Sinogram Interpolation Inspired by Single-Image Super Resolution
Sinogram Interpolation Inspired by Single-Image Super Resolution
Sinogram Interpolation Inspired by Single-Image Super Resolution
Department of Computer Science, Utah Valley University,
Citation: Christiansen C, Zeng GL. Sinogram Interpolation Inspired by Single-Image Super Resolution. J Biotechnology App. 2023;
2(1); 1-7.
Computed tomography is a medical imaging procedure used to estimate the interior of a patient or an object.
Radiation scans are taken at regularly spaced angles around the object, forming a sinogram. This sinogram is
then reconstructed into an image representing the contents of the object. This results in a fair amount of radiation
exposure for the patient, which increases the risk of cancer. Less radiation and fewer views, however, leads to
inferior image reconstruction. To solve this sparse-view problem, a deep-learning model is created that takes as
input a sparse sinogram and outputs a sinogram with interpolated data for additional views. The architecture
of this model is based on the super-resolution convolutional neural network. The reconstruction of model-
interpolated sinograms has less mean-squared error than the reconstruction of the sparse sinogram. It also has less
mean-squared error than a reconstruction of a sinogram interpolated using the popular bilinear image-resizing
algorithm. This model can be easily adapted to different image sizes, and its simplicity translates into efficiency in
both time and memory requirements.
Introduction More views mean more radiation exposure for the patient.
However, using current methods, the under-sampling leads to
In medical imaging, any patient exposure to radiation means
artifacts and inferior image reconstruction. Several methods of
risk. Hence, it is ideal and morally sound to limit this exposure. solving this sparse-view problem have been proposed. Algorithms
However, this limitation in exposure translates to a sparsity of operate in various domains in this endeavor (reconstructed image
data for medical scans, and potential loss in imaging information. domain or sinogram domain). Many, but not all, of the solutions
The goal of this project is to construct a reasonably detailed involve deep learning.
representation of imaged objects using sparse data.
Some methods remove artifacts in the reconstructed image.
Computed tomography (CT) is a medical imaging procedure used Outside of machine learning, an iterative algorithm [2] has been
to estimate the interior of a patient or an object. Radiation scans used. Various deep learning models applied to this problem
are taken at regularly spaced angles around the object, forming include a general adversarial network (GAN) [3], U-net model
In developing and testing medical technology, simulated images
called phantoms are used instead of real patients (or patient data).
This practice is common in the field, as it provides simulated data
that can be used to test a model.
Image Resizing Algorithms Figure 5: Classic SISR: Each pixel of the input image is extended in both
Several algorithms exist for resizing an image. The bilinear dimensions.
algorithm (called linear throughout the paper) is one of these. It
uses linear approximation in two dimensions to approximate pixel
values when resizing an image. The model does not use this method,
but it provides a useful comparison to show the deficiencies of a
different algorithm used to solve the same problem to interpolate a
full sinogram from a sparse one.
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Figure 19: Reconstruction from model-interpolated sonogram.
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Figure 20: Reconstruction from full sonogram. 423-441.
© 2023 Christiansen C, et al. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License