The Effect of Exercise On The Signs and Symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
The Effect of Exercise On The Signs and Symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
The Effect of Exercise On The Signs and Symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Gary Kastello, Winona State University, Maxwell Hall 363, 170 W.
8th St., Winona, MN, United States of America, 55987, Tel: 507-
457-5219; Fax: 507-457-2554.
Health, Exercise & Rehabilitative Sciences Department, Winona
State University, United States of America. Kent Hansen, Winona State University, Maxwell Hall 377, 170 W.
8th St., Winona, MN, United States of America, 55987, Tel: 507-
457-5217; Fax: 507-457-2554.
Citation: Lund M, Carlson M, Scallon L, et al. The Effect of Exercise on the Signs and Symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Food
Sci Nutr Res. 2022; 5(1): 1-8.
Introduction: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) generally describes several autoimmune disorders that involve
inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, including Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD). An
estimated 3.1 million Americans are affected by IBD. Although the inflammation caused by IBD mainly affects
the gastrointestinal tract, when IBD is exacerbated, the inflammation can become systemic. Consistent exercise is
theorized to reduce chronic inflammation and reduce signs and symptoms of IBD.
Objective: This meta-analysis aims to examine the effects of exercise on the signs and symptoms of IBD.
Methods: A literary search was conducted using Cochrane Library, PubMed, and Cinahl databases. Of the 1031
records identified, twelve articles met the inclusion criteria, with seven articles presenting data that could be meta-
analyzed. The reported data from the seven included articles were standardized to compare dependent variables
using the Stata17 statistical package. Pooled effect sizes and 95% confidence intervals were obtained through the
random-effects model. The results were used to examine the effects of exercise on C-reactive protein (CRP), fecal
calprotectin (FC), and IBD signs and symptoms related questionnaires.
Results: Signs and symptoms questionnaires were standardized and compared, resulting in a low risk of heterogeneity
of 0.00% (I2), an effect size of 0.02, 95% CI [–0.66 to 0.70], p=0.96. Biomarkers were pooled, standardized, and
compared, resulting in heterogeneity of 0.00% (I2) and an effect size of -0.48, 95% CI [–1.60 to 1.42], p=0.40.
Conclusions: These results suggest that exercise does not decrease signs and symptoms in IBD patients.
The anti-inflammatory adaptation to consistent exercise training The literature search results were compiled into one master list of
has been cited within the literature for both healthy populations 1,031 articles. The research team reviewed each article on the list
and individuals with chronic disease. An additional systematic in groups of 2-3 to determine acceptance based on primary and
review by Hammonds et al, determined that exercise reduced CRP, secondary inclusion criteria. Inclusion criteria were established
a systemic marker of inflammation in healthy adults and those before the articles were thoroughly reviewed. The designs
with cardiovascular disease [15] (standardized mean difference of included studies were randomized controlled trials, cross-
−0.53 mg/L; 95% CI, −0.74 to −0.33). In summary, a single bout sectional, correlational, and quasi-experimental designs. Through
of exercise elicits an acute inflammatory response. Consistent this process, a total of twelve articles met all the inclusion criteria,
repeated bouts of exercise offer physiologic adaptation, which however, five studies that met all inclusion criteria were excluded
reduces markers of chronic inflammation [16-18]. This adaptation because data was not reported in means and standard deviations.
offers potential as an inflammatory countermeasure to reduce both Attempts were made to contact the authors to obtain data in this
inflammation and signs & symptoms of IBD. form; however, attempts were unsuccessful. This process resulted
in seven articles remaining for the final review (Figure 1).
Along with the objective blood markers of inflammation (CRP,
FC) for IBD, many subjective questionnaires quantify IBD signs Inclusion criteria
& symptoms. The frequently utilized Irritable Bowel Disease Primary inclusion criteria: human study, exercise or physical
Questionnaire (IBDQ) assesses health-related quality of life in IBD activity as an independent variable, study participants diagnosed
patients. The questionnaire is broken down into four subcategories: with IBD, Ulcerative Colitis, or Crohn's Disease. The following
emotional, social, bowel, and systemic. The emotional subcategory objective dependent variables were selected as secondary
evaluates the psychological conditions that may worsen in patients inclusion criteria to assess IBD signs, C-Reactive Protein (CRP) or
with IBD, particularly in flare-ups. The social subcategory Fecal Calprotectin (FC). Additional secondary inclusion criteria
measures IBD effects on a patient's societal functioning. The bowel included assessment tools for subjective signs & symptoms of IBD:
subcategory assesses the intestinal symptoms of patients, and the Harvey Bradshaw Index (HBI), Ulcerative Colitis Activity Index
Food Sci Nutr Res, 2022 Volume 5 | Issue 1 | 3 of 8
(UCAI), Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ), used to compare biomarker data. As FC and CRP are in different
International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), Partial units, µg/g and mg/L respectively, the research team converted to
Mayo Index (PMayo), Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI), gain ± standard deviation so a comparison could be made.
or Patient Simple Clinical Colitis Activity Index (P-SCCAI).
The study participants were individuals diagnosed with IBD. The The pooled gain score, standard deviation, and inverse variance
primary investigated exercises included walking, running, and weight was entered into STATA-17. STATA-17 determined the
resistance training. The intensity of each exercise intervention was effect size (95% CI) and weight (%) of each study as well as the
classified as low, moderate, or vigorous, defined by each study. heterogeneity (I2) of the combined study variable variance.
Equation 1.1
Weighted Average =
n = sample size
X = Intervention mean, dependent variable
Articles used in the meta-analysis were uploaded into a shared excel
file and coded based on; dependent variables, subject traits, and
exercise characteristics. The coding table is shown below (Figure 2).
Figure 1: Starting with 1031 studies, this figure shows how the research
team systematically excluded studies based on established criteria
presented in figure 2. Of the 1031 articles, 12 met inclusion criteria, but 5
did not present data in a usable format.
Statistical Analysis
To analyze the diverse data reported, dependent variables were
standardized & pooled to combine the results of individual studies
into an overall effect on a standardized scale.
For studies that included a comparison of more than two groups, the
IBD diagnosed groups (remission and active disease) were pooled
to compare diseased vs. non-diseased subjects. Weighted average
and Standard Deviation were calculated by adjusting the means
and SD with the group population then dividing by the population
sample size (Equation 1.1). This process was repeated for both
pre-and post-data. Cohens D was converted to Hedges G estimate
to accurately obtain the pooled standard deviation and effect size
in studies with varied sample sizes. Hedges G accounts for small
sample size when calculating the overall gain (equation 1.2). The
process was then repeated to compare the control and intervention Figure 2: CDAI- Crohn’s Disease Activity Index, HBI- Harvey
Bradshaw Index, PUCAI- Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis Activity Index,
groups and determine the overall effect of the intervention per
IBDQ- Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire, IPAQ- International
study. To allow for varied questionnaire signs and symptoms scale Physical Activity Questionnaire, PCDAI- Pediatric Crohn’s Disease
direction, health improvement was uniformly adjusted to a positive Activity Index, P-SCCAI- Patient Simple Clinical Colitis Activity Index,
gain and detriment in health a negative gain. The IBDQ was the FC- Fecal Calprotectin, CRP- C-Reactive Protein. Primary and secondary
only questionnaire included that has a higher score interpreted as an criteria for the inclusion of journals for review.
improvement in health. All other questionnaires interpreted lower
scores as an improvement in health and a higher score as a detriment Bias prevention
in health. Therefore, the IBDQ was the only survey tool that did The researchers conducted searches using three databases: Cochrane
not require scale direction adjustment allowing for gain score Library, PubMed, and Cinahl. Cochrane Library was included as
comparison on a standardized scale. The same standardization was this database includes unpublished research and dissertations to
Food Sci Nutr Res, 2022 Volume 5 | Issue 1 | 4 of 8
prevent publication bias. These specific databases were used to Discussion
provide peer-reviewed, trustworthy, and high-quality articles. The meta-analyzed questionnaire data (Figure 3) is not statistically
Confirmation bias is the tendency for researchers to interpret significant suggesting that exercise does not alter signs &
results that adhere to pre-existing beliefs. Attempts to minimize symptoms of IBD. With full homogeneity across our studies and
confirmation bias included a mitigated focus on the statistical the effect size of 0.02 CI [-0.66, 0.70] for questionnaire results and
significance of individual studies and including articles in which -0.48 CI [-1.60, 0.64] for biomarker results, this contradicts our
the hypothesized outcome was not achieved. hypothesis that physiologic adaptation to exercise will diminish
signs and symptoms of IBD.
Six of the seven studies utilized sign & symptom assessment Three of the seven reviewed articles analyzed systemic
questionnaires. The overall effect size of the exercise intervention inflammatory biomarker concentrations and yielded dichotomous
on signs & symptoms of IBD (questionnaire) results are: 0.02 CI results. Both Tew et al. & Jones et al. analyzed FC in Crohn's
[–0.66, 0.70], p=0.96. The heterogeneity T2 was 0.00, indicating disease patients resulting in no significant change following
full homogeneity across all study results (Figure 3). exercise intervention lasting 6 months. Conversely, Legeret et
al. found a decrease in CRP following two months of moderate
Of the seven studies, three reported inflammatory biomarkers exercise in pediatric patients diagnosed with IBD. In that study
results. The overall effect size and 95% confidence interval of the baseline CRP concentrations of the pooled remission & active
combined CRP and FC results is –0.48 CI [-1.60, 0.64], p=0.40. disease group significantly decreased from 3.64 ± 5.08 g/dl to 0.75
The heterogeneity T2 was 0.00%, as presented in (Figure 4). ± 0.856 g/dl p-value = 0.02. The current analysis yielded one study
Figure 3: CI- confidence interval, IBDQ- Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire, P-SCCAI- Pediatric Simple Clinical Colitis Activity Index,
HBI- Harvey Bradshaw Index, CDAI- Crohn’s Disease Activity Index. Results reported in effect size [95% confidence interval] and weight between
studies. Statistics were calculated using the data analysis software STATA17.
Figure 4: CI- confidence interval. Results reported in effect size [95% confidence interval] and weight between studies. Statistics were calculated using
the data analysis software STATA17.
Food Sci Nutr Res, 2022 Volume 5 | Issue 1 | 5 of 8
demonstrating a significant reduction in systemic inflammation traditional medical interventions for IBD to observe the best
measuring blood CRP (Legeret, 2019). Potential mechanisms for possible health benefits as literature suggests quality of life and
reduced CRP concentrations could be due to the decrease in tissue overall wellbeing improve with exercise [23].
cytokine activity [19]. The remaining two studies, Tew et al.
(2019) & Jones et al. (2015), determined that no significant change Limitations
occurred in the inflammatory marker FC response. The limitations of this study were inevitable. IBD is a highly
variable disease, with many uncontrollable factors affecting this
Literature on the effects exercise has on FC in IBD patients is study. Twelve articles met the inclusion criteria; however, five of
limited because of the small number of studies performed utilizing the articles could not be used in Stata17 due to the presentation
exercise intervention and measuring the specific parameters of data as medians. Attempts were made to get the appropriate
utilized in the current meta-analysis. However, a recent cohort data, but we were unable to obtain the needed data for this subset
study investigated the effects of intense exercise on twelve IBD of studies. Meta-analyses require data in means and standard
patients. Results suggest that exercise training did not alter FC deviations, odds ratios, or correlations. Therefore, the limited
in IBD patients [20]. FC is not a commonly measured exercise number of quality studies is a limitation.
induced biomarker because healthy individuals should have little
to none in fecal samples. Nevertheless, FC is a good indicator of Other study limitations included differing modes and durations
change in those with IBD as concentration rises and falls with of exercise intervention, adherence to the program, intensity of
disease severity. The absence of consistent change in FC observed exercise performed, and study sizes. A wide variety of exercise
in the literature may be due to the high specificity of FC, the modes is expected but using one or two modes would be more
rarity of measurement in healthy individuals within CN groups, effective for comparison to decrease statistical variance. For further
the inability to reach a theorized exercise threshold for optimal research, choosing more cohesive interventions using similar
benefit, and its localization in the GI tract [21]. These factors may exercise programs between studies could improve statistical power
limit the patient’s ability to reach the most beneficial physiologic of analysis. The search criteria allowed for many different modes
adaptations that may improve both inflammatory markers and of exercise but limited the research to what was encompassed in the
signs and symptoms of IBD. specific wording of the search. Specific types of exercise that did
not use the general terms of exercise or physical activity in the title
Exercise training has many beneficial effects, including a were not included. For instance, yoga and other excluded exercises
reduction in markers of systemic inflammation. This trend is seen could provide a larger number of articles included in the study,
for both healthy and unhealthy individuals as a reduction in risk of which would result in a more inclusive meta-analysis. Future studies
mortality, chronic disease, and premature death [22]. However, the could use more descriptive search terms and inclusion criteria to
overall effect on individuals diagnosed with IBD remains unclear. obtain more data such as specific types of exercise which could
The current meta-analysis demonstrates that exercise does not include yoga or high intensity interval training (HIIT). Along with
decrease the signs and symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease. descriptive search terms affecting types of exercise and intensity,
the wide variance of intensities from walking to HIIT made it
With 95% confident intervals of the questionnaire data [–0.66, difficult to compare studies. Not only does exercise intervention
0.70], and biomarker data [-1.60, 0.64], the hypothesis that and intensity have possible effects on IBD, but diet and stress
exercise reduces inflammation and signs & symptoms of IBD is influence symptoms of IBD. Patients are often referred to different
not supported. The null hypothesis that exercise does not affect diets such as a low FODMAP diet to improve symptoms along
inflammation or signs and symptoms of IBD is accepted with no with traditional medical intervention [24]. Another limitation in
change in IBD activity between control and intervention groups the studies reviewed was the lack of control in participants' diets
within the meta-analysis. during exercise intervention, thereby confounding interpretation
of any independent exercise effect. Similar to diet, stress also has a
Given the literature suggests that acute bouts exercise increases profound impact on disease activity. The reviewed studies did not
inflammatory markers. The thought that exercise exacerbates control for stress levels which could further confound any possible
inflammation, or signs and symptoms of IBD is also not supported. exercise effect on IBD.
An exacerbation or flare-up could be due to various factors such as
stress and diet. IBD patients that report “feeling better” following The analyzed studies grouped participants into disease state levels
exercise training could be contributed to psychosocial or quality based on biomarker activity, these groupings include remission,
of life improvements, independent of potential physiological active state, mild state IBD, or no history of IBD. The grouping of
improvements that were not characterized in this review. Both patients differed between studies as some had less specific, wider
increases and decreases in disease state may be due to other factors range categories such as grouping all diseased subjects and non-
not analyzed by the studies reviewed. Therefore, since current diseased subjects whereas some studies had specific and narrow
results suggest that there is no improvement of signs and symptoms categories with defined parameters. The most common disease
of IBD and that exercise does not exacerbate IBD demonstrated states in the analyzed 7 articles are remission or mildly active IBD.
by acceptance of the null hypothesis, providers working with Future studies could investigate exercise effects across similar IBD
IBD patients should encourage exercise in conjunction with the grouping/categories. Exercise effects may exist in only certain
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© 2022 Mariah L, et al. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License