained by examining the
second-order Burnett equation (u x only)
¡ ¢
5̂x x = 5̂x x 0 + 1 5̂x x 0 .
The corresponding entropy production [9], which can be written in the one-dimensional
problem as
µ ¶2 · ¸
η ∂u 5η ∂u
σent ∼ 1− ,
T ∂x 3p ∂x
5̂x x 0 < − .
The loss of one-to-one correspondence in Fig. 3a is a sign of such nonphysical behavior.
By contrast, the new relations will not suffer such an unphysical feature since they always
yield positive calortropy production.
Figure 3b demonstrates that (5̂x x + 1) or (5x x + p/Nδ ), as well as 5̂x y of the new
relations, approach zero as the tangential velocity gradient becomes very large. Such an
asymptotic behavior indicates that the new relations have a correct free-molecular limit,
implying that the velocity-slip phenomenon caused by the non-Newtonian effect can be
explained in purely hydrodynamic terms. The details of properties of the new constitutive
relations are given in the previous work [30].
4t X −1 n
j = Ui, j −
Ui,n+1 R F 4L l ,
Ai, j l=1 l Tl
Ui, j =
ρE i, j
62 R. S. MYONG
ρu n
ρu + 2 p
2 1
n γM 5 nn ,
Fl = , Fvl =
ρu n u s Re 5 ns
¡ ¢ 5nn u n + 5ns u s + 1
ρ E + γ M2 p un
1 EcPr n l
The N is the number of interfaces in a cell. In this process a transformation law between the
components of the tensor in the (x, y) coordinates (Π) and the components of the tensor in
the (n, s) coordinates (Π̃) is used [15]:
The extension to the three-dimensional problem is also straightforward. Consider the l-th
intercell surface boundary 4Sl of finite volume Vi, j,k in three-dimensional (x, y, z) space.
Let (n, s, t)l be the outward unit vector normal to the l-th boundary, and let the unit vector
be tangent to the l-th boundary with the convention that the interior of the volume always
lies on the left-hand side of the boundary. If θ (z) and θ (y) are defined as rotational angles
about the z and y axes, respectively, it can be shown that the Eq. (14) becomes
4t X −1 n
j,k = Ui,n j,k − R F 4Sl , (21)
Vi, j,k l=1 l Tl
Ui, j,k =
ρv ,
ρ E i, j,k
ρu n 0
ρu 2n + γ M 1
2 p 5nn
Fl = ρu n u s , Fv = 1 5ns
ρu n u t 5nt
¡ ¢
ρE + γM 1
2 p un
5nn u n + 5ns u s + 5nt u t + 1
EcPr n l
R = R(y) R(z) ,
1 0 0 0 0
0 cos θ (y) 0 sin θ (y) 0
R = 0 0 1 0 0 ,
0 −sin θ (y) 0 cos θ (y) 0
0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0
0 cos θ (z) sin θ (z) 0
R(z) = 0 −sin θ (z) cos θ (z) 0 0 .
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1
As in the two-dimensional case, the components of the tensor in the (x, y, z) coordinates
(Π) are related to the components of the tensor in the (n, s, t) coordinates (Π̃) through the
transformation law (20).
· ¸
4x 2ηM
4t1 = M + ,
|a| ρa 2
· ¸
|a| ηM −1
4t2 = M +
4x ρ4x 2
works well for upwind schemes. Notice that the Mach number appears in these relations.
The reason is that the characteristic speed in dimensionless form becomes a/M instead of a.
For given Tw , Tr , u w , u r , and pr , Eqs. (11) and (12) and the mechanical balance condi-
tion (zero normal gradient of pressure) yield the boundary values of temperature, tangential
velocity, and pressure. From these values the boundary value of the density can be deter-
mined by the perfect gas relation. The velocity normal to the surface can be assumed to be
zero. For artificial boundaries, inflow and outflow conditions based on the number of Euler
characteristics can be employed.
matrix ∇(η∇u), so that they can be transformed into an expression involving only the first
derivative of u. Such a transformation cannot be applied to the generalized hydrodynamic
equations because the stress is a nonlinear function of η∇u. The stress Π and heat flux Q
must be retained in the discretized forms (19) and (21). The value of the stress and heat flux
can be determined with the help of the Eqs. (15)–(18).
FIG. 4. Mach 30 shock profiles of normalized variables for argon gas. Normalized variables are based on
the upstream and downstream states. For example, the normal density is defined as (ρ − ρ1 )/(ρ2 − ρ1 ) where the
subscripts 1 and 2 represent the upstream and downstream states, respectively. Solid line with circles: generalized
hydrodynamics (GH); solid line: Navier–Stokes (NS). The horizontal axis represents the spatial coordinate reduced
by the mean free path (l) at the upstream condition. The inverse of the shock density thickness (GH − 0.1743,
NS − 0.2152).
temperature and velocity. The free-stream mean free path is taken as a mean collision
distance. The mirror boundary before the wall was introduced to prevent the disturbance
affecting the inflow boundary. The boundary condition at the outflow was specified by ex-
trapolation. The slip condition on the wall was applied by defining the dual ghost cells, one
for the inviscid part where the boundary values of velocity and temperature are specified,
and another for the viscous part where the values at the wall are used. Due to the large dif-
ference between the wall and free-stream temperature, a relatively small CFL number 0.1 is
used. Since our main goal is to develop a multidimensional numerical method for Eu’s gen-
eralized hydrodynamic equations, for simplicity only first-order accuracy was maintained
throughout the computational domain including the boundaries. More study will be needed
on the second-order-accuracy upgrade and effects of boundary conditions. Exactly the same
conditions, including the slip boundary condition, are applied to both Navier–Stokes and
generalized hydrodynamics codes.
Numerical experiments indicated that the computing time of the two-dimensional gen-
eralized hydrodynamics code is comparable to that of the Navier–Stokes code. The excess
load, which is caused by the addition of a few iterations of constitutive relations (less than
10 in most cases), occupies a small fraction of computing time in the code.
The general flow properties illustrated in Figs. 5 and 6 are qualitatively similar to the
result [38] based on the DSMC calculation. The contours of density show the separation of
66 R. S. MYONG
FIG. 5. Contours of constant density. (a) Generalized hydrodynamics; (b) Navier–Stokes. The solid wall
begins at x/L = 0, where L is the length of the plate (L = 150l∞ ).
FIG. 6. Contours of Mach number. (a) Generalized hydrodynamics; (b) Navier–Stokes. The solid wall begins
at x/L = 0, where L is the length of the plate (L = 150l∞ ).
68 R. S. MYONG
the oblique shock wave and the boundary layer. The density increases across the shock, but
it then decreases. The maximum line of density can be observed in both Navier–Stokes and
generalized hydrodynamics results. The Mach contours show that the velocity slip is large
near the leading edge and becomes small in the latter half of the plate. The slip is slightly
larger in the case of generalized hydrodynamics. It can be also seen that the generalized
hydrodynamics results are less smooth near the leading edge than the Navier–Stokes results.
This may be because the high gradient surface in the case of generalized hydrodynamics
is not well aligned with the grid lines. Finally, some interesting results can be found from
the comparison between Navier–Stokes and generalized hydrodynamics calculations. As
seen in Fig. 7, the Navier–Stokes calculation shows a singularity near the leading edge
of the flat plate and yields a larger skin friction and heat flux. Conversely, the generalized
hydrodynamics calculation removes the singularity, which appears in the case of the Navier–
Stokes theory, and yields a smaller skin friction and heat flux. It should be noted that the
DSMC result is similar to the present generalized hydrodynamics result in the qualitative
features of the numerical results.
FIG. 7. Properties near the plate. (a) Shear stress 5x y , (b) heat flux Q y . The solid wall begins at x/L = 0.
70 R. S. MYONG
FIG. 8. Comparison of shear stresses 5x y along surface predicted by the Navier–Stokes, generalized hydro-
dynamics, DSMC, and free-molecular theory. The solid wall begins at x/L = 0.
edge where a very high velocity gradient arising from the presence of the solid wall is
always observed. However, the shear stress in the Navier–Stokes solutions will reach the
peak right at the leading edge where the velocity gradient becomes maximum.
considerably complicated, but the same algorithms should be applicable. The results of
studies of these problems will be reported in due course.
This work was supported by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation under Research Grant 1999-2-
305-001-3. Part of this work was performed while the author was a visitor at the Institute for Mathematics and
Its Applications, University of Minnesota (1999–2000 Program: Reactive Flow and Transport Phenomena). The
author thanks the Institute for the hospitality extended during his stay and expresses his deep appreciation to
Professor B. C. Eu for his encouragement and advice.
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