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In 2002, Pakistan passed through a 7.2 million Muslims migrated from India its own role in domestic, regional and
number of political developments,to Pakistan while only 4.4 million Hindusinternational contexts. Pakistan was created
which were both complimentary and and Sikhs migrated from Pakistan to India.amidst communal riots, which cost at least
In West Pakistan, migrants constituted 20half a million lives. The partition of the
contradictory in nature as far as their con-
tribution to the establishment of a func- per cent of the population as opposed toprovince of Punjab particularly involved
tioning democracy in the country is con-India where migrants were only 1 high level of organised violence per-
cerned. One needs to understand the impact While politics in India was characterisedpetrated by the three communities on each
of these developments on the structures ofby structural continuity, politics in Paki-other. Punjab had experienced three
the state, as the latter continued to hold stan suffered from structural discontinu- revivalist movements among the Muslims,
initiative in its own hands in this regardity. India was the successor state of British Hindus and Sikhs in the first half of the
at the cost of the political stakeholders. ItIndia while Pakistan emerged as a seced- 20th century, which led to the reification
was clear that the government in Islamabading state inasmuch as its ruling elite had of competing religious identities and en-
sought to shape the political system ofmigrated from India and started ruling the hanced Islamic fervour in large parts of
Pakistan along its own preferences and areas and provinces, which were now West Punjab.2 Muslim migrants from East
priorities. Therefore, an enquiry into theincluded in Pakistan. This brought about Punjab and further east in India shaped the
problems and prospects of democracy ina dichotomy based on a migrant-dominated psyche of the new nation on feelings of
the country needs to focus on the contri-centre and the local-dominated provinces. insecurity at the hands of India, commit-
bution of the major political currents,The disjuncture between the centre and the ment to Islamic ideology and the need to
ideologies and institutions as well as theprovinces cast its shadow on the relations unite against all odds. Ethnic and linguistic
regional scenario, which together broughtbetween the executive and legislature in identities were denied legitimacy by the
about a situation of the breakdown of the the centre itself. It was reflected through migrant-dominated central government at
participatory models of government. In thethe asymmetrical distribution of power Karachi. Instead, the political imagination
following section, we plan to concentratebetween the migrant-led executive on the of the migrant community was charac-
on the four major political inputs in the one hand and the constituent assembly, terised by an all-Pakistan approach to public
patterns of authority in Pakistan. which had been indirectly elected before life and a relative intolerance of the
First, is the phenomenon of migration independence by the legislative assem- sub-national identities.
of nearly eight million Muslims from Indiablies of the future Pakistan provinces and Second, we need to discuss the indirect
after partition, which was responsible forwas thus dominated by the 'locals', on the but enormously significant role of India as
shaping the polity of the new nation along other hand. Obviously, the government a factor in shaping the civil-military rela-
a path different from India. While thesought to bypass the parliament whenever tions in Pakistan in favour of the latter,
country was established on the territorypossible and rule through the higher bu- despite the express wishes of the political
that was relatively underdeveloped in socialreaucracy. This dichotomy resulted in the leadership in New Delhi. The state elite
and political terms, the ruling elite of thedomineering role of the executive domi- felt insecure against the perceived Indian
new state, which had led the Pakistan nated by the migrants. The latter increas- threat in the backdrop of the ongoing
movement, came from the politically ingly realised that elections would lead to conflict in Kashmir. It sought to keep the
developed areas in northern and western its exit from power. The migrant political disparate political elements all over Paki-
India, especially the provinces of UP andleadership shaped the country's politics stan united in the face of challenges to
Bombay. This elite from the Muslimalong non-representative lines. It drew upon internal and external security. The ideal of
minority provinces dominated the umbrellathe support of the large refugee popula- unity was operationalised through the
national party Muslim League that estab-tion, which functioned as its natural con- bureaucracy, which was reorganised on an
lished Pakistan in the Muslim majoritystituency. all-Pakistan basis in 1948 and recruited on
areas in north-west and north-east of India.The contribution of the migrants to state the basis of merit through competitive
Both the first governor-general Jinnah andformation in the new state cannot be examinations. The bureaucracy controlled,
administered and regulated the financial
the first prime minister Liaqat Ali Khan underestimated. Even apart from entering
were migrants from India. When Pakistanthe state pnachinery in big numbers, and
the institutional resources in the provinces
came into being after the partition of India,migrants shaped the way the state evaluated
much to the chagrin of the local leaderships.