Secretariat Instructions
Secretariat Instructions
Secretariat Instructions
(c) the tiers through which a case has to pass are ordinarily not more
than two excluding the Secretary.
8. A Section Officer shall dispose of all cases where there are clear
precedents, and no question of deviation from such precedents is
involved or which under the rules or standing orders he is competent to
dispose of. In case of doubt he may seek verbal instructions from his
senior officer.
(i) Assistant
(ii) Stenotypist
(c) Any other ancillary function and work that may be assigned
by the officer, e.g. reproduction of documents, arranging
office amenities etc.
10. Naib Qasid attached to the Section will normally perform the
following duties:
(a) Carrying from one place to another within and without office
premises official files/papers.
14. All business of Government shall be conducted in accordance
with the Rules of Business and these Instructions.
This shall not apply to cases which, under Instruction 6, a Joint Secretary
or Additional Secretary will submit to the Minister direct.
17. No officer shall deal with a case relating to his own promotion,
transfer, pay or allowances or with a case dealing with his own official
18. As a rule not more than two officers (excluding the Secretary)
shall note upon a case before its final disposal except where more than
one Section may have to be consulted.
19. When the higher officer agrees with the note or recommendation,
he may merely append his signature.
25. All notes shall be temperately written and shall be free from
personal remarks. If apparent errors are to be pointed out and if any
opinion is to be criticised it shall be done in respectful language. Proper
decorum shall be observed in commenting upon the notes recorded by
higher authorities.
40. Notes written in one Division and sent to another shall not be
referred to any officer outside the Secretariat without the general or
special consent of the Division to which they belong.
41. Where a general consent has been given to the reference of notes
to an officer outside the Secretariat, such consent shall not be construed
(except when the reference is one by the Ministry of Commerce to the
Vice-Chairman, Export Promotion Bureau or by the Cabinet Division to
the Director, Intelligence Bureau) to apply to cases in which the papers
are marked confidential or secret and in no circumstances to cases in
which the officer to whom the notes are referred is personally affected,
or in which his official conduct is under consideration.
Note.– The term approximate status of a Deputy Secretary used in the first paragraph of this
Instruction means the officer holding appointments in BPS-19 in the Attached
Departments and First Secretary or Consular in the Pakistan Mission abroad.
Disposal of references
between Federal and
Provincial Governments
more than a month, it shall be brought to the notice of the Secretary with
an explanation of the reasons for delay.
Correspondence with
Foreign Governments
Correspondence with
members of the public
(2) The forms and letters addressed to the members of the public
should be politely worded and neatly printed or otherwise reproduced on
stationery of suitable quality. The salutation "Dear Sir/Sirs" and
subscription "Yours truly" should be invariably used while addressing
communications to non-officials or group of individuals.
Checks on delays
56. (1) Every Section Officer shall prepare, in the prescribed form a
monthly return of arrears and submit it to such higher officer or officers
as the Secretary may order.
(b) The Deputy Secretaries should hold periodical meetings with the
Section Officers.
71. The Law and Justice Division shall be consulted in all matters
involving legal questions.
72. When the Government of Pakistan is concerned with any
criminal prosecution, a reference shall be made to the Law and Justice
73. No prosecution shall be instituted without consultation with the
Law and Justice Division, and no prosecutions shall be instituted or
withdrawn in any manner contrary to the advice of the Law and Justice
Division, without reference to the Government in the Division
Inserted vide Management Services Division O.M. No. 2-1/91 Manuals dated 26-4-1993.
Added vide Railways Division’s O.M. No.15(1)/2002-E.I, dated 31-10-2002.
Added vide Cabinet Secretary's d.o. letter No. 6-18/91-GC dated 21-1-1992.
(See Instruction 42)
Subs vide S&TR Division O.M. No.12(28)/2002-Estt-I, dated 25-10-2002.
Added vide Cabinet Division O.M. No.F.4/3/2002-Admn.II, dated 16-10-2002.
Communications Division;
Statistics Division;
Education Division;
Health Division;
(i) Director, Central Health Establishment, Karachi.
(ii) Executive Director, Pakistan Institute of Medical
Sciences (PIMS), Islamabad.
(iii) Medical Superintendent, Federal Government
Services Hospital, Islamabad.
(iv) Director, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre,
(v) Director, Malaria Control, Islamabad.
(vi) Director, National Institute of Child Health,
(NICH), Karachi.
Interior Division;
Subs vide Cabinet Division’s Memo.No.4-20/2004-Min.I, dated 2-9-2004.
Amended vide Ministry of Industries and Production O.M. No.9(23)/2002-Admn.I, dated 8-11-2002.
Subs vide SRO No.434(1)/2003, dated 20-5-2003.
Amended vide Ministry of Information and Media Development U.O.No.4(5)/2003-Coord,
dated 23-04-2003.
Subs vide Labour, Manpower and Overseas Pakistanis Division O.M.No.6-1/2002-Admn.I,
dated 31-10-2002.
(See Instruction 47)
1. Functions of the Federal Public Service Commission in regard to
recruitment are laid down in Section 7 of the Federal Public Service
Commission Ordinance, 1977 (Annexure-I). Under Section 10 ibid
which empowers the President to make rules for carrying out the
purposes of the Act, the Federal Public Service Commission (Functions)
Rules, 1978 (Annexure-II) have been issued. Attention in this connection
is also invited to:–
(a) rule 10 of the Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion and
Transfer) Rules, 1973 regarding initial appointments to posts
within the purview of the F.P.S.C. (Annexure-III); and
(b) the Establishment Division's O.M. No. 11/18/49-SE-II, dated
the 17th January, 1951 regarding recruitment from abroad
(Annexure IV).
References to the Federal Public Service
Commission and acceptance of its advice
2. All references shall be made direct to the Commission by the
Division/Department in the form of an official letter addressed to the
Secretary and with which all relevant papers shall be forwarded,
provided that no reference which is not obligatory under the rules and
instructions regarding consultation with the Commission shall be made
without the previous concurrence of the Establishment Division and, in
cases involving financial considerations, of the appropriate authority as
well. Before a case is referred to the Establishment Division, the
Division/Department shall place in the file the draft of the letter proposed
to be submitted to the Commission.
3. The Commission shall in all cases be informed of the action
taken on its recommendations. For this purpose, ordinarily endorsement
forwarding copies of communications in which orders are conveyed,
recommendations are made or other action taken shall suffice.
4. Whenever a difference of opinion arises between the
Commission and a Division/Department which cannot be resolved by
correspondence, the matter shall be dealt with in accordance with the
Establishment Division O.M. No.3/3/59-EVII, dated the 4th June, 1960
(Annexure V) and the case will then be submitted by the Establishment
Division to the Prime Minister vide item 5(b) of Schedule V-A of the
Rules of Business, 1973.
Appointment/Recruitment to posts
under the Federal Government
5. (i) Appointments to the various posts in BPS 16 and/or above
which fall within the purview of the Commission shall be made in
accordance with the recruitment rules framed in consultation with the
FPSC and with the concurrence of the Establishment Division.
(ii) Whenever, a post is entrusted to the Commission for
recommending a suitable candidate, a requisition on the prescribed form
accompanied by a copy of approved recruitment rules and after
prescribing regional/provincial quota should be sent to the Commission.
Once a requisition has been sent for recruitment and the Post has been
advertised by the Commission, the qualification etc. should not be
Note.– In the case of posts in BPS-1 to 15 which do not fall within the purview of
the Commission, it is not necessary to consult the FPSC regarding the
method and source of their recruitment. Recruitment rules should be framed
with the concurrence of the Establishment Division.
Recruitment by Examination
6. When any competitive examination is to be held for the purpose
of recruitment to posts in BPS 16 and/or above under the Federal
Government and consultation with the Commission is required, the
Commission shall:–
(i) advise the President in regard to the regulations prescribing the–
(a) conditions of admission to the examination; and
(b) syllabus of the examination;
(ii) announce the number of vacancies to be filled from among
the candidates for the examination;
(iii) make all arrangements for the actual conduct of the
examination including viva voce and other tests connected
with it in Pakistan, and, if necessary, abroad and may for this
purpose, depute a Member to go abroad for sitting on the
Interview Board; Provided that when the Commission finds
it necessary to send more than one Member, it shall obtain
prior approval of the President;
(iv) if considered necessary, request the President to nominate an
officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary, to represent the
Government at the interviews for Competitive Examinations
for recruitment to posts in BPS 16 and 17;
(See Appendix B - Para - 1)
No F. 24(I)/77-Pub.– The following Ordinance made by the
President on the 17th December, 1977, is hereby published for general
[4A. Oath of Office.–Before entering upon office the Chairman and a
member shall take oath in the form set out in the Schedule to this Ordinance
before the President in case of Chairman and before the Chairman in case
of a member].
5. 1[Ineligibility for further employment.–On ceasing to hold office a
member shall not be eligible for further employment in the service of
5A. 1[Appointment of a serving member as a Chairman.– A serving
member of the Commission shall be eligible for appointment as Chairman
for a term not exceeding the unexpired portion of his term as such
6. Removal from office.– A member shall not be removed from office
except in the manner applicable to a Judge of a High Court.
[7. Functions of the Commission.–(1) The functions of the
Commission shall be–
(a) 3[to conduct tests and examinations for recruitment of
persons to All-Pakistan Services, the civil services of the
Federation and civil posts in connection with the affairs of
the Federation in basic pay scale 16 and above or
equivalent]; and
(b) to advise the President–
(i) On matters relating to qualifications for and method of
recruitment to, services and posts referred to in clause (a);
(ii) On the principles to be followed in making initial
appointments to the services and posts referred to in
clause (a) and in making appointments by promotion to
posts in BS 18 and above and transfer from one service or
occupational group to another; and
(iii) On any other matter which the President may refer to the
Commission; 4[and]
[(c) to hold examinations for promotion for such posts as the
Federal Government may, from time to time, by
notification in the official Gazette, specify].
Subs. and Added vide Federal Public Service Commission Ordinance No.LVI of 2000,
dated 17-11-2000.
Subs vide Federal Public Service Commission (Amendment) Ordinance No.LVI of 2000
dated 17-11-2000.
Subs vide Federal Public Service Commission (Amendment) Ordinance III of 2003 promulgated on
Subs and added vide Ordinance No.XLIX of 2002 dated 3-9-2002.
(a) the cases, if any, in which the advice of the Commission was
not accepted and the reasons thereof; and
Added vide Federal Public Service Commission (Amendment) Ordinance No.XXV of 1978,
dated 24-5-1978
Added vide Federal Public Service Commission (Amendment) Ordinance No.LI of 1980.
I, _________________________________________ do solemnly
swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to Pakistan:
Omitted vide Federal Public Service Commission Ordinance. No. XLV of 1977, dated 17-12-1977.
Added vide Federal Public Service Commission (Amendment) Ordinance No. LVI of 2000.
(b) "civil servant" means a person who is, or has been, a civil
servant within the meaning of the Civil Servants Act, 1973
(LXVI of 1973);
(c) Omitted.
Omitted vide Establishment Division’s Notification S.R.O. No.147(I)/84, dated 9-2-1984.
Subs vide Establishment Division’s Notification S.R.O. No. 147(I)/84 dated 9-2-1984.
Added vide Establishment Division’s Notification S.R.O. No.848(I)/2002, dated 27-11-2002.
Amended vide Establishment Division’s Notification S.R.O. No.415/2000 dated 19-6-2000.
(f) [Omitted].
3. (1) Appointments to posts shall be made by any of the following
methods, namely:–
(a) [by promotion [* * * *] in accordance with Part II of these
(b) by transfer in accordance with Part II of these rules; and
(c) by initial appointment in accordance with Part III of these
(2) The method of appointment and the qualifications and other
conditions applicable to a post shall be as laid down by the Ministry or
Division concerned in consultation with the Establishment Division.
[(3) "Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule(I), or the method
of appointment laid down in the recruitment rules, a person who is rendered
surplus as a result of the reorganization or abolition of a Division,
Department, Office or permanent post in pursuance of any Government
decision or as a measure of economy may be appointed to a post in the basic
pay scale to which he belonged, if he possesses the qualifications, and fulfils
other conditions, applicable to that post"].
[(4) Where a person referred to in sub-rule (3),–-
(i) possesses educational qualifications which are considered
interchangeable with, or equivalent to, the qualification
prescribed in the relevant recruitment rules; or
(ii) fulfils the prescribed qualifications and the conditions for
initial appointment to the post in the relevant rules except the
condition relating to prescribed experience, the appointing
authority may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax the
requirement of educational qualifications or, as the case may
be, the prescribed experience].
(2) Each such Committee shall consist of at least three members one
of whom shall be appointed Chairman.
1 2 3
(1) Posts in basic pay scales 20 and [Prime Minister].
above or equivalent.
(5) Posts in basic pay scales 1 and An officer notified by the Secretary of
2 or equivalent. the Ministry or Division concerned].
[Provided that appointment to posts in Basic Pay Scales 20 and
above or equivalent in the President’s Secretariat shall be made by the
Added vide Establishment Division’s Notification S.R.O. No.961(I)/99, dated 25-8-1999.
Subs. vide Establishment Division’s Notification S.R.O.No.276(I)/2000, dated 25-5-2000.
Renumbered vide Establishment Division’s Notification S.R.O. No.829(I)/2000, dated 16-11-2000.
Subs vide Establishment Division’s Notification S.R.O.No.1(I)/2003,dated 1-1-2003 w.e.f. 23-11-2002.
Added vide Establishment Division’s Notification S.R.O.No.607(I)/2002, dated 10-9-2002.
[(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), the
Appointing Authority specified in column (4) of the table below shall be
competent to make appointments to the posts specified in column (3) of
that table in the department specified in column (2) thereof.
(2) 1[Omitted]
(4) Acting charge appointment shall be made against posts which are
likely to fall vacant for a period of six months or more. Against vacancies
occurring for less than six months, current charge appointment may be
made according to the orders issued from time to time.
(7) Acting charge appointment shall not confer any vested right for
regular promotion to the post [ ] held on acting charge basis.
Omitted vide Establishment Division’s Notification S.R.O No.269(I)/2000, dated 19-5-2000.
Subs vide Establishment Division’s Notification S.R.O. No.146(I)/84, dated 9-2-1984.
20. Short term vacancies in the posts falling within the purview of the
Commission and vacancies occurring as a result of creation of temporary
posts for a period not exceeding six months, may be filled by the appointing
authority otherwise that through the Commission on a purely temporary
basis after advertising the vacancy.
(2) The period of probation may be curtailed for good and sufficient
reasons, to be recorded, or, if considered necessary, it may be extended
for a period not exceeding one year as may be specified at the time of
(4) If no order is issued under sub-rule (3), on the expiry of the first
year of probation period, the period of probation shall be deemed to have
been extended under sub-rule (2):
under sub-rule (3), the period of probation shall, on the expiry of the
extended period under sub-rule (2), be deemed to have successfully been
SUBJECT. Procedure regarding recruitment from abroad in civil posts
under Central Government.
The question of the procedure which should be adopted when it
becomes necessary to resort to recruitment from abroad to civil posts
under the Central Government has been engaging the attention of the
Cabinet Secretariat for some time. It may be mentioned that the
procedure followed before Partition in connection with such recruitment
was that, after the Federal Public Service Commission had agreed, under
Regulation 4(a) of the Federal Public Service Commission (Consultation
by the Governor-General) Regulations, to a particular post being filled
by recruitment from abroad, the Department concerned took steps to
recruit from abroad after obtaining the agreement of the Home
Department of the undivided Government of India to such recruitment.
This procedure has, however, not been followed in Pakistan after
partition. In some cases, the Pakistan Public Service Commission have
taken the necessary steps to recruit from abroad, while in a few others,
Ministries themselves have advertised abroad. With the object of
establishing a uniform procedure, it has now been decided by the
Government of Pakistan that recruitment from abroad should be made in
the manner indicated in the following paragraphs.
2. If a Ministry considers that it is necessary to make recruitment to
civil posts from abroad, it should make a reference to the Pakistan Public
Service Commission, asking them to agree to such recruitment and if
they agree, to proceed without delay to take all the steps necessary to
make such recruitment. The Pakistan Public Service Commission will
themselves advertise the post or posts abroad and make the necessary
arrangements for the candidates to be interviewed by Special Selection
Committees. Thereafter, the Pakistan Public Service Commission will
make recommendations for filling of the post or posts in question. In no
case should the Ministry itself take steps to advertise the posts.
3. There may, however, be exceptional cases in which the
Ministries concerned are of the view that recruitment from abroad
through the Pakistan Public Service Commission will prove infructuous,
e.g., in the case of appointments to highly technical posts or other posts
of considerable importance in connection with which persons of high
No. 3/359-EVII
(Establishment Division)
Karachi, the 4th June, 1960
SUBJECT.__ Acceptance of the advice of the Federal Public
Service Commission.
In supersession of the Cabinet Secretariat (Establishment
Branch) Office Memorandum No. 10/3/50-SEII, dated the 13th June,
1950, on the subject of the Convention regarding acceptance of the
advice of the Federal Public Service Commission, the undersigned is
directed to say that the Government have been pleased to decide that the
advice of the Federal Public Service Commission in a case referred to it
shall be accepted by the Ministry/Division/Department concerned subject
to the provisions of para 2 below.
2. Where a referring Ministry, Division or Department disagrees
with the advice given, it shall communicate the reasons for disagreement
to the Commission, and after the Commission has expressed its further
views in the matter, the case will be submitted for decision to the
President through the Establishment Division.
Establishment Secretary.
All Ministries/Divisions.
Copy forwarded to:__
1. F.P.S.C., Karachi
2. Provincial Governments.
Section Officer
(See Instruction 54)
Channel of Communication between the Government
of Pakistan and foreign governments
All correspondence initiated by the Government of Pakistan shall
normally be conducted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the
Pakistan Diplomatic Mission abroad and further correspondence on the
subject will be continued through the same channel. The Foreign Mission
of the country concerned in Pakistan will be kept informed on the subject,
if considered necessary, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If there is no
Pakistan Diplomatic Mission in a particular country but that country has a
Diplomatic Mission in Pakistan, correspondence shall be conducted
through the latter. If no diplomatic Missions have been exchanged at all,
the correspondence may be either routed through a Pakistan Diplomatic
Mission at a station where the country concerned also has a Mission or
addressed direct by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Foreign Ministry
of the country concerned. Correspondence initiated by Foreign
Governments shall normally be conducted by Foreign Diplomatic Mission
in Pakistan with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and further
correspondence on the same subject shall be through the same channel.
2. In matters of purely routine or technical nature the following
exceptions to the above channel of communication are permissible:__
(a) In respect of the United Kingdom:
(i) The 1[Ministry of Labour, Manpower and Overseas
Pakistanis] may correspond direct with the Ministry of
Pensions, London, and vice versa in connection with the
grant of awards to dependents of deceased seamen of ex-
British registered ships killed by enemy action during the
last war.
(ii) Naval Headquarters may correspond direct with
Commonwealth Relations Office of Her Majesty's
Government and vice versa, on routine matters concerning
pay, accounts, etc. of officers and rating of Pakistan Navy
serving in the United Kingdom.
Subs vide Cabinet Division’s Memo.No.4-20/2004-Min.I, dated 2-9-2004.
I. Commerce Division:
Explanatory Note:
I. Performance
(13) Are periodical reports and returns sent out to the authorities
concerned regularly? Is a list of such reports and returns
maintained? (For this purpose, all items of work that could
easily be quantified, should be taken into account).
(15) Is the procedure for the receipt, custody and issue of stationery
efficient? (A check of the actual stock of some of the items
with the quantity shown in the stationery register will give a
good indication).
(17) Are the furniture and equipment kept in good repair? Are
unserviceable items stocked unnecessarily?
(18) Are the log books of staff cars, and other vehicles complete
and up-to-date? Are cars and vehicles maintained in good
(20) Is the office lay-out convenient? Are tables, chairs and other
equipment properly arranged?
(26) Are the service records, leave account, seniority lists, etc.,
properly maintained?
(32) Does the staff pay undivided attention to work during office
(33) Are the arrangements for the custody and handling of cash
(34) Are the cash books, contingent register, bills and cheques
register neatly and properly written up-to-date? Does the cash
in hand tally with the balance in the cash book?
5. After the inspection report has been seen and returned by the
officer concerned, it should be the duty of the inspecting officer to ensure
that all corrective action is taken. This process should not involve
unnecessary noting. As far as possible, problems arising from inspections
should be settled and resolved by discussion. It will be desirable to file
Annexure - I
(O & M Division)
Director General (PARC).
All Ministries/Divisions,
(Joint Secretaries In-charge of Admin.)
Copy to:–
The Chief Secretary,
Government of Punjab/Sindh/NWFP/Balochistan,
Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar and Quetta for
information and necessary action.
Director General (PARC).
Item No. 5.
(Establishment Division)
SUBJECT:– Inspections.
My dear Secretary,
With regards.
Yours sincerely,
(i) General:
Use of Labels.
(iii) "Priority" labels will be used for cases which should be disposed
of within 3 days.
(a) go through them carefully and dispose of all cases which are
not required to be submitted by him under the rules or orders
to higher officers and where reference to previous papers is not
15. The Deputy Secretary or any other officer to whom receipts are
submitted should give instructions, wherever necessary, as to the action
which should be taken. If he proposes to deal with a receipt himself, he
should ask for the file to be put up to him with the relevant papers.
Diarising of Receipts.
17. After fresh receipts have been seen by the Section Officer, and
other officers where necessary, the Assistant shall diarise i.e. enter in the
Section Diary Register (specimen of the form given in Annexure 'I')
particulars of all receipts except those specified in paragraph 18 below.
He should, at this stage, complete only columns 1 – 5 of the Register
and simultaneously enter the diary number on the receipt.
(d) Receipts for which new files are to be opened, and deal with
them in the following manner:
he should bring the fact to the notice of the Section Officer who will
then, if the matter is of some urgency and importance, either
(b) submit the case to his senior officer for orders, if he feels that
it is beyond his competence to deal with it.
25. All new files should be given a file number by the Assistant in
consultation with the Section Officer. The file number shall be allotted to
each file according to the file headings maintained by the section for the
subjects dealt in it. For example, if an Administration Section in a
Ministry has
2. "Recruitment of Staff".
contents of the receipts for which a new file is opened. For example, if a
communication is received from the Establishment Division nominating
Section Officers selected by the FPSC, the file should bear the following
"Recruitment of Section Officers: Nomination of candidates
selected by FPSC".
27. (i) While submitting summaries for the Prime Minister a special
type of file cover (Form S-204-E) shall be used. For all other work, i.e,
notes, correspondence and routine, file cover bearing Form No.S-204-(R)
shall be used; this file cover shall bear the words Government of Pakistan
printed in prominent and bold letters in blue ink and the name of each
Ministry/Division etc., shall be written thereunder; alongwith border
strips on all four sides. The file cover will be made of strong pulp board
of blue colour.
(ii) Special type of file cover (Form-S-204-E) mentioned in clause (i)
above, will also be made of strong pulp board paper of white colour. The
name of each Ministry/Division will be printed thereon in prominent and
bold letters, in blue ink, alongwith border strips on all four sides. A sticker
in orange shade about 1" wide and 4" across, with the word 'Secret' printed
thereon, in black ink, will be pasted across the top right hand corner of the
file cover. The cover will have a pocket in the middle with a blank
removable slip in orange shade inserted thereon for writing or typing the
subject matter of the case. Below the pocket, the words 'Summary for the
Prime Minister' will be printed in bold letters in blue ink.
28. The list of the file headings should be pasted on the opening
pages of the File Register, which shall have columns as in Annexure ‘II’
29. The serial numbers of files should run from 1st January to 31st
December each year. A new series should be started each year but the
main file heading allotted to particular subjects should as far as possible
be retained.
30. The file number allotted to a receipt of file should be noted in
column 6 of the Diary Register.
31. An 1index card should be prepared for each file. Both the
Assistant and Stenotypist attached to a Section Officer shall be jointly
responsible for the custody of the files of the Section.
Index Card may be prepared on the pattern of Index Slip, Specimens of which may please be seen in
Annexure IV(a) of Appendix E (Specimens 3-5).
33. The part file or files should be amalgamated with the main file as
soon as the latter becomes available. When a part file is amalgamated
with the main file, the chronological order of notes and correspondence
should be preserved as far as possible.
36. Reference books, normally available with the officers, should not
be put up with a file; but relevant pages to which attention is to be drawn
should be indicated in the margin.
Movement of files.
39. The movement of file which has not been allotted a file number
should be shown in the Section Diary.
40. No elaborate note shall be recorded by a Section Officer
(a) the facts of the case (The Section Officer should point out any
mistake or error or mis-statement of facts in the paper under
consideration or in notes of other Ministries and Divisions);
3. Corr. Correspondence.
4. u.o. Un-official.
5. d.o. Demi-official/officially.
6. S.N. Serial Number.
7. KW. Keep with (file).
8. L.F. Linked file.
9. D.F.A. Draft for approval.
10. Memo. Memorandum.
11. O.M. Office Memorandum.
12. P.P. Previous papers.
13. O.O. Office Order.
14. C.R. Character Roll.
15. Endt. Endorsement.
16. O/c Office copy.
(a) All files shall be placed in file boards or bands. The subject and
the number of the file shall be written on the file cover or typed
on a slip and pasted on it.
(d) Two or three blank sheets shall be added to the notes for the
convenience of higher officers.
(f) Above the previous papers shall be placed the file cover
containing the current correspondence and notes. The draft (if
any) pinned with a 'Draft for approval' slip shall be placed
inside that cover on top of "Correspondence".
(g) If any reference books have to be put up, they should, if of the
same size as the file board or the file cover, be placed at the
bottom; and if of a smaller size at the top.
(iv) The summary should be placed inside the special file cover
(Form No. S. 204-E), as prescribed under para 27, properly
tagged. If the space left at the end of summary is less than one
third of the page, a spare sheet should be added for recording
other notes and/or orders.
51. A draft should convey the exact intention of the orders passed.
The language should be clear, concise and incapable of misconstruction.
Lengthy sentences, abruptness, redundancy, superlatives and repetitions,
whether of words, expression or ideas, should be avoided. In
communications of some length or complexity, the main points should be
summarised in the concluding paragraph.
(ii) All drafts should bear the relevant diary number or file
number and the subject. The reference number of the
addressee's letter if available, should always be given in
subsequent correspondence. When two or more letters,
notifications etc, are to issue under the same file number on
the same date to the same addressee, a serial number should
also be given in addition to the file number to avoid
confusion, e. g., "1-2(i)/60-Admn.", "1-2(ii)/60-Admn."
Forms of Communications
(a) Letter.
(b) Memorandum.
(f) Endorsement.
(g) Notification.
(h) Resolution.
(a) letter head bearing the words Government of Pakistan and the
name of the Division;
(e) subject;
(f) salutation;
65. When the issue of a draft has been authorised, the typing of the
fair copy shall be done by the Private Secretary, Personal Assistant,
Stenographer or Steno-typist attached to the Officer over whose
signature the letter is to issue.
65-A. When more than twelve copies are required, a stencil should
be cut and copies produced on a duplicating machine.
66. The fair copy with enclosures, and the typed office copy together
with approved draft, should be put up in a signature pad to the officer
concerned for his signature.
68. All communications should bear the date on which they are
actually issued. They should not be double-dated.
69. (i) The documents to be sent out should be placed in covers and
the name and address of the addressees should be neatly and correctly
written or typed on an economy slip which should be used for all covers
containing ordinary (i.e. unclassified) communications except when the
contents are bulky or when it is proposed to send the cover by insured
post. Economy slips should not be used for covers addressed to foreign
countries. The covers/envelops of the communication should bear
complete postal/residential address. The envelope/cover should carry the
stamp and signature of the sender.
70. The Assistant should place the office copy on the file in
chronological order and give it a page number.
Retention schedules
Note: The Ministries shall theirselves destroy the (d) and (e) above
whereas the (b) and (c) may be kept in the appropriate place and
ultimately transferred to the NAP.
Recording of Files.
78. Within one month of the completion of action on each file the
Section Officer concerned will-
(i) Give final subject heading to a file and under-line the major
(with double line) and minor keywords (with single line) therein.
The subject should reflect the final outcome on the file, so that in
many cases the subject heading originally given on the file cover
a well as in the file register will need to be modified. An
example of a typical subject is given below:-
(iii) Indicate the year in which the file is to be destroyed (in the case
of files of category B, C and D).
79. The Assistant of the Section shall then proceed to take the
following action:-
(iii) Note on the relevant page of the Register of Files due for
Destruction (Annexure IV), the number of the file. This
Register should contain at least one page for each calendar
year, on which shall be noted the number of all the files to be
destroyed in the particular year.
(iv) Check that all pages of the file are complete, and remove all
unnecessary routine papers from it.
(v) Have all torn pages mended and twisted pages straightened.
(vi) See that all marginal references both in the Notes and
Correspondence are either available on the file or in Appendix
at the end of the file or are duly referenced so as to make them
readily traceable. (In this process flags shall be clearly
identified with or replaced by the names of relevant
documents, numbers of files, page numbers, para numbers
(vii) Write or type the full names of officers (who dealt with the
file) with correct spellings and their designations below
signatures where signature of officers is not legible.
(viii) Having completed the above action stamp the file “Recorded”
in the margin of the last page of Notes, initial it and mark the
file to the Record Room.
(ix) Record Room will keep the file (B,C,D) for a period of five
years and then will transfer the record to NAP along with the
three copies of the lists.
Indexing of Files
80. The Record Room will be responsible for the following action:-
(1) Getting the file cover replaced it the existing one is worn out,
and have the following particulars typed, pasted or stamped on it.
(a) File No.
(b) Month and year in which the file is recorded
(c) Permanent
(or) Destroy in Year.
(d) Category and classification of the file, and name of the
Ministry/Division and the Section concerned (to be
(e) Subject.
(f) Previous and later references.
(2) Placing foolscap sheet stamped CORRESPONDENCE and
APPENDIX immediately before the correspondence and
appendix portions of the file and having the file (including its
Notes portion) stitched securely with double thread. (Stitching
should be done at a distance of about ¾ from the edge of the file
(3) Having the INDEX SLIPS typed on a paper of size 17×10.5 mm,
in respect of files of categories A, B and C specimens of which
may be seen at Annexure IV (a). An example of a file of category
'B' is given below:–
(a) Abdul Karim ---------- Appointment of -------------- as
Senior Research Officer on contract basis.
File--------------B, November, 1985.
(b) Senior Research Officer---------See Abdul Karim
File--------------B, November, 1985
(c) Appointment------------See Abdul Karim
File--------------B, November, 1985.
(d) Contract-----------------See Abdul Karim
File--------------B, November, 1985.
These index slips will be kept in a steel almirah with
pigeonholes as illustrated in Annexure IV (b).
81. Immediately upon the close of the year, the Record Room will
arrange the Index Slips from each pigeonhole in alphabetical order and
get them typed in a continuous form. The typed material will be sent out
for printing by the end of February with instructions for completion of
the work of printing of an INDEX for the Division concerned by the end
of June.
82. (1) The Section Assistant will prepare register of non current
files including files due for destruction. In January each year after
completion of five years in the Ministry/Division the non-current records
are to be transferred to the NAP. The Section will go through the files to
see if a particular file should be retained further; and, if so change the
relevant entry on the file cover and initial it and affix his rubber stamp
below his initials. The Assistant will strike off the old entry in the
Register of Files Due for destruction make a fresh entry on the relevant
page and return the file to the Record room.
(2) Files, which have outlived their utility and are no longer
required, may be disposed as per envisaged in Clause 7 of the National
Archives Act 1993. All confidential and Secret files and papers decided
for destruction shall be destroyed in accordance with the instructions
contained in the booklet ‘Security of Classified Matters in the Civil
Departments. All non-confidential files and papers shall be destroyed in
the presence of a responsible official after the approval of DG National
Archives of Pakistan. Newspapers, magazines and press cuttings, no
longer required for use, should be disposed of as per standing
instructions regarding sale of waste material, again in consultation with
the National Archives of Pakistan.
84. (1) Normally recorded files will be kept in the Section concerned
for 3 years from the date of recording. In the month of January following
the year in which the 3 years' period expires, the Section Assistant shall
prepare a list (in duplicate) of files to be transferred to the Record Room.
He shall transfer the files to the Record Room and obtain the signature of
the Officer Incharge on one copy of the list in token of having received
the files.
Preservation of Records
85. The files categorised 'A' shall be sent to the National Archives of
Pakistan under the Cabinet Division.
86. (1) The Record Room shall have sufficient almirahs, steel
shelves and other equipment for proper storage and preservation of files
and records.
(2) The Record Room shall be kept free of rats, dirt, dust and direct
sunlight and shall be sprayed periodically with insecticide.
Files which are less than 3 years old and are kept in the Section
concerned, should also be disinfected at least once in 3 years.
Length 39 cm
Height 26 cm
Width 17 cm
Note:– Sample of the box can be obtained from the National Archives of
Pakistan on request.
Large Ministries like Foreign Affairs, Finance, etc., may have larger
complement of staff according to their actual needs.
89. On receipt of a third reminder, the recipient should, wherever
possible, secure the pending file himself and dispose of the case as
expeditiously as possible or arrange for its quick disposal by the officer
90. (i) On the first working day of each month a return shall be
prepared in the prescribed form (specimen of form at AnnexureVI)
showing the particulars of all cases not finally disposed of within one
month of the date of their receipt in the Division. This return shall be
submitted for scrutiny of the Secretary/Additional Secretary/Joint
Secretary-Incharge through the Deputy Secretary concerned.
(ii) The overall state of work (both intake and disposal) in the
Division should be charted graphically and displayed in the office of the
Head of the Division.
Attendance Register
91. An attendance register in the prescribed form shall be maintained
in all Sections. It shall be initialled by the Section Officer at ten minutes
after the time fixed for arrival. Any member of the staff arriving after the
period of grace shall have to explain his late arrival.
Submission of periodical statements on due dates
92. To ensure that all reports and returns due for submission are sent
on the prescribed date, Control Charts should be maintained in the form
prescribed in 'Annexure VII'. These charts should be maintained
separately for fortnightly, monthly, quarterly or yearly returns and
prominently displayed in the room of Section Officer/Deputy Secretary
concerned. The Section Officer should examine these charts at least once
a year and should initiate action for discontinuing any report/return
which has ceased to be necessary.
Circulation of decisions of general application
93. Decision of general application taken in a Division which may
form precedents in other cases, should be listed by the Section Officer
concerned in the form at Annexure VIII, and sent through the Deputy
Secretary concerned to the Deputy Secretary dealing with coordination
and general administration who should have it circulated in the Division.
Use of red and blue-black inks
94. For ordinary work (noting, drafting and signing of official
papers) blue-black or similar ink should be used and red ink is to be
employed only for special purposes laid in certain rules or instructions.
Note.– A few examples of rules/instructions enjoining the use of red ink may be found in
Annexure IX.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Note.– The date of receipt in the Section is to be written across the centre of the page at the beginning of each day's receipt.
Amended vide O&M Division's O.M. No. 1/2/83-Manuals, dated 19.11.1983.
Annexure II (Revised)
(See Appendix E-Paras 25,28 & 38)
MAIN HEADING ---------------------------------
MAIN HEADING----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Serial No. ---------------------- MOVEMENT
File No. --------------------------------------
Subject: --------------------------------------
Date of Recording --------------------------
Category -------------------------------------
Classification -------------------------------
(See Appendix E - para 67)
– Receives papers for despatch.
– Checks the enclosures, if any.
– Separates fair copy from the office copy and records date of despatch
on both copies.
– Affixes rubber 1stamp "issued" on the office copy and puts his dated
initial under it.
– Returns office copy to the Section concerned.
– Places fair copies in the relevant compartments of the sorting rack.
– Clears compartments of sorting rack one by one and arranges letters
office-wise, separating communications for local despatch from those
to be despatched by post.
– Enters communications for local despatch in Dak Books.
– Passes communications and Dak Books to Naib Qasid for delivery.
– Prepares covers where necessary and writes addresses on covers or
economy slip, as the case may be, for communications to be
despatched by post (cyclostyled address slips shall be used for
addresses frequently addressed).
– Passes covers to Daftry.
– Closes covers.
– Weighs and notes value of stamps required.
– Franks covers with necessary stamps.
– Returns covers to the Despatcher.
– Makes necessary entries in the Register of Issues and Stamps Account
and Despatch Register, specimen of which is given in Annexure III(a).
– Passes cover to Naib Qasid for posting.
Corrected vide O &M Division O.M. No.1/8/81-Manuals, dated 22.7.1981.
S.No. Number and date No. of enclosures Addressee's particulars D.R./Ordinary/ Stamp value
Registered dak
Rs. Ps.
1. 2 3 4 5 6
Annexure IV
[(See Para 79(iii)]
Sl. No. File Number Category (B, Destroyed on Shifted to year Section
C or D) & Officer's
when Signature
Annexure IV (a)
(See Appendix E - Para 80)
Destroy in 1986
Annexure IV (b)
[See Para 80(3)]
Pigeon holes:- Size 10" x 9" with 1-1/2" front name plate.
(28 in number)
Annexure V
(See Para 83)
OUT OF OLD RECORDS FOR THE QUARTER OF--------------------------------------------------
Category of Files No. of files to No. of files actually Balance to No. of files No. of files actually Balance to
be recorded recorded/ indexed be recorded due to be weeded out during the be weeded
during the quarter weeded out quarter out
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Annexure V (a)
[See Para 84(2)]
Number of File
To be put up with
(File Document No.)-----------------------------------------------------------------
Requisitioned by-------------------------------
Date--------------------------- Designation------------------------------------
Annexure VI
(See Appendix E - Para 90)
Section………………. Name of Section Officer…………………
No. of references No. of Total of columns No. of references disposed of Number of cases outstanding on the last
brought forward receipts 1 and 2 during the month working day of the month
from the during the Remarks
previous month month At SO's level At higher More than two More than Total
levels weeks but less than one month old
one month old
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Note .– Particulars of cases more than a month old should be given very briefly on the reverse. Urgent and personal cases, i.e., cases pertaining to pay, increment,
seniority, disciplinary matters, etc. should be marked with an asterisk.
Sl. No. File/Diary No. Date of receipt Subject Particulars of cases pending Since when
Why pending Where pending
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(See Appendix E - Para 92)
Monthly Section
Quarterly Returns due from the ……………………. Division
Sl. Subject Due date for *Dates on which actually sent during the month of
No Despatch
January February – April March – July April – October 2003
2000 2001 2002
*Note.– The entry in the last column will be regulated by the frequency of the reports which the particular chart is intended to control, e.g., in the case of
quarterly reports, the entries in the column will be January, April, July and so on. In case of yearly reports, they will be 2000, 2001, 2002 and so on.
(See Appendix E - Para 93)
Dated the………………………………
I. Treasury Rules
(ii) The clerk concerned, as soon as he receives the I.T. -93 slip
from the Head Clerk will enter the slip in the Register of
information slips and then record in red ink on the order sheet
of the file concerned the number and date of the communication
slip and name of the office from which the communication or
I.T.-93 slip originated.
(c) The steps which have been taken so far to obtain satisfaction of
the claim.
These Instructions apply mutatis mutandis to service appeals before the Service Tribunals and cases
before special courts and tribunals.
(c) the signature of the officer making the endorsement, with date.
14. When a summons has been duly served, the Litigation Section
should, after noting its particulars in the nominal Index Register, pass it on
to the concerned officer or department who should collect relevant
information and documents/papers from the concerned quarters, examine
the matter thoroughly and then refer it to the solicitor to the Government of
Pakistan in the Law, Justice and Human Rights Division for further
examination and nomination of an Advocate to undertake the defence of
the case, if considered necessary.
15. Where a summons does not give adequate time for examination
and arranging defence, an authorised officer of the administrative
department concerned should appear in person in the court and apply,
under rule 5, Order XXVII of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil
Procedure, for a reasonable extension of time. In the absence of prior
notice under section 80 CPC, the court is obliged to give at least 3 months
time for the filing of written statement and first hearing.
17. After the Law, Justice and Human Rights Division has examined
the case and nominated an Advocate to defend/conduct it in a court of law,
a responsible officer of the administrative department concerned well-
conversant with the facts of the case, and preferably stationed at or near the
seat of the court, should contact and brief the counsel at the earliest and
well before the next date of hearing of the case. This responsibility should
never be left to the sub-ordinate staff.
office at the station where the suit is pending, some one may be deputed to
attend the court and assist the counsel on each date of hearing if possible.
20. If the decision is either wholly or partially adverse to the
Government, the matter should be reported immediately to the Solicitor,
Complete record of the case, along with copies of judgment and decree-
sheet and comments of the department, should be sent to him thereafter as
soon as these copies become available.
When time left for filing an appeal is less than 7 days, an officer
of the administrative department, not below the rank of Deputy Secretary,
should bring the file personally to the solicitor.
Certified copies of judgment etc. should be kept by the Department in safe custody, as the same
may have to be filed in court if appeal is to be filed and photo-stat copies thereof should be placed on
the file. In fact, original of all important documents should be kept by the Department in safe custody
as soon as litigation or threat of litigation starts.
This should be followed in other court cases as well when the date of hearing falls within 7 days
1 2
1 2
23. In computing the period of limitation, the days from which such
period is to be reckoned and in case of appeals, or application for review,
the day on which the judgment complained of is pronounced and the time
requisite for obtaining a copy of the judgment/decree appealed from or
sought to be reviewed is to be excluded.
Writ Petitions.
31. If a reference is made to any earlier advice of the Law, Justice and
Human Rights Division the number and date of that advice must invariably
be quoted and if possible, a copy of the same be placed on the file.
Whenever a case is referred to the Law, Justice and Human Rights
Division and any previous opinion of the Law, Justice and Human Rights
Division on the point at issue is within the knowledge of the referring
Division, it should also invariably be quoted in the referring note indicating
the number and date of that previous opinion.
36. Where a Division obtains an opinion from the Law, Justice and
Human Rights Division, the referring Division should not in announcing
Government's decision (i.e. that Division's own decision) disclose that the
Law, Justice and Human Rights Division was consulted. Care should be
taken that endorsement in such cases meant for the Law, Justice and
Human Rights Division are not carried out in the copies meant for other
Divisions and Departments.
37. While the Law, Justice and Human Rights Division would
welcome, where considered expedient, back references from the
administrative Divisions for reconsideration of its opinions, but such
references should be at least from the same level at which legal opinion
was tendered in the Law, Justice and Human Rights Division.
Inserted vide Establishment Division's O. M. No. F. 10/14/92-Lit-I dated 4.5.1993.