Capcitor Lndexation Value For Cp103tu
Capcitor Lndexation Value For Cp103tu
Capcitor Lndexation Value For Cp103tu
Fig.1.These are the major components or the ARINC 629 Digital Communication system. This figure shows multiple
LRUs connected, via couplers to a single data bus.
Receiving terminals perform the above operations in reverse. eventually writing sixteen bit parallel data into their
systemmemories and, thus, completing the transfer.
Fig. 2. Connectivity of the hardware components in the ARINC 629 Digital Communication System
10.1 For preparation of load sheet and calculation of Centre of Gravity as mentioned in
para 9.4 above, the minimum standard weight (including handbag) as given below,
shall be applied in all civil registered aircraft:
10.2 Notwithstanding para 10.1, the actual weight of the passenger could be considered
for aircraft MTOW upto 2000 kg provided the arrangement for passenger
weighment with sufficient accuracy is ensured.
12.1 Specific seats shall be allotted to all passengers boarding at originating stations of
flights so that centre of gravity of the aircraft can be calculated accurately and the
C.G. is kept within the permissible limits.
12.2 During loading, it must be ensured that aircraft cabin floor loading limitations are
not exceeded.
12.3 The load must be securely tied so that there is no possibility of the load shifting in
flight and disturbing the calculated C.G. position.
12.4 The load must be tied at the specified places provided in the aircraft and the tying
ropes must be of sufficient strength to withstand the loads imposed on it in flight.
12.5 While placing cargo in the passenger cabin during mixed version( passenger cum
freight) operation, the load must be placed ahead of the passengers in the cabin,
the load must not block "emergency exit" meant to be used by the passengers
#include <HX711_ADC.h>
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32) || defined(AVR)
#include <EEPROM.h>
const int HX711_dout_1 = 4; //mcu > HX711 no 1 dout pin
const int HX711_sck_1 = 5; //mcu > HX711 no 1 sck pin
const int HX711_dout_2 = 6; //mcu > HX711 no 2 dout pin
const int HX711_sck_2 = 7; //mcu > HX711 no 2 sck pin
const int HX711_dout_3 = 8; //mcu > HX711 no 3 dout pin
const int HX711_sck_3 = 9; //mcu > HX711 no 3 sck pin
void setup() {
Serial.begin(57600); delay(10);