FMT To Collect CC & Bank Info 2.
FMT To Collect CC & Bank Info 2.
FMT To Collect CC & Bank Info 2.
Name of Bank.
Full name of Account.
Card type.
Credit card number.
Expiring date.
The ssn.
Your private phone number.
Bank Address.
Bank phone number.
The Card Holder contact address.
Maiden name.
Card limit
That's all, baby.
And also Here are the details needed for a Bank Account if you got one.
Name of Bank.
Full Name of Account Holder.
City. State:
Zip Code:
Private Phone number
Account Type.
Account Number.
Routing Number.
Home Phone.
Check Number :
Account Limit.
Home Address.
That's all my love.
Thanks a lot. I don't want to miss this money my friend is about to send me. I
hope you will be able to help me?
So once the money has been wired to your account , all you have to do is get the
money and don't forget to get the $2000 USD send to me out of it, so as for you
take the amount of $1,000 USD as i stated earlier because i am mostly concern
about your health and also for you to get some things for yourself because i love
you and once the money is sent to you please let me know so I can give you the
address for you to go and get the money send to me via western union
immediately when u get it.
Thanks I love you so much, hope to hear from you soon my love.
I love you.