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Cold Starting of IC Engines: Gupta

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Provided by Defence Science Journal

Def Sci J, Vol38, No. 1,January 1988,pp 77-85

Cold Starting of IC Engines

Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehra Dun-248 005

Studies of cold starting of IC engines carried out at Indian Institute

of Petroleum (IIP) and field trials at high altitudes under sub-zero
temperature conditions are described in this paper. Different operating
factors influencing the cold starting of diesel engines and the role of
starting aids developed at IIP have also been described. IIP device has
given satisfactory starting performance upto temperature as low as


The general practice adopted to start the diesel trucks under low temperature
conditions, was to tow the vehicle for about 15 to 20 minutes even after using special
low temperature fuel, lubricating oil etc. This method obviously, is not reliable for
emergency starting and not suitable for hilly areas as existing in Northern Borders.
Cold starting1 of IC engines under sub-zero temperature conditions is a delicate
operation. A little carelessness can damage the whole engine, but if proper precautions
are taken and right type of lubricating oil, fuel, coolant, starting aid, etc. are used
then a summer like start can be achieved. This paper describes the general problems
involved at low temperature. conditions, design aspects of the engine, the battery,
starting aids and the results obtained during the tests and trials in actual field conditions.


Starting of SI engines at low temperatures2 is easier than CI engines due to

sparking systems in the combustion chamber and the fuel properties. By using the
conventional lubricating oils, fuels, etc., the SI engines can easily be started by using
the more volatile fuel having 10 per cent evaporation temperature at about 40°C.
Received 2 August 1985, revised 31 August 1987
* Present Address :8911, Race Course Road, Dehra Dun-248 001.
78 R B Gupta

Addition of methyl alcohol3in the fuel absorbs the condensates and prevents freezing
of water in the fuel lines and ice formation in the carburetor. The Willy's engine could
easily be started upto L25"C without any aid and upto -37°C with fluid starter. in the
Institute's cold chamber.


It is the diesel engine which creates problems of cold starting at northern borders
or hilly areas where the lowest temperature is experienced in winter. While studying
the problem of cold starting, it was observed that four operating factors4 influence
the diesel engine starting : (i) engine design, (ii) properties of lubricating oils, fuels
and coolant, (iii) battery conditions and starter motor, and (iv) use of starting aids.

3.1 Engine Design

Heat losses during cranking depends upon the ratio of surface area of the
combustion chamber to its volume. Combustion chambers having higher ratios of
surface area to volume are harder to start. This is the reason that the direct combustion
chamber engines can start at a lower temperature than pre-combustion chamber
engines. Also most of the direct combustion chamber engines have craters on the
pistons which accumulate the fuel. This accumulated fuel raises the compression ratio,
and improves sealing and subsequently increases compression temperature resulting
in better starting. The cold starting results obtained on TMB pre-combustion chamber
and direct combustion chamber are as follows :

Without With
glow plugs glow plugs
TMB engine with pre-combustion +10°C 0°C
TMB direct combustion chamber 0°C Not fitted
(with app. same compression ratio
and same type of fuel etc. used)

Cylinder bore size .has also an important influence on starting characteristics,

engines of small bore being much harder t o start. Intake valve timing, valve tappet
clearance, fuel injection timing and the conditions of engine parts have also an
appreciable effect on engine starting under sub-zero temperature conditions.
. -
3.2 Lubricating Oils
The engine crankin &peed is inversely proportional to the oil viscosity. The
largest load during cran ing period is the force necessary to shear the oil f i l m b h e n
it is in the locking condition. Since this greater force required is'due to increase in
viscosity of the oil, it is vital to use the right grade of the oil under low temperature
Cold Starring of IC Engines 79

Observations obtained during studies at IIP are as follows :

SAE 20 W Suitable upto - 5°C
SAE 10W + 10% superior kerosene oil
SAE 10W + 10% motor gasoline



(upto which a positive start obtained).

SAE 5W was not available. Effect of oil viscosity on cranking speed is shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1. Effect of oil viscosity on cranking speed.

3.3 Fuels
The conventional HSDO had a pour point of about -3°C (now +6"C) which
affects the pumpability of the fuel. Higher cetane number6 and lower pour point are
the main requirements for starting the CI engines at sub-zero temperatures. It was
observed that starting with superior kerosene oil plus 2 per cent SAE 10 W oil of
cetane No. 53.6 is easier than by using sub-zero diesel fuel (ATF plus 5 per cent
HSDO) of cetane No. 47.5. HSDO (60 per cent) + kerosene oil (40 per cent) was
satisfactory upto -5°C but this blend had frozen at -10°C. No injection of the fuel
was possible. The characteristics of sub-zero diesel fuel which was used for the cold
starting trails are given the Table 1.
3.4 Coolant
The conventional coolant of 55% ethylene glycol and 45% water was used during
the cold starting trials in the cold chamber. The freezing point of the mixture of water
and glycol are shown7 in the Fig. 2.

3.5 Battery Condition

In a lead acid battery, viscosity of the electrolyte increases as temperature
decreases which obstructs the flow of ions and diffusion of fresh electolyte into the
Table 1. Charwteristicsof subzero dksel fbel

Specificgravityat 15.6/15.6"C 0.7837

Flash point, "C 36.5
Pour point, T below- 50
Water andsediment. O/d vol. Nil
Ash, % wt. Nil
Distillation OC
Residue, %
Loss, %
Kinematic viscosity, cst at 37.g°C
Sulphur, % wt.
Total acidity mg KOH/g
Cetane number
Calorificvalue k caykg


Figure 2. Freezing point of the mixture of water and glycol.

pores of the plates resulting in reducing battery performance. Consequently the

batteries with more number of plates per cell have a better performance because more
area comes into contact with the ions. At lower temperatures, the battery terminal
voltage goes down and subsequently its capacity decreases which ultimately affects
the cranking of an engine. If a battery is insulated with a wooden box or a gunny bag,
it shows much better performance for cranking an engine under sub-zero temperature
conditions. Batteries should be kept fully charged during cold weather in order to
have the maximum amount of power available for cranking the engine .and also to
prevent freezing of the electrolyte.
Cold Starting of ZC Engines 81

3.6 Starter Motor

When an engine is started the starter motor has to overcome two forces8 known
as 'break away torque' and the 'resisting torque'. The break away torque is much
higher than the resisting torque. At break away torque or under locking conditions,
the starter has to overcome these forces and get the engine turning. The current
consumption is extremely heavy because the torque of the motor is directly
proportional to the current i.e. higher the starting torque, higher the current consumed.
As the temperature is reduced, the break away torque is increased due to increase
in oil viscosity. The cranking performance can be improvedg by using 24 Volt motor
and battery system. The sub-zero grease should be used in the bearings of the starter

3.7 Starting Aids

Two types-of aids are generally employed for cold starting - heaters and fluid

3.7:1 Heaters
Under Antartica and Siberian conditions i.e. below -40°C' there is no substitutelo
for heat-for achieving-a positive start. Obviously it no longer remains cold starting
when heaters are used. Heaters are quite costly and some heaters cause an extra strain
on the battery and therefore, can be avoided under Indian conditions.

3.7.2 Fluid Starters

Fluid induction is one of.the well known method of cold starting of IC engines
by using a volatile fluid such as di-ethyl ether. Its beneficial effect is due to its low
auto-ignition temperature and high volatility. For very low temperatures i.e. below
-25"C, a special starter fluid is prepared by adding a small quantity of an additive in .
di-ethyl ether which can further reduceits auto-ignition temperatu;e by 5 to 10°C and
improves its ignition qualities. It is also considered as panacea for cold starting" of
engines. The quick starting is obtained when the fluid is fumigated in an atomised
form into the engine inlet manifold at the time of cranking. The fluid is supplied
initially at a high rate to achieve a positive start in the shortest time and gradually
reduced till the engine operates on it's regular fuel alone.
Some imported aerozol type capsules were evaluated for cold starting. The biggest
disadvantage with the use of such capsules is due to reduction in pressure insideit as
temperature decreases under cold conditions which frequently results in inadequate
pressure for its optimum utility. This ultimately results in the' discard of the capsule
even when it contains sufficient fluid. Also it is inconvenient for the operator to come
out of the vehicle in that inhospitable climate to spray the fluid in the intake manifold.
So a device operated from the driver's cabin is preferable.
An imported device 'Start-pilote'-was also evaluated. This device delivers the
fluid in a stream form and not in an.atomised form. The effect of this starting aid
-was like pouring of the fluid in the inlet manifold. Further the capacity of the fluid
capsule was only 20 ml which was not s~fficienteven for one start at -20°C and
R B Gupta

T a b k 2 . T M B V c L l d c : a l d ~ ~ a t M @ 1 ~

L u k oil used - HDlO

Fuel - D i l HPPsub-zero
Coolant - 4.5% water, 55% ethylene glycol

SI. Altitude Ambient Coolant Lube oil Cranking Crankins Quantity Total No. of Remarks
No. meten temp. temp. temp. speed current offluid cranking cranking
(fi.1 (TI ("C) (T) (rpn) (Amp) used *for =quid
(mi) s u ~ f u for
l starting

6. 4267 -17 -16 -15.5 150 250 30 M 2 lstcrankingof I min.

7. 3353 :17 -14 -13 160 230 20 30 I
(11000) It started by just
8. 3353 -4 -2 -1 156 195 8app. 5 I opening the fluid
(11m) valve
9. 3353 -7 -4.5 -3 150 200 IOapp. 10 I

Note : 1. All the above data was taken in actual field tests of high altitudes and low temperature in
winter season.
2. Readings were taken at different places on different dates during the trial period.
3. Thejehicl-e did not start even at -4OC without the help of the device.
4. MI the above temperatures were noted between 5.00 to 6.00 A.M. on each day when we
could get the lowest temperature and cold starting trials were carried at that time.
5. Two Exide batterie~~connected
in parallel gave 13.5 V. Dischargement -1.5 V-HRD (High
Rate Discharge).
Cold Starting of IC Engines 83

Figure 3. Fluid starter developed at IIP.

requiring reloading of the device again and again. The fluid has to be inducted not
only to start the engine firing but also for achieving sustained speed.
A device (Fig. 3) was developed" in IIP and successfully evaluated under low
temperature conditions in the cold chamber on TMB engine and also under actual
field conditions of 4267 meters (14000 feet) altitude during winter. The TMB engine
was not easy to start even using glow plugs at 0°C but it could be started at -35°C in
the cold chamber using this IIP device. The TMB truck could easily be started at
-18"C, the lowest temperature observed during the trial period at 3353 meter (11000
feet) in 30 seconds using 15 ml starter fluid. Such a successful start could be obtained
even under the most arduous and windy conditions with this device. The test data on
TMB truck is given in Table 2. The device comprises of (i) an air reservoir for
compressed air by which air pressure is communicated to the fluid container, (ii) fluid
container which stores the starter fluid and has a mixing head for air and starter fluid,
and (iii) a delivery nozzle for supplying fine spray of the fluid to the inlet manifold.
The air reservoir and the fluid container are mounted on the dash board in the driver's
cabin, while the delivery nozzle is fitted into the inlet manifold.

The main advantages of the IIP device are that (i) it delivers the fluid in an
atomised form; (ii) it is extreniely convenient to the driver as he has to operate one
valve from his cabin; (iii) the engines and vehicles can be reliable for positive start
in emergency and the capacity of the container is sufficient to supply fluid for many
starts; and (iv) it is extremely economical and battery requirements are reduced for
starting the engine.
IIP also developed another starting device (Fig. 4) on the same principles by
reducing the cost to suit the commercial or private vehicles plying on hilly areas where
minimum temperature goes upto -10°C. A rubber bellow is used in place of an air
reservoir, and the fluid container is made simple with smaller capacity. This device
also supplies fluid in an atomised form and was kvaluated succs~sfullyon trucks and
84 R B Gupta

Figure 2. Fluid starter developed at IIP

buses at ~ttarkashi(UP) at -6OC, Mandi (HP) at O°C and Dehra Dun at i4OC during
winter in the morning hours when the temperature were lowest.


Low temperatqe affects all the operating phases of the engine i.e. fuel, lubricating
oil, coolant, combustion system, battery, etc. and if proper precautions are taken and
proper starting aids are used, a quick start can be achieved at the lowest temperature
experienced on Northern Himalayan borders.


The author wishes to thank Mr. R.A. Rao and Mr. P.K. Goel for their
encouragement in the work at that time; The Directorate of Vehicles (R&D) and
EME Battalion, Ministry of Defence, for their help in the field trials. Thanks are also
due to Dr. I.B. Gulati, Director, Indian Institute of Petroleum for permission to
publish this paper.


1. Gupta, R.B., Trial report of IIP starter fluid induction device for cold starting
of IC engines, IIP Report No. 4521, May 1971, pp.1-12.
2. Gupta, R.B., Status report on cold starting problem of IC engines, IIP Report
No. 441421, March 1970, pp. 1-6.
3. Kasper, R.H. & Norrie, R.C., S A E Journal, 65, August (1957), 74-75.
4. Blose, James F., S A E Journal, 60, April (1962), 40-44.
5. Hamm, A.M., In the role of engine oil viscosity in low tdmperature cranking
and starting - prepared by SAE Fuels and ~ubricantsActivity, Vol. 10, 1966,
pp. 15-19.
Cold S~attingsfIC Engines

6. Derry, L.D.,&Evan, E.B., J. ofthelnst. of Petroleum, 36 (319), (1950), 389-421.

7. Beranger, Bobert & Jomard, Jean-Michel, L' influence de I'ethylene glycol sun
le fonctionnement d' un moteur est considerable' Par MM. Ingenieurs De L'
Automobile 1268, April, 1968, pp.695-708.
8. Molley, E. & Lanchester, G.H., Automobile Engineer's Reference Book -
. Electric Starter Motors, Section 23, 1958, pp.2-16.
9. Report of CIMTC, Sub-committee XV-Winterization, SAE Trans., 65 (1957),
10. Shaw, Robert, SAE Journal, 68, December (1950), 127-128.
11. ~inslex,W.G. & Young, C.U.S., ~ ~ ~ l i c a t ifor o nstarting fluid internal
combustion engine, Institut Francais'du Petrole, pp.l-8.
12. Indian Patent No. 133261, Device for Cold Starting of IC Engines by Priming
Starter Fluid, 1973, p.l-6.

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