Issue 8
With a rich history of innovation in motor control, Freescale is dedicated to continue our commitment to
understand and solve the current roadblocks developers face with a comprehensive portfolio of solutions.
The latest edition of Beyond Bits captures the attention of both novice and advanced motor control
developers looking to:
• Reduce development time by jump starting their effort with reference designs, application notes
and a global support team
• Increase power efficiency by using the most advanced control techniques available through
differentiated hardware platforms and peripherals, motor control libraries, and unique tools to
optimize these systems
• Comply with safety and energy mandates via complimentary libraries and advanced algorithms
Beyond Bits provides a brief glimpse into the breadth and scope of the Freescale motor control portfolio,
much of it unique and built over decades of research and development. We discuss the advantages of
different motor types and the methods of control, followed by a portfolio overview and a helpful selection
guide. Next, we provide application examples and techniques we’ve implemented using our solutions,
and we close with our software and development tools offerings. Solutions such as reference designs,
application notes, software, tools and MCU families are listed at the end of each article to help you get
started right away on your next design.
Freescale continues to partner with innovators to make motors quieter, more efficient, smaller and to
reduce mechanical vibration, and hopefully we can help you make them even smarter.
To refine your motor skills, visit or contact your local Freescale field
applications engineer.
Geoff Lees
Vice President and General Manager,
Industrial and Multi-Market Microcontroller Business
Freescale Semiconductor
4 Motor Types and Their Control
7 An Introduction to Freescale MCUs
8 Control Wizard in the Freescale Solution Advisor
Market Trends
10 BLDC Motor Control
13 Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Control
15 AC Induction Motor Control
17 Switched Reluctance Motors
19 Encoder Signal Processing
Three-Phase Current Measurement
Application Examples
25 Select Freescale Solutions for Your Application
27 Motor Applications for Small Appliances
29 Digital Control of Switched Reluctance Motor Drives
31 Industrial/Appliance Consumer Ceiling Fan
Household Washing Machines
36 Dual Motor Control for Air Conditioning with 100 MHz/32-bit DSC
38 Industrial/Appliance PMSM Drive
40 Industrial Drives
43 Digital AC Drive Control
45 Servo Robots for Industrial Applications: PMSM with Encoder
47 Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Machine
49 BLDC Motor Control for Respirators
51 Motor Control Using MQX RTOS
53 Freescale Motor Control Boards
55 Freescale Embedded Software Libraries
56 Motor Control Development Toolbox
59 Motor Application Tuning Wizard
Table of Contents
Overview Motor types that most effectively sensor wiring, sensor power supply
Freescale provides comprehensive meet these requirements include AC and increases reliability. Still, there
motor control solutions for almost all induction motors (ACIM), permanent are applications where higher cost of
electric motor topologies. magnet synchronous motors (PMSM), sensors is not as important as higher
brushless DC motors (BLDC) and position resolution. The most common
Motor Control Application switched reluctance motors (SR). speed/position sensors are:
Requirements The following pages will cover their • Tachogenerators
• Minimize energy losses main characteristics, types of control,
• Hall sensors
• Prevent environment pollution advantages and typical applications.
• Encoders
• Decrease acoustic noise and
power harmonics
Digital Motor Control • Resolvers
Digital control allows more efficient Applications requiring the motor to
• Increase system performance-
motor control with variable speed and operate with a required speed (pumps,
versus-cost ratio
sensorless control. The term sensorless fans, compressors, etc.) are speed
• Increase productivity, flexibility control means that there is no position/ controlled. In variable frequency drives,
and robustness velocity sensor on the motor shaft, so motor speed is typically proportional
• Increase safety and reliability the rotor position/velocity is calculated to frequency. The actual motor speed
• Reduce system size and weight from measured current and voltage. is maintained by a speed controller
• Growth of digital control and The sensorless control provides a to reference speed command.
reducing usage of analog cost-effective and reliable solution that Speed control offers low dynamic
components and total system cost eliminates the position/velocity sensor, performance. For high dynamic and
Electric Motors
Permanent Magnet
Surface PM
Interior PM
Wound Field
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
stability performance, speed control This requires additional connections Permanent Magnet
with inner current loop (cascade to the motor, which may not be Synchronous Motor
control) is required. The majority of acceptable in some applications.
variable speed drives are controlled by Also, the additional cost of the
cascade control. Most complex drives position sensors and the wiring
(servos, industrial robots, linear motors) may be unacceptable. The physical
require additional position control. connection problem could be solved
Applications requiring the motor by incorporating the driver in the motor
to operate with a specified torque body, however, a significant number
regardless of speed (hand tools, electric of applications do require a sensorless
power steering, traction, vehicles, etc.) solution due to their low-cost nature.
employ torque control. Most BLDC sensorless techniques
are based upon extracting position
Brushless DC Motor
information from the back EMF voltage
of the stator windings while the motor
is spinning. Those techniques could be Similar to BLDC motors, PMSMs
used from 5 percent of nominal speed, have a three-phase stator and a
when back EMF is measurable. BLDC rotor with surface/interior-mounted
back EMF sensorless techniques permanent magnets.
can be used without complex control
A PMSM provides rotation at a fixed
algorithms, due to back EMF voltage
speed in synchronization with the
sensing in unexcited motor phase.
frequency of the power source. PMSMs
Advantages are therefore ideal for high-accuracy
• Heat generated in stator is easy fixed-speed drives. Boasting very high-
to remove power density, very high efficiency and
high response, the motor is suitable for
• High torque per frame size
BLDC motors have a three-phase most sophisticated applications in the
• Reliability due to absence of brushes industrial segment. It also has a high
stator winding and a rotor with
and commutator overload capability. A PMSM is largely
surface-mounted permanent magnets.
A BLDC motor does not have a • Highest efficiency maintenance free, which ensures the
commutator and is more reliable than • Good high-speed performance most efficient operation.
a DC motor. The digital control and • Precise speed monitoring and Synchronous motors operate at
power electronics replace the function regulation possible an improved power factor, thereby
of the commutator and energize the improving the overall system power
proper winding. They are used in home Drawbacks factor and eliminating or reducing utility
appliances (such as refrigerators, • Rotor position sensing required for power factor penalties. An improved
washing machines and dishwashers), commutation power factor also reduces the system’s
pumps, fans and other devices that • Torque ripple voltage drop and the voltage drop at
require high reliability and efficiency. • Position sensor or sensorless the motor terminals.
In the BLDC motor, the rotor position technique is required for motor
must be known to energize the phase operation
• Heat generated in stator is easy
pair and control the phase voltage. • Difficult to startup the motor for
to remove
If sensors are used to detect rotor variable load using sensorless
• High torque per frame size
position, then sensed information must technique
• Reliability due to absence of brushes
be transferred to a control unit.
and commutator
• Highest efficiency
• Synchronous operation makes field
orientation easy
• Good high-speed performance Advantages tries to minimize the reluctance (air gap
• Precise speed monitoring and • Low cost per horsepower distance) of the magnetic circuit. The
regulation possible (no permanent magnets) magnetic field creates a force on the
• Inherent AC operation (direct rotor so that its poles line up with the
• Smooth torque
connection to AC line) poles of stator phase.
• Very low maintenance (no brushes) Advantages
• Rotor position sensing required
and rugged construction • Low cost resulting from simple
• Position sensor or sensorless
• Available in wide range of construction
technique is required for
power ratings • High reliability
motor operation
• Low-cost speed control • High fault tolerance
• Difficult to startup the motor using
with tachogenerator
sensorless technique • Heat generated in stator is easy
• Simple control (volt per hertz + PFC to remove
AC Induction Motor can handle 8-bit MCU)
• High-speed operation possible
• Inefficient at light loads
• Acoustically noisy
• Rotor temperature change
• High vibration
complicates sensorless control
• Magnetic non-linearities make
• Speed control requires varying
smooth torque control difficult
stator frequency
• Dependent on electronic control
• Position control difficult (field
for operation
orientation required)
For more information about Freescale
Switched motor control solutions, visit
Reluctance Motor
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
Market Trends
Market Trends
way that the back EMF (the voltage 30º 60º 90º 120º 150º 180º 210º 240º 270º 300º 330º Electrical
induced into the stator winding due to Angle
The rectangular shape of applied Power
Source A
voltage system with six vectors over PWM1 PWM2 PWM3 PWM4 PWM5 PWM6
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
0 Position Feedback
% The rotor position must be known in
Market Trends
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
Market Trends
Phase B Phase B
to β to q q to β SVM
(rotating reference frame) by Phase C Two-Phase Rotating Stationary Phase C
Park transformation.
The electrical rotor position is a Electrical rotor Electrical rotor
position position
mechanical rotor position divided by
numbers of magnetic pole pairs pp.
7. Using the space vector modulation, voltage. The calculation of the BEMF
After a control process we should
the output three-phase voltage observer requires math computation
generate three-phase AC voltages
is generated as multiply accumulation, division,
on motor terminals, so DC values
A complete FOC speed PMSM control sin/cos, sqrt which is suited for DSCs,
of the required/generated voltage
structure with Freescale motor control Kinetis ARM core-based MCUs or the
should be transformed by inverse
library functions is shown in the article Power Architecture family.
Park/Clarke transformations.
titled, “Industrial/Appliance PMSM
Amplitude Control Drive,” page 39, figure 2. Field/Flux Weakening
All quantities are now DC values, Control
which are easy to control, but how do Sensorless Control The operation beyond the machine
we control them in magnitude? The rotor position information is base speed requires the PWM inverter
For magnitude control we use PI needed to efficiently perform the to provide output voltages higher than
controllers in the cascade structure. control of the PMS motor, but a rotor its output capability limited by its DC
We can control many state variables position sensor on the shaft decreases link voltage. To overcome the base
as phase current (torque loop), speed the robustness and reliability of the speed limitation, a field-weakening
or position as with DC motors. overall system in some applications. algorithm can be implemented. A
Therefore, the aim is not to use this negative d-axis required current will
FOC in Steps mechanical sensor to measure the increase the speed range, but the
To perform vector control: position directly but instead to employ applicable torque is reduced because
some indirect techniques to estimate of a stator current limit. Manipulating
1. Measure the motor phase currents
the rotor position. These estimation the d-axis current into the machine
2. Transform them into the two- techniques differ greatly in approach has the desired effect of weakening
phase system (a, b) using Clarke for estimating the position or the type the rotor field, which decreases the
transformation of motor to which they can be applied. BEMF voltage, allowing the higher
3. Calculate the rotor position angle stator current to flow into the motor
At low speed, special techniques like
4. Transform stator currents into the with the same voltage limit given by
high frequency injection or open-loop
d,q-coordinate system using the DC link voltage.
start-up (not very efficient) are needed
Park transformation to spin the motor over the speed
Freescale Enablement
5. The stator current torque (isq) and where BEMF is sufficiently high for the
Reference designs, application notes
flux (isd) producing components BEMF observer. Usually, 5 percent of
and software solutions for PMSM
are controlled separately by the base speed is enough for proper
control applications are available at
the controllers operation in sensorless mode.
6. The output stator voltage space- At medium/high speed, a BEMF
vector is transformed back from the observer in d/q reference frame is
d,q-coordinate system into the two- used. The PWM frequency and
phase system fixed with the stator control loop must be sufficiently
by inverse Park transformation high to get a reasonable number of
samples of phase current and DC bus
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
Speed Torque
The slip speed is represented in the The speed torque characteristic shows
difference between the synchronous the ACIM reaction on the load.
speed and the rated speed. The slip The convenient operating point
is the ratio between slip speed and selection is in the middle of the speed
synchronous speed and shows how torque characteristic of the stable part
much the rotor speed falls with of the motor region. In this area, the
the load. speed falls slightly with the load.
Market Trends
similar to DC machine control. The
Unstable Part Part control incorporates fast torque/
Braking Motor Generator flux current control loops and slower
Region Region Region speed/position control loops. The
FOC requires the knowledge of
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
Market Trends
Freescale Enablement
The selection of suitable MCUs for
control of SR motors depends on
OFF selected algorithms and required
ON Dwell
Position /Time
speed range. In the case of sensor
application and low-speed range,
the SR motor over nominal speed. At current reaches desired amplitude, the 8-bit MCU with a PWM module
the nominal speed, the full voltage is the current controller keeps the phase is a sufficient option. The Freescale
applied on the motor phases and by current at the desired level. MC9S08MP16 MCU includes
properly adjusting on/off angles the a 6-channel PWM module with
As is apparent from the description,
motor can achieve operation over the commutation support, which is
the SR motor requires position
nominal speed. very important for applications with
feedback for motor phase
high-speed range where precise
In voltage control techniques, the commutation. In many cases, this
commutation is required. The
speed of the motor is defined by requirement is addressed by using
sensorless algorithms are too complex
the voltage applied to the motor position sensors, such as encoders
for 8-bit devices without additional
phases. The voltage applied to the and Hall sensors. The result is that the
external components. The Freescale
phase is directly controlled by a implementation of mechanical sensors
DSC family provides an optimal
speed controller. The speed controller increases costs and decreases system
solution. This family offers advanced
processes the speed error (the reliability. Traditionally, developers
PWM modules, very fast ADC with
difference between the desired speed of motion control products have
PWM to ADC synchronization and
and the actual speed) and generates attempted to lower system costs by
a powerful DSP core, such as an
the desired phase voltage. The reducing the number of sensors. A
MC56F8006 or MC56F8013. Both
desired voltage is generated by the variety of algorithms for sensorless
are the smallest representatives of
SR inverter using PWM modulation. control have been developed,
the DSC family and offer the best
During PWM modulation, the on/off most of which involve evaluation
performance/price ratio. Several other
times are constant. Once the applied of the variation of magnetic circuit
members of the Freescale DSC family
voltage has achieved its maximal parameters that are dependent on
are suitable for these applications.
value, the motor speed can be the rotor position.
increased over the nominal speed by Reference designs, application
changing on/off times. SR Motor Applications notes and software solutions for
The SR motor itself is a cost-effective SR motor control are available at
In the case of current control, there is
machine of simple construction. Since
one more control loop: inner current
control loop employed in the control of high-speed operation is possible,
the SR motor. In this type of control, the motor is suitable for high-speed
the output of the speed controller applications, such as vacuum
defines the required current amplitude cleaners, fans and white goods. As
in the motor phase. Based on the discussed above, the disadvantage
required current amplitude, the new of the SR motor is the need for shaft-
on/off times are calculated. Once the position information for the proper
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
Phase A
Phase B
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Phase A
Phase B
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Market Trends
control used to check the pulse Implementation of the More information on the initialization
counting consistency. That means, Quadrature Decoder and configuration of the quadrature
after each revolution, the value of on DSCs decoders can be found in the
the counted pulses is captured and following application notes, design
The special purpose enhanced
compared against the defined value. reference manuals and device
quadrature encoder/decoder module
If a difference is detected, the control reference manuals:
is part of the newly introduced
algorithm then must perform the
MC56F84xx family of DSCs. It •A
N4381 (Configuring the
position offset compensation.
provides interfacing capability to FlexTimer for Position and Speed
position/speed sensors used in Measurement with an Encoder)
Quadrature Decoder
industrial motor control applications •D
RM128 (PMSM Vector Control
The quadrature decoder is the MCU
and has four input signals: phase with Quadrature Encoder on Kinetis)
peripheral module used for hardware
A, phase B, index and home. This •D
RM102 (PMSM Vector Control
decoding of the encoder signals
module is used to decode shaft with Single-Shunt Current-Sensing
and is a standard component of
position, revolution count and speed. Using MC56F8013/23)
Freescale motor control dedicated
It also supports different sources of
chips. Though there are differences in •M
interrupt events.
the implementation of the quadrature K40P100M72SF1RM
decoders in particular MCU families, the Implementation of the These documents are available at
principle is the same: it counts rising
Quadrature Decoder
and falling edges of both phase signals.
on Kinetis MCUs
The internal logic of the quadrature
The quadrature decoder is one of
decoder evaluates the direction of the
several features of the FlexTimer
rotation by increasing or decreasing
module that is part of the Kinetis family
the counter value. There are also other
of MCUs. It is not as rich in features
arrangements of the output encoder
as the previously mentioned module
signals. For example, the phase A
and only has two input signals, phase
signal is a chain of the pulses while
A and phase B, so only the position
the polarity of phase B determines the
can be evaluated directly. If required,
counting direction, as shown in the
processing of the index signal has to
lower time diagram in figure 1.
be made by another on-chip timer.
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
time Critical PWM
Pulse Width
Market Trends
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
Application Examples
Application Examples
Application Examples
MCU requirements
Figure 2: Motor Control Applications
• CPU speed <= 32 MHz
Very Low End Low End Middle End High End
• Timer with three-phase output PWM On/Off motors Pumps Washers and dryers Complex industrial
capability drives
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
Brushless motors have come to
dominate many applications, namely Kinetis Peripheral Input Software Motor Parts Device on Three-Phase Inverter
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
Application Examples
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
Industrial/Appliance Consumer
Ceiling Fan
Sensorless field-oriented control for ceiling fan sinusoidal
BLDC motor with PFC
Introduction Figure 1: Sensorless Sinusoidal BLDC/PMSM FOC + PFC
Brushless direct current (BLDC)
DC Bus Voltage (VDC)
motors are readily gaining popularity
where energy savings are required.
BLDC fans offer several advantages Rectified AC
Voltage (Vac)
over traditional brushed DC motor
and induction motors, including more
Rectifier PFC Ceiling
torque per weight, more torque per FAN
watt (increase efficiency), high dynamic Input
response, increased reliability, reduced
noise, longer lifetime, more power and
overall reduction in electromagnetic
interference (EMI). This article covers Vdc
a typical ceiling fan application with PWM
Application Examples
uα uα
d, q
DC Bus
uβ Ripple uβ
α, β
DC Bus
From Speed PI Control q-current
Remote Voltage
PI Control
Extended BEMF
Estimation and
Tracking Observer
d-current id iα ia
α, β
d, q ib
iq iβ
α, β a, b, c ic
Park Clarke
Transformation Two
to add some delay before actually smoothly in the merge stage, now the cascaded in the lower legs of the
starting the fan. output of the speed control loop is inverter. When calibration is complete,
used as IQ reference instead of using the stop task then positions the
Open loop stage: When the rotor’s
a given reference value. detection task to be executed. The
magnetic axis has been detected,
position detection task is intended to
the open loop control for speed is
PFC Control realize the function mentioned in the
used. During open loop operation,
Boost circuitry in a discontinuous sector detection stage. The start stage
the observer for position and speed
conduction mode is used to realizes the function mentioned in the
estimation is enabled and the speed
implement the PFC inner current mode start stage and the run state realizes
loop is also enabled to obtain
control. Outer voltage loop controls the functions mentioned in the open
reference IQ which will be used in the
the DC bus and provides constant loop stage, merge stage and close
close loop.
voltage with input and speed of fan loop stage.
Merge stage: Once a desired speed changes. Inner current loop controls
is achieved, the control transfer from the input current and corrects the
Sensorless Driving
speed open loop runs to speed close with PFC
input power factor > 0.95 and input
loop. In close loop, the estimated To read the speed and position in
current THD.
rotor position is used to perform park sensorless control, it is necessary
and inverse park transformation and Software Design to know the motor parameters well
use the speed loop’s output as the to calculate its model observer. The
The software is designed using a
quadrature current reference. There parameters are programmed into
state machine so that the software
could be a shift between the estimated the BEMF observer algorithm. This
is easy to understand and control.
position and simulated position during observer’s function is to calculate the
The fault task deals with overcurrent,
open loop running. position of the BEMF, which is needed
overvoltage and undervoltage. The
to drive the motor. The position is then
Closed loop stage: Since the rotor’s initial task initializes all variables used
passed through the tracking observer
position used in the algorithm has in the algorithm. The calibration task
to be filtered, and as a side product,
been transferred from simulated rotor gets the DC offset of currents passing
determines the actual speed. The PFC
position to estimated rotor position through the three shunt resistors
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
current loop algorithm is three times Performance PFC: Has two main control loops:
faster than FOC and the voltage loop The application uses two system current and voltage. The slow moving
is at much lower speed. control loops. voltage loop keeps the DC bus voltage
constant. The current loop is critical as
At this point, we see that this solution FOC: Has two main control loops:
it controls the input current waveform.
requires a powerful controller from the current and speed loops. The current
Freescale 56800E/Ex family of DSCs. loop is critical and is calculated on the Freescale Enablement
PWM frequency at 16 kHz. The loop
Implementation •A
pplication based on FSLESL
has several tasks:
Freescale offers a selection of DSCs
for this important task. The following is •R
eading of measured currents and •E
mbedded software and motor
a list of what is mandatory for such voltage, and reconstruction of the control libraries
an application: current from two values into three
• BEMF + tracking observer •FreeMASTER visualization tool
• PWM: Two PWM configurations
• Clarke and Park transformation
One for FOC should offer
a center-aligned mode, •D
and Q current controllers and •A
pplication support from Freescale
complementary switching their limitation depending on the motor control experts
capability with the deadtime DC bus voltage
insertion, and three-phase • DC bus ripple compensation
orientation • Space vector modulation
One for PFC and PWM • PWM update of three-phase inverter
synchronization with the ADC
• ADC configuration for the next step
DC: Simultaneously measures two
FOC currents and PFC current, with
two channels working in parallel
CI: Necessary for the
communication with FreeMASTER
to allow application debugging
• Interrupt controller: Must be priority
controlled to avoid disintegrity of
the control technique. The interrupt
latency should be short.
ore: Must have great computation
potential in terms of mathematical
Application Examples
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
Application Examples
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
Application Examples
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
Inverse Park
FW Error ud Transformation SVM PWM
Calculator uα
d, q
α, β
req uq
α, β
d, q ib
iq iβ
α, β a, b, c
Park Clarke
Transformation Transformation
Tracking BEMF
Observer Observer
through the tracking observer to be the control technique. The interrupt on a 100 MHz DSC). The speed loop
filtered, and as a side product the latency should be short. runs at the period of 1 to 5 ms.
actual speed is filtered. Its inputs for •C
ore: Must have great computation Tasks include:
current, applied voltages and speed potential in terms of mathematical
are then measured. • Speed ramp calculation
• Speed PI controller calculation
This solution requires a powerful
controller from the Freescale 56800E/
Performance • Field weakening algorithm
Ex family of DSCs. The application uses two main loops: The speed loop duration has been
current and speed. The current loop is measured as 1.8 μs. The code
Implementation critical and is calculated on the PWM occupies 3165 words of ROM and
Freescale offers a selection of DSCs frequency of 10 kHz. The loop has 279 words of RAM.
for this important task. The following several tasks:
is a list of what is mandatory for such •R
eading of measured currents and Freescale Enablement
an application: voltage, and reconstruction of the •A
pplication based on FSLESL
current from two values into three
WM: Should offer center-aligned
mode, complementary switching • BEMF + tracking observer •E
mbedded software and motor
capability with the deadtime • Clarke and Park transformation control libraries
insertion, three-phase oriented and
and Q current controllers and
synchronization with the ADC. •F
reeMASTER visualization tool
their limitation depending on the
DC: Simultaneously measures two DC bus voltage
currents, with two channels working •A
pplication support from Freescale
• DC bus ripple compensation
in parallel. motor control experts
• Space vector modulation
CI: Necessary for the
• PWM update
communication with FreeMASTER to
allow application debugging. • ADC configuration for the next step
• Interrupt controller: Must be priority The duration of the current loop has
controlled to avoid disintegrity of been measured as 14 μs (measured
Application Examples
Industrial Drives
Simple ACIM V/Hz Drives
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
Modulation Techniques
and Voltage ADC
Faults There are two pulse generation
methods for each complementary pair.
DC Bus Voltage An easier method uses a comparison
Speed of an isosceles triangle carrier wave
Speed V1 DC Bus V2
Setup PWM
Command V/Hz Ripple Generator with a sine-modulating wave, as
Processing Elim. with
Dead Time
shown in figure 4.
The more complicated, but more
effective method of space vector
modulation uses six active vectors
and two zero vectors. Each active
Figure 3: Three-Phase Inverter with DC Bus
vector corresponds to three transistors
+ DC Bus from the top and bottom area. The
zero vectors activate either all top or
T T T all bottom-switching elements. The
1 3 5
space between active vectors relates
C +
to a combination of the nearest active
vector and arbitrary zero vector.
2 4 6
- DC Bus
The application measures the DC bus
voltage, current and temperature.
The overcurrent and overvoltage faults
are checked to avoid drive failure.
Ph. B
The DC bus voltage is also used for
the ripple elimination.
Ph. A Ph. C The speed command is processed
using the ramp. The corresponding
voltage is calculated using the
AC Motor V/ Hz ramp and the DC bus ripple
elimination block then eliminates
the influence of the DC bus voltage
ripple according to the generated
phase voltage amplitude. The PWM
generation process calculates a
three-phase voltage system from the
required amplitude and frequency.
Application Examples
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
Application Examples
scalability with common peripherals, Low power, mixed signal, USB, segment
K50 Family 128–512 KB 64–144-pin LCD, Ethernet, encryption and tamper detect,
memory maps and packages, operational transimpedance amplifiers
providing easy migration both within
K40 Family 64–512 KB 64–144-pin Low power, mixed signal, USB, segment LCD
and between families.
K30 Family 64–512 KB 64–144-pin Low power, mixed signal, segment LCD
The most suitable family for advanced
AC drives is the Kinetis K70 series, K20 Family 32 KB–1 MB 32–144-pin Low power, mixed signal, USB
with a powerful ARM Cortex-M4 core K10 Family 32 KB–1 MB 32–144-pin Low power, mixed signal
running at 120/150 MHz. Peripherals
include an integrated graphics LCD
controller, IEEE® 1588 Ethernet Vybrid Controller Series These devices allow an application
MAC, Full- and High-Speed USB 2.0 For more advanced AC drives, to be split into two parts. The ARM
On-The-Go with device charger detect which run operating systems such Cortex-M4 core is responsible for real-
capability, hardware encryption and as Linux, there are devices from time control of motor drives, including
tamper detection capabilities. The the Vybrid series suitable for such PLC, while the ARM Cortex-A5 core
K70 is available with 512 KB or 1 MB high demands, particularly those in can run operating systems responsible
of flash in 256-pin MBGA packages. the VF6xx family. The VF6xx family for rich multimedia.
Each MCU includes a rich suite of features a heterogeneous dual- For more information, visit
analog, communication, timing and core solution that combines ARM or freescale.
control peripherals, as well as a single Cortex™-A5 and Cortex-M4 cores. com/dsc.
precision floating point unit and NAND The family also features dual USB 2.0
flash controller. 256-pin versions OTG controllers with integrated PHY,
include an on-chip DRAM controller dual 10/100 Ethernet controllers with
for system expansion. The K70 also L2 switch, 1.5 MB of on-chip SRAM
includes peripherals for motor control and a rich suite of communication,
such as up to four FlexTimers with two connectivity and human-machine
or eight PWM outputs, up to four ADC interfaces, multiple serial interfaces
and programmable delay blocks for including UARTs with support for
FTM to ADC synchronization. This set ISO7816 SIM/smart cards, SPI and
of peripherals allows for the design of I2C and dual CAN modules. VF6xx
powerful and complex AC drives. devices can interface to a variety of
external peripherals and memories for
system expansion and data storage.
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
on-chip non-volatile memory is in the Robotic systems often include Dedicated motor control MCUs
range of tens of kilobytes. The MCU additional components that have are available in the following
must have dedicated motor control to be controlled by an MCU, such Freescale families:
peripheral modules, including a timer as an automatic tool changer and • MC56F84xx, 32-bit/100 MHz DSC
for 6-channel PWM generation, tool coolant control, or in the case based on 56800EX Core
a fast and accurate AD converter of the CNC lathe machine, a spindle
• Kinetis K40, K60 MCUs based on
and an interface for processing the drive control.
the ARM Cortex-M4 core
encoder signals.
Implementation of These solutions have dedicated motor
Communication between the main
CNC controller and the motor control
Freescale MCUs control peripheral modules, including
Each layer of the control chain can be PWM generation with synchronized
MCUs is sometimes realized with
equipped by a Freescale MCU. ADC. Floating point unit is not
optical bus in order to protect the
required, as the performance of the
position information in harsh, As mentioned, the top layer requires
core is sufficient for execution of the
noisy environments. significant computation power to
vector control algorithm.
The bottom layer represents power perform multiple tasks, though it does
modules, each driving a single not require specific motor control Freescale Enablement
motor. These do not contain specific peripherals. The Freescale portfolio of Additional information, including
MCU logic, but can be equipped 32-bit solutions offers several options reference designs, application notes
with an intelligent driver of IGBTs or to meet this need: and embedded software libraries for
power MOSFETs that can perform • Vybrid controller solutions built on motor control is available at
failsafe and diagnostic features. The single- or dual-core ARM Cortex-A5/
information is passed over the fast Cortex-M4 solutions
communication interface to the motor • Kinetis K70 MCU based on the
control MCU. The power module ARM Cortex-M4 core
measures the feedback signals
These MCUs contain safety features
(phase currents, voltage) used in the
that are equipped with floating
control algorithm.
point unit, possess high-performance
cores and are suitable for
trajectory calculation.
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
Application Examples
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
Application Examples
• High accelerations and braking: This increases precision of the that ensure safe PWM signal
The motor usually has small measured back EMF voltage. For generation with minimal MCU
diameter lightweight impellers which this sensorless BLDC application, it intervention. There are three
provide lower inertia. This allows the is necessary to sense the following FlexTimers modules (FTM) on the
system to operate with very high parameters during the application run: K60 device. FTM0 is an eight-channel
dynamics, such as acceleration timer, while FTM1 and FTM2 are two-
• DC bus voltage
and braking near 200,000 RPM per channel timers. Each FTM module is
• DC bus current
second. This dynamic is required to a timer that supports input capture,
achieve the requested pressure in a • Phase A, B and C back EMF output compare and PWM signal
very short time. voltages generation that control electric motor
• Current control as an inner loop: The commutation time and period and power management applications.
To achieve such a high dynamic, are calculated from these measured
Performance Data
the application must be equipped parameters. Precise computation of
a commutation instance is one of • Supply voltage: 24 V
with a current controller. Otherwise,
the motor can be overloaded by the most important aspects of the • Supply current: 3.5 A
exceeding maximal motor current. application. In the very high speed • Max speed: 30,000 RPM
The current control also has region, only a few samples of BEMF • Dynamics: 200,000 RPM per
additional noise reduction. Small, voltages are measured, and one of the second
high-speed BLDC motors usually following methods should be used to
• ROM: 6, 2 KB
have very low inductance compared achieve sufficient accuracy.
• RAM: 390 bytes
to a conventional BLDC motor. • Multisampling of BEMF voltage
In this case, the bipolar PWM • Processor load 16% (96 MHz)
during one PWM period
cannot be used. A solution can be • Increase of PWM frequency to Freescale Enablement
achieved with higher frequency, achieve more samples For more information about Kinetis
unipolar PWM strategy, or a power
• Software zero cross approximation MCUs, visit
stage with input DC-DC converter
to change motor supply voltage • Usage of analog comparators For more information about the
according to the motor speed. Freescale Tower System, visit
Implementation of
• Memory footprint and MCU
Freescale MCUs
performance: All previous For more information about
The hardware abilities of the
requirements must be met the Freescale FreeMASTER
peripheral modules on the Kinetis K60
to achieve 20 percent power runtime debugging tool, visit
MCU significantly reduce the CPU
load on the user software and enable
Application Concept precise high-speed sensorless BLDC See also design reference manuals:
motor control. The Kinetis K60 MCU DRM135, DRM078, DRM086,
The application concept is a pressure
is based on the ARM Cortex-M4 core DRM128, DRM117 and application
closed-loop BLDC drive using a
with pulse width modulation (PWM), notes: AN4142, AN4376, AN4254
sensorless back EMF integration
2 x 16-bit ADCs with ADC to PWM and AN1914, which are available at
technique with current control
synchronization, programmable delay
inert loop. FlexTimer, PDB and
block, analog comparators, up to four
ADC modules in sensorless BLDC
fault inputs for global fault control,
motor drives offer typical usage
Ethernet controller, PGA, DAC, USB,
examples. The FlexTimer simplifies
up to 1 MB of internal flash and up
calculation of PWM signals using
to 128 KB of SRAM. It also contains
the automatic complementary signal
the mask and invert control registers
generation and dead time insertion.
with hardware and software triggers
It significantly increases the safety of
for simplified 6-step control. These
PWM generation and the complete
modules reflect specific requirements
application. The PDB offers precise
of the motor control application
timing of the ADC sampling event.
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
Motor Control and MQX Figure 1: Motor Control Process Under the MQX RTOS
Operating System
Application Software Under MQXTM
Embedded applications are becoming
MQX Initializations
more complex and putting more
pressure on the embedded system Motor Control Process with Dedicated Driver
PMSM or AC induction motors. Vector Control Loop Driver Speed Control Driver USB
• ADC Current Sensing • Speed Regulator API
• Rotor Position Detection (Field Weakening)
Three-Phase High-Voltage
Power Board
available MCU Tower System modules, • Three-phase MOSFET gate driver
High-voltage applications (supplied
accommodating a selected MCU, it with overcurrent and undervoltage
from mains) require a different
provides a ready-made, software- protection
approach of inverter board design
development platform for one-third • Three-phase and DC bus current
due to safety requirements and
horsepower offline motors. Feedback sensing shunts
isolation distances. The Freescale
signals are provided that allow a variety
high-voltage power board combines • DC bus-voltage sensing
of algorithms to control three-phase
a three-phase inverter and power • Three-phase back EMF voltage
PMSM and BLDC motors.
factor correction stage. The board sensing circuitry
allows development and prototyping The TWR-MC-LV3PH module features:
• Low-voltage on-board power
of applications for white goods, • Power supply voltage input 12 to 24 supplies
industrial and general-purpose drives. VDC, extended up to 50 V • Encoder/Hall sensor sensing
• Output current up to 8 A circuitry
Three-Phase Low-Voltage
• Power supply reverse polarity • Motor power and signal connectors
Tower System Board
protection circuitry
The three-phase low-voltage control • User LED, power-on LED, six PWM
board (TWR-MC-LV3PH) is a peripheral • Three-phase bridge inverter LED diodes
Tower System module. With one of the (six MOSFETs) • Braking resistor MOSFET
Sets of jumpers located on the board Three-Phase High-Voltage • Hardware overcurrent fault
enable configuration setting of analog Power Board protection
signals. SPI communication channel • Active PFC
The three-phase high-voltage power
and MC33937 driver signal selectors are
board is a power stage and part of the • Overvoltage comparator with
available through zero-ohm resistors.
Freescale embedded motion control DC-brake resistor interface
The MC33937 provides overcurrent series of development platforms. The • SCI-to-USB optically isolated
and undervoltage functions, in kit consists of the main board and communication interface
addition to other functions. a selected MCU daughter card. The
The main component of three-phase
A filtered DC bus current signal is fed interface between the card and the
inverters is the smart power module
into the pre-driver current comparator main power board provides a 96-pin
(SPM). The high-speed built-in HVIC
input. If the current exceeds the PCI connector which accommodates
provides optocoupler-less single
adjustable reference value, all six all required signals for the three-phase
supply IGBT gate driving capability
transistors are switched off while a inverter and active power factor
that reduces the overall size of
fault bit setting in the status register. correction stage.
the inverter system design. Each
The TWR-MC-LV3PH kit contains The power board is capable to phase current of the inverter can
a three-phase BLDC motor with control sensored or sensorless PM be monitored separately due to the
Hall sensors LINIX 45ZWN24-40 synchronous motors, AC induction divided negative DC terminal.
with parameters: motors and BLDC motors with the
The platform currently supports key
power up to 1 kW. The DC bus
• Rated voltage of 24 VDC MCUs dedicated for motor control
voltage is regulated using PFC to
• Rated speed 4000 RPM the value of 400 VDC which enables
• Rated power 40 W generation of three-phase output • MC9S08MP16
The board supports Tower System The algorithms for motor control • MC56F82xx
standards and interface pin-out. applications required apart from • MC56F84xx
However, not all Freescale MCUs powerful MCUs are also motor analog • MPC564xL
are dedicated for motor control signals (current, voltage) and a rotor
• K40X256
applications. The list of recommended position feedback. The motor position
Tower System MCU modules that are in case of sensorless applications Availability
fully compatible from TWR-MC-LV3PH is calculated using a motor model. The TWR-MC-LV3PH Tower System
regarding number of PWMs, ADCs However, the real position of the rotor modules are currently available at
and timer channels is as follows: is essential at least for initial application for direct ordering
tuning. The power board contains or through distributors. The kit
• 8-bit
interfaces for quadrature decoder, Hall contains three-phase BLDC motor,
TWR-S08PT60 sensors, tacho generator and optional 24 VDC power supply and the Tower
• ColdFire resolver position and speed feedbacks. System module. The BLDC example
TWR-MCF5441X The HV power board features: applications are available for Kinetis
• DSC MCU and DSC platforms.
• Input voltage of 85–250 VAC
TWR-56F8257 The kit and application software are
• Output current up to 15 A
TWR-56F8400 available at
• Auxiliary power supplies 15 V and 5
• ARM core-based Kinetis MCUs V DC from rectified voltage The high-voltage power board will
TWR-K40X256 • Three-phase IGBT power module be available for ordering in 2013.
TWR-K60N512 Currently, the board redesign is in
• Analog sensing (DCB voltage, DCB
progress as well as mass production
TWR-K70F120M current, phase currents, back
preparations. The MCU daughter
EMF voltage)
cards will be available for both Kinetis
• Motor speed/position sensors MCU and DSC platforms.
interface (encoder, Hall, tacho
generator, resolver)
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
Freescale Embedded
Software Libraries
A rapid product development tool designed to ease
software development
Overview The libraries are broken into four main variable speed, AC motor drive
Freescale embedded software function groups: system that implements field
libraries are a complementary group oriented control techniques without
eneral function library: Contains
of algorithms ranging from basic position or speed sensors to provide
the basic building blocks of a real-
mathematics operations to advanced the lowest cost solution.
time control application. Functions
transformations and observers, for basic mathematical calculations, Individual libraries are delivered as
which can be easily incorporated into trigonometric functions, simple look- standalone modules, the interfaces
complex real-time control applications. up tables and control functions such have been combined into a single
The complementary algorithms help to as PI and PID controllers. public interface to reduce the
speed development and ease of use number of files required for inclusion
otor control library: The
in applications that require intensive by application programs and to
fundamental blocks of a motor
math computation and control such as ease development.
control application. The libraries
advanced high-efficiency motor control include vector modulation, Park and
and power conversion.
Freescale Enablement
Clarke transformations and specific
The libraries are currently available
motor related functions to build
Features for Freescale DSCs running on the
digitally controlled motor drives.
The libraries are highly optimized, 56800E/56800EX cores, ColdFire V1
eneral digital filter library: Includes and Kinetis platforms based on the
tested on Freescale hardware and are
filter functions for signal conditioning ARM Cortex-M4 core.
easy to use as they are implemented
(IIR of various order).
with a C-callable function interface. The The libraries are available for download
functions have been tested against the •A
dvanced control library: Functions
reference model in MATLAB. that enable the construction of a
GFLIB_ControllerPlr MCLIB_Clark
d, q α, β
α, β a, b, c
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
1. Verification of the functionality using hand code or a mix of hand includes the TÜV SÜD certificates, a
of C code is done by comparing code and model generated code. certification report and other artifacts
the MIL outputs to the SIL outputs. With an available embedded target, needed for certification. In order to
Component or unit testing can also automatic generation of model follow the certified workflow, the
be performed on the generated C code with the software for MCU capability to run PIL or a similar
code. Since this step is done on initialization and peripheral interface on-target testing approach, must be
the host PC, the unit testing time is is also possible. At this stage, you available. The MCD Toolbox, with
reduced versus running the unit tests may perform verification, log data, its embedded target, provides PIL
on the target MCU. This step verifies calibrate and analyze execution capability to allow the full TÜV SÜD
the accuracy of the generated C on the target MCU in the target certified workflow so that it is possible
code’s numerical results. application environment. Most likely, to produce the artifacts of a complete
• PIL: Uses the model to generate the ECM with the target MCU will ISO 26262 tool qualification package
target MCU code, compiled and not work on the real system as well for embedded system certification.
tested on evaluation hardware. as it did in simulation, so an iterative Since MCD Toolbox supports the
PIL allows numerical equivalence process takes place by analyzing Freescale MPC564xL MCU, it is also
testing and verifies data coherency results on the ECM/MCU and possible to use this workflow on the
of the software running on the modifying the model or first MCU in the industry to achieve
target MCU by comparing its output its interfaces. a formal ISO 26262 certificate for
with the results in step 2. During ASIL D functional safety capability
Enabling MBD for by an independent third party. This
this step it is possible to verify that
the execution semantics of the
Motor Control combination of Mathworks IEC®, MCD
model are being preserved during The Motor Control Development (MCD) Toolbox for the required target support
code generation, compilation and Toolbox is a comprehensive collection for PIL, and an ASIL D certified MCU
linking with the target MCU and of tools that plug into the MATLAB®/ allows automotive and industrial
compiler. This enables the collection Simulink® tool rapid application control engineers to design motor
of execution metrics on the target development targeting Freescale control systems in an IEC 61508 (SIL3)
MCU allowing for the evaluation of MCUs. The MCD Toolbox includes and ISO 26262 (ASIL-D) compliant
the MCU’s performance. This type of support for motor control applications system using MBD.
testing is also useful for test vectors development and enables control
For step three of the MBD process,
that are too dangerous or expensive engineers and embedded developers
not only does the MCD Toolbox enable
to run the target hardware. This to meet the demands of shorter
PIL support but it also generates code
is also the only way to unit test project life cycles. The MCD Toolbox
required to start up the MCU and
target-specific optimized code. PIL includes an integrated embedded
run from either flash or RAM memory
can only be performed if there is an target with Simulink and its production
configurations. The CodeWarrior IDE,
embedded target available in the code generation, Embedded Coder®.
Green Hills Software MULTI and Wind
modeling environment. This enables Freescale MCUs to
River Diab compilers are supported.
support the MBD processes MIL, SIP,
• Target: Embedded control The MCD Toolbox includes profile
PIL and generation of software for the
module (ECM) hardware and utilities to enable measurement of
MCU’s initialization and peripherals.
MCU implementation with direct execution time on the MCU when
interfaces to the peripherals is MATLAB and Simulink family of performing PIL operations.
done using code generated from products provide a verification and
the model in the previous steps. validation workflow for use with
In this final step, the integration of Embedded Coder, which has been
the control algorithm software with certified by the TÜV SÜD. Mathworks
target MCU hardware is often done provides an IEC certification kit that
Beyond Bits Motor Control Edition
Real-time data visualization tool simplifies motor control
application development
The motor control drive represents a
Figure 1: FreeMASTER Visualization Screen
real-time embedded application with
a number of system variables and
control parameters. These parameters
and variables need to be observed
and evaluated in real time in order to
optimally develop, set up and tune
the control algorithm. Traditionally,
developers use code debuggers and
oscilloscopes for the development of
motor control applications.
Unfortunately, such traditional
development is quite arduous. The
limiting factor of oscilloscope usage is
that the current and voltage signals of
the drive often differ from the values
processed by the processor. The
measured signals are affected by the instrumentation components inserted A small routine, which resides in user
sensing circuitry, by measurement noise into the HTML code as embedded code, stores the selected variables
and also by the offset and gain error of ActiveX objects. This allows for creation in the on-board memory buffer that
the analog-to-digital converter. Since of a user-friendly display of complex is then loaded onto the PC and
the developer needs to evaluate the real-time data dashboards. displayed as a course. The recorder
measured signals on the processor side, is very useful for tracking variables
the oscilloscope does not allow effective Real-Time Data Visualization which change so fast that they cannot
development of the complex application. Variable window displays the selected be tracked by the scope. A typical
variables or the memory location of example is the motor current.
FreeMASTER the target processor. The important
The stimulator enables stimulation of
In order to help the users in the part of the setting is the real type
the selected variables in time. A typical
development of real-time embedded transformation of the variables. It
example is the speed profile of the
applications, Freescale offers enables transformation of the variable
washing machine application.
FreeMASTER, a real-time debug, available on the target processor into a
monitor and data visualization tool. It format that is more understandable for Availability
supports a completely non-intrusive users (volts, amps, RPM).
Freescale supports automotive,
monitoring, visualization and control of Real-Time Data Scope industrial and appliance MCUs and
embedded system variables that is key The tool enables visualization of the DSCs including 56F8xxx, S08, Kinetis,
for real-time application development variables of the target processor S12/S12X, Qorivva and ColdFire V1/
and tuning. in a way similar to that of classical V2/V4. A variety of communication
oscilloscopes. It enables the display of interfaces are supported. The selection
Key Features up to eight courses in a single scope includes BDM, SCI, CAN, USB, MQX
Real-Time Control window. The oscilloscope is useful for I/O,
Control page enables effective control tracking variables that change relatively and JTAG. FreeMASTER is available
of the application. HTML form is slowly. A typical example is the speed for use with Freescale products
supported so the user can easily design of the motor. and can be downloaded at
a custom project. The visualization
The recorder window enables the
area enables use of third-party visualization of fast changing variables.
We hope this edition of Beyond Bits has provided you a better
understanding of our motor control solutions and how they can
help you in future designs. We aim to provide solutions that
address the major challenges you face in developing motor control
applications as well as collateral to help you quickly and easily find
the right solution to address your specific needs. For additional
information on the solutions covered in Beyond Bits, visit,