MSC Datascience Unit1
MSC Datascience Unit1
MSC Datascience Unit1
Data science
Data science is an interdisciplinary science that incorporates scientific fields of data such as data
engineering, information science, computer science, statistics, artificial intelligence, machine learning,
data mining, and predictive analytics.
Data analytics is the science of fact-finding analysis of raw data, with the goal of drawing conclusions
from the data lake.
Machine learning is the capability of systems to learn without explicit software development. It
evolved from the study of pattern recognition and computational learning theory.
Data Science Technology Stack
Describe data science technology stack
The Data Science Technology Stack covers the data processing requirements in the Rapid Information
Factory ecosystem.
The Rapid Information Factory ecosystem is a convention of techniques used for processing
Data Science Storage Tools
This data science ecosystem has a series of tools that you use to build your solutions
Schema-on-Write and Schema-on-Read
There are two basic methodologies that are supported by the data processing tools.
Schema-on-Write Ecosystems
A traditional relational database management system (RDBMS) requires a schema before you can
load the data. To retrieve data from my structured data schemas, you may have been running standard
SQL queries for a number of years. Benefits include the following:
• In traditional data ecosystems, tools assume schemas and can only work once the schema is
described, so there is only one view on the data.
• The approach is extremely valuable in articulating relationships between data points, so there are
already relationships configured.
• It is an efficient way to store “dense” data.
• All the data is in the same data store.
On the other hand, schema-on-write isn’t the answer to every data science problem. Among the
downsides of this approach are that
• Its schemas are typically purpose-built, which makes them hard to change and maintain.
• It generally loses the raw/atomic data as a source for future analysis.
• It requires considerable modeling/implementation effort before being able to work with the data.
• If a specific type of data can’t be stored in the schema, you can’t effectively process it from the
schema. At present, schema-on-write is a widely adopted methodology to store data.
Schema-on-Read Ecosystems
This alternative data storage methodology does not require a schema before you can load the data.
Fundamentally, you store the data with minimum structure. The essential schema is applied during the
query phase.
Benefits include the following:
• It provides flexibility to store unstructured, semi-structured, and disorganized data.
• It allows for unlimited flexibility when querying data from the structure.
• Leaf-level data is kept intact and untransformed for reference and use for the future.
• The methodology encourages experimentation and exploration.
• It increases the speed of generating fresh actionable knowledge.
• It reduces the cycle time between data generation to availability of actionable knowledge.
A hybrid between schema-on-read and schema-on-write ecosystems is recommended for effective
data science and engineering
Data Lake
A data lake is a storage repository for a massive amount of raw data. It stores data in native format, in
anticipation of future requirements. While a schema-on-write data warehouse stores data in predefined
databases, tables, and records structures, a data lake uses a less restricted schema-on-read-based
architecture to store data. Each data element in the data lake is assigned a distinctive identifier and
tagged with a set of comprehensive metadata tags. A data lake is typically deployed using distributed
data object storage, to enable the schema-on-read structure. This means that business analytics and
data mining tools access the data without a complex schema. Using a schema-on-read methodology
enables you to load your data as is and start to get value from it instantaneously. For deployment onto
the cloud, it is a cost-effective solution to use Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to store
the base data for the data lake.
Data Vault
Data vault modeling, designed by Dan Linstedt, is a database modeling method that is intentionally
structured to be in control of long-term historical storage of data from multiple operational systems.
The data vaulting processes transform the schema-on-read data lake into a schema-on-write data vault.
The data vault is designed into the schema-on-read query request and then executed against the data
lake. The structure is built from three basic data structures: hubs, links, and satellites
Hubs Hubs contain a list of unique business keys with low propensity to change. They contain a
surrogate key for each hub item and metadata classification of the origin of the business key. The hub
is the core backbone of your data vault.
Links Associations or transactions between business keys are modeled using link tables. These tables
are essentially many-to-many join tables, with specific additional metadata. The link is a singular
relationship between hubs to ensure the business relationships are accurately recorded to complete the
data model for the real-life business
Satellites Hubs and links form the structure of the model but store no chronological characteristics or
descriptive characteristics of the data. These characteristics are stored in appropriated tables identified
as satellites. Satellites are the structures that store comprehensive levels of the information on business
characteristics and are normally the largest volume of the complete data vault data structure. The
appropriate combination of hubs, links, and satellites helps the data scientist to construct and store
prerequisite business relationships. This is a highly in-demand skill for a data modeler.
Data Warehouse Bus Matrix
The Enterprise Bus Matrix is a data warehouse planning tool and model created by Ralph Kimball and
used by numerous people worldwide over the last 40+ years. The bus matrix and architecture builds
upon the concept of conformed dimensions that are interlinked by facts. The data warehouse is a major
component of the solution required to transform data into actionable knowledge. This schema-on-write
methodology supports business intelligence against the actionable knowledge. A data warehouse is a
consolidated, organized and structured repository for storing data.
The next step involves processing tools to transform your data lakes into data vaults and then into data
warehouses. These tools are the workhorses of the data science and engineering ecosystem. Following
are the recommended foundations for the data tools
Apache Spark is an open source cluster computing framework. Originally developed at the AMP Lab
of the University of California, Berkeley, the Spark code base was donated to the Apache Software
Foundation, which now maintains it as an open source project. Spark offers an interface for
programming distributed clusters with implicit data parallelism and fault-tolerance. Spark is a
technology that is becoming a de-facto standard for numerous enterprise-scale processing applications
Spark Core
Spark Core is the foundation of the overall development. It provides distributed task dispatching,
scheduling, and basic I/O functionalities. This enables you to offload the comprehensive and complex
running environment to the Spark Core. This safeguards that the tasks you submit are accomplished as
Spark SQL
Spark SQL is a component on top of the Spark Core that presents a data abstraction called Data
Frames. Spark SQL makes accessible a domain-specific language (DSL) to manipulate data frames.
Spark Streaming
Spark Streaming leverages Spark Core’s fast scheduling capability to perform streaming analytics.
Spark Streaming has built-in support to consume from Kafka, Flume, Twitter, ZeroMQ, Kinesis, and
TCP/IP sockets. The process of streaming is the primary technique for importing data from the data
source to the data lake. Streaming is becoming the leading technique to load from multiple data
sources. There are connectors available for many data sources.
Machine Learning Library Spark MLlib is a distributed machine learning framework used on top of
the Spark Core by means of the distributed memory-based Spark architecture. Common machine
learning and statistical algorithms have been implemented and are shipped with MLlib, which
simplifies large-scale machine learning pipelines, including • Dimensionality reduction techniques,
such as singular value decomposition (SVD) and principal component analysis (PCA) • Summary
statistics, correlations, stratified sampling, hypothesis testing, and random data generation •
Collaborative filtering techniques, including alternating least squares (ALS) • Classification and
regression: support vector machines, logistic regression, linear regression, decision trees, and naive
Bayes classification • Cluster analysis methods, including k-means and latent Dirichlet allocation
(LDA) • Optimization algorithms, such as stochastic gradient descent and limited-memory BFGS (L-
BFGS) • Feature extraction and transformation functions
GraphX is a powerful graph-processing application programming interface (API) for the Apache
Spark analytics engine that can draw insights from large data sets. GraphX provides outstanding speed
and capacity for running massively parallel and machine-learning algorithms. The introduction of the
graph-processing capability enables the processing of relationships between data entries with ease.
Apache Mesos is an open source cluster manager that was developed at the University of California,
Berkeley. It delivers efficient resource isolation and sharing across distributed applications. The
software enables resource sharing in a fine-grained manner, improving cluster utilization.
The toolkit and runtime methods shorten development of large-scale data-centric applications for
processing. Akka is an actor-based message-driven runtime for running concurrency, elasticity, and
resilience processes. The use of high-level abstractions such as actors, streams, and futures facilitates
the data science and engineering granularity processing units. The use of actors enables the data
scientist to spawn a series of concurrent processes by using a simple processing model that employs a
messaging technique and specific predefined actions/behaviors for each actor. This way, the actor can
be controlled and limited to perform the intended tasks only.
Apache Cassandra is a large-scale distributed database supporting multi–data center replication for
availability, durability, and performance.
This is a high-scale messaging backbone that enables communication between data processing
entities. The Apache Kafka streaming platform, consisting of Kafka Core, Kafka Streams, and Kafka
Connect, is the foundation of the Confluent Platform. Kafka components empower the capture,
transfer, processing, and storage of data streams in a distributed, fault-tolerant manner throughout an
organization in real time.
Kafka Core At the core of the Confluent Platform is Apache Kafka. Confluent extends that core to
make configuring, deploying, and managing Kafka less complex.
Kafka Streams Kafka Streams is an open source solution that you can integrate into your
application to build and execute powerful stream-processing functions.
Kafka Connect This ensures Confluent-tested and secure connectors for numerous standard data
systems. Connectors make it quick and stress-free to start setting up consistent data pipelines. These
connectors are completely integrated with the platform, via the schema registry. Kafka Connect
enables the data processing capabilities that accomplish the movement of data into the core of the data
solution from the edge of the business ecosystem.
Elastic Search
Elastic search is a distributed, open source search and analytics engine designed for horizontal
scalability, reliability, and stress-free management. It combines the speed of search with the power of
analytics, via a sophisticated, developer-friendly query language covering structured, unstructured, and
time-series data.
R is a programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The R
language is widely used by data scientists, statisticians, data miners, and data engineers for developing
statistical software and performing data analysis. The capabilities of R are extended through user-
created packages using specialized statistical techniques and graphical procedures. A core set of
packages is contained within the core installation of R, with additional packages accessible from the
Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Knowledge of the following packages is a must:
• sqldf (data frames using SQL): This function reads a file into R while filtering data with an sql
statement. Only the filtered part is processed by R, so files larger than those R can natively import can
be used as data sources.
• forecast (forecasting of time series): This package provides forecasting functions for time series and
linear models.
• dplyr (data aggregation): Tools for splitting, applying, and combining data within R
• stringr (string manipulation): Simple, consistent wrappers for common string operations
• RODBC, RSQLite, and RCassandra database connection packages: These are used to connect to
databases, manipulate data outside R, and enable interaction with the source system.
• lubridate (time and date manipulation): Makes dealing with dates easier within R
• ggplot2 (data visualization): Creates elegant data visualizations, using the grammar of graphics. This
is a super-visualization capability.
• reshape2 (data restructuring): Flexibly restructures and aggregates data, using just two functions:
melt and dcast (or acast).
• randomForest (random forest predictive models): random forests for classification and regression
• gbm (generalized boosted regression models)
Scala is a general-purpose programming language. Scala supports functional programming and a
strong static type system. Many high-performance data science frameworks are constructed using
Scala, because of its amazing concurrency capabilities. Parallelizing masses of processing is a key
requirement for large data sets from a data lake. Scala is emerging as the de-facto programming
language used by data-processing tools. Scala is also the native language for Spark, and it is useful to
master this language.
Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language created by Guido van Rossum and
released in 1991. It is important to note that it is an interpreted language: Python has a design
philosophy that emphasizes code readability. Python uses a dynamic type system and automatic
memory management and supports multiple programming paradigms (object-oriented, imperative,
functional programming, and procedural). Thanks to its worldwide success, it has a large and
comprehensive standard library.
MQTT (MQ Telemetry Transport)
MQTT stands for MQ Telemetry Transport. The protocol uses publish and subscribe, extremely simple
and lightweight messaging protocols. It was intended for constrained devices and low-bandwidth,
high-latency, or unreliable networks. This protocol is perfect for machine-to-machine- (M2M) or
Internet-of-things-connected devices. MQTT-enabled devices include handheld scanners, advertising
boards, footfall counters, and other machines. The apt use of this protocol is critical in the present and
future data science.
Layered Framework
Definition of Data Science Framework
Data science is a series of discoveries of converting raw unstructured data from your data lake into
actionable business data. This process is a cycle of discovering and evolving your understanding of the
data you are working with to supply you with metadata that you need. We need to build a basic
framework that is used for data processing. This will enable you to construct a data science solution
and then easily transfer it to your data engineering environments. The following is a framework for
projects. It works for projects from small departmental to at-scale internationally distributed
deployments, as the framework has a series of layers that enables you to follow a logical building
process and then use your data processing and discoveries across many projects
Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM)
Write short note on CRISP-DM
CRISP-DM was generated in 1996, and by 1997, it was extended via a European Union project, under
the ESPRIT funding initiative. It was the majority support base for data scientists until mid-2015. The
web site that was driving the Special Interest Group disappeared on June 30, 2015, and has since
reopened. Since then, however, it started losing ground against other custom modeling methodologies.
The basic concept behind the process is still valid, but you will find that most companies do not use it
as is, in any projects, and have some form of modification that they employ as an internal standard.
Business Understanding
This initial phase indicated in Figure 3-1 concentrates on discovery of the data science goals and
requests from a business perspective.
Data Understanding
The data understanding phase noted in Figure 3-1 starts with an initial data collection and continues
with actions to discover the characteristics of the data. This phase identifies data quality complications
and insights into the data.
Data Preparation
The data preparation phase indicated in Figure 3-1 covers all activities to construct the final data set
for modeling tools. This phase is used in a cyclical order with the modeling phase, to achieve a
complete model. This ensures you have all the data required for your data science.
In this phase noted in Figure 3-1, different data science modeling techniques are nominated and
evaluated for accomplishing the prerequisite outcomes, as per the business requirements. It returns to
the data preparation phase in a cyclical order until the processes achieve success.
At this stage shown in Figure 3-1, the process should deliver high-quality data science. Before
proceeding to final deployment of the data science, validation that the proposed data science solution
achieves the business objectives is required. If this fails, the process returns to the data understanding
phase, to improve the delivery.
Creation of the data science is generally not the end of the project. Once the data science is past the
development and pilot phases, it has to go to production.
month processing, you increase your processing capacity to sixty nodes, to handle the extra demand of
the end-of-month run. The rest of the month, you run at twenty nodes during business hours. During
weekends and other slow times, you only run with five nodes. Massive savings can be generated in
this manner.
The control sublayer, indicated in Figure 3-2, controls the execution of the current active data science
processes in a production ecosystem. The control elements are a combination of the control element
within the Data Science Technology Stack’s individual tools plus a custom interface to control the
primary workflow. The control also ensures that when processing experiences an error, it can attempt a
recovery, as per your requirements, or schedule a clean-up utility to undo the error. This enables data
scientists to concentrate on the models and processing and not on complying with the more controlled
production requirements.
The Basics for Functional Layer
The functional layer of the data science ecosystem shown in Figure 3-2 is the main layer of
programming required. The functional layer is the part of the ecosystem that executes the
comprehensive data science. It consists of several structures.
• Data models
• Processing algorithms
• Provisioning of infrastructure
Processing algorithm is spread across six supersteps of processing, as follows:
1. Retrieve: This super step contains all the processing chains for retrieving data from the raw data
lake via a more structured format.
2. Assess: This superstep contains all the processing chains for quality assurance and additional data
3. Process: This superstep contains all the processing chains for building the data vault.
4. Transform: This superstep contains all the processing chains for building the data warehouse.
5. Organize: This superstep contains all the processing chains for building the data marts.
6. Report: This superstep contains all the processing chains for building virtualization and reporting
the actionable knowledge.
Business Layer
The business layer is the transition point between the nontechnical business requirements and desires
and the practical data science, where, I suspect, most readers of this book will have a tendency to want
to spend their careers, doing the perceived more interesting data science. The business layer does not
belong to the data scientist 100%, and normally, its success represents a joint effort among such
professionals as business subject matter experts, business analysts, hardware architects, and data
scientists. The business layer is where we record the interactions with the business. This is where we
convert business requirements into data science requirements
The Functional Requirements
Describe the functional requirements in the business layer of the data science framework
Functional requirements record the detailed criteria that must be followed to realize the business’s
aspirations from its real-world environment when interacting with the data science ecosystem. These
requirements are the business’s view of the system, which can also be described as the “Will of the
Business.” The MoSCoW method (Table 4-1) is a prioritization technique, to indicate how important
A dimension is a structure that categorizes facts and measures, to enable you to respond to business
questions. A slowly changing dimension is a data structure that stores the complete history of the data
loads in the dimension structure over the life cycle of the data lake. There are several types of Slowly
Changing Dimensions (SCDs) in the data warehousing design toolkit that enable different recording
rules of the history of the dimension.
A fact is a measurement that symbolizes a fact about the managed entity in the real world.
Identify single points of failure (SPOFs) in the data science solution. Ensure that you record this
clearly, as SPOFs can impact many of your availability requirements indirectly. Highlight that those
dependencies between components that may not be available at the same time must be recorded and
requirements specified, to reflect this availability requirement fully.
Backup Requirements
A backup, or the process of backing up, refers to the archiving of the data lake and all the data science
programming code, programming libraries, algorithms, and data models, with the sole purpose of
restoring these to a known good state of the system, after a data loss or corruption event. Remember:
Even with the best distribution and self-healing capability of the data lake, you have to ensure that you
have a regular and appropriate backup to restore. Remember a backup is only valid if you can restore
it. The merit of any system is its ability to return to a good state. This is a critical requirement. For
example, suppose that your data scientist modifies the system with a new algorithm that erroneously
updates an unknown amount of the data in the data lake.
Capacity, Current, and Forecast
Capacity is the ability to load, process, and store a specific quantity of data by the data science
processing solution. You must track the current and forecast the future requirements, because as a data
scientist, you will design and deploy many complex models that will require additional capacity to
complete the processing pipelines you create during your processing cycles.
Capacity is measured per the component’s ability to consistently maintain specific levels of
performance as data load demands vary in the solution. The correct way to record the requirement is
Component C will provide P% capacity for U users, each with M MB of data during a time frame of T
The data hard drive will provide 95% capacity for 1000 users, each with 10MB of data during a time
frame of 10 minutes.
Concurrency is the measure of a component to maintain a specific level of performance when under
multiple simultaneous loads conditions.
The correct way to record the requirement is Component C will support a concurrent group of U users
running predefined acceptance script S simultaneously
Throughput Capacity
This is how many transactions at peak time the system requires to handle specific conditions.
Storage (Memory)
This is the volume of data the system will persist in memory at runtime to sustain an effective
processing solution.
Storage (Disk)
This is the volume of data the system stores on disk to sustain an effective processing solution.
Storage (GPU)
This is the volume of data the system will persist in GPU memory at runtime to sustain an effective
parallel processing solution, using the graphical processing capacity of the solution. A CPU consists of
a limited amount of cores that are optimized for sequential serial processing, while a GPU has a
massively parallel architecture consisting of thousands of smaller, more efficient cores intended for
handling massive amounts of multiple tasks simultaneously.
Configuration Management
Configuration management (CM) is a systems engineering process for establishing and maintaining
consistency of a product’s performance, functional, and physical attributes against requirements,
design, and operational information throughout its life.
A methodical procedure of introducing data science to all areas of an organization is required.
Investigate how to achieve a practical continuous deployment of the data science models. These skills
are much in demand, as the processes model changes more frequently as the business adopts new
processing techniques.
Data science requires a set of documentation to support the story behind the algorithms.
Disaster Recovery
Disaster recovery (DR) involves a set of policies and procedures to enable the recovery or continuation
of vital technology infrastructure and systems following a natural or human-induced disaster.
Efficiency (Resource Consumption for Given Load)
Efficiency is the ability to accomplish a job with a minimum expenditure of time and effort. As a data
scientist, you are required to understand the efficiency curve of each of your modeling techniques and
Effectiveness (Resulting Performance in Relation to Effort)
Effectiveness is the ability to accomplish a purpose; producing the precise intended or expected result
from the ecosystem. As a data scientist, you are required to understand the effectiveness curve of each
of your modeling techniques and algorithms. You must ensure that the process is performing only the
desired processing and has no negative side effects.
The ability to add extra features and carry forward customizations at next-version upgrades within the
data science ecosystem. The data science must always be capable of being extended to support new
Failure Management
Failure management is the ability to identify the root cause of a failure and then successfully record all
the relevant details for future analysis and reporting.
Fault Tolerance
Fault tolerance is the ability of the data science ecosystem to handle faults in the system’s processing.
In simple terms, no single event must be able to stop the ecosystem from continuing the data science
Latency is the time it takes to get the data from one part of the system to another. This is highly
relevant in the distributed environment of the data science ecosystems. Acceptance script S completes
within T seconds on an unloaded system and within T2 seconds on a system running at maximum
capacity, as defined in the concurrency requirement.
Insist on a precise ability to share data between different computer systems under this section. Explain
in detail what system must interact with what other systems
Insist on a precise period during which a specific component is kept in a specified state. Describe
precisely how changes to functionalities, repairs, and enhancements are applied while keeping the
ecosystem in a known good state.
Stipulate the exact amount of change the ecosystem must support for each layer of the solution.
Network Topology
Stipulate and describe the detailed network communication requirements within the ecosystem for
processing. Also, state the expected communication to the outside world, to drive successful data
Listing the exact privacy laws and regulations that apply to this ecosystem. Make sure you record the
specific laws and regulations that apply. Seek legal advice if you are unsure. This is a hot topic
worldwide, as you will process and store other people’s data and execute algorithms against this data.
As a data scientist, you are responsible for your actions.
Specify the rigorous faults discovered, faults delivered, and fault removal efficiency at all levels of the
ecosystem. Remember: Data quality is a functional requirement. This is a nonfunctional requirement
that states the quality of the ecosystem, not the data flowing through it.
The ecosystem must have a clear-cut mean time to recovery (MTTR) specified. The MTTR for
specific layers and components in the ecosystem must be separately specified. I typically measure in
hours, but for other extra-complex systems, I measure in minutes or even seconds.
The ecosystem must have a precise mean time between failures (MTBF). This measurement of
availability is specified in a pre-agreed unit of time. I normally measure in hours, but there are extra
sensitive systems that are best measured in years.
Resilience is the capability to deliver and preserve a tolerable level of service when faults and issues to
normal operations generate complications for the processing. The ecosystem must have a defined
ability to return to the original form and position in time, regardless of the issues it has to deal with
during processing.
Resource Constraints
Resource constraints are the physical requirements of all the components of the ecosystem. The areas
of interest are processor speed, memory, disk space, and network bandwidth, plus, normally, several
other factors specified by the tools that you deploy into the ecosystem
Reusability is the use of pre-built processing solutions in the data science ecosystem development
process. The reuse of preapproved processing modules and algorithms is highly advised in the general
processing of data for the data scientists.
Scalability is how you get the data science ecosystem to adapt to your requirements. I use three
scalability models in my ecosystem: horizontal, vertical, and dynamic (on-demand). Horizontal
scalability increases capacity in the data science ecosystem through more separate resources, to
improve performance and provide high availability (HA). Vertical scalability increases capacity by
adding more resources (more memory or an additional CPU) to an individual machine.
One of the most important nonfunctional requirements is security. I specify security requirements at
three levels.- Privacy, Physical(Include physical requirements such as power, elevated floors, extra
server cooling, fire prevention systems, and cabinet locks.), Access(specify detailed access
requirements with defined account types/groups and their precise access rights)
International standard IEEE 1233-1998 states that testability is the “degree to which a requirement is
stated in terms that permit establishment of test criteria and performance of tests to determine whether
those criteria have been met.” In simple terms, if your requirements are not testable, do not accept
Knowing the precise degree to which I can control the state of the code under test, as required for
testing, is essential. The algorithms used by data science are not always controllable, as they include
random start points to speed the process.
Isolate Ability
The specific degree to which I can isolate the code under test will drive most of the possible testing.
The degree to which the algorithms under test are documented directly impacts the testability of
The degree to which I can automate testing of the code
What are the common pitfalls in requirements
Common Pitfalls with Requirements
1) Weak Words
Weak words are subjective or lack a common or precise definition. The following are examples in
which weak words are included and identified:
• Users must easily access the system.
What is “easily”?
• Use reliable technology.
What is “reliable”?
• State-of-the-art equipment
What is “state-of-the-art”?
• Reports must run frequently.
What is “frequently”?
2) Unbounded Lists
An unbounded list is an incomplete list of items. Make sure your lists are complete and precise.
3) Implicit Collections
When collections of objects within requirements are not explicitly defined, you or your team will
assume an incorrect meaning. See the following example:
The solution must support TCP/IP and other network protocols supported by existing users with Linux.
• What is meant by “existing user”?
4) Ambiguity
Ambiguity occurs when a word within the requirement has multiple meanings.
5) Vagueness (eg current standards)
6) Subjectivity (eg easily)
7) Optionality (eg as many as possible)
8) Under-specification (eg other database versions)
9) Under-reference (eg previous reports)
Create a traceability matrix against each requirement and the data science process you developed, to
ensure that you know what data science process supports which requirement. This ensures that you
have complete control of the environment. Changes are easy if you know how everything
Utility Layer
Explain utility layer
The utility layer is used to store repeatable practical methods of data science. Utilities are the common
and verified workhorses of the data science ecosystem. The utility layer is a central storehouse for
keeping all one’s solutions utilities in one place. Having a central store for all utilities ensures that you
do not use out-of-date or duplicate algorithms in your solutions. The most important benefit is that you
can use stable algorithms across your solutions. If you use algorithms, keep any proof and credentials
that show that the process is a high-quality, industry-accepted algorithm. The additional value is the
capability of larger teams to work on a similar project and know that each data scientist or engineer is
working to the identical standards. European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is in
effect. The GDPR has the following rules:
• You must have valid consent as a legal basis for processing
• You must assure transparency, with clear information about what data is collected and how it is
processed. Utilities must generate complete audit trails of all their activities
• You must support the right to accurate personal data. Utilities must use only the latest accurate
• You must support the right to have personal data erased. Utilities must support the removal of
all information on a specific person.
• You must have approval to move data between service providers.
• You must support the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated
Basic Utility Design
The basic utility must have a common layout to enable future reuse and enhancements. This
standard makes the utilities more flexible and effective to deploy in a large-scale ecosystem.
basic design for a processing utility, is a three-stage
1. Load data as per input agreement.
2. Apply processing rules of utility.
3. Save data as per output agreement.
The main advantage of this methodology in the data science ecosystem is that you can build a rich set
of utilities that all your data science algorithms require. That way, you have a basic pre-validated set of
tools to use to perform the common processing and then spend time only on the custom portions of the
There are three types of utilities
• Data processing utilities
• Maintenance utilities
• Processing utilities
Data processing utilities perform some form of data transformation within the solutions.
Describe various data processing utilities
Retrieve Utilities
Utilities for this superstep contain the processing chains for retrieving data out of the raw data lake
into a new structured format. You can build all your retrieve utilities to transform the external raw data
lake format into the Homogeneous Ontology for Recursive Uniform Schema (HORUS) data format.
For example, the HORUS format can be selected to be CSV-based.
Assess Utilities
The assess utilities ensure that the data imported via the Retrieve superstep are of a good quality, to
ensure it conforms to the prerequisite standards of your solution. There are two types of assess
Feature Engineering
Feature engineering is the process by which you enhance or extract data sources, to enable better
extraction of characteristics you are investigating in the data sets.
Fixers Utilities
Fixers enable your solution to take your existing data and fix a specific quality issue.
Examples include
• Removing leading or lagging spaces from a data entry
Example in Python:
baddata = " Data Science with too many spaces is bad!!! "
• Removing nonprintable characters from a data entry
• Reformatting data entry to match specific formatting criteria. Convert 2017/01/31 to 31 January 2017
Adders Utilities
Adders use existing data entries and then add additional data entries to enhance your data
Process Utilities
Utilities for this superstep contain all the processing chains for building the data vault.
Data Vault Utilities
The data vault is a highly specialist data storage technique that was designed by Dan Linstedt. The
data vault is a detail-oriented, historical-tracking, and uniquely linked set of normalized tables that
support one or more functional areas of business. It is a hybrid approach encompassing the best of
breed between 3rd normal form (3NF) and star schema.
Transform Utilities
Utilities for this superstep contain all the processing chains for building the data warehouse from the
results of your practical data science. There are two basic transform utilities.
Dimensions Utilities
The dimensions use several utilities to ensure the integrity of the dimension structure.
Data Science Utilities
There are several data science–specific utilities that are required for you to achieve success in the data
processing ecosystem.
Data Binning or Bucketing
Binning is a data preprocessing technique used to reduce the effects of minor observation errors.
Statistical data binning is a way to group a number of more or less continuous values into a smaller
number of “bins.”
Averaging of Data
The use of averaging of features value enables the reduction of data volumes in a control fashion to
improve effective data processing. This technique also enables the data science to prevent a common
issue called overfitting the model
Outlier Detection
Outliers are data that is so different from the rest of the data in the data set that it may be caused by an
error in the data source. There is a technique called outlier detection that, with good data science, will
identify these outliers.
Organize Utilities
Utilities for this superstep contain all the processing chains for building the data marts. The organize
utilities are mostly used to create data marts against the data science results stored in the data
warehouse dimensions and facts
Report Utilities
Utilities for this superstep contain all the processing chains for building virtualization and reporting of
the actionable knowledge. The report utilities are mostly used to create data virtualization against the
data science results stored in the data marts.
What are the maintenance and processing utilities in the Layered Framework utility layer?
Maintenance Utilities
The data science solutions you are building are a standard data system and, consequently, require
maintenance utilities, as with any other system.
• Backup and Restore Utilities
These perform different types of database backups and restores for the solution.
• Checks Data Integrity Utilities
These utilities check the allocation and structural integrity of database objects and indexes across the
ecosystem, to ensure the accurate processing of the data into knowledge.
• History Cleanup Utilities
These utilities archive and remove entries in the history tables in the databases.
• Maintenance Cleanup Utilities
These utilities remove artifacts related to maintenance plans and database backup files.
• Notify Operator Utilities
Utilities that send notification messages to the operations team about the status of the system are
crucial to any data science factory
• Rebuild Data Structure Utilities
These utilities rebuild database tables and views to ensure that all the development is as designed
• Reorganize Indexing Utilities
These utilities reorganize indexes in database tables and views, which is a major operational process
when your data lake grows at a massive volume and velocity. The variety of data types also
complicates the application of indexes to complex data structures.
• Shrink/Move Data Structure Utilities
These reduce the footprint size of your database data and associated log artifacts, to ensure an
optimum solution is executing
• Solution Statistics Utilities
These utilities update information about the data science artifacts, to ensure that your data science
structures are recorded. Call it data science on your data science
Processing Utilities
The data science solutions you are building require processing utilities to perform standard system
processing. The data science environment requires two basic processing utility types.
• Scheduling Utilities
The scheduling utilities are based on the basic agile scheduling principles.
• Backlog Utilities
Backlog utilities accept new processing requests into the system and are ready to be processed in
future processing cycles.
• To-Do Utilities
The to-do utilities take a subset of backlog requests for processing during the next processing cycle.
They use classification labels, such as priority and parent-child relationships, to decide what process
runs during the next cycle.
• Doing Utilities
The doing utilities execute the current cycle’s requests.
• Done Utilities
The done utilities confirm that the completed requests performed the expected processing.
• Monitoring Utilities
The monitoring utilities ensure that the complete system is working as expected.